Summary: Will we submit to Christ and find rest in what He offers? Or, will we try to know Christ … yet still want to be Lord of our lives?

Our invitation is simple and direct

Matthew 11:25-30

Invitations, Part 7


- This morning is the final message in our Invitations series

- It is important that you and I understand the power of an invitation

-- Whether it’s an invitation to a ballgame, to a BBQ, or even to church

-- Everything we do starts with an invitation to be a part of something else

- Inviting someone to be a part of what you’re doing says several things to them:

1) What you have going on is important

2) What you are a part of is enjoyable to you, and,

3) What you do is worth their time to check out (at least once)

- Contrast: If we won’t invite others, what does that say about what we do?

- Background for our message: Jesus is teaching …

-- We see here a very familiar story that perhaps you’ve read before

-- But I wonder if we have ever really noticed how Jesus is inviting us

- Most would immediately say that it is to come to Him, for he gives rest

-- While this is very true … there are three invitations for us to consider

-- Let’s read and see where God takes our hearts today

- Read Matthew 11:25-30

- Pray

∆ Point 1 – Our First Invitation

- If you notice, the first thing Jesus does when he talks to the Father is praise

-- Over and over again His prayer life is one of worship and adoration (v25)

-- APP: What an incredible instruction for us to see: prayer involves praise

- He does not come to God just with His petition, but with praise and honor

-- RE: When the disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray he does same

- “Our Father, who are in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name …”

-- It is focus, it is fellowship, and it is worship that Jesus always begins with

- But more than that – look at the words that He used …

-- We come to God with reverence, because He is so worthy to be praised

-- He was pleased to reveal the information of salvation not to the learned (v26)

-- But to those who come humbly, asking, and requesting to know Him more

- Proverbs 25:2, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.”

- Jesus’ teaching here is phenomenal for the Christian today

-- Want to know more about God? Then YOU must go and seek Him out!

-- Our first invitation is to see that we have an active role in knowing God!

- We should be ones who seek to know more about God; who desire Him deeper

-- It is pleasing to God for us to seek Him out, to grow more in knowing Him

- In v26 Jesus even confirms and acknowledges that God does this intentionally

-- We should not be discouraged by this, but desire to know more about Him

- Q: I want to know God more …

- A: How much time do you spend reading His word and meeting with Him?

- This relationship building is no different than those that we have here

-- If I only talked to my spouse for one hour a week I wouldn’t know her at all!

-- APP: It pleases God when we seek Him out … willingly, humbly, like children

- TRANS: So, our first invitation is to have an active role seeking God out

∆ Point 2 – Our Second Invitation

- Jesus then acknowledges His place in the heavenly realms (v27)

- Two things to see here:

1) The disciples missed this revelation (chronological note)

-- Later in John 14:8, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

2) Jesus places Himself beneath and under the Father’s authority

-- God first had the knowledge, and He committed His knowledge to the Son

- Have you ever wondered where your place is in the pecking order?

-- Here it is: God is first, Jesus is His Son, and we follow Him -- That’s it!

-- None of us are more important, nor are any of us less important, to God

-- APP: Our example is Christ, and so we should follow Him in everything

- When God puts things in motion, it is God who moves and pushes forward

-- He has committed all knowledge to the Son for His purpose, not ours

-- Only the Father knows everything about the Son, and vice versa

- This is the most wonderful discipleship example we see in the Bible

-- It is honoring, it is worthy to be praised, and we’re grateful to experience it

- Now, let’s see if we can see the second invitation together (v27)

1) All things: Everything that was and will be

2) Have been committed to me: Jesus has been given the knowledge of God

3) By my father: Again, identifying who has the ultimate authority

- But (let’s admit our selfishness here) … where does this leave you and I?

1) No one knows the Son except the Father: God knew Christ FIRST

2) No one knows the Father except the Son: Once Jesus knew, He knew it all

3) To whom the Son chooses to reveal Him: Jesus then shows us the Father

- Do you see the invitation in this? Here it is …

-- Our second invitation is that we don’t get to know everything, only God does!

- This is probably the most difficult thing for us to grasp and to understand

-- God is supreme in His knowledge, and He has shared it with the Son

-- We then get to experience the Father, through the Son, who reveals Him!

- TRANS: So if we are dependent are learning from the Son, what shall we do?

∆ Point 3 – Our Third Invitation

- Now we come to the set of verses, in context, that most are familiar with

-- It is here that we find our third invitation but do we know what it means?

-- Our third invitation is that ALL are invited to come to Jesus and find rest

- So, let’s explore this a bit more …

- Jesus invites all to come and find rest; and only He gives us this invitation

-- We’re invited to bring our shame, our guilt, our pain, and our struggles

-- It is our CHOICE to come to Him, because no one has it all together

- Matthew Henry (biblical expositor from 1700s) writes: “This is the gospel call; whoever will, let him come. All who thus come will receive rest as Christ's gift, and obtain peace and comfort in their hearts. But in coming to him they must take his yoke, and submit to his authority. They must learn of him all things, as to their comfort and obedience. He accepts the willing servant, however imperfect the services. Here we may find rest for our souls, and here only.”

- We see there is rest in Jesus, but … did you catch the part about submitting?

-- Jesus never once calls us to come and everything will suddenly be perfect

-- RE: Jesus is not a genie in a lamp for our amusement and quick fixes

- No, His invitation is that we come to Him and take His yoke to find rest

-- RE: The purpose of a yoke was so that an older ox could train a younger one

- The yoke we receive is Christ’s, and He becomes our trainer; our leader

-- He is not our Lord until we submit fully to His Lordship, to His leadership

-- NOTE: This is normally where we get uncomfortable and dislike things of God

- Why? Because on our hearts sits a throne of praise and we like living there

-- We want to consider ourselves king of everything, even when we won’t admit it

-- This is why discipleship is hard, because the truth is we want to be the discipler

- Jesus says, “Oh no you don’t … submit to me and come to me to find rest”

-- This is where we find our challenge this morning, and every morning of our life

∆ Big Idea

- Will we submit to Christ and find rest in what He offers?

-- Or, will we try to know Christ … yet still want to be Lord of our lives?

- Our invitation is clear:

1) We have an active role in knowing God more

2) We don’t get to know everything, only God does

3) We are invited to submit to Christ … and THEN we find rest

- Pray