Summary: Part 1 of our James sermon series on Bona Fide Christian living

Bona Fide

A study of James

Genuine Christian living

Part 1




“The Greatest Ever”

In today’s world we are slammed with claims of greatness

From the TV commercials selling hair care products to cars

To Magazine and internet ads claiming life transformation


Wealth and Prosperity

Just buy this or use that

And you will find everything that you are looking for

These messages just seem to leap out at us

The claims are that these products can change our lives

They are new and improved

We can have cleaner clothes

More friends

Whiter teeth


The acclaim of thousands

More confidence

And with these claims come the claims of


The good life they call it

Having just finished what seems like a year’s long battle for the Whitehouse

We know that talk is often cheap

Politician’s promises often fade faster than the morning dew in August

And so do many of the claims of greatness from the TV and magazines

We as well as the unbelieving world here other claims as well

“Jesus is the answer”

“Believe in God”

“Follow me to church”

Unfortunately many making these claims

Are guilty of negating them with their actions

You see they profess faith in Christ

They “say” God is the answer

But their lives and their actions do not show this faith

They have the right answers

But they contradict the gospel with their lives

The Book of James is written to show us a blue print to genuine Christian living

I like to call it “Bona Fide”

Several times in the movie Oh Brother Where art thou

The term Bona Fide comes up

He’s Bona Fide the Warby Girls say to Everrret

But you ain’t Bona Fide

I looked up the word Bona Fide in the dictionary

The first meaning is genuine; real.

The second---sincerely; without intention to deceive.

Both of these definitions are a good fit when we are talking about


Bona Fide

Christian living

Walking the walk

Talking the talk

Showing Jesus in our


Our Actions


Our Words


Not being Bona Fide

Damages the cause of Christ

Think about those claims on the TV and in the magazines

When the products that they are selling don’t live up to the claims they make

They are labeled as fake






The brother of Jesus

Not the Apostle James the brother of John

Not the fisherman

Not the Martyr who was the first of the Apostles to be killed for Christ

But James

The son of Joseph and Mary

The half Brother to Our Lord

With real energy writes a letter to the believers

Let me give you a little detail about their present circumstances

They are under sever persecution

They have lost friends





They need encouragement

They need direction

So James addresses the issue of Bona Fide Christian Living

Over the next several weeks we are going to dig deep into his writings

We are going to look at What Characteristics a Bona Fide Christian Should possess

We are going to look at

Genuine or Bona Fide religion

Genuine or Bona Fide Faith

Genuine or Bona Fide Wisdom

It is my prayer to show you how to apply God’s word to your lives

And to help you grow as you do that

And it is my prayer that as you grow

People will look at


Look at the Church

Look at Jesus

With true expectations of Realness

Of Genuineness

Of Bona Fideness

Please open your bible to James Chapter 2

I Know I am skipping ahead just a bit

But I believe for the introduction to this Great book this verse

Puts the book of James in a Nut shell for us

James 2:18

18 Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.”

We talk a lot about Grace

We talk a lot about salvation by faith

Not by works

And James is not contradicting these teaching in any way

What he is saying is our good deeds

Should be evidence of our salvation

The salvation we received by faith

Deeds are the product of our acceptance of grace

The product of the Newness that comes from Jesus

Remember last week we discussed newness

How Jesus gives us a new life when we accept his salvation

And how he gives us a new nature when we apply him to our lives

And how he gives us a new freedom by taking away the power and the punishment of sin in our lives

It is that newness

That should produce the good deeds that James teaches us about

In the weeks to come

It is this fact that

good deeds are evidence of salvation

I want you to take home

You see the way we show that we are Bona Fide

Is by how we interact with others in the world

Believers or not

And it is this interaction that can make the difference between rejections of the word of truth


Life changing acceptance of the word of truth

We have a huge responsibility as believers

And like it or not

You may be the only Jesus

And the only bible they ever see or hear

Are you living and speaking as a true

Bona Fide

Representative of Jesus?


We spent a lot of time in December Preaching on Joy

And I

Like James

Believe in all my heart that we can’t find Joy apart from Jesus

And we can’t find joy when we are playing Christian but not living Christian

So we are going to look at how we become Bona Fide

You see James knows

That proof of our faith

Real faith

Bona Fide Faith

Is first and foremost

A Changed life

He knows that when we are truly saved

When we truly come with repentant hearts

That life change will begin

And that change will be evident in our lives, words and actions


James begins his letter

By outlining some general characteristics of Genuine Believers

Some traits that should be common in every Christian’s life

We will cover that more in depth next week

Then he moves on to an Exhortation

Remember from our series on Hebrews

And Exhortation is a talk that is designed to encourage and inspire change

In this Exhortation

James encourages us to live justly in society

In simple terms

He teaches us about acceptance and fair dealing

Many struggle with accepting people or groups of people

James tells us this is unacceptable for believers

And that

Lack of acceptance

Or prejudices have no place in a Bona Fide Christians life

Next He teaches us about the importance of following God’s law

We know that we are saved by grace

Not the law

But we also know that because of that Grace we should desire to keep the law

Jesus says

If you love me

Obey my commands


Once again evidence of salvation

Not conditions of salvation

Following James’ Teaching on the law

He exhorts us to control our tongues

We know Gossip, cursing, negativity

Is a problem in the world?

We know that everyone has the right to remain silent

But few have the ability


Let’s get real guys

We also know it can be and often is a problem in the church as well

James tells us

That to be seen as Bona Fide Christians

To truly show the love of Jesus

We Must

Listen to me


Learn to control our tongues

Not only in the area of gossip

But also in our choice of words and even how we say what we say

There is an old playground song that says

Sticks and stones can break my bones

But words can never hurt me

I wish that were true

But it is not

Words have the power to

Build or to tear down

As a genuine Believe

We must learn to use them to build


Then our writer moves onto the topic of wisdom

We will learn that there are two types of wisdom in the world

God’s wisdom

And worldly wisdom

And it is God’s wisdom we should be seeking

God’s wisdom holds water

The world’s wisdom is like a bucket with holes

It will let you down when you need it most

--- Pause---

He moves from his teaching on wisdom to an encouragement for his readers to

Turn from their own desires and obey God

He shows us how to place God first in our lives

And how by being obedient to him and his will

We will find peace


And blessings

Once again

We know that obedience is a key to finding the blessings that God has for us

James goes on to give us lesson on trusting God

Instead of ourselves

Trusting his plans

Instead of blindly making our own plans apart for God’s direction

----- Pause---

Then James

Gives us a lesson on a hard topic for many of us

Myself included

He teaches us about patience


He teaches us about endurance

He teaches us about keeping our promises

Dealing fairly with others

He teaches us about the importance of prayer

And About the importance of praying for others

And finally about the importance of helping each other remain faithful

The book of James is known as a how to book of Christian living

In these 5 short chapters are words

That mirror our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s own words

In James words echo the truths of Jesus’ teachings

But as a bonus


Wait there’s more part

The book of James

Is also a huge encouragement to me

As I pray it will be to you

In the fact that


Is living proof of

A changed life

And living proof that Jesus can wipe away our pasts

Our mistakes

Our sin

Our guilt and shame


Was Our Lords brother

Grew up with Jesus

He ate with him

Slept with him


He did not believe Jesus was who he said he was

At one point he along with the rest of family said he was crazy

He in short

Rejected Jesus as the Messiah

As the savior

He knew Jesus

But not as savior

It was not until Jesus showed himself to his brother

After his crucifixion and resurrection

That James believed


When he believed

Boy did he believe

And boy did he change


The once lost unbeliever

Accepted Jesus as his Lord and he

Put his past aside and became the leader of the Church

He preached and taught with the wisdom of God

And the authority of scripture

His new life was evidence of his salvation

And listen to me

People saw the change

In the closing scenes of Rocky 4

Rocky has triumphed over the Russian Ivan Drago

The cheers of the crowd changed from boos to praise

And Rocky says

If I can change

And you can Change

Everybody can change

You see it is change that made


Bona Fide

It is Change that makes us Bona Fide

And it is the evidence of change in our lives that Show others how to change as well

Close from the heart
