Summary: Reflections on the mecy, miracles, and majesty of God.


HOOK – (Read Isaiah 9:6) We are all familiar with the hymn “His Name Is Wonderful.” Lucy Adams writes:

Hugging my young son, Ben, was always a joy. Now that he is a grown man, I don't remember every hug, of course, but one special one I will never forget. It happened on the first school day in January. In his class they were to bring a favorite Christmas gift for show-and-tell so they could tell why it was special. Ben was leaving the house with nothing to share and I asked why.

That dear little six year old boy dropped his head and said (he was grateful) but he really didn't get anything he wanted for Christmas. I knelt beside him and almost cried. However, we hugged and I expressed my sorrow that we had not chosen gifts that made him very happy. In the days to come we went shopping and he chose a favorite toy that he had wished for.

There may be many of those experiences following our elaborate yearly Christmas giving. Sometimes we don't hear such an honest appraisal of our choice, so I am happy that I heard from Ben. I could do something to remedy his disappointment.

There is a gift, however, that is perfect. One of my favorite songs, His Name Is Wonderful, describes that gift. In fact, it was "a gift from heaven" said composer Audrey Mieir. It has become a treasured gift to millions of Christians worldwide. It was born at Christmas while Mieir was at church.

She said she never intended to write a song on that Christmas day in 1955. She was focused on the children's Nativity scene and the sermon as she quietly sat in church.

At Bethel Union Church in Duarte, California, her husband's brother, Dr. Luther Mieir was the pastor. The joyful congregation was focused on the re-enactment of the Nativity scene.

The children, dressed as shepherds, were covered in oversized bathrobes. Some of the angels' halos were slightly crooked. Singing the glorious old carols and hearing the scripture passages had great meaning.

The powerful prophecy of Isaiah 9:6 went down deep into Mieir's soul as she cherished those words: "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given... and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace."

When that familiar scripture was concluded, the pastor lifted his hands, closed his eyes and said, "His name is wonderful."

There must have been a holy hush in Mrs.Mieir's soul. "I felt as if I heard the rustle of angel wings and a musical chorus came to my mind," she exclaimed. On the flyleaf of her Bible she quickly wrote the words that her brother in-law had just proclaimed, "His name is wonderful." After she wrote it three times, she added the sacred name of her Lord.


It remained as only a short chorus for a few days, until she completed all of the music and a fuller description of who Jesus is:

He is the mighty King, Master of everything, HIS NAME IS WONDERFUL, Jesus, my Lord.

He's the Great Shepherd, The Rock of all Ages, Almighty God is He.

The last line is a personal reflection on the One whose name is wonderful.

Bow down before Him, Love and adore Him, HIS NAME IS WONDERFUL, Jesus, my Lord.

Before Audrey Mieir died in 1996 at 80 years of age, some of her last words were: "His Name is Wonderful will outlive the chubby human hands chosen to write a few black notes on five lines and four spaces. But it will never outlive the Father who glories in His Son's name and who glories in our praise." Lucy Neely Adams

TITLE – Our Wonderful Lord

• There is much meaning and importance attached to a name. A name identifies a person.

• Associated with a particular name are all sorts of character and personality traits.

• When we mention someone’s name we associate not only a face, but also the whole personality of that person.

• In our day parents often give a particular name to a child either because they like the sound of the name, or because a favorite relative had the same name.

• But in the beginning names were given with certain meanings in mind.

• Going all the way back to the Garden of Eden, we find that God named the first man with a meaning in mind.

• God called the first man, “Adam,” which means, “red earth.” because he was made from the dust of the earth.

• Adam likewise named his wife, “Eve,” “…for she is the mother of all living.”

• We can recall others in the Old Testament whose names bore special meaning.

• We think of a man named “Jacob,” who was named that because of his deceptive nature.

• The name Jacob means “supplanter.” Which means one who takes the place of another or deciever

• He was later renamed by God, Who called him “Israel,” meaning, “prince with God.”

• However, of all the names defined for us in the pages of God’s Word, the name, “Jesus,” holds the most meaning.

• The angel, Gabriel, told Joseph that the child born to Mary was to be named Jesus, because “…he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt.1: 21).

• Joseph and Mary would have immediately known the meaning of that name, because it is the Greek rendering of the Hebrew name, “Joshua,” which means, “Jehovah saves.”

• In the first chapter of Matthew’s gospel, Christ is referred to as, “Emmanuel,” which means, “God with us”

• As a matter of fact, in Matthew chapter one alone, we are told of the purpose and personality of Christ, simply by the names attributed to Him.

• The name, “Jesus,” speaks of His divine purpose, while the name, “Emmanuel,” speaks of His divine personality.

• Today’s text gives us a prophetic picture of the character and purpose of the Lord Jesus Christ.

• But I want to deal with only one designation given to Christ in this passage—“His name shall be called Wonderful.”


• What does the word wonderful mean?

• Have you ever saw something magnificent and just stood there in wonder of how it happened or how it was made - Well that’s sort of what the word means

• The Hebrew word translated "wonderful" in this verse signifies something indescribably great; something so tremendous, so amazing, that it’s literally beyond description.

• Something that transcends human experience or imagination

• It means to stand in wonder or amazement of something

• So when the Scriptures refer to Jesus as a "wonderful"

• It means that He is great in power, beauty, and He understands things which are beyond the ability of our finite minds to comprehend.

• He knows things which only God can know. He knows the ways of God; He understands God’s plan and purpose

• Clarke’s commentary says, “It is a word which expresses with surprising accuracy everything in relation to the Redeemer. For the Messiah was wonderful in all things. It was wonderful love by which God gave him, and by which he came; the manner of his birth was wonderful; his humility, his self-denial, his sorrows were wonderful; his mighty works were wonderful; his dying agonies were wonderful; and his resurrection, his ascension, were all suited to excite admiration and wonder.”

• So let me ask:

• Do we truly see Him as wonderful?

• Do we worship and stand in awe of Him or would we rather be watching a football game?

• Do we believe him when he claims to be able to lead us into "abundant" life?

• Do we go to him first for assistance in dealing with our marriage, our children, and our job?

• Do we go to Him when we need help coming to terms with illness, or depression, or conflict?

• Yes, we know he’s the Son of God, and so we view him as all-knowing, all–powerful, and ever-present

• But when it comes to living our daily lives, do we really look to him for practical guidance?

• Do we study his teachings? Do we follow his example? Do we go to him in prayer?

• Or do we look first to the things and people of the world to help us?


• What I would like to accomplish in this sermon is to reflect upon some aspects of God that cause me to say that He is wonderful.

• These are things that might not usually make the top three in a sermon but to me are some of the more personal of the qualities of God


• My prayer for us is that we would be reminded of how wonderful God is and that we would let Him know how much we appreciate these qualities we’re about to study.

• Let’s look at the first characteristic of God that I marvel at:

I marvel at the wonderful:

I. Mercy of God

A. Let me start off by asking, “Who in here has experienced the mercy of God?”

1. Where would you be right now if it were not for the mercy of God?

2. I believe that I appreciate the mercy of God more than any of His other attributes

3. I read God’s word and understand who He is and what He requires

4. Then I’m reminded of who I am, what I’ve done, and what I deserve

B. Thank God for His wonderful mercy! Thank God for the mercy of God!

1. We simply cannot describe the mercy of God

2. When we realize the depth of His mercy we are left speechless – all we can say is Thank You!

C. In my opinion there are only two things that will melt a heart and change the heart of a person

1. And they are mercy and grace - and it takes love to give both

2. Mercy works in conjunction with the law or the commands of God

3. The law is like a hammer it tells us we’re wrong and it can break our hard hearts

4. The law condemns a person and brings them to the point of admitting that they are wrong

5. And when a sinner admits they have sinned against a Holy God and deserve judgment

6. Then mercy and grace come along like the rising sun that can melt something hard and cold

7. This allows God to begin to soften, mold, and heal a wounded heart

8. People need law but they also need to know that God has a tender heart toward them

9. and that He loves them, and wants them, and that He gave His life for them

10. Mercy is not getting what we deserve and grace is getting something we don’t deserve

11. And when we look at Calvary we see both

12. Because Jesus took our punishment He can offer us mercy from the judgment we deserve

13. and when we accept His mercy He gives us grace in that we get His righteousness which is something we don’t deserve

D. I would quickly like to share a few thoughts on mercy from God’s word from a man who was very much familiar and in touch with God’s mercy. (Turn to Ps. 86)

1. King David knew a little bit about mercy

2. He realized that he needed God’s mercy when he was in trouble and also when he prospered

3. Let’s look at what David has to say about God’s mercy

4. Verse 5 says, “For thou, Lord art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.”

a. (#1) It is patient (v. 5a) “For thou, Lord art good, and ready to forgive”

(i) People believe that God is waiting to zap them, but my God is ready to forgive

(ii) Are we ready to forgive others or are we ready to zap them? Be careful because,

(iii) God says in Ps. 18:25, “with the merciful He will show Himself merciful”

b. (#2) It is plentiful (v. 5b) (v. 13a) (v. 15)“and plenteous in mercy”

(i) I wonder how many more people would be saved if we’d share how God has poured out His abundant mercy on us?

(ii) And that He has enough mercy for them also?

c. (#3) It is public (v. 5c) “Unto all them that call upon thee”

(i) Praise God that His mercy is not reserved for a private club or a certain group

(ii) God’s mercy does not discriminate – it is available to all

(iii) But here is the kicker – only those who ask for it receive it

(iv) And verse 7 says that if we ask He will answer us. (read it)

(v) Aren’t you glad that His mercy was available for you when you needed it?

d. (#4) It is passing

(i) The Bible says that there will be an end to God’s mercy one day

(ii) In the book of Prov. chapter 1 God indicates that He keeps stretching out his hand

(iii) But some will reject that loving hand over and over again

(iv) And those who reject Him will stand before Him one day alone – just you and God

(v) and they will look into His face and hope to see mercy

(vi) But there will be no mercy only a righteous and a Holy wrath

(vii) And God will say depart from me I never knew you

(viii) They will be sent to a place of torment and misery that was prepared for Satan

e. Friends, aren’t you thankful for the wonderful mercy of God

#1 I marvel at the wonderful mercy of God and #2, I marvel at the wonderful:

II. Miracles of God (Psalm 77: 10-15)

A. There are many types of miracles that we could discuss but I want to key in on a few specific ones here

1. The first is the miracle of creation – It amazes me to look around at all that I see and think that this awesome God spoke it into existence

a. Every person in here today is a miracle – just the fact that you were born is a miracle

b. It’s amazing to me that evolutionists use words like complex and code and precision to describe the human body

c. but ask them were it came from and they say accident or random chance processes

d. David said many centuries ago that we are. “Fearfully and wonderfully made.”

e. Max Lucado writes:

(i) I have a sweater I never wear. It’s too small. Some of the buttons are missing, the thread is frazzled. I should throw it away. I’ll never wear it again. Logic says to clear out the space, get rid of the sweater. But love won’t let me.

(ii) What’s unusual about it? It wasn’t produced on an assembly line. It’s the creation of a devoted mother expressing her love. That sweater is unique. It’s one of a kind. It can’t be replaced. And although the sweater has lost all of its use, it’s lost none of its value.

(iii) That must have been what the psalmist had in mind when he wrote, “You knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13). You were knitted together. You aren’t an accident. You weren’t mass-produced. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on this earth by the Master Craftsman.

2. The next miracle is the miracle of the cross – By the miracle of the cross I am referring to:

a. (#1) His birth – The virgin birth of Christ was a miracle

b. (#2) His life – Jesus life on earth was filled with miracle after miracle (heal sick, raise dead, etc)

c. (#3) His death - Holy, sinless, God bearing the sin of the unholy, unrighteous, and undeserving sinners on a cross in agony is a miracle

d. (#4) His resurrection – up from the grave He arose! He is alive and well? aren’t you glad?

e. (#5) His reconciliation – The fact that we can be made right with God and go to heaven is a miracle

(i) Because Jesus has taken our sin upon Himself,

(ii) we can come to Him in faith believing and He will forgive us of all our sin,

(iii) We can be made right with God - Folks that is a miracle to marvel

3. Last is the miracle of connecting

a. One aspect of the miracle of connecting with God is that we can have His fellowship

b. Folks say, “God hasn’t performed any miracles in my life.”

(i) Hey, get on your knees and talk to God – that’s a miracle

(ii) It’s amazing to me how we take that privilege for granted

(iii) And this is a good time for me to put in a plug for a church prayer time

(iv) We ought to jump at a chance to come together with other believers and get God’s attention – to pray!

(v) We say we want God to impact us and for Him to impact others through us

(vi) But Folks, it takes labor in prayer

(vii) Ravenhill said that, “God doesn’t hear prayer He hears desperate prayer!”

(viii) Folks, it takes work to pray – maybe that’s why we don’t

(ix) We can labor night and day but will it have eternal value without His favor?

c. Another aspect of the miracle of connecting with God is that He has given us His Word

(i) Did you know that the way this book came together is a miracle

(ii) The way it has been preserved and passed down to us is a miracle

(iii) Every time you see a Bible I want you to picture blood running down the covers

(i) This book is a result of God shedding His blood for you

(ii) This book is a result of men and women through the ages standing and giving their lives to proclaim it, to protect it, and to pass it down to us.

(iii) We ought to never treat it flippantly and take it for granted

(iv) It ought to be precious to you and me.

d. In the miracle of connecting with God He has also given us His Holy Spirit

(i) I am so thankful for the ministry of the Holy Spirit

(ii) Jesus called Him the comforter – He literally comes along beside us to help us

(iii) He convicts us of sin, teaches how to do right, and points us to Jesus

(iv) And He’ll be with us from now into eternity

(v) Jesus said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.

(vi) Illustration of “It is well” – We’re all familiar with the Hymn “It is Well”

(i) Explain how the poem It Is Well was written (Horatio G. Spafford)

(ii) The song began as a poem but years later a musician by the name of Philip P. Bliss found the poem and put music to it

(iii) One day he and his wife were taking a trip by train and the bridge that they were going across collapsed

(iv) In the wreckage a survivor said that Mr. Bliss could have escaped but his wife was pinned under the debris

(v) as the waters were rising she told him to save himself

(vi) But they said Mr. Bliss told his wife, “I will never leave you”

(vii) and they were last seen holding hands as the water overtook them

(vii) Friends that’s just like the Holy Spirit

(viii) Though the problems of this world seem to be overtaking us like a flood

(ix) He says to us, “No matter what happens I will not leave you and I won’t let you sink” – Are you thankful for the miracles of God? His miracles in your life?

So #1 I marvel at the wonderful Mercy of God, #2: I marvel at the wonderful miracle of God and #3: I marvel at the wonderful:

III. Majesty of God (Psalm 72: 17-20)

A. When I say majesty I am referring to God’s beauty, His splendor, His Holiness, and His glory

1. The word glory gives the idea of something that has weight or is important or valuable

2. Folks, God is not a lightweight – He is to be worshipped, honored, adored, and obeyed.

B. If God were to manifest himself here right now we would all be dead

C. because He is too awesome and holy and pure to be looked upon

D. Only with a glorified body and mind could we be able to stand before Him in heaven one day

E. Isaiah said that he was in the temple on the Lord’s day

1. And he said that He saw God high and lifted up on His throne

2. And there were Holy angels circling the throne worshipping God and saying, “Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty, the whole earth is full of His glory.”

3. I don’t believe there were just a few angels

4. but I believe there was an innumerable host of the angels

5. when we think of angels we usual have an earthly picture in mind, like a person with wings, or a baby with wings and a harp, but angels are nothing like that

6. If you saw one you would collapse because you would be so terrified

7. John in the book of Revelation said that he fell down for fear and almost worshipped an angel he was so terrified at what he saw

8. And we know from the old testament that one angel slew 185,000 soldiers in one night

9. But they are nothing compared to the one who sets on the throne

F. If it’s okay, I would like to read a few passages from the book of revelation

G. Which will give us a glimpse into what God’s majesty is like

H. Rev 5: 11-14

1. 11 And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

2. Saying with a loud voice, worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

3. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever.

4. And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth forever and ever.

I. Rev. 7:9-12

1. 9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

2. 10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.

3. And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,

4. Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever. Amen.

J. Rev. 15: 2-4

1. 2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

2. And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.

3. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.

K. Rev. 4:6-11

1. And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.

2. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.

3. And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

4. And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth forever and ever,

5. The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,

6. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

L. Notice it says that they cast their crowns at His feet

M. What do the crowns represent and what are they doing with them

1. The crowns are items of value that God gives to reward those who have used something of value that He has given them to do something of significance for Him while on the earth

2. When they cast them at His feet they are essentially saying

3. This was not about us – it was about you - because you are worthy of honor and glory and praise

N. Did you know that we can win crowns for Him while we are on this earth?

1. The Bible speaks of five different crowns that we can win but we’re are not limited to just crowns

2. The Bible speaks of rewards in general and says that we can also store up treasures in heaven

O. I was thinking about this the other day – wouldn’t it be great if we could simulate that seen in heaven

P. when they were casting their crowns at Jesus feet – what if we could do something like that while we are on this earth?

1. Then it was like the Lord reminded me that we can cast things of value at His feet

2. We may not have won the actual crowns yet, because I believe that depends on our faithfulness

3. But what has God given you of value that you can cast at His feet and say “Lord you are worthy?”

a. He has given us time and talents (or spiritual gifts)

(i) The next time you use your time or talents for Him

(ii) Picture in your mind casting that act of worship at His feet

(iii) Saying, “Lord, this was from You and is for You.”

(iv) When you: mow the church lawn, teach a class, witness, prepare a meal for someone, fix someone’s car or plumbing – kneel and say, “Lord you are worthy.”

(v) It could be spending time with God in prayer or Bible study – Lord you are worthy

(vi) Just picture yourself casting that at His feet.

b. He has also given us treasure or resources (money and possessions)

(i) The next time you give money to help someone or drop money in the offering

(ii) Just picture yourself casting that money at His feet in worship

(iii) Acknowledging that it all belongs to Him and He gave it to you

c. I would imagine that if we did this it would give us a whole new perspective on serving

d. When giving and serving we wouldn’t complain and give up so easy when it’s difficult

Q. Closing - Why don’t you come today and cast your worship at His feet – let Him know that He is worthy