Summary: Unity, Truth, Our Speech, Others

GROWN UP CHRISTIANS – Grown Up Thinking and Speaking

Ephesians 4:11-32 (p. 815) May 31, 2015


When my brother in law Kevin was about 6 or 7 years old he was at a restaurant with his mom Nancy and her best friend they were eating Kevin looked across the table and said, “No wonder you’re so eat too much!”

At that, Nancy kicked Kevin underneath the table and Kevin yelled, “What are you kicking me for!??”

Kids are unfiltered...”Kids say the darndest things.” Here’s just a few quotes from the famous TV show:







I’m 55 and I’ve done and said plenty of stupid things in my life...I remember fairly recently asking Kari... “Are you gonna wear that?” I didn’t mean it like it sounded...but it was “stupid” none the less.

My buddy Greg Bowen who went to heaven last year was shaking hands with folks after a revival service and smiled at a woman walking out and said, “When is the baby due?” She glared at him and said, “I’M NOT PREGNANT!”

He was trying to be kind...but it didn’t work out that way...I’m sure the woman was affected by his question...and I know Greg slapped himself on the forehead more than once because of these words.

Most of us have done some forehead slapping in our lives!

Kids get a little bit of a pass...not that we don’t try to teach and correct...but we understand kids are still learning about filters and the feelings of others.

Even as “Babes” in Christ we are just learning to have the “mind of Christ” and to “think of others before ourselves.” The Holy Spirit is feeding us on the simple “milk of God’s Word.” As new believers we are making our first shaky, stumbling steps to walk and talk like Jesus. It’s understandable when we sometimes fall flat.

That’s why we need spiritual parents and helpers to help us grow up.

Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants.


Jesus Himself gave! Those are 3 powerful words...and they clarify some foundational essentials. Apostles, the original 12 – Judas Iscariot, plus Matthias from Acts 1...and the Apostle Paul, especially called by God. They had been with Jesus and witnessed a risen Jesus. They were endowed with the Holy Spirit’s power at Pentecost and God’s Word says. In Christ “We are no longer forgiveness and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household...built on the foundation of the Apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.

The Apostles teaching came from Jesus as the Holy Spirit brought repentance. Our New Testament exists because of these foundation stones...but in the 1st century they were the living breathing teachers of Jesus’ Word. This was their priority... “Teaching the Word and prayer.” The word prophet means “proclaimer” speaking for God...It’s preaching the Peter did on Pentecost. It’s not predicting the’s sharing the good news and God’s plan for all our present and future.

Evangelists like Philip in Acts 8 are messengers who are sensitive to divine appointments like “Ethiopian Eunich’s reading from Isaiah...Evangelists speak the truth of salvation in very powerful you stop the chariot and get baptized right then and there.

Pastors are shepherds...they protect, lead, teach, and minister to the flock...God’s church. Those who do it well, especially in regards to preaching and teaching are worthy of double honor.

Teachers share truth, in ways that make it understandable and applicable... teachers...are concerned about both knowledge and wisdom...knowledge is having the truth...wisdom is knowing how to apply it.

Each of these individuals had grown in their faith to where it became essential for them to equip others for works of service.

[Paul’s frustration with many in the church at Ephesus was that they’d been in spiritual kindergarten, then grade school, Middle school, High School and college under Himself, Timothy, Titus and other leaders...and they would not leave the classroom to go to work...instead they argued about who was the best leader...and about the resurrection and it became “godless chatter.” (2 Timothy 2:16).

People who are only gatherers of biblical knowledge become “puffed up” arrogant...but those who understand why Jesus gave Apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists...become equipped to serve others....lessons that aren’t lived are lectures...Lessons that are learned and lived become places of service and salvation!]

During our Love and Respect Marriage conference here last month...Dr. Eggerich said, “The most hardened of heart people are those who continually are saturated with the Word of God, but never let it affect their lives.”

If what you take in through godly leaders never equips you...or moves you to serve others it’s effects will be a hardened heart and a loss of sensitivity...not according to Rick...but promised by an Apostle of Jesus.

Christ wasn’t taught to the Ephesians in that way....verses 22 and 23 says they were taught to choose a new way of life by letting the Holy Spirit change their attitudes.

You see our text lets us know


Verse 15 says Grown Up Christians “speak the truth in love.”

It’s a very real identifier of spiritual maturity...truth and love. It changes us...that’s why Paul talks about our new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness in verse 24 and then states:

EPHESIANS 4:25-32 (p. 816)

“Therefore” It’s there for the reasons Paul states...we are loving the body of Christ, the Church, we are growing in our maturity so we can serve others, we are being transformed from old to new be like God...“Therefore.”

“Put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all member of one body.”

When truth is spoken about something we lack or fall short of none of us respond... “Oh thank you very much”...each of us have egos...and we put up defense mechanisms to protect our fragile egos.

The two responses to truth are

1. We get “Angry” or

2. We listen, get past the anger and “Change” or begin to at least “start the process of change.”

What can make the difference in how someone receives truth is “whether it comes from someone we know loves us.”

Scripturally we are taught to speak truth gently from a heart of love...

Not from a place of anger or hatred...but gently from a place of love...easy...nope... mature, like Christ...Absolutely.

[I received a letter a couple of weeks ago in my mailbox...sent with a fake name, but clearly from someone who’s been in worship...It was intended to be a one way communication...and certainly seemed to be written out of anger and hatred...It was a cowardly way to try and “tell me all they disliked about my preaching and my personality...because there was no way to talk through it...see where the real issues doesn’t say...let me tell you all I dislike about requires more the way...this letter ironically appeared after the Sunday I preached on the Spirit of Conviction...maybe just maybe God’s Spirit was dealing with this individual and instead of “change” they chose anger. Unless we talk...I’ll never know...but I’m here most days Monday – Thursday from 9 am – 4 pm. Just give me a holler.]

Here’s what I mean about speaking the truth in love...and why it’s the most important characteristic for communication and spiritual growth. [If Dennis Truesdell or Barron Rulon came to me and said “Rick, can I talk with you privately about something that’s been on my heart...I struggle with a lot of stuff in my own life, but I see something in your life that’s not like Jesus...are you hurting? Are you frustrated? Let’s pray together. Rick, I love you!”]

Folks, I might hate that this truth has been shared with me, but I’d have no doubt it came from a person who loves me and wants me to be more like Jesus.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do no grieve the Holy Spirit of God.”

Unwholesome talk is cancerous to the body of Christ. It’s always self serving and self motivated. It never thinks about the listener’s heart. It’s about power, preferences, and pride. Sometimes it’s about entertainment and knowledge. “Did you know about John’s divorce?” Has nothing to do with John or his pain...It’s a statement that says, “I know secretive stuff do you?”

If you’re not equipped and serving others you have a lot of time to talk about others.

Instead of putting aside all bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, and every kind of let it run rampant in your thinking and speaking...and Satan is given a foothold in your life...and your heart...and you remain an infant. And babies are cute, but not when they have to shave!”

The answer to this issue is becoming a servant...start using your time, talent, and treasure for others...service...builds up the body of Christ until we all reach unity...because our lives become “examples of Jesus...our word of believing in Jesus become actions that prove our faith is real.

[Every Thursday morning Kari and I head to James Lane Allen to read with Darion and Damaya...I read with Darion...He’s 7...He’s so quiet and gentle I can barely hear him at times. He talks about math (which he loves, our families and pets, trucks, Minecraft and a ton of other stuff...including Jesus)

They had a book fair in mid April so Kari and I took Darion and Damaya to get a book during our reading time. Damaya instantly picked a couple of paperbacks...about kitties and princesses...but Darion is deliberate...He took 25 minutes, even when Kari and I said, “How ‘bout this Minecraft book or hey here’s a Ninja Turtle one.” Finally Darion picked one, it was a Deluxe paperback...Star Wars special edition ($24.99). I wasn’t going to make him pick another one, so I said, “Let’s go buddy.” The next week I got this card:


Darion said:

“Dear Pastor Rick, Thank you for reading with me.

Thank you also for letting me get a book.”

Christians who serve serving others make the world see who Jesus is in us and just maybe they’ll say to God.

Thank you here...Thank you there...Thank you Thank you EVERYWHERE.

Let’s pray.