Summary: A sermon on the TRUE meaning of Christmas.

“Christmas: God With Us!”

Matthew 1:18-25

Dr. John McArthur, in his book The Miracle of Christmas, tells an interesting story about the confusion and error which abound at Christmastime.

A little girl came home from Sunday school triumphantly waving a paper. “Mommy!” she said, “My teacher says I drew the most unusual Christmas picture she has ever seen!”

The mother studied the picture for a moment and concluded it was indeed a very peculiar Christmas picture. “This is wonderfully drawn, but why have you made all these people riding on the back of an airplane?” the mother gently asked.

“It’s the flight into Egypt,” the little girl said, with a hint of disappointment that the picture’s meaning was not immediately obvious.

“Oh,” the mother said cautiously. “Well, who is this mean-looking man at the front?”

“That’s Pontius, the Pilot,” the girl said, now visibly impatient.

“I see. And here you have Mary and Joseph and the baby” the mother volunteered. Studying the picture silently for a moment, she summoned the courage to ask, “But who is this fat man sitting behind Mary?”

The little girl sighed. “Can’t you tell? That’s Round John Virgin!”

In one sense, that story is humorous. But, in another, it is quite reflective of the misunderstanding and absolute error which abound at this time of the year. Open your Bibles, please, to Matthew chapter 1 – and let’s read about the greatest event in all of history!

You say, “Well that’s Easter!” No, for actually, without Christmas, there would have never been an Easter! Amen? The greatest single event in all of history, the event which the prophets foretold, the event which made the Invisible God – UP THERE the very personal God – DOWN HERE! – is the story of the incarnation of Jesus Christ!

[Read Text: Matthew 1:18-25]

This evening finds us well into the Christmas season and all of its attendant busy-ness, plans, programs, and travel. And yet, it is possible – in all of the “rush” of this season, to miss the entire meaning of Christmas.

In fact, if you were to ask the average person just what “Christmas” really means, I imagine that you would get all sorts of answers. Some would say that it is presents – and, to some degree it is. Some would say that it’s spending time with family – and, of course, that too is a part of it. Others might say it’s a few days off from work or school – school and college students, especially, might include that into their answer. But, as it concerns the real meaning of Christmas, they would all be wrong.

The title of this message is also the true definition of Christmas, and that is: “God with us.” Our key text – and the true meaning of Christmas – is found right here in Matthew 1:23. “Behold, the virgin shall be with Child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which translated means, ‘God with us.’”

The fact of the matter is, we are in danger today of losing Christmas – and we have been for quite a long while. Yes, it is one of the most popular holidays of the entire year – but we are losing it just the same. We are in danger of losing Christmas because we have made all of the lesser things of Christmas the MAJOR things! We have exalted the trappings of Christmas, and minimized (or even ignored) the TRUE “reason for the season.” We, as a nation, have become so preoccupied with presents and tinsel and gifts, that we have overlooked the true “reason for the season.”

ILLUSTRATION: We are not unlike the couple who threw a lavish party to introduce their new baby to their community. On the appointed evening, people from all around came to celebrate this new birth. As each one entered, their coats and gifts were taken to an adjoining bedroom and laid upon the bed. Finally, the big moment arrived, and the new mother went to get the child only to find, to her absolute horror, that the baby had been smothered by all of the coats and presents – and was dead!

In a very related way, that is what has happened to Christmas!

ILLUSTRATION: I am reminded of a man who, on the day after Christmas, asked a little girl if she had gotten everything she wanted. “No,” she said. “But then again, it’s not MY birthday!”

In America this very evening, there are constant and endless assaults upon God and upon Jesus Christ – and the true meaning of Christmas. Just as surely as Herod asked the Wise Men to find Jesus and report back so that he could find the babe and kill Him – just as surely do we have our “Herods” today who, if they can possibly get their way, will make Christmas about everything BUT honoring the Lord Jesus Christ!

We are seeing that all across this land – including a large number of stores whose sale ads purposely avoid the use of the word “Christmas” and whose employees are told NOT to say “Merry Christmas,” lest they offend somebody – but to say “Happy Holidays.” (By the way, I urge you NOT to shop in stores that do that! I also urge you, when someone says “Happy Holidays,” to respond with a big “Merry Christmas!”).

Christmas, as is every vestige of our Christian heritage, is under assault today. And it is NOT accidental. If a store or celebration or public event has any hint of honoring Jesus in it, someone will be sure to complain and try to ban it! THAT is the wickedness and hostility toward God in which we find ourselves today!

Lots of people – who have no problem with a baby in a manger, have a REAL PROBLEM with acknowledging that that same little baby is also KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS! Lots of people – who can tolerate stories about some shepherds, absolutely reject any idea of a Savior who was born (in the words of Matthew 1:21) “to save His people from their sins.” They may admire Him as the “Son of David,” but they will not acknowledge Him as the SON OF GOD. Lots of people who will rejoice at a parade, will not so much as consider that He who IS Christmas, is also the Prince of Peace!

Christmas, dear ones, is explicitly about God coming to live among mankind! It is about the God of all creation coming into this sin-cursed, sin-prone world to redeem our souls! It is about God Himself coming to make possible a relationship with us! Christmas is IMMANUEL: GOD WITH US! It is about Him of whom - Solomon declared (in I Kings 8:27) “the heaven of heavens cannot contain” coming to this earth to make Himself known to a fallen and lost mankind.

It is about God taking upon Himself human flesh and paying our penalty on Calvary’s cross so that we could escape hell, and go to heaven! And any celebration that excludes that single, salient fact – whatever it is – is most certainly NOT Christmas! You cannot celebrate “Christmas” apart from Christ!

And there are millions upon millions of people who will go through all the busy-ness and activities of this season; they will have wonderful times with family and friends; they will enjoy gifts and parties everything else – and THEY WILL COMPLETELY MISS CHRISTMAS!

How sad for a person to think they’re celebrating Christmas, and miss it altogether! For, you see, Jesus did not leave heaven’s glory just so that we could build MANGER SCENES and decorate trees! He did not “empty Himself” (Philippians 2:7) just so that we could give presents to each other and enjoy lots of food! Oh, no. He came that we might “have life, and have it in abundance” (John 10:10). He came to “rescue the perishing.” He came to save us from an eternity in hell! He came, says Mark 10:45 “…to give His life a ransom for many.”

You see, if our greatest need had been education, He could have sent us a Philosopher. If our greatest need had been architecture, He could have sent us a builder. If our greatest need had been finances, He could have sent us an economist. If our greatest need had been medicine, He could have sent us a pharmacist. No, our greatest need was forgiveness – and so He sent to us a Savior! That, beloved, is Christmas. Notice with me…

1. The Method: Marriage - God honors it.

Matthew tells us that Jesus’ birth occurred as Mary was “betrothed” to Joseph and, to make it very clear, he adds: “before they came together…”

God here, in His glory and wisdom, is honoring motherhood; but He is also honoring the sanctity and the virtue of marriage. He chooses a woman, Mary – but one who is engaged. And He wants us to understand that virtue and honor and decency are vital! “Marriage,” says Hebrews 13:4, “is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” THERE’S a warning America needs to hear today! Amen?

The honor of Christmas. God, in coming to this earth, in fulfilling the plan of the ages, finds a young man and a young woman who love the Lord. Luke 1:27 describes Mary as a “virgin,” one who (v.30) had “found favor with God.” Matthew 1:19 describes Joseph as a “righteous man.” What a joy and what an honor it is when two people, who love each other, love the Lord even more! It is no wonder that II Corinthians 6:14 warns us about being “unequally yoked.” The honor of it.

2. The Miracle: The Holy Spirit – God does it.

Verse 18 tells us that “before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.” Mary is expecting, and the baby she is carrying is NOT a result of impropriety or infidelity, no. It is the movement and infilling and creation of God by His Holy Spirit. Mary is expecting and, in a moment, an “angel of the Lord” (v.20) – probably Gabriel, since he’s the one who speaks to Mary in Luke chapter one, and he’s the one who always seems to be bringing “glad tidings of great joy” to the shepherds, in Luke 2. [“Gabriel,” by the way, means “man of God,” and his ministry in Scripture always involves making special announcements concerning God’s plans (as he also does, in the Old Testament, in Daniel 8:16 and 9:21). He, and Michael the archangel are the only holy angels mentioned in the Bible.]

Mary is expecting; she is not married yet – and God wants us to know that He is accomplishing His purpose and retaining the honor and holiness of those involved.

3. The Meaning: Prophecy - God fulfills it.

One of the great proofs that the Bible was authored by God is the matter of prophecy. The Bible is full of them. Think of some of the ones related to Christ’s birth, foretold thousands of years before they happened!

Genesis 3:15, he’d be born of the seed of a woman – fulfilled; Galatians 4:4

Isaiah 7:14 – He’d be born of a virgin – fulfilled; Matthew 1:18, 24, 25, and Luke 1:26-35.

Psalm 2:7 – He would be the Son of God – fulfilled; Matthew 3:17

Genesis 22:18 – He’d be of the seed of Abraham – fulfilled; Matthew 1:1

Genesis 21:12 – He’d be the son of Isaac – fulfilled; Luke 3:23,34

Genesis 49:10 – He’d be of the Tribe of Judah – fulfilled; Luke 3:23, 33

Micah 5:2 – He’d be born in Bethlehem – fulfilled; Matthew 2:1

Psalm 72:10 – He’d be presented with gifts – fulfilled; Matthew 2:1, 11

Jeremiah 31:15 – Herod would kill the children – fulfilled; Matthew 2:16

Micah 5:2 said that He would be eternal – fulfilled; Colossians 1:17

And we could go on and on. The Old Testament contains nearly 300 references to the coming Messiah – ALL of which were fulfilled in Jesus Christ! And God is fulfilling His promise here. This is the moment in history of which the prophets foretold! This is the event, and the day which will change forever!

Joseph loves Mary. And listen, the greatest thing any man can do for his children is to love their mother. The greatest thing any man can do for his wife is to honestly and sincerely love her with the goal of doing so “as Christ loves the church.” And what kind of love is that? He “gave himself up for her.” That is the kind of love that builds happy homes!

So a man is to love his family. And listen – not just by buying them toys and presents at Christmas, Valentine’s, and birthdays – but by showing that love every day by how he treats them!

Love, beloved, is much more than words! “Love,” writes Paul, is “patient, kind, not jealous, does not boast, is not arrogant, it does not act unbecomingly, it doesn’t seek its own, it’s not easily angered, doesn’t take into account a wrong suffered; it doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and it never fails” (I Corinthians 13:4-8). Listen, church, love is faithful!

Joseph truly loved Mary – and listen, love always wants to do what’s best for the one loved! NOT what’s “best for the one loving” – but “best for the one loved!” If you and I truly love Jesus, we’re going to want to do always what is best FOR HIM!

Joseph realizes that Mary is pregnant. Now, I want you to notice a couple of things here.

A. Joseph is responsible.

In all likelihood, Joseph was just a teenager. That is when most people got married in those days. Joseph was, very likely, just a teenager. He knows what it is to take on responsibility. He’s growing up. He’s becoming a man. We know from Matthew 13:55 that he is a carpenter. He’s learning what it means to make a living. He’s saved up; he’s made his plans; he’s ready to get married. But notice:

B. Joseph is reflective.

This teenager had a deep desire to honor God with his life. He had a deep desire to do what was right – as God saw it, not as people might see it!

The Old Testament Law – in Deuteronomy 20:20 - said that a young woman found not to be a virgin at marriage could be taken to the doorway of her father’s house and stoned to death!

But listen. Joseph knew Mary, and he knew the kind of woman she was! And, by the way, she was also very likely a teenager!

I get quite perturbed sometimes at these cute little sayings that sound interesting, but are absolutely false and unbiblical – even heretical. One example is a bumper sticker I’ve seen several times which says: “Mary was an unwed mother!” What are they trying to say? What are they implying? I know. They’re trying to say that Mary can identify and even serve as an example of a woman who is pregnant out of wedlock. Listen, the difference between Mary and the illicit sexual activity so prevalent in our society today is as different as night and day! Yes, Mary is pregnant, and yes, she is not yet married – but let’s not drag the Holy Spirit through the muck and mire of absolute disobedience in order to try and make some unwarranted point!

Mary (v. 18) “was found to be with child (listen) BY THE HOLY SPIRIT!” (emphasis added).

Both Joseph and Mary, almost certainly, were teenagers. What a joy it is when a teenager truly loves the Lord and wants to obey Him! How different from the millions of teenagers this evening who bring heartache and anguish and heartbreak to their parents! How different from the millions of teenagers tonight who have no use for God or the things of God! How different were Joseph and Mary from those this evening who think that happiness is piercings everywhere, low britches, and loud music! God help us.

The explanation of it. Joseph, “being a righteous man” (by the way, that’s GOD’S estimation of him!) – he loves Mary and would not THINK of doing anything to hurt her! Brother, that is love! Amen?

Joseph doesn’t act hastily. He doesn’t respond or do the first thing that comes to mind. Notice, v.20, “when he had considered this…” Joseph wants, more than his own reputation, more than what people might say, more than what it might cost him – he wants to obey God! So, he ponders this; he wants God’s direction; he wants to do what God wants him to do. And listen, when that is a person’s true desire, GOD WILL ANSWER!

While he’s seeking God’s direction (which, by the way, I would suggest was his regular habit – not just here, and not just now) – God answers, and tells him NOT to be afraid to take Mary as his wife (v.20) “for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.”

God explains it to him. And let’s remember: this entire event was absolutely unprecedented; this kind of thing had never happened in all of history!

The angel continues: “She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people (notice, not ALL people, but “His people”) from their sins.” Now, my bible puts an end quote right there. It shouldn’t. I believe that verses 22-23 are also a part of the angel’s words. Why? Because God doesn’t do things half-way! Until now, the angel’s words, while marvelous, have not given support to Joseph’s faith. “Why is this happening?” “What is the full purpose?” “How does this relate to what I know about God in His Word?” Good questions.

So, I believe, the angel continues – v. 22 “Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet… What prophet? Why, the greatest of the prophets – Isaiah! Joseph would have been very familiar with Isaiah 7,8, and 9 and the prediction of a Messiah! So, the angel continues by saying: “Behold, the virgin shall be with Child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which means, ‘God with us.’”

This verse, by the way, is the 1st in a long list of prophecies Matthew will use to show that Jesus is, indeed, the long-awaited Messiah!

The angel makes it clear to Joseph what has happened, and why it has happened. Not only is Mary expecting by the work of the Holy Spirit of God, she is still a virgin (v.25) – notice that! Lest there be any hint of an idea that something untoward or illicit is happening here! He “kept her a virgin until she gave birth…” (v.25)

The angel tells Joseph what has happened here and how it relates to God’s plan for the ages!

Joseph – being a “righteous man” knew his bible! He knew the prophecies of Isaiah. And when God decided to use a man and woman to come into this world, He did so as a baby! He did so, honoring marriage and motherhood! He did so, not as a King suddenly riding in on a white stallion to shock the world! Not as a full grown man appearing from the heavens in glory and splendor, no. Not up there in the palace (which He certainly deserved, amen?) where only the rich and famous might have access, no. He came and identified as one of us – out there, a baby, in a manger, to two teenagers who loved the Lord. Out there, in the fields, where the whole world could see Him!

That, beloved, is Christmas!

Joseph loves Mary – and he loves God even more! That’s always a great man! He doesn’t understand, but he loves Mary too much, and he thinks way too highly of her to suspect that she’s done anything wrong. In his uncertainty, he goes to God in prayer. He has (we could say) a conversation with heaven – and God answers! This is God’s doing, and Joseph need not fear!

4. The Mandate: Obedience - God expects it.

Verse 24 tells us that “Joseph awoke from his sleep and (here’s the word) DID as the angel of the Lord commanded him…” There’s the key to the whole of life right there! He DID what God said to do! The greatest need of our lives, apart from being saved, is to DO what God tells us to do! And listen, God will always lead us to do those things which are honoring to Him! Always! No matter how a person may try to defend their actions, God will NEVER lead us to do anything that contradicts His word or disparages His righteousness!

Joseph obeyed – despite the difficulties, despite the snide remarks that might (and would) be made – on a day, the religious leaders (think about that!), the religious leaders actually WOULD accuse Jesus of being the result of fornication (John8:41) – despite the cost, despite the challenges – Joseph obeyed God! And “took Mary as his wife, but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name (say it with me) JESUS!”

Was Mary sinless? Absolutely not. (In her great song, recorded in Luke 1:46-55, she says “my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.” Mary herself was conceived in sin, and she – like us – was a sinner who needed salvation! No, there is only One who is without sin – and that is Jesus who, says I Peter 2:22 “…knew no sin, neither was any deceit found in His mouth,” (which, by the way, is itself a fulfillment of Isaiah 53:9).

That is our blessed Lord Jesus. Leaving heaven’s glory to come to this earth, live among us, show us the Father, teach us His ways, and then purchase our redemption! With the hymnist, we can but say: “Hallelujah! What a Savior!”

That, beloved, is Christmas. As we are in this Christmas season, may the TRUE meaning of Christmas lead us to experience that wonder anew each and every day. May we realize anew that Christmas is MUCH MORE than food, and gifts, and television - it is the very HOPE OF THE WORLD coming to this earth to accomplish mankind’s redemption.

O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie!

Above thy deep and dreamless sleep, the silent stars go by.

Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting Light;

The hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight!

May you and yours have a truly blessed and Merry Christmas!