Summary: PROPOSITION: Because Christ willingly went to the cross, you must willingly spread the “breath of life”.

The Breath of Life!

Ezekiel 37:1-14

PROPOSITION: Because Christ willingly went to the cross, you must willingly spread the “breath of life”.

I. God shows His servants the desperate condition of people. v. 1-3

A. God shows Ezekiel the reality of this situation (1-2).

1. Their condition was one of complete deadliness.

2. Their condition has been long standing.

B. God asks Ezekiel a revelatory question (3).

1. God’s question: Can these bones live?

2. Ezekiel’s insightful response: O Lord God, thou knowest.

II. God sends His servants to minister to the spiritually dead. v. 4-10

A. Ezekiel is told to preach (4-8)!

1. The command: Preach to these dead bones (4).

2. The reason: God will cause them to come to life (5-6).

3. The process: Obedience--God’s Word must be proclaimed (7-8).

B. Ezekiel is told to pray (9-10)!

1. The command: Pray for the intervention of the Spirit (9).

2. The reason: the Holy Spirit is the life giving agent (9-10).

3. The process: Obedience–The Holy Spirit must be petitioned (10).

III. God miraculously works through His servants’ obedience. v. 11-14

A. Israel will experience national restoration (11-13).

1. Israel’s hope had perished (11).

2. Israel’s God is imminent (12-13).

B. Israel will experience spiritual restoration (14).

1. God is going to put His Spirit within them.

2. God assures them of complete restoration.