Summary: I can relate to this weekly TV series as there is an acknowledgement of our sinful selves, and attempts made to justify ourselves by doing something good or noble or perfectly just.



I know this seems to be a strange passage to select on this MOTHER’S DAY. Usually we talk about –VIRTUOUS WOMAN – WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A MOTHER – SELECT SOME TEXT SURROUNDING SOME OF THE GREAT WOMEN IN THE BIBLE. Can I tell you that preaching on Mother’s Day can be challenging because:

• All Women are not Mothers

• Some were raised by very Difficult Mothers

• Some Mother’s doing the very best they can and struggle every day

• Some shed tears on this day as they Miss their Mothers who have gone on to Glory

This morning I don’t want to preach about mothers, I want to preach about the Lord through this challenging text. When I reviewed this text and began to pray about how to fit the context into this day our nation has set aside to honor Mothers’ my mind, through the text, began to think about one of my FAVORITE TV SHOWS -- BLACKLIST.

It is the only TV show I really want to watch each week. I am always fascinated with the DEPTH OF DEPRAVITY and yet, a QUEST FOR SOME KIND OF VINDICATION being presented in every episode. There is a blunt acknowledgement of evil, a confession that is there, each TV Character seems unaware that there is GRACE.

• There is in each primary character – a questioning of the soul

• You see it in Liz, as she struggles with the evil of each case, and the questions about her husband

• You see it in Redding, as he tries to help Liz, but also as he has his moments of solitude

• You see it in the Writing and Directing of the Show each week

I can relate to this weekly TV series as there is an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF OUR SINFUL SELVES, and attempts made to justify ourselves by doing something good or noble or perfectly just. Except in the show they realize, as we do, that the harder we try, the more likely we fail. That’s perhaps what I like about the show – it strips us, not from the idea that we are not sinners, but from the idea we can justify ourselves. That we can explain away our OWN SHORTCOMINGS – OWN FAILURES – OWN TENDENCY TO SIN. But it needs to go beyond that.

This show THE BLACKLIST – Redding has done so much wrong in his life that he now feels if he can rid society of the most evil people who are found on his ‘Blacklist’ that maybe he can find some peace in his own life. He works with LIZ and her partners in the FBI to work through this BLACKLIST and remove those individuals, One by One. You don’t want to be found on that list. Some of you are wonder – OK, Pastor, all that is good, but where are you going with this?

In our text we find another type of List, a Blacklist if you will. Not designed by Hollywood, nor scripted by cleaver individuals, but a BLACKLIST penned by the hand of God.

• It’s not a Phone List

• It’s not a To Do List

• It’s not a Honey Do List

• It’s not a Shopping List

• It’s a Blacklist

Can I tell you this morning we don’t want to be found on this List that belongs to God. Most of us are not even aware of the fact that God has a blacklist, but He does. We are not aware of this list because we tend to focus so strongly on God as love.

• It is the premier attribute He has when it comes to His dealings with us

• It is the attribute that shields us from what we deserve

• It is the attribute that motivated the greatest gift that could be given - His Son

• God is love and we should be thankful for that

So with the intense focus on His love when we are then told that God ‘HATES’ something we should be inclined to sit up and take notice. There are SIX THINGS THE LORD HATES, SEVEN THAT ARE DETESTABLE TO HIM.

• God has gone on record that He hates these things

• God denies the thesis of liberal theology that He simply shuts His eyes to the sins of mankind and is tolerant of evil

• God says, “I love”

• But He also says, “I hate”

Solomon uses incredibly strong language here. He declares that there are six things that God hates and one more that is detestable – one in particular that just sets God over the edge.

• Contrast that with our concept of God is love

• It is imperative to make sure we know what God loves

• But we must also understand what He hates

• We must understand and deal with The Blacklist

Some of us are probably having a hard time right now because we don’t want to think about God hating anything. The Bible tells us – GOD IS LOVE. Sometimes we make the mistake of picturing God as a God who just passively accepts us as we are. Nothing could be further from the truth.

• The capacity to love is defined by one’s capacity to hate

• We don’t or at least should not Hate Anyone

• There are Things and Attitudes that we should hate because God does

Let me try to put this into focus for those who are struggling right now with this text.

• God loves you with an infinite love

• His love for you will never fail

• Because God loves you with such a great love, He hates the things that would separate you from His love

Let’s be clear: GOD LOVES PEOPLE, BUT HATES THEIR SIN. Those who choose to hold on to their sin separate themselves from God. In His love God made a way for man to be reconciled to Him – ROMANS 5:8 “WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS, CHRIST DIED FOR US”— but many choose to reject God’s love and prefer their sin instead. Thus God hates sin all the more because it separates Him from those He loves. Sin puts us on a slippery slope. Each compromise we make—each temptation we yield to takes us further down the hill closer and closer to the jagged cliff of death and destruction.

• Sin isn’t satisfied with just a little

• Sin won’t be satisfied until it has taken control of every part of who you are

The #1 Item on the Blacklist is -- PROUD EYES. Solomon makes it clear that the chart topper with God is pride. God hates pride. We already know PROVERBS 16:18 “PRIDE GOETH BEFORE DESTRUCTION, AND AN HAUGHTY SPIRIT BEFORE A FALL.”

• That should warn us of the danger of pride

• Pride sets us up for failure every time

The eyes have been called the WINDOW OF THE SOUL. Our eyes can reveal the emotion of the heart—the sparkle of love - the tears of joy or sorrow - the hollow eyes of despair - the red hot eyes of anger - or the haughty eyes of pride.

• We can tell much from simply looking into the eyes of others

Why does God hate pride? Pride strips a person of their dependence upon God. Pride blinds a person to their need for God’s help; they mistakenly believe they know the way better than God. Instead of being led by the Holy Spirit, the prideful choose their steps. God knows we cannot make it without Him, so He hates sin separating us from His loving care and protection.

• The prideful look and haughty eyes produces more sin in our lives

• Pride is only the beginning of our slide down the slippery slope of sin

• Pride in the eyes leads to a lying tongue

So, God hates “THE PROUD LOOK” and it’s the result of – A PROUD HEART which is revealed by PROUD WORDS - and they’re often directed toward others in the form of CRITICISMS or “PUT DOWNS.” And listen, this really makes God mad. But what makes Him glad is to see a heart of humility that’s demonstrated by words that are meant to be a blessing and encouragement to others.

• That’s why Barnabas was so loved in the NT

• Barnabas was beloved because he was an Encourager

• Barnabas heart was in the right place

• No Pride but Humility

• That’s the only way we can serve the Lord

The 2nd Item on the Blacklist – GOD HATES A LYING TONGUE. The tongue joins the eyes in sin. The downward spiral of sin moves to take complete control. Sin won’t be satisfied with just having a little piece of your heart. It wants all of you. The book – THE DAY AMERICA TOLD THE TRUTH – authored by James Patterson and Peter Kim - gives these sobering statistics:

• 91% lie routinely about matters they consider trivial

• 36% lie about important matters

• 86% lie to their parents

• 75% lie to their friends

• 73% lie to their siblings

• 69% lie to their spouse

It always amazes me that we spend time teaching our children many things:

• Teach them how to Walk

• Teach them how to Read

• Teach them how to Write

• Teach them how to Tie their Shoes

• Teach them how to Drive

• Teach them how to be Respectful

There is one thing they and we all have done and no one had to teach us – LIE!

• Americans don’t group liars together with murderers, or the sexually immoral

• We grade on the curve and give liars a passing score, but God doesn’t

• His wrath will be poured out on those who do not speak the truth

The idea is that speaking truth exposes righteousness (what is right), whereas LYING DECEIVES PEOPLE.

• Jesus, of course, was Truth personified

• You remember with me how he said - “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE”

The 3rd Item on this Blacklist -- GOD HATES HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD. Perhaps you’re thinking it’s a big jump from pride and lying to murder. We would probably all agree this has nothing to do with any of us—after all we’re not guilty of murder. Perhaps none of us would ever be put on trial let alone convicted of murder in a court of law. Can I tell you in God’s eyes, He does not let us off that easy and we have been found GUILTY.

God knows we commit murder in our HEARTS long before we would ever actually take someone’s life in a fit of rage. How we talk about others and how we treat them reveals how far we have fallen down the slippery slope of sin. Sin wants to be our master. EPHESIANS 4:31-32 “LET ALL BITTERNESS, AND WRATH, AND ANGER, AND CLAMOUR, AND EVIL SPEAKING, BE PUT AWAY FROM YOU, WITH ALL MALICE: AND BE YE KIND ONE TO ANOTHER, TENDERHEARTED, FORGIVING ONE ANOHTER, EVEN AS GOD FOR CHRIST’S SAKE HATH FORGIVEN YOU.”

The 4th Item on this Blacklist - GOD HATES A HEART THAT DEVISES WICKED SCHEMES. Remember that the heart is the “COMMAND AND CONTROL” center of a persons being. It’s one thing to be caught up in some sin “in the moment”; it’s another thing to intentionally plot and scheme about some type of wickedness. A heart that manufactures evil plans, lays the foundation, builds upon it, and completes the superstructure of iniquity.

• What fills your heart?

• What thoughts fill your mind?

• What thoughts are you feeding through your daily routine?

Too often we fill our minds with the things of this world as we sit idle in front of our TV’s or in the movie theater. Hollywood will not encourage righteousness in your life; instead it will encourage evil imaginations. PHILIPPIANS 4:8 “FINALLY. BRETHREN, WHATSOVER THINGS ARE TRUE, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE HONEST, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE JUST, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE PURE, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE LOVELY, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE OF GOOD REPORT; IF THERE BE ANY VIRTUE, AND IF THERE BE ANY PRAISE, THINK ON THESE THINGS.”

• We spend so much time trying to get back at one another

• We spend so much time trying to figure out how to hurt one another

• Make sure we keep our mind on Heavenly things

The 5th Item on this Blacklist -- When the EYES – TONGUE – HANDS – HEART -- are rushing toward sin, the FEET are sure to follow. GOD HATES FEET THAT RUSH TO EVIL. More and more of an individual is consumed by the things God hates when their feet rush toward evil. Feet that rush toward evil are more than just yielding to the temptation to sin. The heart is hardened toward God and the feet take us into a premeditated act of sinning against God. We no longer care what God or anyone else thinks, we’re going to do as we please.

• The emphasis here is upon entering into evil with great energy and eagerness

• As opposed to someone who is entrapped or lured into some sinful activity

• This person has feet that run rapidly to evil

• He can’t wait to go do that sinful thing

• This suggests a heart that is inclined toward evil instead of toward God

David wrote about this in PSALM 1:1 “BLESSED IS THE MAN THAT WALKETH NOT IN THE COUNSEL OF THE UNGODLY, NOR STANDETH IN THE WAY OF SINNERS, NOR SITTETH IN THE SEAT OF THE SCORNFUL.” A man, woman is blessed when they take great care as to where their feet take them.

• Ever notice that Messy Folks are always in the middle of everything?

• They allow their feet to take them wherever the mess is located

• Ever ask your child or friend how did you get in the middle of that?

• We must be careful where we allow our feet to take us

• Feet can’t take us to Church - but can take us to mess

• Feet can’t take us to Bible Study - but can take us to a messy business meeting

• Feet can’t take us to work - but can take us to somebody else business

The 6th Item on the Blacklist - GOD HATES THE FALSE WITNESS WHO POURS OUT LIES. We have come full circle, but this is much more than just simply not telling the truth. Literally God hates those who “BREATH OUT LIES.” The Hebrew translated pours out means “to blow with the breath of air; to fan, to kindle a fire.” JAMES dealt with this in JAMES 3:5-6 “EVEN SO THE TONGUE IS A LITTLE MEMBER, AND BOASTETH GREAT THINGS. BEHOLD, HOW GREAT A MATTER A LITTLE FIRE KINDLETH! AND THE TONGUE IS A FIRE, A WORLD OF INIQUITY: SO IS THE TONGUE AMONG OUR MEMBERS, THAT IT DEFILETH THE WHOLE BODY, AND SETTETH ON FIRE THE COURSE OF NATURE; AND IT IS SET ON FIRE OF HELL.”

In laymen’s terms, God is saying He hates to see those WITNESS SOMETHING AND THEN LIE UNDER OATH. There is something wrong with the Character of those that COMMIT PERJURY. You know what the truth is, however; you would rather tell a lie. I am talking about the BLACKLIST this morning.

Six sins God hates. The seventh sin of division is totally detestable to God—this MAKES THE LORD SICK! This 7th Item on the BLACKLIST -- GOD HATES A MAN WHO STIRS UP DISSENTION AMONG THE SAINTS. Sin has now reached the GRAND FINALE.

• Sin began with pride in the eyes

• It infected the tongue with lies and deception

• The downward spiral then contaminated the hands through the way we treated on another

• Next our hearts imagined new ways to invent evil

• Our feet led us into premeditated sin; the way we live is corrupt

• We breathe out more lies because the truth is not in us

• The ultimate characteristic of sin (utterly repulsive to God) makes us a person who stirs up dissension among brothers

God simply detest those that sow the seed of discord among the saints. Six things God does not like, but He says this 7th thing just makes Him sick. David addressed this in PSALM 133:1 “BEHOLD, HOW GOOD AND HOW PLEASANT IT IS FOR BRETHREN TO DWELL TOGETHER IN UNITY!” There is no doubt God created us for UNITY and TOGETHERNESS, therefore, it is something God hates when brothers spread strife or discord.

• It ought not to be that families would be torn apart because some stir up strife

• It ought not to be that Christian brothers and sisters stir up strife and disharmony

• God says He hates it

• God desires His creatures to live in love and unity

--Learn to hate what God hates

--We all hate some sins – typically those sins that others commit against us

--But we also need to learn to hate the sins that we’re most prone to commit

--Learn to love what God loves

--We do this in many different ways.

--We must learn to fix our eyes on Jesus

--Stare at Him to see how He personified humility - truth-telling - premeditated good deeds - a passion for unity

--As you fall more deeply in love with Jesus, you will get a vision for what our life could be and you will begin to love what He loves

--Walk with Jesus

--Understand what God does not like

--Walk to ensure God is well pleased in us