Summary: In our life moral values are important. Many have misplaced or lost their priceless ethics along the way and need to go back and recover them.



I want you to meditate with me

this morning on the words:

recovering lost Moral values.

Recovering lost Moral values.

I’m sure that most of you

would agree with me in

making this affirmation

that in this life

if God allows you to wake up-

before you go to bed,

there will be something

that goes wrong in your life.

Sometimes it could be something


and other times it could be something

critical or life-changing.

But how many of you have actually

stepped back and truthfully

analyze the cause of your problem

or problems in your life

Now I have found that

there are four type of people

in this world:


The ones who will look at others

and blame them for the

problem or problems in their life.


The ones who will not

take the time to

stop or step back to examine

the problem or problems

in their life

because they are so

engaged with the things around them.


The ones who are consumed with causing

the problem or problems in their life.


The ones who will stop

take a step back

and evaluate the problem or

problems and realize they may

have to retrace their steps

to get the solution.


there are so many that

wonder if their problem

or problems are due to the fact

that they don’t know enough.

But you know beloved,

I have found that people make

other people feel inadequate

Negativity spoken to any

individual enough times

brands its image

in the mind of the person,

and solving life’s problem or problems

become more challenging.

We become who we think we are.

Tell someone they are dumb

or stupid enough times

they will start to believe it.

Tell a beautiful person

they are ugly enough times

and they will start to believe it.

Colossians 3:12 says:

12 God has chosen you and made you his holy people.

He loves you.

So you should always clothe yourselves with mercy,

kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

So the question

that stands at hand

this morning is:

What has happened to

our Moral Values

in this world?


it’s not because people don’t know

what’s right and what’s wrong.

There are many

who do know

the difference between

what’s right and what’s wrong

because in our world today

we have the opportunity for

accumulated knowledge.


we know more today

than men and women

have known in any period

of human history.

We know more about mathematics,

about science, about social science,

and philosophy,

than we’ve ever known

in any period of the world’s history.


it’s fact that

in our world today our technical

understanding is not slow.

We don’t need a scientific study

to show us that we’ve made progress

understanding technology.

Our technical progress

over the past years has been amazing.


we live in a world driven

by technology.

Man through his scientific brilliance

has developed a global communication

network called the internet.

The internet allows almost all computers worldwide

to connect and exchange information.

It is the internet that has aided

the social media craze.

Every day social media assumes

a more prominent role

as a preferred channel of communication.

Social media platforms

benefit many of

us personally and businesses are enjoying

the platform as well.

Now with smart phones, smart TV

tablets, and laptops we no longer have to

send a letter by mail.

As a matter of fact over the internet

a letter is not called a letter it’s called:

an e-mail, a text message, a Tweet,

an in box message.

Through the scientific brilliance

of men and women

distance has been altered,

and time has been placed

in handcuffs.

Today it’s possible

to eat breakfast in Cleveland, Ohio

and supper in Paris, France.


it can’t be because man

is stagnant in his or her

technical development.

Men and women’s

technical understanding

has been amazing.

I think we have to look

much deeper than that

if we’re going to find

the real cause

of many people’s problems

and the real cause

of the world’s obstacles today.


if we’re going to really find it,

I think we’ll have to look

in the hearts and souls

of men and women.

The trouble isn’t so much

that we don’t know enough,

but it’s as if many men and women

have sold themselves short.

The trouble isn’t

that our technical

understanding is slow,

but our moral intellect

is out on recess.

Many people have lost

their Moral Values.

Now immorality

(wickedness, corruption, dishonesty, and dissipation)

has come to fruition.


in our society today

the great problem facing

many modern

men and women

is the resources that

we live by today

has stripped

our spirituality

from the way

we once lived.


We need to Recover Our

lost Moral Values!!!

Many people have

messed-up minds because

they are caught up in

a messed-up world.

The problem

is within men and women

and I’m talking about the soul

of men and women.

You see friends,

we still haven’t learned

how to be fair,

we still haven’t learned

how to be truthful

we still haven’t learned

how to be compassionate

we still haven’t learned

how to be tangible and

we still haven’t learned

how to be devoted.

And that’s the basis of our problem.


the real problem is that

through our technical understanding

we’ve made the world a neighborhood,

but through our

moral and spiritual understanding

we’ve failed to make it

a brother and sisterhood.

And you know brothers

and sisters in Christ,

the great danger facing us today

is not so much about

explosive devices

that’s created by the

physical science of terrorist

that can destroy hundreds

and thousands of lives.

The real danger

that’s confronting

people today is

the explosive devices that

lies in the hearts and souls

of men and women

capable of discharging

disgusting hate and critical egotism.

That’s the explosive devices that

we’ve got to fear today.


the problem is within

men and women.

Within the heart (mind and emotions)

the souls of men and women.


this is the real basis of our problem

or problems…

My friends,

all I’m trying to say is:

if you want to go forward today,

you’ve got to go back and recover

your priceless moral values

that has been left.

This is the only way

that you’ll be able to create

an improved life,

and to make your life

what God wants it to be.


the only way you can do it

is to go back,

and recover those mighty

priceless moral values

that you’ve left behind.

Our circumstances in life today

reminds me of a very

popular situation

that took place

in the life of Jesus.

I’m sure many of you are familiar

with this very popular


It was our focal scripture

this morning.

We all know it.

You remember when Jesus

was about

twelve years old,

there was the custom of the feast.

Jesus’ parents took

him up to Jerusalem.

That was an annual occasion,

the feast of the Passover,

and they went up to Jerusalem

and they took Jesus along with them.

And they were there a few days,

and then after being there

they decided to go back home,

to Nazareth.

And they started out,

and I guess as it was

the tradition in those days,

the father probably traveled

in front,

and then the mother

and the children behind.

You see they didn’t have

the modern conveniences

that we have today.

They didn’t have automobiles

and subways and buses OR Airplanes.

They walked,

and traveled on donkeys

and camels.

So the travel was very slow.

And they left Jerusalem going on back to Nazareth,

the Scripture says,

they went about a day’s journey

and they stopped to check up,

to see if everything was all right,

and that’s when they discovered

that something mighty and precious

was missing.

They discovered that Jesus

wasn’t with them.

Jesus wasn’t in the midst.

And so they,

paused there, and, and looked

and they didn’t see Him around,

and they went on, and,

and started looking among the relatives.

They saw that Jesus

was not with any of the relatives

and they went on back

to Jerusalem and found Him there,

in the temple with the

Doctors of the law.


the most important thing here

is that the parents of Jesus

realized what they had lost,

and what they had lost

was a mighty priceless value.

They had sense enough

to know that before they could

go forward to Nazareth,

they had to stop, step back

and evaluate the problem.

It was no doubt in their mind

that they had to retrace their steps

back to Jerusalem to recover this value.

They knew that.

They knew that they couldn’t

go home to Nazareth until

they retrace their steps back

to Jerusalem.


you know sometimes,

it’s necessary to go back over

in order to go forward.

That’s, the parallel of life.

I remember for my birthday

a few year back my wife and children

blessed me by taking me to the

Pro Football Hall of Fame

in Canton, Ohio.

Being an ex-football player

and now an avid fan of the game

it was a dream come true.

It was evening on our way back.

Everyone is talking and telling

of their experience at the

Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Everyone was excited about our trip.

Now it is about a 55 mile trip

or about hour to drive traveling

HI way 77.

Well we had been on the road for about

an hour and a half when First Lady noticed

I had taken the wrong exit.

Now this was a problem.

I tried to play it off like I knew

what I was doing.

But First Lady Niecy

was not trying to listen to

my male ego.

She let me know that I was going

the wrong way

and if I did not turn around immediately

we would end up even further

off course and it would take even longer

to get home.


I knew she was right

so I swallowed my pride

stopped, stepped back and we evaluated

where we were and took the exit

that would lead me back to Hi way 77.

Meaning we had to retrace

where we had come from

to get back on the right road.

It took some time to get back

on the right road.

We discovered where I went wrong

and got back on the right road.


in other words,

before I could proceed

to get my family home

I had to go back about 16 or 17 miles

just to get to back on the right road.


So you see,

the thing that Jesus’

parents realized

is that they had to

go back and find this mighty priceless

value that they had left behind,

in order to go forward.

They understood that.

And so they went back to

Jerusalem and found Jesus,

recovered Him (so to speak)

in order to move forward

to Nazareth.


that’s what we’ve got to do

in our life today.

We’ve left a lot of

irreplaceable morals behind

and we’ve lost a lot of priceless values.


if you want to move forward,

if you want to live better

in this world

you’ve got to go back

and recover your priceless lost moral values.

that you’ve left behind.


if you’re going to go forward

and want to live better morally

you must recover.


I want to deal with one or two

of these Moral Values

that many have left behind.



the first principle of value

that you need to recover is this:

Know that all reality

is centered

on moral foundations.

In other words,

this is a moral universe,

and that there are moral laws

of the universe,

just as enduring

as the physical laws.

I’m not so sure

we all believe that.

We never doubt that there

are physical laws of the universe

that we must obey.

We never doubt that.

You see,

we don’t just go jumping

out of airplanes

or jumping off

of high buildings

for the fun of it.

We don’t do that.

That’s because we,

unconsciously know that there

is a final law of gravitation,

and if you disobey it

you’ll suffer the consequences-

we know that.

Even if we don’t know it

in its Newtonian design,

we know it intuitively,

and so we just don’t jump off

the highest building in Cleveland

for the fun of it.


just don’t do that,

because we know that there is

a law of gravitation

which is final in the universe.

If we disobey it,

we’ll suffer the consequences.

But I’m not so sure if we know

that there are,

moral laws,

just as abiding as

the physical law.

I’m not so sure about that.

I’m not so sure we really believe

that there is a law

of love in this universe,

and that if you disobey it

you’ll suffer the consequences.

I’m not so sure if

we really believe that.


there are at least two things

that convince me that

we don’t believe that.

You see there are so many

that have strayed

away from

the principle

that this is

a moral universe.

The first thing is:

that many have embraced

the relativistic ethic.

In other words

many have comprised

or have replaced

their Moral values for

the modern world

moral belief system

that says:

it’s Ok to have recreational sex

its ok to have a same sex relationship

Its Ok to talk bad to your parents

It’s OK to ignore what your

parents tell you what not to do.

Its Ok to live together,

It’s OK to believe that marriage

is just an option today.

This morning

I’m trying

to wake up a world

that is sleeping

with its eyes open

with a very concrete message.


today many people

have accepted the attitude

that right and wrong are simply relatives.

Most people can’t stand up

for their, convictions.

That’s because other

people might not be doing it.

In other words it’s not the trend.

Everybody’s not doing it,

so it must be wrong.


Since everybody is doing it,

it must be right.


to me it sounds sort

of like a numerical interpretation

of what’s right.

But this morning,

I’m here to say to you

that some things are right

and some things are wrong.

Now I’m sure there is someone asking:



having sex out of wedlock




And my answer is absolutely NOT!!!

Though I may disagree with a lifestyle,

or a life choice,

I do not hate the individual.

1 John 4:20 -

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar:

for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen,

how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

1 John 3:15 - Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer:

and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

Proverbs 10:12 - Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.


It’s absolutely wrong to hate.

It always has been wrong

and it always will be wrong!!!

It’s wrong in America, its wrong in Africa, its wrong in Russia,

its wrong in France!!!

It was wrong in two thousand B.C.,

and it’s wrong in 2015 A.D.!!!

It has always been wrong,

and it always will be!!!

It’s also wrong

to throw your lives away

in uncontrolled, rebellious,

disobedient and stubborn living.

No matter if everybody in

Cleveland Ohio is doing it

No matter if people in Texas is doing

No matter if people in Kenya is doing it.

It’s wrong!!!


it always will be wrong!!!

And it always has been wrong.

It’s wrong in every age,

and it’s wrong

in every nation.

Some things are right

and some things are just wrong,

no matter if everybody

is doing the opposing.

Some things in this universe

are absolute.

The God of the universe

has made it so.


as long as people adopt this relative

attitude toward right and wrong,

they’re in contradiction

of the very

moral laws of God and

is in obvious disobedience

to God Himself.

Now that isn’t the only thing that

convinces me

that we’ve drifted away

from this attitude, or principle.


The other thing is that

we have adopted

sort of a pragmatic test

for right and wrong.

In other words

whatever works is right.

Many people say:

if it works, it’s all right.

Nothing is wrong

as long as it works.

So in essence,

if you don’t get caught,

it’s right.

That’s the attitude,

isn’t it?

It’s all right to disobey

the Ten Commandments,

but just don’t disobey the

Eleventh Commandment,

Now I know many of you caught that.

You saying the Eleventh Commandment

Bishop Houston there is only 10 commandments.

Wellthe world has added an eleventh commandment.

Which says:Thou shall not get caught.


that’s the attitude.

That’s the predominant

attitude in our society.

Our society tells us:

No matter what you do,

just do it with a,

bit of discretion.

You know,

sort of with a slick attitude

that you haven’t got caught


You see after not being caught,

it becomes a how to be slick book for dummies,

and then it’s passed on.


by way of the internet

YouTube and Vimeo has people

video teaching

on how to be slick,

people are tweeting how to be slick,

people on Facebook is now posting

how to be slick, Google plus, Tumblr and Pinrest

is now posting pictures

on how to be slick

and before you know it,

the videos have gone viral

Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus

and Pinrest has thousands and thousands

of likes and comments.

And now,

being slick has become a trend.

Now everyone wants to be slick.

Being slick is now the right thing to do.

So now that being slick

is the right thing to do it’s now OK

to lie, but lie using a bit of discretion.

Now,it’s all right to steal

and rob and extort,but remember,

you have to do it with a bit of discretion.

Now,it’s even all right to hate,

but just dress your hate up in the costume

of love and make it appear that you are loving when

you are actually hating.

In other words:

Just get by!!!

That’s the thing that’s right

according to

this new moral belief.

My friends, that attitude is destroying

the soul of our culture!!!

It’s destroying our nation!!!

And it’s destroying many men and women.


the thing that we need

in the world today,

is a group of men and women

who will stand up for right

and be opposed to wrong,

wherever it is.

I speaking of

a group of people who

see that some things

are wrong,

even if they’re never caught,

and some things are right,

whether someone

sees you

doing them or not.


this morning,

all I’m trying to say is,

our world today is centered

on moral foundations.

This is the way God created it!!!

God has created the universe to be

centered on Moral Values.

As long as we continue

to disobey the moral standards

God has place in front of us,

the more disgusting and nauseating

we are to Him.


what we need in the world today

is people who will stand for

what’s correct and respectable.


you don’t have to know

the profound details

of zoology or ecology.

But what we must know

is the profound details

of moral values.


we don’t have to know the

profound details of basic English.

But what we’ve got to know

is that it’s right to be honest

and being fair with our brother and sisters.


you don’t have to know the profound details

about our philosophical and mathematical restraints.

But we have to be

simply profound

with detailed discipline,

when it comes to being honest,

loving and fair with all of humanity.

Friends let me tell you,if we’re not teaching

or being taught the moral values of God,

we will destroy ourselves by the

misapplication of our own influences.


your life is centered

on God’s foundation of moral values.

Let me tell you:

In this life

there is something that justifies

no lie can live forever.

In this lifethere is something that justifies

Truth, crushed to earth, will rise again.


Truth will stand forever,

wrong will always be watched by God.

With Moral Values on center stage

it powers the future and our life.


behind the shadow

of the unfamiliar

stands God.

From within that shadow

God is keeping watch above.

In this lifethere is something

that justifies the biblical writer in saying,

You shall reap what you SOW!!!

This is a law-abiding universe.

This is a moral universe.

It centers on the foundation of moral values.


If you’re going to make your life better

you’ve got to go back and

recover your Lost Moral Value

that you’ve left behind.

And then there’s a second thing,

a second principle that you’ve got to go

back and recover.

You have to recover the knowledge

that all reality has spiritual control.

In other words beloved,you’ve got to go back

and recover the principle that there is a God

behind the process.

Now there may be someone

out there asking:


why are you pointing this out

this morning?

I’m listening to your ministry broadcast.


The simple fact you’re listening to

From the Pulpit with Bishop Houston,

should mean you believe in God,

and if that’s the case you don’t need to go back

and recover that.

But now,

the simple fact that people take

out the time to go to church,

or listen to our program,

and the simple fact that people listened to

our Praise and Worship music

and they hear me pray,

does that mean they believe in God?

Well, there’s some truth in that.


there are many thatconfirm the

existence of God with their lips

and deny His existence

with their life.

There is no life service.

You see Beloved,

the most dangerous type

of atheism is

not theoretically atheism,

but practical atheism.

This is the most dangerous

so called Christian.

I call them wolves in Christian Clothing.

The world, even the church

and Christian ministries

is filled with them.

There is always a danger.

You see they we will make it appear

externally that they believe in God

when internally they don’t.

Listen to what

Isaiah 29:13 says: (NCV)

13 The Lord says:

“These people worship me with their mouths,

and honor me with their lips,

but their hearts are far from me.

Their worship is based on

nothing but human rules.

Listen to what

Matthew 15:8-9 (NCV)

8 ‘These people show honor to me with words,

but their hearts are far from me.

9 Their worship of me is worthless.

The things they teach are nothing but human rules.’”

Now listen to what Jesussaid in

Mark 7:6 (NCV)

6 Jesus answered, “Isaiah was right when he spoke about you hypocrites.

He wrote,‘These people show honor to me with words,

but their hearts are far from me.

Jesus even called

the wolves in Christian clothing



these are the people that

like to make a big appearance.

They say the right thing,

but their heart (mind and emotions)

isn’t in it. And their way of living is not pleasing to God.

These are the people that talk about

and belittle the addicted drug user

and alcoholic and prostitute.

But they’re under cover drinkers,

they’re undercover drug users

they’re sneaking around,

sleeping with someone’s husband

or someone’s wife.

These are the ones who are

out there having recreational sex.

They act like they’re worshiping God,

but they don’t mean it.

They just use God as a cover

for their philosophy or hidden agendas.

But let me tell you friends,

right now is the time to recover your

Priceless lost moral values.

God is about to step in

and astonish the world!!!

The so called intellectual ones

who thought they had it all

figured out will be exposed

and will look like fools.

The smart people who thought

they knew everything

will turn out to know nothing.


We live in the grace and mercy area.

The time is now!!!

Go recover your lost moral values!!!

But you know Friends,

I believe many have

unconsciously left God behind.

I don’t believe many

consciously done it.

You see in our text

it said, that Jesus’ parents

went a whole day’s

journey not knowing

that he wasn’t with them.


they didn’t consciously

leave Him behind.

It was unconscious.

They went a whole day

and didn’t even know it.

It wasn’t a conscious process.

You see, I don’t believe many

people grew up and said, I’m grown now,

I’m going to leave you nowgood-bye God

I don’t need Moral Values any more.

The materialism in America has

been an unconscious thing.

Since the rise of the

Industrial Revolution in England,

and then the invention of

all of our Smart appliances

and Smart devices

and all the modern conveniences-

Many have unconsciously

left God behind.

I believe they didn’t mean to do it.

They just became so involved in,

in getting their big bank accounts

that they unconsciously forgot about God-

they didn’t mean to do it.

They became so involved in getting their nice

new cars, that they forgot obedience

is better than sacrifice.

Many have gotten so involved

in what’s going on Saturday night.

They can’t get up to go to

church on Sunday morning

or get up to listen to

From the Pulpit with Bishop Houston

on their computers or smart devices..

Many get so caught up

that they make plans for all day Sunday.

Going to Church or listening to

From the Pulpit with Bishop Houston

is not part of the Sunday plan.

It was an unconscious thing-

they didn’t mean to do it.

Many became so involved

and fascinated by what’s going to

come on television that they found it a little

more convenient to stay at home

than to come to church

or turn on their computer or smart device

and to listen to From the Pulpit with Bishop Houston

It was an unconscious thing.

They didn’t mean to do it.


they didn’t just go up and say, now God, you’re gone.

They had gone a whole day’s journey,

and then they came to see that they had unconsciously

ushered God out of their life.

A whole day’s journey-

They didn’t mean to do it.

They just became so

involved in things

that they forgot about God.

And that’s the danger confronting

many of us, my friends.


in a nation as ours where we stress mass production,

where we have so many conveniences and luxuries

and smart devices, there is a danger that many

will unconsciously forget about God.

Now don’t get me wrong here!!!

I’m not saying that these things aren’t important,

we need them, we need cars, we need money,

all of that’s important to live.

But whenever they become

substitutes for God,

they become harmful.

And may I say to you this morning,

that none of these things

can ever be a real substitutes for God.

Automobiles and busses, televisions

and cell phones, computers, money-

can never be substitutes for God.

Before any of these came into existence,

we needed God.

And long after they

cease to exist,

we will still need God.

I say to you this morning

in conclusion that I’m not going to put

my ultimate faith in things.

I’m not going to put my ultimate

faith in Smart devices and gadgets.

As a middle aged man I decided a while back

to give my life to something eternal

and complete and unconditional.

Not to these little gods that are here today

and gone tomorrow.

But to God who is the same yesterday,

today, and forever.Not in the little gods

that can be with us in a

few moments of prosperity.

But in the God who walks with us through the valley

of the shadow of death, and causes us to fear no evil.

That’s the God.Not in the god

that can give us a few Cadillac Escalades

and Mercedes, BMWs, as nice as they are,

they’re in style today and out of style three years from


I put my faith in God - Jehovah

who threw up the stars, to decorate the heavens

Not in the god that can throw up a few

skyscraping buildings,

but the God who threw up

the gigantic mountains, kissing the sky,

as if to bathe their peaks in the clouds.

Not in the god that can give us a few

smart televisions and smart phones,

but the God who threw up

that great cosmic light,

that gets up early in the morning

in the eastern horizon,

who paints its Technicolor

across the blue,

something that man could never do.

I’m not going to put my ultimate faith

in the little gods that can be destroyed

in an atomic age, but the God who has been

our help in ages past,and our hope for years to come,

and our shelter in the time of storm, and our eternal home.

That’s the God that

I’m putting my ultimate faith in.

That’s the God that I call upon

for you to worship this morning.

Beloved, go out and be assured

that God is going to last forever.

Storms might come and go.

Our great skyscraping buildings

will come and go.

Our beautiful automobiles

will come and go, but God will be here.

Plants may wither,

the flowers may fade away,

but the Word of our God

shall stand forever,

and nothing can ever stop Him.

All of the scud missiles in the world

can never reach God.

All of our atomic bombs

can never reach Him.

The God that I’m talking

about this morning

is the God of the universe

and the God that will last

through the ages.


if you’re going to go forward

this morning,

you’ve got to go back

and find that God.

That’s the God that demands and

commands your ultimate allegiance.

If you’re going to go forward,

you must go back

and recover your priceless moral values.

And remember

that all facts centers

its moral foundations

on truth that's spiritual controled.