Summary: Seventh in my Being the Believing series through the Beatitudes

A Piece of the Peace!

Matthew 5:9


Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history. At least 108 million people were killed in wars in the twentieth century. Estimates for the total number killed in wars throughout all of human history range from 150 million to 1 billion.

Born again Christians in the U.S. file as many as 8 million lawsuits every year, often against other Christians, costing as much as 40 billion dollars. There are approximately 19,000 major, scarring church conflicts in the U.S. each year (an average of 50 per day). 32-60% of born again Christians who have been married have gone through a divorce, virtually the same percentage as our general population. 1,500 pastors leave their post every month in the U.S. mostly because of conflict.

Of the 19,000 major conflicts happening in our churches every year: only 2% involve doctrinal issues and 98% involves interpersonal issues.

Control issues ranked as the most common cause of conflict (85%)

About 40% of church members who leave their churches do so because of conflict.

And, on a more personal note, according to Thom Rainer, 8 out of 10 Southern Baptist churches have either plateaued or are declining and in danger of closing.

And, the church remains silent about these issues, pushing conflict under the carpet, allowing gossip to spread and looking in the other direction. That is why on Wednesday mornings I am urging our church to pray for UNITY! That is why the word unity is capitalized in our name and why our theme verse is “Behold how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity” –Psalm 133:1 Because I know what happens where there is no peace: Ichabod is written on the door to the church, the glory of God departs and we lose our Gospel Power.

Peace: Politicians promise it, beauty pageant contestants propagate it, and world leaders promote it. Humanity has searched for this seemingly elusive precious commodity since Adam and Eve were dragged, kicking and screaming, from the Garden of Eden. Even the Anti-Christ will use the promise of it to rally the world’s politicians, religious leaders and military might to his side during the first 3 ½ years of the Tribulation period. The good news is that even though many, and you may be one of them, have been unable to attain peace, peace is offered.

The politicians have failed, the beauty pageant contestants have come short and the world leaders, well, turn on your TV!

The good news is that peace has come “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”-Isa. 9:6

The Prince of Peace! Praise God one day Jesus Christ stepped out from eternity in the midst of chaos, turmoil and war and brought peace to a ravished, dry, parched and weary land.

But knowing that He was about to take on the cross and leave humanity behind He knew what would happen when THE peace departed, He knew:

 followers would be discouraged

 men would be angry and women would cry

 the out-of-towners would turn their backs to the cross and hit the road home

 even His closest Disciples would question.

All thinking that peace was gone. So, before He left He looked at US and gave some comfort. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” –John 14:27 Oh, peace is NOT gone my friend, it is right here, in this very room, PEACE is among us, NAY, peace is within us!

As the song says, God put a million, million doors in the world for his love to walk through one of those doors is you.

So, turning to our next beatitude found in Matthew chapter 5 verse 9, standing in reverence to His Word as we read:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.”” –Mt. 5:9

There are four points that I want us to consider this morning as we look at this verse: Our Christ, our calling, our challenge and our celebration, first:

1. Our Christ as the example of peace: Let me preface this point by stating how blessed we are to serve a God that never sets us up for failure by calling us to an impossible task for nothing is impossible for Him. Or calling us to do that which He was unwilling to do Himself!

Jesus is NOT found lacking in examples of Him bringing peace to this world! When He entered into this world he was hailed as the prince of peace and over 2,000 years later peace can still be found wherever the name of Jesus is uttered!

 In Matthew chapter 14 to the crowd that was hungry and anxious, not knowing where they would get their next meal, out in the middle of nowhere, only having five loaves of bread and two fish for 5000 people; my Jesus stepped up, reached out and brought provisional peace.

 In Mark chapter 5 to the maniac of Gadara that was possessed with demons, living in a graveyard, torn up in his mind, hailed as crazy, my Jesus stepped up, reached out and brought mental peace.

 In John chapter 2 to the host of a wedding stressing because the wine had run dry and feeling overwhelmed and under-qualified in life, my Jesus stepped up, reached out and brought practical peace.

 In John chapter 4 to the woman at the well that was sleeping with man after man, struggling within, unable to look in her own mirror for the sinful life before her, my Jesus stepped up, reached out and brought emotional peace.

 In John chapter 7 to the woman caught by the religious leaders of the day, the Scribes and Pharisees, who were about to stone her for the sin of adultery, my Jesus stepped up, reached out and brought physical peace.

 In Mark chapter 16 to the Apostle Peter who had done what he swore he never would, denied his friend and his Lord. To Peter who had let his Master down, hurt his testimony, blended into the world, and hurt those closest to him. After Jesus Christ rose from the dead, some of those that Jesus had brought peace to went to the tomb to anoint His body, found the stone rolled away and an angel that declared “Go tell his disciples…AND Peter” That He will be with you soon! To Peter, my Jesus stepped up, reached out and brought spiritual peace.

Friend here me today: When Christ died, the veil to the Holy of Holies was torn top to bottom, and three days later the stone was rolled away revealing an empty tome that Jesus Christ walked out of in victory demonstrating once and for all, you can’t keep a Good Man down! He really is a “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” He is Jesus! And, He is our example.

Now that we have established that He has the credibility, we must acknowledge:

2. Our Calling to follow that example of peace: Now that we have before us an example and within us a power we must realize that our calling involves:

a. A heart of integrity filled with peace: It is great that Jesus brought peace to all of those folks in the Bible when He walked the earth over 2000 years ago. But greater still that He brings peace to you and me even today! Oh I remember times in my life when I was tossed by circumstance, controlled by emotion, and ruled by my sin. I remember times:

 When like the maniac of Gadara, so caught up in my sin and rebellion I had no peace mentally.

 When like the woman at the well so pulled by this world and tossed by circumstance, I had no peace emotionally.

 When like the prostitute before her accusers facing death itself, I had no peace physically.

 When like the hostess at the wedding, feeling under qualified and overwhelmed for the tasks at hand, I had no peace practically.

 When like the anonymous faces in the crowd, hungry and concerned, times when I had more bills than money, I had no peace provisionally.

 Even when like the Apostle Peter I knew that I had let my Lord down, hurt those closest to me and felt: lonely, rejected and tossed aside even by God Himself, I had no peace spiritually.

But then my Jesus stepped up and reached out and gave me something this world knows nothing about, He gave me PEACE. Oh as Jesus Christ came to a dry and thirsty land to bring peace, He has come to our dry and thirsty hearts!

Now, once we have internal peace we must focus on the external. You cannot bring peace to those without until you have experienced a peace from within.

Here lies our calling: we must stand in the midst of humanity and evaluate the culture honestly. Oh how many people are going around like the prophet Jeremiah declaring “‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.” -Jer. 6:14 Or Ezekiel who said “Precisely because they have misled my people, saying, ‘Peace,’ when there is no peace…” –Ezek. 13:10

And even the Apostle Paul warns, “While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” –I Thes. 5:3

As Children of God, we must not be fooled by a world that declares peace but always be honest in our evaluation. Understanding that peace can only come from Christ, not from: legislation, prohibition, institution, extrinsic motivation or intestinal gumption. Peace comes only from Christ and Christ alone.

One of the issues I have is when someone dies, especially in Hollywood, everyone is quick to put Rest in Peace on the gravestone, write it in the paper and even proclaim in from the pulpit. It matters not what all of these folks are saying, the truth is, there is no rest in peace in the next life until you claim The Peace, Jesus Christ, in this life.

And, when we make statements like that and do what Jesus Christ did by stepping up and reaching out, we experience:

b. An increased risk for attempting peace: If I say something that offends you it is sin and I need to make it right. But, if God says something that offends you it is conviction and you need to make it right. To all of the people here that run from conflict, bury their heads in the sand, simply pray for the dissention and tolerate the disunity, hear the words of Jesus in Matthew 10:35-39 “For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” –Mt. 10:35-39

What does all of this mean? It means that when you are the peacemaker that God has called you to be, you will be in the very presence of CONFLICT…why you might even BE that conflict. But we must BE that conflict: Christians are dropping out of church, members are fussing and fighting, churches are splitting, ministries are closing, pastors are quitting and souls are dying to a devils hell every single day. OH HAVE WE GOT WORK TO DO and PEACE TO BRING!

THAT is our calling, next is:

3. Our Challenge to show that example of peace: Your challenge is simple, be who God has called you to be: Being the Believing!


a. Disposition: The first thing Jesus tells us to be, once we have the truths of the beatitudes in us, is the salt and the LIGHT! Oh what peace could come in this world if Christians would simply let their light shine before men! (How are you: Walking around DEFEATED? Head down! You LOOK like a walking country song. Baptized in pickle juice and sucking on a lemon. Going through life with your arms crossed, lips out with “Bless me if you can” on your swollen tongues. Really, you look like someone a blues singer would follow around for inspiration as they write their next song! Come on! SMILE!

This world has had its fair share of defeated, miserable and broken, it’s time to show them some good old fashioned, transformed and renewed, blood bought and redeemed, not what we should be but thankful we are not who we were, not better than the world but better off, Holy Ghost filled, Jesus Christ controlled and the Word of God guided lives that shout: joy, hope, love, power and victory! Oh…It’s inside pastor, well push it on out so the rest of us can be changed by it!

b. Conversation: Oh me (DUCK!)…HOW ABOUT: OH ME!! (Elevator story at Lewis Gale-Woman “I do hope your day gets better”…as the door closed…”WAIT, I am sorry!” I AM SAVED, FORGIVEN, REDEEMED!!) Lifestyle evangelism?!? Go spread the gospel and use words if necessary is like saying go feed the hungry and use food if necessary! It is PAST time for us to step forward, reach out and speak up, not being ashamed of the gospel of Christ and not wait until Easter to speak out proclaiming in the street, and shouting from the rooftops that Jesus Christ is risen!

a. Navigation: PROACTIVE! Peace: Shalom, complete, internal/Maker: passionate, proactive and external! This really is the Peace Corps!! Run around and be on the lookout at the walls of the city! (Gossip, slander, bitterness, division-RADAR! When there is conflict, so many believers turn away and back down in fear. Pull those hands out of your pockets, get up from your seat, believe that greater is He that is in you than he that is in this word and actually DO what God has called and empowered you to do!

DO what that old song says:

Stand up, stand up for Jesus! The trumpet call obey

Forth to the mighty CONFLICT, in this His glorious day;

Ye that are men now serve Him against unnumbered foes;

Let courage RISE with danger, and strength to strength oppose.


4. Our Celebration for being that example of peace: (Poor-Heaven, Mourn-Comfort, Meek-Earth, Hunger/Thirst-Filled, Mercy-Mercy, Pure-See God)

a. Called “Sons of God” by the land that is around us: (Josephus-testimony-LOVE)

b. Called “Sons of God” by the Lord that is within us: As many of you, I have held many titles through the years:

• Petty Officer, husband, professor, coach, teacher, HOA president, foster parent, Pastor, Daddy

• Son of God: This is a title that will usher me into His presence! A title that has changed my very life down here and will provide new life up there!

Covenant Sonship: this focuses on the fact that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life before His Father God and His creation, so that He was able to have a relationship with God that was never severed due to sin. Because of this, He now offers us to share in this covenant sonship with God the Father through Him! (Sinful and unworthy yet RESTORED-Wages of sin! I stated last week that when we stand before a Holy and Almighty God, He no longer sees our sin but His Son our Savior!) Stop trying to forgive yourself and start enjoying the forgiveness that He has already provided through covenant sonship!

Nativity Sonship: The very fact that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin means that He was, is and forever will be known not as “Jesus Christ son of Joseph” but as Jesus Christ, Son of God! And, this means that Father God is now our Father through Christ! You might not have been able to find a great dad on this earth, but let me tell you today, you will find no better Father than the One offered by God through His Son Jesus Christ.

Messianic Sonship: At the cross Jesus cried out “It is Finished, meaning He had defeated sin, Satan and even death. And, that He started building His kingdom. And, He is coming back!

This world might think they have the upper hand by removing prayer from school, tossing aside the Ten Commandments and boldly shouting “Separation from church and state” as they celebrate sin through godless organizations like the ACLU and the Freedom from Religion claiming one legal victory after another. Why the devil himself has even gotten quite smug and comfortable on this earth, acting like a mouse at play while the cat is away. May it be known today that Jesus is coming back, not as a lamb led to the slaughter this time, but as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He will come in full pomp and power and we will see “heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND

LORD OF LORDS.” Revelation 19:11-16

And, since we are “sons of God” we will be right behind Him! And, I have read the end of the story and let me tell you and this world and that nasty foul serpent we call Satan.. WE WIN, WE WIN, WE WIN! Oh Victory in Jesus my Savior forever He sought me and He bought me with His redeeming blood!

Personal Sonship: This means that since Jesus Christ has a personal and intimate relationship with the Father God, as “sons of God”, so do we! Never take that for granted! As “sons of God” WE have audience with the Lord of Lord and King of Kings, He actually hears, cares and is able to move on our behalf. He loves us.

When our church grew to the point that we started using bulletins, I placed four Bible verses on the bottom of every one: they remain to this day: “The sun stood still”-Joshua 10:13, The iron did swim” 2 Kings 6:6, “This God is our God”-Psalm 48:14 and “Rejoice in the Lord always” –Phil. 4:4: There are benefits to being called “son of God”!

But know this, there is only one way that you can be called a “son of God”, and it’s by being a pacifist but a peacemaker.

There is peace available in this world, the question is, Will YOU be a PIECE OF THE PEACE?