Summary: If we stop and listen, God will tell us what to do. He might not speak to us through an angel. He could speak to us through our friends, family members or even total strangers. He will speak to us through His Word.

Good morning boys and girls!

Are you starting to get excited for Christmas? Are you getting excited over all of the Christmas decorations? At this time of year we see lots of colourful ribbons, candles, stars, wreaths such as our Advent wreath, Christmas trees, Christmas lights and angels.

When you see angel decorations, what is the first thing you think of? Most of the time the first thing we think of is the angels announcing Jesus’ birth to shepherds in the field, but there is another, more important time that an angel appeared before Jesus was born. Can anyone tell me what that was? It was the time that the angel appeared to Mary and told her she was going to have a baby.

There was another time that an angel came before Jesus was born, and that story is part of our Bible lesson for today. That visit was to Joseph.

Joseph and Mary were going to be married when Joseph found out that Mary was going to have a baby. He thought long and hard about what he should do. He decided to break off the engagement, but an angel appeared to him in a dream. The angel told Joseph to go ahead and marry Mary, because the child she was carrying was Jesus, the Saviour of the world.

Joseph obeyed the angel, and he obeyed God’s plan. He didn’t understand what was happening, but he didn’t have to understand what was going on. He did not have to worry about what other people would think. He trusted God and obeyed God.

Have you ever found yourselves in a situation where you didn’t know what to do? Did you ask yourselves “What do I do now?” If we stop and listen, God will tell us what to do. He might not speak to us through an angel. He could speak to us through our friends, family members or even total strangers. He will speak to us through His Word. We have to listen and obey like Joseph did.

Let us bow our heads and close our eyes for a moment of prayer. Dear God, the story of Jesus’ birth fills us with joy and lessons. Help us to read your Word and listen as you give us the answers to our questions and problems. We ask this in Jesus’ name, AMEN.