Summary: The Bible tells us how to live for Jesus in our home and work life.

Living for Jesus

Colossians 3:18-4:1

Over the past several weeks we have been studying the book of Colossians on Sunday mornings. The theme of this wonderful book is Jesus is preeminent. Jesus must be first in every area of our lives.

Remember the apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit writes this letter to the church of Colossae from prison. As he pours out his life he reminds us how Jesus poured out His life for us.

So we are instructed to live for Jesus. If we are Christian it’s not a suggestion it’s a privilege and a blessing that we live for Jesus. This is referring to being a follower of Jesus, a disciple. Not a lip service faith but a sold out follower who surrenders to His will.

William Willimon used to be the dean of the chapel at Duke University. "One day he received a phone call from a very irate father. The father exploded on the other end of the line, telling Willimon furiously, ’I hold you personally responsible for this!’ He was angry because his graduate-school-bound daughter had decided (in his words) ’to throw it all away and go and do mission work in Haiti with the Presbyterian Church.’ The father screamed, ’Isn’t that absurd! She has a B.S. degree from Duke and she is going to dig ditches in Haiti! I hold you responsible for this!’ Willimon said, ’Why me?’ The father said, ’You filled her with all this religion stuff.’ Will Willimon is not easily intimidated.

He asked the father, ’Sir, weren’t you the one who had her baptized?’ ’Well, well, well, yes.’ ’And didn’t you take her to Sunday School when she was a little girl?’ ’Well, well, yes.’ ’And didn’t you allow your daughter to go on those youth group ski trips to Colorado when she was in high school?’ ’Yes . . . but what does that have to do with anything?’ ’Sir, you are the reason she is throwing it all away. You introduced her to Jesus. Not me!’ ’But,’ said the father, ’all we wanted was a Presbyterian.’ Willimon, who has an instinct for the jugular, replied, ’Well, sorry, sir, you messed up. You’ve gone and made a disciple.’" (Len Sweet, Preaching Plus, 2/15/2004)

Here in our text is the explanation of living for Jesus. The Bible outlines the two main areas of our lives and how we are to obey the Lord as a follower of Jesus as we live for Him in this world.

Notice these two areas:

I. Our Home life (v.18-21)

God’s word pulls no punches in describing how the home is to operate. If the family is functioning in accordance with God’s word there will be peace and security in the home.

A Marriage that follows the Bible is going to be blessed. Unfortunately many marriages today are like the story I heard about An older couple was sitting by the fireside. He looked over at her, had a romantic thought, and said, “After sixty years, I’ve found you tried and true.” The wife’s hearing wasn’t very good, so she said, “What?” He repeated, “After sixty years, I’ve found you tried and true.” She said, “After sixty years, I’m tired of you too,”.

Here the Bible lists the 2 keys to a happy home life:

A. Submission (v.18) Submission is not a bad word. The word means to line up in proper rank. I say this every time I preach on this topic. Only a Godly, spirit-filled woman will do this.

This word does not mean a wife is a slave for her husband that would go against v.19. This means she lines up under her husband’s God ordained authority and that act of obeying God’s word is notice the phrase “fitting to the Lord.”

Just as Jesus submitted to the authority of God, and the authority of man even when that authority crucified Him, wives submit to their Lord by following the leadership pf their husband.

I could spin this positive or negative today. I could be loving and tell everyone great job or harsh and say many wives today aren’t doing this but the truth is if you’ll listen to the Lord today and listen as you talk to or about your husband how are you in following the Lord in submitting to your husband?

B. Love (v.19-21)

As a husband, pastor and father my home and my life must be an example for all. I live in a fish tank and everything and everybody get to examine me. Quite honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way and just think if you had that same scrutiny? Men we have an awesome task.

David Blankenhorn, from the Institute for American Values said, “The most urgent domestic challenge facing the United States at the close of the 20th century is the re-creation of fatherhood as a social role for men.” “A good father does these basic things: provides for his family, protects his family, and gives spiritual and moral guidance.”— SOURCE: David Blankenhorn, Institute for American Values.

Here God’s word says to us husbands and fathers if we are going to live for Jesus we have to start at home. We are only as good as we are at home.

Paul wrote these same to words submit and love dealing with husbands and wives in Ephesians 5:22-25 their we see the husband is to love the wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her.

That means I sacrifice for Brenda. I give up my hopes and dreams and they become our hopes and dreams. I couldn’t imagine living a day without her. I am to cherish her, love her and honor her.

The Bible uses the word “agape” here for love. It is the love Jesus has for us sacrificial selfless love. Then the Bible says ’do not be bitter.” Do not get irritated or angry with our wives because of something did or did not do.

Men we can only do this when we are following Jesus and filled with His love.

In the book, “Children’s Letters to God: The New Collection”, a little girl named, Nan, writes this letter: “Dear God, I bet it is very hard for you to love all of everybody in the whole world. There are only four people in our family and I have trouble loving them!”


Here we see that children are to obey their parents because this is what pleases Jesus. Young people pleasing Jesus is what life is all about.

But I want to tie v.20-21 together. Just as children are to obey their parents men we are not to demand too much from our kids. The idea of v.21 is that we are not to set the bar so high that our kids can never live up to our expectations.

For example take out opening story of the college student called to Haiti to be a missionary. Parents the best thing we can do for our children is to teach them to live for Jesus. Teach them that pleasing Jesus is pleasing to us.

They will never be happy trying to live to please their parents and they will always be happy if they follow Jesus.

If my boys say God is calling me to or God is telling me to and it lines up with God’s Word I’m going to believe the same Jesus who saved them can call them to be whatever He wants and call them to go wherever He chooses. After all Dads and moms they are God’s children we just get to borrow them while we’re here.

The best-selling book among all Christian books right now is The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Warren begins his book with these words… “It’s not about you. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God.”

Parents, children., Husbands and wives if we really are going to live for Jesus we must decide we are going to submit to Him and love Him then we can follow Him and His will for our lives.

I. Our Home Life

II. Our Secular life (v.19-4:1)

Slavery was an established institution in the 1st Century. The Bible is not endorsing slavery it is speaking to the relationship of Boss and employee.

Here in our text are four words that define that relationship:

A. Honesty and Integrity (v.22-25)

They seem to be archaic words today but the Bible makes it clear in these verses that an employee is to do there work pleasantly with a sincere or a heart of integrity and that they are going to do and honest day’s work for an honest day’s wage.

In this day where people lie on resumes about their job skills or education we have a problem with honesty and integrity in the American workplace.

We are missing people in the workforce that care more of their integrity than there paycheck. If we are working a job and just sliding buy but getting a check we should allow God to check our hearts.

Reuben Gonzales was in the final match of a pro racquetball tournament. In the 4th and final game, at match point, Gonzales made a super kill shot into the front wall to win the game. The referee called it good. Two linesman affirmed that the shot was in. But Gonzales, after a moments hesitation, turned around, shook his opponents hand, and declared that his shot had hit the floor first. As a result, he lost the match and walked off the court. Everybody was stunned. They couldn't believe that a player with everything officially in his favor, with victory at hand, disqualified himself at match point and lost! When asked why he did it, Reuben said, "It was the only thing that I could do to maintain my integrity. I could always win another match, but I could never regain my lost integrity."

As Christians we are faced with great temptation to surrender honesty and integrity but we must hold to these even if it cost us everything.

Warren Weirsbe in his commentary said it this way: “A Christian worker ought to be the best worker on the job. He ought to obey orders and not argue. He ought to serve Christ and not the boss only, and he ought to work rather anyone is watching or not. If he follows these principles, he will receive his reward from Christ even if his earthly boss does not recognize him or reward him.” Warren Weirsbe

B. Fairness and Devotion (4:1)

An employer should pay and take care of their workforce with a sense of responsibility before God. Just as all of us live for Jesus and do our work for Jesus the boss is charged with being fair to all employees.

Well what does this mean? A boss should never show special favor to family, friends or even fellow Christians or non-Christians.

A Christian should never take advantage of someone because they are another Christian. A friend as an employee shouldn’t slide by because after all my friend is my boss and a boss should they expect them to work harder than everyone else because they are our friend.

They need to treat everyone fairly. But there also needs a to be a sense of devotion. I love my staff the ladies that keep us straight the men who work hard to pull all this together.

If someone were to talk bad about one of my staff you can guarantee I’m going to defend them. Because I’ve prayed with them, cried with them and their hearts and mine are devoted to what they do for the Lord.

A boss should be devoted because their people are honest. This is a reciprocating relationship. We can’t live for Jesus and work half-heartily.

Conclusion: John Sutherland Bonnell, the great preacher of a generation ago, has suggested five questions which are useful in evaluating Christian effectiveness and commitment. Look Closely at them to judge your strengths and weaknesses as a disciple of Christ.

1. Does my life witness each day to the power of the risen Christ?

2. Does my faith in Christ affect the quality of my daily living, so that there adheres to it a nobility and moral strength?

3. Is there anything in my life that reminds men and women of the Master to whom I have pledged my allegiance?

4. Is there any discernable difference at all in my life as contrasted with the lives of those who never acknowledged Jesus as Lord and Savior? (See Matthew 5:46-48) 5. Do I manifest in the midst of this generation a serenity of spirit which reveals that the peace of God is dwelling in my heart?

(John Sutherland Bonnell, Quoted in the Elmcrest News, Elmcrest Baptist Church, Abilene, Texas, Vol. 20, No. 7, 2/27/91)

Whether it be at home or at work are we living for Jesus?

Are we encouraging our children submitting to our husband’s leadership and loving our wives?

Will we tomorrow show are coworkers and students Jesus?

Will we show our classmates how we love the Lord by respecting and obeying our teachers?

Will we be the boss that is fair and devoted to our staff?