Summary: Who is Jesus to you? A miracle worker, or the Lord of your life? We have got to be able to answer that before we can fully understand the mission He was on because having faith in Christ is more than a catch-phrase, but a life altering decision.

Cleansing the Temple

John 2:12-25


- The gospel of John screams of the faith that we should have in Christ

-- It is the clearest example of living life FOR the one who redeemed you and I

- If we can learn to love others like Jesus’ … we can bring them TO Him

-- Re: We won’t bring a friend to something we do not like

-- John demonstrates and challenges us to love people like Christ did

- Today, we will look at last three of 6 “M’s” that happen in John 2

-- Wed we talked about Jesus' mother, His method, and His first miracle

-- Today we will discuss Him at the market, His meanings, and know His motive

- Read John 2:12-25 / Pray

∆ Point 1 – Jesus at the Market

- After the wedding in Cana, Jesus and his disciples traveled to Capernaum

-- Capernaum is at the very Northern tip of the Sea of Galilee in Israel

- Jesus then traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover (a frequent occurrence)

-- Traveling to Jerusalem would’ve been an event, a huge opportunity to “get out”

-- Consider: Living in a tiny town, and now you are going to NYC

- And what He finds, is probably the most disturbing part of our story

-- In Jerusalem, in the House of David, the Temple of the Lord – it’s horrible

- Re: Passover is to celebrate surviving the Angel of Death in Egypt

-- It was held in the first month of the sacred year or 7th month of civil year

- All of the merchandise in v14 would’ve been brought for sacrificial purposes

-- People would travel for great distances and not be able to purchase offerings

-- Re: This is not like packing the minivan for a two hour drive …

- So, upon arrival to the temple, they would need animals to sacrifice

-- The problem here occurs at the beginning of v14 … “in the temple courts”

- This is the place where Gentiles could pray; a place of honor and respect

-- However, they are unable to do that because of the massive flea market

-- But the merchants have come for one reason: To make money, not honor God

- While we may not respond the same way – we still have the same issues today

-- APP: Consider these things and look at modern day church:

• Has the church become a merchandise center?

• Is the ministry more concerned with money than the lost/needy?

• Are the people are more focused on being seen than bringing others in?

- Naturally, we might be startled to see Jesus fashion a whip

-- I’m sure the disciples were in awe watching this happen before their eyes

- So for us, one of the main questions we must ask here is: Why?

-- Why would Jesus respond in a way that seems outside His scope of peace?

-- Why would His response to a “normal occurrence” be so dramatic/drastic?

- APP: Often times, it takes a cleansing to put things back in order

-- The bible is consistent of its representation of God’s house and of prayer

-- These are two highly respected and treasured areas in God’s eyes

- And here, many had come to just “be part of the scene” and go home

-- I pray that we do not attend church just to be seen and then head out

-- APP: In this place, we have a real chance to be made different; new before Him

-- IMP: However, in order to be changed we have to repent of our sin

- These merchants had one desire: to make some money and improve wallet

-- Jesus has come to restore the temple, and the creation, to the Father above

- TRANS: So now we get to the heart of their conversation at the market

∆ Point 2 – Jesus’s Meaning

- In v17 we actually see a requote of Psalm 69:9

-- David’s cry is that having a zeal for God’s house must (will) consume him

-- APP: This zeal will be all that he desires and all that he wants (to honor God)

- Israel always had zeal with their knowledge; now it’s time for action

-- APP: Now they need to put action to their words (head knowledge vs. action)

- The Jews always asked Jesus for proof, signs of his authority (v18)

-- Re: They do this with everyone; even JTB was asked for proof

- So in response, Jesus gives them a foreshadowing of His death (v19)

-- However, they totally missed this prophetic statement: focused here only

- Re: the temple was started by Herod in 20BC (v20)

-- This conversation with Jesus is happening somewhere around 26AD

-- It took more than 37 years to construct the entire building (done in 63AD)

-- And then in 70AD, we know it would be destroyed by Titus in 70AD

- Jesus’s reference was to His own death and resurrection (v21-22)

-- Yet, these same words would be used to mock Jesus on the cross

-- APP: As was commonly the case, Jesus was misunderstood by all who heard

- Why? They were only able to apply a limited head knowledge to His words

-- They could not see the future, nor understand what the implication was

- APP: Before we are too hard on them, let’s not lose sight of ourselves in this

-- We too have the same limited understanding and ability to see ahead

-- We make bad choices as well: Ref the phrase … “hindsight is 20/20”

-- The building here was not the issue – but the bodily resurrection is His focus

- Re: Following the resurrection, the disciples clearly remembered these words

-- It was then that they believed on Him, and were fully committed to the mission

-- For them, the physical proof came AFTER the teachings of Christ

- Our proof cannot and should not be found in a single sentence or story

-- Our proof comes from a life lived FOR Him, it is our testimony for Christ

-- IMP: When sharing Him with others, always start there – “What has He done?”

- HUGE: The gospel always presents Jesus in light of the resurrection to come

-- It is the focus on the view ahead that all of His teachings show them and us

-- For John, this teaching completed his views on how we should present Christ

-- APP: We get the story, but we also get it in light of the grave is now empty

- TRANS: So now we come to an important question … Why?

-- What was Jesus’s motive for driving those out of God’s house like this?

∆ Point 3 – Jesus’s Motive

- In v23, we see that many signs were performed in Jerusalem

-- This means, that many people had opportunity to see and they believed

-- Re: John emphasizes the message of Jesus vs. the actual miracles

-- True, miracles are a great evangelistic tool, but there is a deeper meaning

- John uses the word “semeion” (our word for sign) 16 times in this book

-- Other gospels use “dumamis” (power) or “teras” (wonder) to describe

-- Dunamis refers to the source and teras refers to the crowd’s reaction

-- But John’s word semeion signifies the purpose of the miracle (why it was done)

- What John does is critical: the motive of Christ is revealed (very IMP)

-- We see that just because people believed, it doesn’t mean they accepted (v24)

-- APP: Just because you believe may not mean that you have genuine faith

- Many in Jerusalem had intellectual faith; they saw Jesus as some prophet

-- But Jesus, looked right to their hearts and saw what was really going on

-- Their faith was in His works, and NOT in the person of Christ

-- Because of this, he “would not entrust Himself to them”

- Even the disciples had issues here, b/c they had issues until after resurrection

-- Jesus’ knowledge of their true faith is what is represented here in v24

-- His motive is clear: He knows what their heart condition is; not fooled by it

-- IMP: And He also knows what our response is as well … still not fooled by it

- For God, (v25) He does not need testimony about you and I

-- He already has the knowledge of who we are, and what we are about

-- So when we say we are fully His, He already knows if that is true (pause)

∆ Big Idea

- This is our challenge as well … what is our faith in?

-- Is it in the works of Jesus? Or in Jesus, the actual Messiah we need?

- Just because we call something “saving faith” doesn’t make it so

-- At the wedding we saw the first sign of Christ’s glory; revealing Himself

-- In Jerusalem we see a sign of His righteous anger; shows His power

- These two stories are in contrast like this for a very specific reason

-- Either we believe in the whole Son of God (and not just the good stuff)

-- Or we are playing a game with the creator of the universe …

- So who is Jesus to you? A miracle worker? Or 100% Lord of your life?

-- You and I have got to be able to answer that right here and now …

- Pray