Summary: Sermon on Vision for 2015

Vision 2015 Six Arrow Year, By Pastor Rob Ketterling

Well, I want to say hello to all of our campuses and say how delighted I am to be back in the pulpit. As many of you are aware, a month ago I had a heart attack. This weekend it was a month ago. And I just want to thank you for your prayers. I just want to say to all the campuses, to the church here, thank you for your prayers. We felt them.

It is true, I did tweet from the ambulance asking for prayer. People were worried that my Twitter account was hacked. But here's the way I see it; I believe in the power of prayer. I wanted you praying right then and there. They'd just told me I was having a heart attack. I said, like, "Am I getting a shot?"

And they said, "You're going in for surgery." And I was, like, I need prayer. So I don't know why people don't ask for prayer. I'm asking, and I got it, and I thank you for that.

I want to say thank you to our church. We have felt the love. I mean, people have brought us meals; meal after meal after meal. As a matter of fact, if I were I you, I would join a Lifegroup just for that very reason, because your Lifegroup is supposed to take care of you if you're in need, and I'm telling you the meals were fantastic. We just felt the love.

I love our church, our team. Pastor Lindsay, Pastor Darin, the whole team, you covered for me while I was gone. Thank you to the elders for giving me I didn't know what to call it I call it heart attack leave. Thank you for heart attack leave. It was good to have that time off. I didn't like the heart attack, but thank you. The church has been just so generous.

I just want to let you know I am doing fantastic. I feel great. I am obeying everything the doctor is telling me to do. Your pastor is a good, obedient person. And I just want to give a quick heart update. I am in cardiac rehab, and I go there three times a week. They hook the probes up to me. I keep pushing my exercise each time. Interesting, there were three of us from River Valley at cardiac rehab on Friday. So I said that's enough to start a campus, so we now have a campus in Burnsville. We were all gathered, you know. So I thought, is this going around? Don't quit the church. But, no, so I am in the rehab, and I want to let you know it takes six weeks. Once you have a heart attack, even if you're doing amazing afterwards, it takes six weeks. Your heart has been damaged. My heart was damaged from the heart attack. And they said no matter how good I feel, it takes six weeks. I'm limited to ten pounds of weight to lift. I walk about two miles in my workout. It's a lot less than I was doing. But, again, I'm obeying everything. I'm cleared to preach. I'm not disobeying anything. I didn't have to twist anybody's harm. The doctor was ready to clear me a week ago, but he's like "Hey, it is great your church has blessed you with this."

A lot of people have said to me, "You know what the message is from this, don't you?"

I'm like, "What?"

They are saying, "Slow down."

Here's the thing you've got to understand. It wasn't because of my pace of life. It wasn't even because I had blockage of cholesterol. It was a rupture of my artery. I would have passed a test the day before the heart attack. So what happened is it ruptured, and then the blood clot acted just like a complete blockage, and that's where I felt the heart attack. I'm on five medications now that prevent this and, they've said, are going to extend my life. I had three stents put in. I'm doing great. But the answer is not to slow down. Now, I'm going to be wise in the things I do, but when I talked to my doctor, I said, "Does this mean I need to slow down?"

He said, "You may have lost a gear that you used to have, but as fast as you want to go, go. If you feel comfortable, go for it. It is not to change you into a different person. We have you on the right medication now. Go as fast as you were created to go."

And I was like, "Can I get that in writing?" Because that's how I feel.

And he just basically said it was genetics. "If we could change your genes, we would be happier. But you just had this in your heart, and now that we have you on the right drugs, we believe your future is bright and we've got you where you need to be."

Incidentally, a whole sermon series I was writing in the hospital, and the series I don't know when I'm going to preach it, probably in the next three or four months it's called I Didn't Ask For This. I'm going to preach that series because there is a lot of things that people don't ask for in life that come their way, and God has given me some revelation for that. I didn't ask for this, and now I embrace it and I have to deal with it. And I think God wants to speak to our church through that.

Before I preach, I just want to give you a couple other things. I've noticed a few differences in my life since the heart attack. I'm sleeping more. I used to sleep five to six hours a night. Now I'm seven to eight hours a night. I think it is just my body healing. And that's different for me. At one point I tried to see how little sleep I could get by on years ago. I don't think that way anymore, but now I am sleeping more than I used to. I have lower blood pressure due to the medication. And when I start to walk or even start to preach, it feels like my body needs to catch up. You know, like my heart needs to get ramped up and get doing. When I get to about the three quarter mark when I'm walking, it feels like my blood pressure and everything is kicked in and now I feel good. So I'm just letting you know that.

With that, I have to catch my breath a little more. And I noticed this week I was talking to some staff, and, you know, I mean my words and my mind are working faster than my heart and my lungs are, and as I'm talking to them, I kind of did a [deep breath], and they were like, "Are you okay?" You know, so if I do that, I'm just trying to catch up my breath and where I'm going. I feel fine. But I just feel like, all right, I need more air. I'm perfectly fine. Don't rush on the stage and do CPR, all right? I'm good. I'm going to ease back into preaching. I'll be preaching like six weeks in a row, but I won't preach on the Sunday. I'll try to do just Saturday and not preach live on the Sunday.

I promise this; I won't joke about my heart, okay? I won't joke about my heart. I have joked about being alive. I walked into the staff the other day and they were all like, you know, "You're here!"

And I said, "I'm not dead!" You know, so I'm okay about that. But I will not joke about heart pain. I won't joke about that.

You know, my wife was like, "You hold your heart."

I'm like, "Because I want to make sure it's still there." I won't joke about it. I won't fake anything. I just think that's poor form, so I won't do that.

Again, I just thank you for your prayers. I feel it. I'm excited to be back. I love you deeply. It is an honor to be your pastor, and I believe, really, I'm ready for whatever God has next for me. I believe the best is yet to come. I just feel this: I wasn't afraid to die, but I didn't want to go. I knew where I was going, but I didn't want to go. The way I was thinking about it was this as I processed this, I'm just kind of maybe just, again, the way I think. I was like, "Lord, if I would have died, there would have been a really big funeral that a lot of people could have got saved at. So I didn't die, so you must have something more important for me to do than have a large funeral while I'm still young. So I want to know what it is that I'm supposed to do." So if you want me to slow down, I don't think that's going to work because I've got to outdo a very large funeral. Does that make sense? Okay, so I'm going to go for it, and we are going to go for it.

All right, so with that, I'm a little nervous in preaching, because I was like what if you're not as funny as you were, and I was asking my family that. And they were like, "You weren't that funny before." Okay, all right. So anyway, but I feel like I'm back, I'm me, I'm ready to roll, and with that let's go for it. 2015 is a new year! We're going for it. It's a new year. [Clapping]

Now, this sermon today is really a state of the church. It's a vision message. Not all churches do this. I wish they would, because I think there is something about setting goals and casting vision and putting numbers out there and goals out there and giving goals and things that you want to do, and then as a congregation we can unite our faith together. Sometimes pastors have goals and they don't share it, and then they know it, but you don't. And I think we can unite our faith and our efforts together to accomplish these things. And I believe this so strongly for our year that as I prayed about it, the theme of the year is Greater. The theme of the year is Greater. As I prayed about it, I felt God saying it's going to be a year that is greater. You know, you kind of get excited. You're thinking greater, what does that mean? Is it greater numbers? Is it greater this? And although there are going to be some significant numbers that will be revealed, as God talked to me, and I heard him just speak so clearly to me, it was it's going to be a greater presence of God. A greater presence. I mean, we are going to have greater things that we are going to do numerically and financially and service wise and all those other things, but God was like, "It is a greater year of my presence."

And without over sensationalizing this, I believe there is going to be a greater presence of God to the point that sometimes we won't be able to even stand in the presence of God; we will have to kneel, like, as we worship. There are going to be times in prayer that you are just going to weep before God. I have a feeling that we are going to see just a breakthrough. There is a sermon series, again, as I charted out the year, we are going to do a three part series on healing. And I believe we are going to see supernatural things take place, that there is going to be a greater presence of God. It is going to be supernatural. And I think I shared it at leadership night. It is not, like, greater; it is more like greater boom! Like coming on us and presence of God and greater. So I am looking forward to all that God wants to do and believing that it is going to be greater.

And with that, Ephesians 3:20 in the Message version says, God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

And I believe God wants to do so much more, so much greater than we could ever even ask, and so I'm wondering why do we settle for so much less than God desires? Why do we ask for so little when he's willing to give so much? Why do we hold back when he says to press in? When he says, "See what I'll do if you'll get aggressive?"

And so with this year, I was just like, "God, we don't want to settle. We don't want to just ask for half of what you have, we want to ask for all of what you have."

And as I prayed about that, I just was so led to 2 Kings 13. If you're familiar with this story, we are going to look at this. It's about Elisha and the king. And the king of Israel comes to Elisha. If you have your Bibles, turn with me there, 2 Kings 13. This is a story of somebody that want for half, half of what God wanted, and God had so much more in store, but he settled for half. And so I just thought, God, we don't want to settle for half; we want to go for it.

Now to set a little background, Elisha is the prophet of God. Elisha is the prophet of God and Jehoash is the King of Israel. So Elisha is the prophet, and he has done amazing works of God. And just so you know, the prophet would represent the people to God and he would represent God to the people. And he would call the people up to what they should live at, and he would sometimes rebuke them and encourage them and call them to live up to what God saw in them and through them. Many times the prophets would do miraculous things, and Elisha was one that did many miracles.

As a matter of fact, the anointing that was miraculous on his life was so strong that even when Elisha dies you'll see this if you keep reading after our text in 2 Kings 13. You'll see Elisha dies, and if you keep reading it, you will see they bury Elisha. And later on they are having a battle. This guy dies and they don't know what to do with him, so they throw him in the grave where Elisha is, and the guy comes back to life because he touches Elisha's bones. There is that much anointing still residual in his body that this guy is like, "I'm back for battle." Like, whoa! That's amazing, okay? So this guy is miraculous. He has faith. He's used of God. And King Jehoash comes to him, and there is a scene here right before Elisha dies.

Just so you know, some Bibles say Joash. Some say Jehoash. It is just an alternative spelling. It's not like your Bible has a mistake, all right?

So 2 Kings 13, starting in verse 14. Now Elisha had been suffering from the illness from which he died. Jehoash king of Israel went down to see him and wept over him. “My father! My father!” he cried. “The chariots and horsemen of Israel!”

15 Elisha said, “Get a bow and some arrows,” and he did so. 16 “Take the bow in your hands,” he said to the king of Israel. When he had taken it, Elisha put his hands on the king’s hands.

17 “Open the east window,” he said, and he opened it. “Shoot!” Elisha said, and he shot. “The Lord’s arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Aram!” Elisha declared. “You will completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek.”

18 Then he said, “Take the arrows,” and the king took them. Elisha told him, “Strike the ground.” He struck it three times and stopped. 19 The man of God was angry with him and said, “You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it. But now you will defeat it only three times.”

So this story talks about a bow and an arrow. And there is something about it. I actually have a bow and arrow with me today, several arrows. And I'm kind of excited about this. I've got it. And I do promise this to the church here; I promise I will not shoot an arrow, okay? So you do not have to be in fear. I'm not going to shoot one. I'm not going to accidentally shoot one. I'm not going to get faith and shoot it, okay? And everybody that is at a video campus is like, "I'm so glad we are on video." All right. So I'm not going to shoot one. But I want to hold this because it adds to it to see what is going on.

The king was told to grab the bow and arrow and to open the window. Now, I want to point this out, because there is something that we can grab that applies to us. And here is something I want to tell you about the work of God. When we look at the vision for this year or your life or for this church, God always says there is something for you to do. You're going to be part of the process. I want you to be involved in this. You're not just going to sit back and watch what God does. God says, "I want you involved in the process, and I want you to put your hands on it." I'll tell you this, I am glad the church is not a spectator sport. I'm glad that when you give your life to Jesus Christ and you join his church and you join the family of God, he is like, "I've got work for you to do. There's people for you to reach, there is ministry for you to do. You're gifted with skills and talents, and I want you to use them to advance the cause of Christ." I'm so glad for that.

And we see in this he said to the king, "I want you to grab this, I want you to open the window, there is something for you to do." Now, the king was doing something that kings would be familiar with. The king was actually shooting an arrow in the direction of the enemy. And I want to let you know this, that when a king was declaring war on another country, he would go to the border of the country, and he would take a bow and arrow, and he would shoot it into the land, and then he would say why he's going to war. Then for 30 days the people would have time to make amends, to get a peace treaty to try to avoid war. And if they didn't do that, then the king would go to war.

So the king was being told, "You're going to do something to take back land that belongs to God, because those people have grabbed it, and that's not what God wants. And so you need to go and shoot towards there because you're going to war, young man." This is going on.

Now, I want to let you know that as he was doing this, again, God always looks for people to get involved with. God says, "I want you involved." In Ezekiel 22:30, God is saying, I looked for someone among them that would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. Like, "I couldn't find anybody to work through."

Isaiah 6:8, God is looking for somebody. It says, Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” "I want to put my hands on the bow! I want to do it!"

The boy with the loaves and fishes. Jesus is like, "What do you have?" Somebody had to give up their lunch. God always wants to work with somebody, and he says, "I need your hands on it." But here is the neat thing. You have just little hands on the bow. God has big hands on the bow. The reason that Elisha puts his hand on the bow and the arrow is that was symbolic to say to the king, "Hey, by the way, you think you're going to have to do this in your own strength. You're not. God's going to give you the strength for victory. And the reason I'm putting my hands on this as the prophet is because I'm saying I'm going to represent God right now in this moment, and God is going to be the big hands on what you need to do."

Now, in our church, all the things that we're setting out to do this year, God is the big hands. We are nothing more than the little hands. Now, we are going to have to work, and we are going to have to give, and we are going to have to sacrifice, we are going to have to go and invite people. But don't ever think that you are the big hands and God is the little hands. We are nothing but the little hands. He's the big hands. And any church that thinks they can move forward and do something great for God without his hand on their church is sadly mistaken. If you think, well, we have good preaching, we have good worship and free coffee and free doughnuts, and we've got soft chairs and a good location; we should grow. You are mistaken. You need God's hand. He needs to be the big hands in the process or we are in trouble.

That's why we do 21 days of prayer and fasting that starts this weekend; 21 days of prayer and fasting. And on every other seat there should be a card. It is on our website; you can download it. You can see what we are praying for every day. Why? Because we acknowledge the start of this year on the vision weekend that God is the big hands and we are the little hands. We need to say, "God, we need your help. We need your strength. We need you with us. May you bless everything that is done this year in your name. You are the big hands." And so I encourage you to pray. I encourage you to fast. I encourage you to do something this year to start it out. Say, "God, you are the big hands on this."

Now, there is a side note on this, and I'm going to ask Connor to come on up here, our oldest son, Connor, to come on up on the stage with me. I told him right before service, I said, "I may use you in an illustration, and you have to do this because I had a heart attack a month ago." So I want you to put your hands on it. I want you to represent the king, and I'm going to represent the prophet. Okay, I want you to understand this. There is more symbolism that's going on here. The king knew that Elisha was dying. He knew it. It talks about that. He weeps. "Oh, no, you're going to die." Okay? So he is sad. He knows that. And he knows he needs to do a battle, and the prophet is saying, "God is going with you. He's going to take care of you." And I think he was saying this, he was saying, "Even though I'm dying, don't think it ends with me. God doesn't die." He's saying the prophet is going to die, but God didn't die. The battle is still to be won. You're going to make it. It's by the power of God.

And I wanted you to be here, because I'm sure that they pulled it back together and they had their hands on it, and I'm sure the old man was trembling and he was saying, like, "You can make it. God is with you. God is with you."

Now, I don't want to over sensationalize this, but, seriously, had I died of a heart attack a month ago, okay, the church was not over. God did not die. A man might have died, but God didn't die. And this church, the mission doesn't change. It still goes forward. It still reaches the next generation. There is still pastors that would rise up. There is still a future. There is elders and deacons and people that are in this church. There is another generation following behind. And I wanted Connor to come up here and symbolize to everybody 30 and under, there's giants for you to kill. There's battles for you to win. It doesn't end. Like, when Billy Graham leaves this earth, we're not doomed, because God will raise up another person. And thirty years from now, fifty years, whatever it is, somewhere in the future, I'm not going to be the pastor. We are going to hand it off to somebody, and God's hand will still be on this church. God's hands! That's what I believe Elisha was saying. "It's not about me; it's about him. And he's going to be with you."

So if you've got your eyes on me, you're in trouble. And I love being your pastor. I love the honor of being lead pastor. But I'm telling you what, it doesn't end with me. It doesn't end with the next one. It doesn't end with the next one. It ends when God says time's up.

So if you're 30 and younger and you're of the younger generation, let it be symbolic here, man. There will be a torch to hand to you. There will be a church to hand to you. There will be lost people that need you to reach them. There is more ministry for you. There are greater works that you can do, and you need to receive that.

Thanks for being up here, son. Love you. Notice how much nicer that was. I didn't say, "Take your seat." You noticed that. It's an old joke. I'm still paying for that one. All right.

So here's the interesting thing. After he shoots one, then the prophet says, "Go ahead, shoot. Strike the ground." Some people believe that he tapped the ground. Some theologians believe that he just took the arrow and tapped the ground. Others believe he fired the arrow. Doesn't matter. The significance is the arrow had to hit the ground, and it was in the king's hand. Now, I want you to understand this. There is something going on here supernatural, that God is, like, the amount of times you hit the ground is the amount of victory. So the victory is resting in your hands. You're the little hands, but your effort in this is going to determine how much supernatural is going to join the natural. Isn't that crazy?

Leaders, we've got to pause for a moment there. If you lead anything for the Lord and you realize the power that is in your hands, if you go halfway, people suffer. If you give us half your gifts, we suffer. Opportunity is lost. People miss out because you went halfway. And so the king goes three taps. That's it. Three taps. Three arrows total. The prophet gets so angry. He said, "Why did you do this? Why did you pause? You're only going to get half the victory!" Now, we know that most quivers in the day had 8 to 12 arrows in it, so he didn't even go halfway really. He did less than half. And the prophet is so angry. "Why did you do this? Why did you stop?"

And it is too late for us to change the story here, but it is not too late for us to change the story with us. Why do we stop halfway? Why do we go halfway with God's blessings? Why do we only obey half of the distance? Why do we want to compromise with the world? Why don't we want total victory over the sin? Why don't we want to really go after it with Kingdom Builders and tithing and serving and leading and doing all the things that God has called us to do? You say, "Go on a global team? How about if I send somebody? I'll just go half way. I'll send a little money." Why do you want to go halfway? Why do we do that? You say, "Well, you know, I just didn't want to look too crazy shooting the arrows, and people might have thought..." Why do you get crazy for your sports team, but you don't want to be crazy for God? Why don't you want to have zeal for him? We know this: God hates lukewarm behavior. He says in Revelation, "If you're lukewarm, I'm spitting you out." He's like, "I can't stand people that tap three times."

And what's crazy to me is we've got a king going halfway with a prophet that asks for a double portion. How crazy is that? Because Elisha was an understudy to Elijah, and Elijah had a lot of power with God, and he goes, "I want double of what you have." So we've got a double portion prophet and a halfway king. So you can just Elisha, if you think there was blood boiling, you don't even know how mad Elisha was. You should ask him some day in heaven, all right?

I'm thinking about this, and I'm looking at this, and I'm wondering why did he go halfway? Why do we go halfway? And then I thought what if he'd gone all out? What if he'd said, "You know what, God? If this is going to get victory, I'll tap once, I'll tap double tap, I'll tap a triple tap. I'll tap more. I will empty the quiver. I want it all!" [Dropping arrows]

Like, say I got nothing left. "What more do you have for me, God?" I'm going to borrow some arrows from somebody else and throw more down! [Dropping arrows] You know, that's how we should be. That's how we should live.

I made a mess. Thank God for interns. All right, got to start somewhere. All right.

Why don't we go that way in our own life? Why don't we go all out? Why don't we say, "God, we want everything. We want everything. We want everything." I think God would have paid attention. Because the way I see it in the Bible, God, when you go all in, two coins, that's all you got, God is like, "That catches my attention." When Solomon makes a sacrifice way more than what was expected, God is like, "What do you want? Anything you wish for, I'll grant it." It was after extravagant going all in, emptying everything on God. That's the way our God is.

So with that being said, very quickly, 2015 is going to be six arrow year. It is going to be a six. We are not going to do three. We are going to go to complete victory. And with that being said, I believe this. I'm going to go fast through this, but I believe we are going to grow by 2000 people in one year. Now, that is adding an incredible amount of people. How can I say that? Like, last year in 2014 we grew by 893. We are going to open our new Shakopee campus, and I believe God's hand of favor is going to be on that. We are going to see explosive growth. But that doesn't mean the other campuses are off the hook. We are growing, and we can't be complacent. This is a six arrow year. And I want to let you know, when I set these goals I was living in the tension of is that a three arrow goal? A six arrow goal? Is that a 20? Lord, I don't want to go halfway. But I believe that is bold and audacious, and we are going after it.

I believe that we are going to open two new campuses, and, Lord willing, one of those will be in downtown Minneapolis. It's happening this year. Needs to.

I believe Kingdom Builders is going to hit $5 million. Last year was 4,457,000, which was our largest ever. People are like, "Are you sad we didn't hit 5 million?" No. The year before was 2.8. The year before that was 1.4. Are you watching what God is doing? We're going to hit 5 million this year. And here is something exciting. When Minnetrista raised their money to get in the building, the very next year they gave the same amount to Kingdom Builders for missions. Shakopee campus hit their goal of 1.5 million and doesn't need to raise money for their building this year. What if Shakopee gave 1.5 million to missions? I mean, I'm just praying it's a six arrow year, okay?

200 people per campus I want to go through Alpha. What does that mean? We better find some people that need to find out about Jesus, and get them into Alpha. That means every campus. Now, I know some of the campuses are smaller, but altogether I want 1200, which would be a record, record year to go through Alpha. I know the leaders are just like, "Oh." Increase their faith, Lord, right now. Lord, increase it. It's a six arrow year. All right, we're doing it.

We're going to have our first conference, because God is not calling us to just keep this to ourselves. And we are going to empower other churches and teach them how we're doing this.

We are going to celebrate our 20th anniversary September 18 through 20th, so I want to put a couple goals to celebrate our 20th anniversary. I want to add 20 deacons in their 20's. Okay, I intentionally want us to look younger for leadership and say, "Your time is not some day; your time is now to be a leader and to be counted on and to step up." I mean, I started the church when I was 29, and we need some 20 year old deacons in there, and so we are going to look young.

Here is what is interesting. I want to do 20 good deeds per day. Follow me. 20 good deeds per day per campus for the entire year. That means our local projects and our good deeds through our Lifegroups and our major outreach projects, we need to do 43,800 good deeds. That means we are going to being doing so much social good that if we left the community, our communities would miss us. Okay? So we will give you more on that. But we want you to use the hashtag Greaterworks, the hashtag Greaterworks. So if you use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and you go out with your Lifegroup and you do whatever, just say #Greaterworks, #Greaterworks. We are going to go to Feed My Starving Children. We are going to do amazing large activities, but we're also going to do one on one things. And we're going to do so much social good, again, the world will miss us if we're gone.

With our Kingdom Builders giving, some of it will go to the buildings, but some will go to missions. And I believe combined we are going to give the largest ever; $3 million to world missions. $3 million. That's a six arrow year.

And I believe that we are going to see once again over 3,000 people raise their hand, say, "I want to follow Jesus Christ." It is going to happen in our church services over 3,000 people come to faith again.

This is a six arrow year. This is a six arrow year. And it is all starting with 21 days of prayer and fasting as we start this weekend, and I'm asking God to help us have a six arrow year. That's our theme this year. It will be a six arrow year. We are not going halfway. We are going all the way. We are emptying all we've got to say, "God, we want all you have for us."

And all I want to say as I close is this: What are you doing in your life that is six arrows? Is God calling you to tithe, and you said, "I'll give three percent." Don't do three arrows. "Well," you say, "I haven't been a Kingdom Builder." Don't do that. Six arrows. Maybe it's your year for a Global Project. Six arrows. Join a Lifegroup. Get in our Greater groups. Don't miss that. The whole church is doing this. Don't miss it. Six arrows. Find a place to serve. Six arrows. I'm serious. Get rid of that sin that's been holding you back. Don't be content that you slip up every six days. Go for six arrows. Have the victory in Jesus Christ. We need to press in to get all that we can in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is a six arrow year, and we're going to go for it. Some of you need to invite people to church if we're going to have these people come. And you have to say, "I'm an inviter, I'm not just an attender. I'm going to look for people that are far away from God that need to be a part of it. I'm going to get someone to Alpha. I'll do everything I can." Some of you are going to help us launch a new campus. This is a six arrow year, and we are going for it.

So, Lord, it's a six arrow year. Help us to go for it. We will not hold back. It is a six arrow year. We set big goals, but we know, God, you are bigger than our goals. You will do more than we ask or imagine. Our small thinking will not limit you. We will instead think six arrows all the way. Total victory. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen.