Summary: The miracle that is the Jewish nation.

The Israelites: the Jews as a nation are a miracle.

Vs. 1 “I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means!” (NIV)

The Setting Aside of Israel:

1) Is only Partial not a Complete. Vs. 1-10

Three Proofs:

Paul was the proof. Vs. 1b

There was always a small remnant of believing Jews. Vs. 2-5

Once again they were chosen by grace. Vs. 5

Question: Is God finished with Israel?

Vs. 11 “Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all!” (NIV)

2) Is only Temporary not Complete. Vs. 11-36

Question: Why was Israel set aside then? Vs. 11-16

Three Reasons:

So the Gentiles could be saved. Vs. 11

To make Israel envious. Vs. 11

To open a new channel of blessing for the world. Vs. 12

Question: What should be our attitude toward Israel now? Vs. 17-24

Example: That of the Olive Tree. Jeremiah 11:16

Question: How long will the setting aside of Israel last? Vs. 25

Question: What is ultimately going to happen? Vs. 26-32

Zechariah 12:10 and 13:8-9

Key: God is Faithful!

Seven things you can count on because of God’s Faithfulness:

Hebrews 10:23

2 Timothy 2:13

2 Thessalonians 3:3

1 Corinthians 10:13

1 John 1:9

1 Peter 4:19

Rick Warren “A friend is somebody who walks in when everybody else walks out.”