Summary: A message concerning the importance of laboring for the Lord.

God's Message For Today's Church

I Corinthians 15:58

- Jerry Clower tells the story of a pastor who went to visit a deacon who was in the hospital. The deacon was asleep so the pastor knelt down beside the bed to pray for him. All of the sudden the deacon woke up and was fighting and struggling but he couldn't speak. He reached out to the table beside his bed and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and quickly began scribbling words down. As soon as he handed the note to the pastor he flat lined and died. 3 days later the preacher was at the grave side preaching the deacons funeral. At that moment he remembered that the deacon had written his last words on the piece of paper and that he had placed it into his coat pocket and never did read it. So he decided he would open it and share the man's last words with the family. The preacher open the letter and it reads "Pastor, back up you are standing on my oxygen hose and I can't breathe!

- Sometimes in life we have a hard time getting our message across! But God never does!! Since the beginning of time God has had a way of getting His message across.

1) In the Garden He spoke personally with Adam. (Genesis 1:28)

2) He used a dove to deliver a message of faithfulness to Noah (Genesis 8:11)

3) He used a donkey to deliver a message of rebuke to Balaam- (Numbers 22:28)

4) He used Ravens to deliver a message of provision to Elijah - (1 Kings 17:6)

5) He used a great fish to deliver a message of chastisement to Jonah - (Jonah1:17)

6) He used a rooster to deliver a message of repentance to Simon Peter - (Luke 22:60-62)

7) He used some worms to deliver a message of judgment to King Herod - (Acts 12:23)

8) He used an Angel to reveal to Mary that she had been chosen to be the mother of the Messiah (Luke 1:28)

- In the Old Testament God used prophets to communicate His message to His people. In the New Testament John The Baptist came preaching repentance. Jesus then came with that same message of repentance and so much more! When Jesus left, He commissioned the Apostles to go a teach the good news all across the world. And by teachers, preachers and faithful Christians throughout the ages, that message of salvation through Jesus was handed down all the way to you and to me. Then to top it off, we have the Holy Spirit to speak to us as well! God has always had a message for His people and that is still true today. God has a message for each person here:

1) He Has A Message For The Unbeliever - His message to the lost man is one concerning Salvation. That message is simple, He loves you and He sent His Son to die to save you from your sins!

2) He Has a Message For The Believer - His message to the Christian is one concerning surrender. If you are saved, God wants you to know that you should surrender your all to Him! He desires that each of His children grows and matures spiritually and continues on the path to sanctification He wants you to worship Him, praise Him, learn about Him, spend time in prayer and He expects you to serve Him.

- These are universal messages that God delivers to His children. There are also some specific messages that God will deliver to the individual. He will show you exactly where and how He would have you serve Him. He will also deliver a personal warning to you if you need to repent. He will point you to the person that He would have you reach for Him. He also has ways of revealing His love for you. It is a special thing to receive a personal message from God!

- Somewhere between 53 and 55 A.D, God sent a message to His people in the church at Corinth. He used the Apostle Paul to deliver this message to them. And this message that was delivered to the Corinthian believers still applies to us today. The Lord used Paul to cover many subjects in his 1st Epistle to The Corinthians, but I would like to spend some time covering the message that is found in 1 Corinthians 15:58 ¶Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

- I invite you to join me as we walk through this text and consider the thought "God's Message For Today's Church". There are several facets of this message that I would like to examine. We will see that:

i. This Message Is An Urgent Message

ii. This Message Is A Specific Message

iii. This Message Is An Important Message

iv. This Message Is An Encouraging Message

* I want to start by looking at the very fist word in this verse and see that:


- Where I used to work we had several separate locations and we would send mail from one location to the other. If something needed to be delivered right away I would stamp it with red letters that read "TIME SENSITIVE... DELIVER IMMEDIATLY!!!". That was the case for Paul as well, this was a time sensitive message! To understand the urgency of this message we must consider the context of the verse. Notice that this verse begins with "therefore". This refers us back to the previous section of this chapter. In the previous verses Paul reveals the imminent return of the Lord Jesus. I Corinthians 15 is one of the most detailed account of what many refer to as "the Rapture of the church"

- Look with me to verse 51 - Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

When Paul penned these words he did not know when the rapture would happen, he just knew THAT IT WOULD HAPPEN! You and I are almost 2,000 years removed from the date of authorship of this letter. And we don't know WHEN this will happen but if you believe in the inerrancy of the scriptures you know THAT it will happen!

*Why is this an urgent message?

1) Because Of The Suddenness Of This Event - "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye" - This event could take place at any moment! Jesus will come for His people and He will come unannounced. His people will be here one moment and the next they will be gone! No time to make preparations. No time to "get things right"

* It will be sudden, another reason that this message is Urgent is:

2) Because Of The Selectiveness Of This Event- 'We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed" - When Paul says "we" he is referring to the saved people. Jesus is coming for His bride and His bride alone! He is only coming for those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ.

* This message is also urgent...

3) Because Of The Sadness Of This Event - When Jesus comes there will be millions who are left behind. They will have to endure the horrors of the Great Tribulation. If you are left behind you will experience Hell on earth and then you will die and go to Hell for all eternity. You say "but preacher I am saved! there is no reason for me to dread the rapture." Dear friend, when the time comes the rapture will be a thrilling event. But take a moment and consider those who are lost and without Jesus. If Jesus were to come today and your spouse is an unbeliever they will be left behind and you will never see them again! If Jesus comes today and your Mother or Father does not know Him in the free pardon of sin then you do not have a hope of being reunited with them in Heaven! If Jesus were to come today and you children are lost, they will be lost forever and you will not see them again! Yes, this will be a sad event! And this illustrates the urgency of the message that God has for today's church.

- The message is urgent because Jesus is coming. The message is urgent because our family, friends, co-workers and classmates are lost. The message is urgent because time is short. The message is urgent because there is work for us to do!! The message is urgent because today is one more day for us to roll up our sleeves and labor for the Lord! If we believe the scriptural truth that Jesus is coming back, then we are to live as if it could be today! Because it could very well be today!!

*God has a message for your and it is an urgent message. But we will also see that:

II. IT IS A SPECIFIC MESSAGE - "My beloved brethren"

- Paul is addressing the "brethren". He is writing to the Christians at Corinth. As I mentioned earlier, the message that God had for the Corinthians is the same message that He has for His church today. This message is specific in the fact that it is addressed directly to the Christian. But it is universal in the fact that it applies to all Christians everywhere. So if you are here and you are saved then it is clear that God would have you to be "steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in His work!"

- You are not exempt from service. You cannot justify your idleness. There are no excuses that will suffice! And when you consider what we have seen concerning the time in which we live and the imminent return of Christ then it is clear that you should be faithfully serving the Lord! In fact the message that God has for today's church is not a difficult one.

*This verse shows us that...

III. IT IS A CLEAR MESSAGE - "Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord"

- We are being bombarded with political coverage already, (even though the election is 2 years away!). We have already seen some candidates make statements that were controversial. As a result of public backlash, several contenders have had to "walk back" some of their previous statements. It seems that is the political area most people will go whichever way the wind blows. Unfortunately there are many Christians that are the same way. But this verse directs the believer to be steady, constant and devoted to the task at hand. We see through this verse that we are to be focused, faithful, firm and fervent.

* Notice:

A. WE MUST BE FOCUSED - "steadfast"

Paul uses the word "Steadfast". We have already seen the fact that the return of the Lord is imminent. We must keep in mind the exhortation found in - Romans 13:11 ¶And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. 12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand ----- We must be focused on the task at hand. Is it a priority in your life to reach the lost for Jesus? Our responsibility does not end with evangelism! We are also told to "make disciples". Are you making disciples? Do you take the time to invest in the new converts? These are areas of labor that are required of each and every born again Christian. But each saved person has also been given certain gifts and talents. And we have been called to specific areas of service for the Lord. Are you using those gifts and talents? Are you serving faithfully in those areas in which you have been called to serve? Are you focused on the task at hand? If not, you should be!!

* Not only are we to be focused we also see that:

B. WE MUST BE FIRM - "unmovable"

- In the context this word "unmovable" means "do not let anything or anyone shake your faith" Look back to - 1 Corinthians 15:12 ¶Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? ---- There were some who were preaching that there was no resurrection. And there were some who were fooled by this false teaching. In our day there are many false teachers preaching heresy on your T.V, Radio and internet podcasts. And there are some in local churches as well. And many people are being deceived as a result. This illustrates the importance of actually getting in your bible and studying for yourself. Don't trust me or some preacher on the radio to spoon feed you the Word of God! Don't listen to some loony toon on TBN or a multimillionaire motivational speaker that totes a Bible and believe every word they say. Don't trust some movie or mini series put together by some atheist in HOLLYWOOD to tell you what God says!

- I don't need a book or a movie to tell me "Heaven Is For Real"... I know that Heaven is for real because JESUS TOLD ME IT WAS IN JOHN 14!!! I know "God's Not Dead" not because Kevin Sorbo said so, but because The Holy Spirit revealed Him to me and because HE LIVES WITHIN MY HEART!!! It didn't take watching "The Son of God" for me to know that Jesus was the promised one. John the Baptist told me that in John 1:29. Somebody asked me a while back if I had watched "The Bible" series on T.V. I said nope, don't need to I'VE READ THE BOOK!!!!! Too many people are basing their theology off of what they see on the television. Why don't you try this...turn your T.V off, save the price of a ticket and a $4 tub of popcorn. Pick up the Word of God and see for yourself "Thus saith the LORD!!!"

- Don't just pick it up and read it...See what God says, then do what God says and plant your feet and be unmovable!! What God says is right is RIGHT! And what God says is wrong is WRONG!! It may not be financially profitable... It may not get you elected president... They may take your T.V show off of the air... You may have to close your pizza shop or your cake company... You may get sued... You may lose your tax exempt status... Your church may never become a mega church (in fact it may dwindle down to nothing)

- But we must look to the Word of God, be steadfast, unmovable and say as Paul did "LET GOD BE TRUE AND EVERY MAN A LIAR!!!! Consider what Paul said in - Ephesians 4:14 (do not be) children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; ----- God doesn't want His children to be wavering or "tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine". His message to the Church today is to be "steadfast and unmovable!!!"

*His message is clear, we are to be focused and firm, and as we move a little farther we will see that:

C. WE MUST BE FAITHFUL - "in the work of the Lord"

God has a plan, a purpose and a calling for each of His children. If you have been called to a specific task you know what you are supposed to be doing. Are you steadfast and unmovable in your service to the Lord? Are you steadfast and unmovable in your service in His church? Or have you started a work and walked away from it? Do not forget the context of this chapter....Time is short! As of today you have one less day to accomplish what you have been called to do. You have one less day to reach that lost loved one. You have one less day to mentor and disciple that fellow Christian... You have one less day to encourage the brethren...

- If you hold a position in this church you have one less day to give the Lord you all in your area of service. There is no guarantee that this will not be your last opportunity to make a difference in the Kingdom. You may draw your last breath and step out into eternity before we meet for another service.

- My dear friend you will be held accountable for your service to the Lord. - Romans 14:10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. 11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. 12 So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

- Dear Christian, one day you will stand before the Christ Who died for you. What will you do when He looks at and says "I gave you this talent and this gift to use for me and you squandered it". What will you do when He says "I gave you 50 years to serve me and you always had something better to do"... Folks, we must be faithful in our service to the Lord!

*There is another fact that is clear in God's Message To Today's Church....

D. WE MUST BE FERVENT - "always abounding"

- Abounding - {G} (perisseuō - per-is-syoo'-o) this means to be in excess, or to excel. It speaks of abundance and having enough to spare. Maybe you are serving the Lord, but perhaps you are just doing enough to get by. My friend, when it comes to serving the Lord... just enough is not enough!!! Time is short and we are to spend our time in service to the Lord. And we are to give it all we have. Abounding in our labor for the Lord does not speak of success. The success is up to the Lord. Abounding speaks of our effort!

- We need people today who will take ownership of their area of service. The church doesn't need people who are asked to serve in some capacity and they say "Well, if no one else will do it I will" The church doesn't need people who volunteer to serve and then stop halfway through the year. The church doesn't need people who will sit around and say "somebody needs to do this and that" We need people who will say "this needs to be done so I will be the one to do it!" Folks, Jesus is coming back! The question I have for you is, what will He find you doing when He returns? Will He find you steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in your labor for Him?

*God's Message For Today's Church is An Urgent Message, it is Specific Message, It is a Clear Message and finally we will see that:

IV. IT IS AN ENCOURAGING MESSAGE - "forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord"

- Paul has instructed the Corinthian believers that they should work. Here he uses the word "labor". This speaks of toil and working with all of your strength. The Greek word literally means "pains". But notice another distinction in this verse.He is not just speaking of working, but "laboring in the Lord" This means what we do is...under His direction and guidance...according to His will...for His glory. And it will be accomplished through Him, for without him ye can do nothing. When we labor the correct way "it will not be in vain". In fact, it cannot be in vain.

- On the other hand, if we labor...according to our will ...without His direction ...and for our glory, we can rest assured that it is all in vain.But sometimes even when we labor the right way we may feel that it is in vain. Discouragement will come. In fact discouragement it is a tool that the enemy uses with great success

- Once upon a time, Satan was having a garage sale. There, standing in little groups were all of his bright, shiny trinkets. There were tools that make it easy to tear others down for use as stepping-stones.And over there were some lenses for magnifying ones own importance, which, if you looked through them the other way, you could also use to belittle others, or even one's self. Against the wall was the usual assortment of gardening implements guaranteed to help your pride grow by leaps and bounds, the rake of scorn, the shovel of jealousy, the tools of gossip, backbiting, selfishness and apathy. All of these were pleasing to the eye and came complete with fabulous promises and guarantees of prosperity. Prices, of course, were steep; but not to worry! Free credit was extended to one and all. Satan said "Take it home, use it, and you won't have to pay until later!" A visitor, noticed two well-worn, non-descript tools standing in one corner. Not being nearly as tempting as the other items, he found it curious that these two tools had price tags higher than any other. When he asked why, Satan just laughed and said, "Well, that's because I use them so much. If they weren't so plain looking, people might see them for what they were." Satan pointed to the two tools, saying, "You see, that one's Doubt and that one's Discouragement -- and those will work when nothing else will."

- Many former servants of the Lord have given up their service as a result of discouragement. And you may be ready to throw in the towel as we speak. Remember what the Bible says in - Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. ---- What great encouragement! And we find that same encouragement here in our selected text! Through this verse we have assurance that "our labor for the Lord is not in vain"

- In my mind, every single sermon I prepare is going to be the one! Just before I preach I think, this is going to be a sermon that will cause the sinner to repent and be saved, cause the backslider to return home, inspire the Christian to serve faithfully, and encourage the downtrodden. I have had to learn in ministry that there are very few visible results. Maybe you are discouraged in your area of service. Let me encourage you....

- If you are teaching a Sunday School class and you feel it is falling apart before your eyes.... Your labor is not in vain if it is done for the Lord! If you are involved in the music ministry and it seem that no one cares...Your labor is not in vain if it is done for the Lord! If you are working with the children and it seems that you are wasting your time...Your labor is not in vain if it is done for the Lord! If you are witnessing to the lost and you aren't seeing any converts... Your labor is not in vain if it is done for the Lord! If you are praying fervently and it seems that you aren't getting through.... Your labor is not in vain if it is done for the Lord! Whatever your area of service, if you are struggling and ready to quit...REMEMBER, your labor is not in vain if it is done for the Lord!

- You may say "You don't understand preacher, nobody sees what I do and nobody cares!" Here is the real question, are you doing what you do for someone else to notice you and pat you on the back? If so you are doing it for the wrong reason and IT IS ALL IN VAIN!!! But if you are doing what you are doing for the Lord, REST ASSURED HE SEES AND IT IS NOT IN VAIN!!!

"It's not in vain"

"It's not in vain"

"What you do for Jesus Christ is not in vain"

"Do all you can for Him"

"He will reward you in the end"

"What you do for Jesus Christ is not in vain"

"We'll be rewarded"

"We'll wear a crown"

"When all our work on earth is done"

"We'll be rewarded"

"He'll call us by our name"

"What you do for Jesus Christ is not in vain"

"Don't be discouraged"

"Keep pressing on"

"Because it's not in vain"

- Dear friends, God Has A Message For Today's Church!

i. It Is An Urgent Message - Time is short

ii. It Is A Specific Message - it applies to you Christian!

iii. It Is A Clear Message - Be steadfast and unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord!

iv. It Is A Encouraging Message - if what you are doing is for Him, it is not in vain!!

- God sent this message for you... will you hear it? Will you respond to it? If so we would like to give you an opportunity right now to do just that!