Summary: Daring faith leads us to miracles and to a relationship with Jesus that is life changing and spiritually transforming! It all surfaces out of Love and a God connection!

“Daring Faith” - 7

Summary of Series:

We need to have daring faith if we want to stay connected with God and see miracles! This type of faith is rare but when it is in motion in a Christian’s life it unlocks the key to miracles and perseverance. We can stay in the comfort zones of our life but adventures in God, risk taking for the Kingdom, and history making faith choices create changed lives. This type of faith slays the giants who oppose our God given destiny and fuel our spirits and souls! Daring faith helps us persevere through hardship as it encourages our soul and heart. Daring faith commits to the ways and the teachings of the Lord. It commits to the point of sacrificing for the cause of Jesus Christ and for others. Commitment is a key component of the Christian faith. With it you leave a daring faith legacy without it you leave nothing! Daring faith is all about risk taking for the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s about wading into the river like Pastor Beth talked about last week. It is an all in commitment to the Lord and to His Kingdom.

Daring Faith Thesis: Daring faith leads us to miracles and to a relationship with Jesus that is life changing and spiritually transforming! It all surfaces out of Love and a God connection!


Here is the pattern for a miracle:


Share daring faith testimonies from emails – people getting miracles being a part of a miracle.

Arlene and JW’s/Dave Oberg testimony from the hospital and his surgery/Jan’s thoughts.

My Story: The Drive to International House of Prayer!

Share miracle stories: From audio Cd Angels, Miracles and Heavenly Encounters by James Stuart Bell – given to me by Tiffany – highlight some of the stories from the drive down to Ihopkc.

The story of Papa – Mother, “Say good bye to your grandfather he is dying!” Derrick said “no” “He is not leaving yet! I will when he leaves!” A few days later came Papa’s death with Derrick, and Mother at his side and a nurse. At the moment of his Papa’s death he looked up into the ceiling not at his body in the bed which his mother thought was strange – He said goodbye Papa! At that moment he was having a vision of Papa dressed in white with huge hands picking him up into heaven! He looked young according derrick and he waved to me and said, “Good bye Derrick!” Derrick was not upset at his grandfather’s death because he says, “I saw him go to heaven in the glory of the Lord!” He testified to this over and over at the funeral! He even refused to look at his grand pa’s body in the casket because that was not Papa!

Visions and miracles like this are talked about more often than you think in moment like this – I listened to a few of them on my way to IHOP!

The story of a small church called Calvary Temple and the divine midst which showed up in their church service in Portland, Oregon! It was a Sunday morning worship service – in the middle of worship as they were singing it appeared. Something supernatural in the service. A divine midst formed over the worship team and then physical manifestations started impacting the congregation. The temperature in Sanctuary jumped 15 degrees as smoke filled the room – but not smoke-smoke- a midst – worship stopped then some of the worship team did unplanned solos that were amazing! Others dropped to their knees in reverence for the presence! The pastor collapsed to the floor! Others collapsed feeling the presence and holiness of God. Young kids said they saw a large hand waving over the congregation. Adults even said they saw the same event. The experience caused many to be healed physically without anyone praying for them. A couple in the midst of divorce felt Gods presence come over them and it instantly changed their relationship – what years of counseling had not done healing was done in a moment in His presence. A man walking by the church heard the music and was drawn in to the service as he entered he saw the divine midst – he ran to the altar dropped to his knees and gave his life to Jesus. He was a drug addict who became delivered that day and set free and became a part of the church!

I listened to about 20 or so of these kind of miraculous stories! Each story pierced my heart on the ride down to IHOP, I felt God’s presence, I felt him encouraging me, I cried some, I laughed some because the Lord and I had this special moment for 7 hours in the car! I love stories of miracles! It was amazing – the 7 hour trip seemed to be a one hour trip and then boom I was at IHOP.

I checked into the hotel and I went to the prayer room. As I entered I heard, “Do you want prophetic prayer from the Lord?” I said “yes” signed up and a few minutes later I am in a side prayer room and this is the word I hear! Now remember they know nothing about me! They don’t know I am a pastor! They know nothing about me! I am dressed in shorts-wearing a hat -not really looking pastorish!

Play the PROPHETIC word?

So between the drive down – the word – then sitting in the worship service I was so encouraged and refreshed spiritually before even spending a lot of time in the prayer room. I enjoyed the prayer room wanted to pray and connect with the Lord because “He cares about me – He knows what I am going through-and He lets me know it’s going to be okay!”

So for three days I am in there praying, worshipping and for a couple days sitting next to man doing the same and I am thinking this guy looks familiar? Turned out it was Mike Bickle Founder of International House of Prayer!

I went to their bookstore the one day and picked up this book: “Signs and Wonders” by Maria Woodworth/Etter her story!


Woodworth-Etter was born in New Lisbon, Columbiana County, Ohio as Mariah Buelah Underwood. She was born again at the beginning of the Third Great Awakening at the age of thirteen. Maria immediately heard the call of God and dedicated her life to the Lord. Of her calling she would later write, "I heard the voice of Jesus calling me to go out in the highways and hedges and gather in the lost sheep." In 1863, she married Philo Horace Woodworth, whom she divorced for infidelity in 1891. She had six children with Woodworth, five of whom died young. In 1902, she married Samuel Etter, who died in 1914. She studied the scriptures and began preaching the Lord's divine will in healing. It didn't take long to see that evangelism and healing went hand in hand as thousands were won to Christ as a result of seeing others healed. Sister Etter pioneered the way for Pentecostal manifestations that are so common in Charismatic and Pentecostal groups today.


Her earliest exposure to religion was through a local Disciples of Christ congregation. After her marriage, she chose to enter evangelistic ministry. Prohibited from public preaching among the Disciples, she found support in a local Quaker meeting. It was while associating with the Quakers that she received the baptism in the Holy Spirit while praying for an "anointing for service".

After this experience, she began to preach. Reporting hundreds of conversions, her campaigns attracted reporters from across the country. She was briefly affiliated with the Brethren in Christ but eventually joined the Church of God of the General Eldership founded by John Winebrenner.

She began to pray for the sick in 1885, believing that those with sufficient faith would be healed. Her meetings also became known for people falling to the floor in trance-like states. These people would later report profound spiritual experiences while in such a state. As she preached throughout the nation, her reputation grew, leading her to purchase of an 8,000 seat tent in which to conduct her services. After 1912, she joined the young Pentecostal movement and preached widely in Pentecostal circles until her death.

In 1918, she founded what is today Lakeview Church of Indianapolis, Indiana

I could share much more about her life but once again there was a connection between me and the Lord as I read about her life and her ministry! I learned of her salvation at 13, her call to ministry when woman were not permitted to do this, her hard life before stepping into her ministry losing 5 of her 6 children to diseases, the comments her dying children made to her, her own physical healing, the opposition to her ministry, the salvations, the miracles, the healings and the legacy left behind.

I saw a pattern forming: Loving GOD = Daring Faith = Jesus - The God Connection = Miracles!

I. The Miracle Pattern!

a. LOVE - Daring faith drives me to do the One Thing and The Greatest Thing! The greatest commandment – the one thing – the greatest thing we are to do as Christians is to love God with all of our heart, mind and soul – and yes even our strength.

i. Jesus himself spoke of this in Mark, Matthew and Luke – God spoke about in Deut. with Moses: “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind and soul.”

ii. Scriptures:

1. Deut. 6.5: 4Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. 5Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

2. Deut. 10:12: 12And now, O Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

3. Deut. 30:6: 6The LORD your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live.

4. Deut. 30:10: 10if you obey the LORD your God and keep his commands and decrees that are written in this Book of the Law and turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

5. Matthew 22:37-38: 37Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’38This is the first and greatest commandment.

6. Luke 10:27: 25 An expert in the Law of Moses stood up and asked Jesus a question to see what he would say. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to have eternal life?” 26Jesus answered, “What is written in the Scriptures? How do you understand them?” 27 The man replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind.’ They also say, ‘Love your neighbors as much as you love yourself.’”

28 Jesus said, “You have given the right answer. If you do this, you will have eternal life.”

7. Mark 12:30: 28 One of the teachers of the Law of Moses came up while Jesus and the Sadducees were arguing. When he heard Jesus give a good answer, he asked him, “What is the most important commandment?”

29 Jesus answered, “The most important one says: ‘People of Israel, you have only one Lord and God.

30You must love him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

b. Friday night Mike Bickle states, “The Holy Spirit’s first priority is to establish the first commandment in first place in the Church…The command to love God with all our heart does not begin with us. It is one expression of the ultimate reality of the Kingdom that existed before the creation of the world-from eternity past, God has loved God with all of His heart-the Father loved the Son, Jesus loves the Spirit…The grace to receive God’s love and to love Him in return is the greatest gift the Spirit imparts – It takes God to love God!

i. This should be everyone’s vision, this is what we are suppose to be doing first and for most. This is the main vision of the church – of every Christian – our daring faith should drive us to love God like Jesus is talking about here! When we do this something happens!

ii. Daring faith flows from our love relationship with Jesus and His love relationship with us and when we get it and live like this we will see miracles. Did you hear this truth?

c. Daring faith opens the door to miracles.

i. Do you need a miracle then number 1 love the Lord like Jesus is talking about?

ii. How do miracles happen? Answer 3 simple words: Love-Faith-God!

1. I received miracles last week in my car, at IHOP – I looked at Maria’s life and saw all the miracles and the fruit of her ministry and I see this pattern or key to miracles – Loving GOD – Daring Faith – Jesus Connection – Miracles!

a. It’s a pattern for miracles!

d. Here is how it works:

i. LOVE - You love the Lord with your whole heart, mind and soul and all your strength!

ii. DARING FAITH - You develop daring faith from this love relationship with the Lord and you take risks for the Kingdom – by loving others as Jesus did – so you connect with Him in mission.

iii. GOD CONNECTION – You connect with Jesus in relationship and in mission – doing acts of faith and works! This sets miracles up and in motion for you by the hand of the Lord.

1. God then does miraculous things in your life and with your faith actions.


1. The end result is you receive the miracles!

T.S. - Let’s look at a case study from the Bible!

Scripture Text:

Luke 9:1-9: Jesus sends out the 12!

1Jesus called together his twelve apostles and gave them complete power over all demons and diseases.

2Then he sent them to tell about God’s kingdom and to heal the sick.

3He told them, “Don’t take anything with you! Don’t take a walking stick or a traveling bag or food or money or even a change of clothes.

4When you are welcomed into a home, stay there until you leave that town.

5If people won’t welcome you, leave the town and shake the dust from your feet as a warning to them.”

6The apostles left and went from village to village, telling the good news and healing people everywhere.

Herod Is Worried (Matthew 14:1-12; Mark 6:14-29)

7 Herod the ruler heard about all that was happening, and he was worried. Some people were saying that John the Baptist had come back to life.

8Others were saying that Elijah had come or that one of the prophets from long ago had come back to life.

9But Herod said, “I had John’s head cut off! Who is this I hear so much about?” Herod was eager to meet Jesus.

II. Jesus sends out the 12 – this story helps connect the formula step by step!

a. Jesus gave them His power and authority! (God Connection)

i. They went out and did amazing things!

1. See Luke 9: 10!

2. See Matthew 10:1-42

3. See Mark 6:7-13

a. In Mark it is noted Jesus sent them out in 2’s!

i. Challenge from the series so you grow spiritually – find a accountability and ministry partner- a spiritual life coach and meet on a regular basis – have this in motion in your life by 2017!

ii. They reported what they had done!

1. They proclaimed the Good News of Jesus!

2. People got delivered from demons!

3. They healed people everywhere they went!

a. This all speaks of them having Daring faith!

b. Bottom line: Then Miracles happened – why you had love-daring faith-God connection!

i. Question: What is the purpose of miracles?

1. Witness to who Jesus is!

2. Really that is the goal of miracles – testimony to who Jesus is – who is the real God and who really is the way the truth and the Life!

c. The news spread all the way to the King Herod!

i. People were talking about what was happening – miracles – but the king was perplexed – concerned because he thought he got rid of these people!

ii. I pray that we become so daring in our faith that the President of the USA hears about it and becomes concerned even perplexed!

b. Jesus is sending all of us out with His power and His authority even today!

i. That’s what should make our faith daring – His backing – His authority – His power!

1. We have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead!

2. We have the same spirit that was a part of creation.

3. We have the same power to do what they did – but we have to believe and follow the leading of Jesus!

ii. But to do this you need a spiritual partner – spiritual friend – I suggest not your spouse but someone else you can meet with regularly!

1. Daring faith goes for it!

T.S. – The disciples did miraculous things like we will if we go – but they all also missed it in certain situations which we need to learn from their mistakes.

III. Jesus sends out the 12 miracles happen but this daring faith thing is a journey filled with ups and downs.

a. This chapter in Luke is filled with miss opportunities by the disciples, it reveals their inability to step out in faith, even after being given Jesus power and authority to carry out their mission for the Kingdom.

i. Case in point:

1. Luke 9:10-17: Feeding of the 5,000 verse 13: “Jesus replied, “You give them something to eat.” Their answer “But – But we have only 5 loaves, 2 fish – it’s impossible – look around we do not have the resources.”

2. Pause: they just healed people did miracles with His power and authority – Jesus says feed them – use what I gave you “Faith – daring faith that believes in miracles.”

3. Question: Do we ever have enough resources when you start? Is there ever enough for God’s mission in the natural realm? I believe there is always a faith element in risk taking in daring faith where we don’t see or know how it’s going to work out.

a. We face faith steps like these:

i. How we will get the money for the church addition out front!

ii. How we will be able to launch the Bible College in Liberia!

iii. How we will be successful in launching our Indiana Campus!

iv. How well our Beyond Sunday events will go!

v. How will we balance the school budget with less kids?

vi. How will we accomplish His vision for this church?

4. Daring faith Lesson: We always have enough resources! It’s always enough with the Lord! The Key message in our chapter is do you believe! Do you have the daring faith to go for it!

a. Encouraging Story from the CD ride down!

i. The miracle lasagna story --- Whatever we have is enough for Jesus to do a miracle. Daring faith tells us that!

ii. What do you have? It’s enough – for Jesus to do a miracle!

ii. Luke 9:18-20: Who do you say I am? Jesus is asking his followers. A reminder of His power and His authority and they have it because He gave it to them!

1. Answers:

a. John The Baptist – back from the dead!

b. Elijah - back from the dead!

c. Former Prophet - back from the dead!

d. Peter’s answer: You are ----- “God’s Messiah!”

i. Spiritual insight and victory for Peter!

1. He sees it!

ii. Jesus tells them who He is and He will rise from the dead to prove who He is!

2. Lesson here - But for them to be His followers they have to have this kind of daring faith which does the following:

a. They must deny themselves!

b. They have to lose their life to save it!

c. They must not gain the world and in the process lose their soul?

d. They must not be ashamed of the Gospel or Jesus!

e. They must believe who Jesus is and go do what he commanded them to do!

iii. Luke 9:28-36 – Jesus glows with the glory and the presence of God – Moses and Elijah appear to verify who He is! Jesus is glowing! God speaks through the cloud of glory – “This is my son, whom I have chosen: listen to him.”

1. Failure in faith - Peter wants to build a SHELTER FOR THEM – like they need a shelter! Once again missing the moment with the Lord.

iv. Luke 9:37-35:

1. Jesus heals a demon possessed boy! Why? Disciples could not! Why? Lack of faith – not believing? No daring faith yet they have been given Jesus power and authority!

2. What do you think?

a. Could you have done it?

b. Would you have done it?

c. Can you do it now!

3. My own story of seeing people delivered from demons. Share story from audio CD.

a. We are in a war for the souls of the people around us!

v. Missing the faith mark again Luke 9:46-50:

1. Disciples are arguing who is the greatest – really? Don’t we do the same today pastors doing this – people as Christians doing this!

2. Verse 49 another person is setting people free and the disciples tell them to stop it because they are not part of the first church of Jesus disciples – happens today!

vi. Missing the mark of daring faith again Luke 9:51-56:

1. Samaritans reject Jesus and disciple so disciple ask Jesus if they could call fire down on them and destroy the village! Jesus answer “NO!” and he rebuked them for even thinking like this – failure in daring faith to love those who do not like you!

vii. Missing the mark again Luke 9:57-62:

1. People want to follow Jesus but on their terms and when it is convenient – this is the failure of lack of faith! Lack of self-denial for the Kingdom and for Jesus!

viii. As we see all these missed spiritual faith opportunities in this chapter – daring faith moments missed by the heroes of the NT –where they failed – times they blew it?

1. It says to me that we will make mistakes, blow opportunities but Jesus will help us grow our faith through all these times the up and the down and in the end we will called faithful and hear the words well down thy good and faithful servant.


What did we learn from this message – there is a pattern or steps to miracles!

I. We are to love the Lord with our whole heart, mind and soul and all our strength!

a. This is our one thing in life – the greatest thing in life - we are to do this for the Lord as individuals and as a church 1st!

i. This is step 1 to miracles - LOVE

II. We are to develop a daring faith from this love relationship with the Lord!

a. This means we grow in trusting the Lord by taking risks for the Kingdom!

i. Part of this involves loving others as Jesus did – so you connect with Him in mission.

III. With our daring faith for Him driven by our love for Him The Lord sets things in motion for miracle sin our lives.

a. Talk about the miracle question I propose to some I counsel!

IV. The end result of LOVE = DARING FAITH = Connection with THE LORD = Miracles!

So here is what we need to do from this message?


We need to have Daring Faith because it unlocks the keys to miracles in our life!

Highlight challenge card!

Altar time – pray – have them pray for each other for miracles.