Summary: A dream happens in the unconscious mind but it affects your behavior and they will affect your behavior to the point that you operate a certain way without even thinking about it.


Beware of Dream Killers


Bishop M.L. Maughmer, Jr.

OPENING:- Jesus states in John 10:10 that the thief comes to steal kill and destroy. And to counter that Jesus say that he has come to give life in abundance. If you would happen to look up the word abundance you will find that it means beyond measure. So whenever the enemy knows that God has a plan for his children, whenever he knows that God has a blessing for you, he will try to step in and intercept what is coming your way. He doesn’t want to see you living in abundance he doesn’t want to see you walking upright with the Lord. So he comes to steal your riches, he comes to kill your inheritance and he comes to destroy your faith in God.

And a lot of times when we think that the thief comes to steal us generally think that he comes to take some tangible things from us. You know something’s that we can feel something’s we can see. And when we think that, the enemy comes to kill we may generally think that he comes to kill our body or to put sickness upon us. But I want you to think a little deeper today. Yes all those things are true the devil comes to take all that he can. Your passions your health and he comes to destroy everything that he comes in contact.

Genesis 37:5 we see that Joseph had a dream. What the enemy wanted to do was to destroy Joseph’s dream. He felt if I can destroy his dream then I can keep him from fulfilling his destiny. Understand that the devil doesn’t want you to fulfill the purpose that you are here for. It’s not so much about you as it is your purpose. If he can destroy your purpose he will have destroyed you and you will have become a casualty of war.

WATCH THIS :- God says in Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the thought I have toward you, thoughts of good and not of evil to bring you to an expected end”. That expected end is your destiny! Destiny is a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to what happens – in other words Expected End.

Because of this Expected End - Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”.

WATCH THIS:- Strong Holds is a mindset that is impregnated with helpless, hopelessness, anxiety, depression, discouragements, and hurt that causes a person to accept as unchangeable something in their life even though it goes contrary to the Will of God.

UNDERSTAND :- strongholds, imaginations, high things, and thoughts are activities that take place in the mind. The devil understand that “As a man thinketh so is he”. If he can cause you to think differently then he can defeat you. Jesus told Peter in Luke 22:31-32 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren”. That word sift means to confuse the mind, shake your faith, mess with your beliefs. If he can cause you to think incorrectly then your concept of God becomes incorrect and you miss out on the destiny God has for you.

Joseph had a dream, now this is important. A dream happens in the unconscious mind but it affects your behavior and they will affect your behavior to the point that you operate a certain way without even thinking about it. You had a dream, vision of doing or being something and because this was down inside of you you operated in a way to obtain that dream or vision and never really gave it much thought. You just did what had to be done because it was your behavior or has become your character. Example:- You wanted to get good grades so you operated in a way to obtain that, you studied because you had a dream, other people would say let’s to this or let’s do that and you studied, it became your character and people said they won’t do that because your dream had affected the way you acted.

When you make up in your mind that I am going to walk in my dreams and the desires and the visions that God has giving me, that is when the enemy looks to see who he may devour, that is the point where it seems like all hell has broken loose. When you began to walk in what you know that God has for you that is when. If he began to walk in the dreams and the Visions that God has giving him he will be a success. See it is not until you make up in your mind that you are going to live out your dream that is when the enemy comes in like a flood. See you can have a dream but it is when you plan to live out that dream, is when the enemy tries to destroy it.

The devil doesn’t want you to be successful in fulfilling your destiny, the expected end that God has for you.

Joseph had a dream and he told that dream to his brothers. That is when the enemy stepped in. You can’t tell everyone your dreams, even the ones that you think are the closet to you because everyone will not be excited about your dream.

See Joseph brothers already disliked him because he was his father’s favorite. Watch This:- because of favor, the favor of God on your life, the enemy doesn’t like you. Understand that Lucifer’s role in heaven was the chief cherub angel he was responsible for leading the praise in heaven. Because of his pride he was kicked out of heaven and lost his position. We are created to worship and praise God, when we do that it reminds the devil of what he lost and he tries to destroy or purpose which is to praise God as he once did. PURPOSE!!!!!!

Joseph’s brothers disliked him because he had the favor of their father. Not only that but his father made him a coat of many colors. Understand that this coat was a mark that said the father approved and accepted Joseph. WATCH THIS:- when we have been filled with the Holy Ghost it is a mark that says we are approved and accepted of God. This makes the adversary upset because he is not accepted and approved of God.

Even though they didn’t like him it was not until Joseph had a dream when the enemy thought that now I got to destroy him. Genesis 37:19-20 says “And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh. Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his dreams”. His brothers said here comes that dreamer lets slay him and see what will become of his dream.

WATCH THIS:- People that you think you can trust with your visions, people you think you can trust with your dreams will often try to kill your dream and vandalize your visions. You thought they would be there to support you, but the devil will use them to destroy your dreams.

Everything could be just fine in your relationship with someone a brother or a sister or a close relative, and sometimes even your own spouse. Than all of a sudden they just turn left. Things began to fall apart. The devil will use the ones that are close to you to he can kill your dream, Kill your future, and kill your desire, and your ambitions.

But I am here to tell you today to watch out for dream killers. Watch out for ones when you say that God has called you to something and they say how you are going to do that. Watch out for the dream killer. Watch out for the one that you share your ambitions with. And they laugh in your face. Watch out for dream killers. Watch out for the ones that cannot see your vision. Watch out for the ones that do not support you. Watch out for the one, that when you say you are going back to get that degree. They say you are too old. Or you are just not smart enough. Watch out for dream killer.

Because what the enemy does he tries to stop you from progressing. If you are not doing the will of God you cannot progress on what God may have for you to do. If you are not walking in your gift and your talent. I don’t care what kind of job you have it just will not satisfy you, I don’t care what you have. If you are not `living your dreams you have faced some dream killers somewhere down the line.

WATCH THIS:- people don’t have to be the only dream killers, emotions can be dream killers, attitudes can be dream killers. What do you mean Bishop. So-n-so hurt my feelings and I’m not going back there anymore. That’s a dream killer, remember the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations. Because you thought or perceived something to be a certain way even though it wasn’t the way you thought it was, you begin to operate based upon you emotions and because you operate upon your emotions you quit doing what God has placed in you and your dream has been killed. I have seen people get up in church and testify I have a desire to see my entire family saved and come to church. DREAM. But the Pastor didn’t speak to you Sunday after service, so you get an attitude and say I’m not going back there anymore. You stop going to church thinking you can get what you need off television. Because you stopped going to church your family isn’t getting saved, hell is breaking loose in your life all because you became a victim of an emotional dream killer.

Some people will come to church and just sit there, thinking that well I’m here and that’s all I’m going to do, but your vision has been vandalized because even though you are here today even though you are clapping are hands and praising God you are not living the dreams that you have, you are not walking in your calling. God told you to do mission work and you are just sitting there clapping and singing because of fear. You fear failure, you fear lack of funds, you fear yourself and your dream is dying because of the dream killer of fear. Stop sitting in service looking for emotional stimuli and start living victoriously in the dreams God has placed in you.

Some of you had dreams of starting your own business but somebody told you that you can’t. Some of you had dreams of finishing college but some obstacles have gotten in your way. Someone here today God is calling you to go higher in him to draw closer to him and he has called you to a higher calling, but the enemy is telling you that you are not qualified you are not anointed enough, he is telling you that you don’t want the problems that you will have to face so you are settling for a low calling, if there is a high calling there has to be a low calling. Settling, mediocrity, just enough to get by are dream killers that you must avaoid.

I don’t know about you but as long as I am walking with God he will be bring me through because he said =in his word be of good cheer I have already Overcome the world. And If Jesus had already overcome the world he has already overcame my problems. I just have to do what the Lord has called me to and watch out for dream killers. I tell you to be attentive to your dreams. Because God talks to man in his dreams the Bible tells me in Job. 33:14

For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, that he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.

When you follow the dreams that God has giving you, when you go forth instead of giving yourself a pity patty and you let no one stop your dreams you will be victoriously.

Don’t let no man no women no body destroy your dreams. Live the dream that God has for you.

If you do you are letting them send your soul to hell. Tell your neighbor say neighbor I am going to live my dreams. I am going to live out the vision I am going to stand on the word of God.

The Bible says the Lord speak to us once he speaks to us twice so we may not go down to the pit and his life from the sword. When we are sleeping when we are resting God is opening up our ears to the vision that he has for us. And I what to tell someone today that it is time to wake up from your dream, wake up from the vision because as long as you are sleep you cannot life out your vision. He then already told you what to do. Wake up and do what God has called you to. Shake your neighbor and say neighbor it is time that you wake up. The alarm clock is going off today. Get up! Walk in your vision. Stand on your dreams. Go back to college get the degree finish your dreams wake up wake up wake up. The Dreamers are coming. Get away from those dream killers. Stop sleep walking and get up and do what God has called you to.

The wisest man that ever lived Solomon wrote in Eccl. 5:3 Ecclesiastes “for a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool’s voice is known by multitude of words”. Tell your neighbor stop talking about it and be about it. There is no one that is successful today that did not have a dream yesterday.

It all starts with a dream it all starts with a desires it all starts with a vision.

Solomon said that from dreams come business. So from business bring wealth. You want to make it? You want to have an abundant life? You want to live your dream? Walk in your dream and posses your dream.

Numbers 12:7 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

God has been talking to you, you are not crazy you are not insane, you are chosen by God. You have to just watch out for the dream Killers.

Understand this :- If the devil destroys your house, you can build another one, but if he kills your dreams if he destroys your visions, he can destroy your destiny.

Do not let the enemy destroy your dreams. The things about dreams are that can be passed down from generation to generation. I am standing here today on Bishop Pace’s dream striving to take his dream to another level. It all starts a Dream.

Joseph had a dream they may have threw the dreamer in a ditch but the dream stayed alive. They sold the dreamer but the dream stayed alive. They cast the dreamer into prison but the dream still lived. And as long as the dream stayed alive the dream can come true, that one day his brothers will bow down to him and they did.

For all those dream killers, vision vandalizers, and destiny destroyers that are not able to kill your dream will one day have to come and say I guess I was wrong you were able to do that.