Summary: Sermon Series from the Book of Acts


Acts 2:1 When the day of Pentecost had arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like that of a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were staying. 3 And tongues, like flames of fire that were divided, appeared to them and rested on each one of them. 4 Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages, as the Spirit gave them ability for speech.

Intro: Last week we began a new sermon series called "SENT: Living Out The Mission of God." This first message established a foundation for the messages that will follow throughout this series. If you were not with us last week, or have not yet had an opportunity to watch last week's broadcast, I encourage you to go back and watch message #1. You can find the broadcast on our website,, on our YouTube channel, or on our Facebook page.

In message #1 we examined the Mission of God for His church and His people. We saw that Jesus taught very plain that the primary mission for the church and individual believers was to be a witness for Him.

We also looked last week how we can accomplish the mission, and found that God promised He would give us the Holy Spirit and power to get the job done. We understand that we cannot accomplish the task God has assigned us in our own strength - we must have His power!

Lastly, we looked at how we can prepare ourselves to receive the power we need to accomplish the mission. We saw that the early church dedicated themselves to unity and prayer prior to receiving the promise. We looked at the principles of unity and prayer, and learned how powerful these two principles are when they're in operation together in a church body! I want to remind you today that a church who is dedicated to true Christian unity and dedicated to earnest, focused prayer, is a church that can accomplish great and mighty things for the Lord! Nothing will be impossible for that church!

In our text we read this morning, we see the radical transformation of the church and of the individual believers that occurred on the Day of Pentecost. In just a few moments of time, in a dramatic occurrence, the Promise of God that they had been seeking and waiting for had arrived, and their lives would never be the same!

I know that most of you have seen ads featuring before and after photos that tout the miracle working power of any number of products or services, or that warn us against the devastation of substance abuse:

(before and after weight loss)

(before and after make-up)

(before and after meth addiction)

(before and after heavy deadlifts - funny with baby)

We are all familiar with many types of before and after transformations. But, the greatest before and after transformation in history occurred on the Day of Pentecost, as the Promise of God was fulfilled, and the church was transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit from a small ineffective body believers into a powerful church which exploded with growth, performed miracles, transformed lives and entire cities, and spread the gospel throughout the known world!

This radical transformation is what I want us to look at this morning. I want us to examine the early church before and after Pentecost, and in doing so, I want us to learn a little bit about ourselves and our church.


A. When we examine the Biblical records, we see that after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, the early church went through 3 stages:

1. The "Fearful" Stage -

John 20:19 In the evening of that first day of the week, the disciples were gathered together with the doors locked because of their fear of the Jews. Then Jesus came, stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to you!”

After the death of Jesus Christ, the Bible tells us that the Disciples were hiding out of fear for their own lives. The crowds that had followed Jesus had disappeared when He was arrested and crucified. The only ones left were 11 of the original disciples and a handful of women. Fear had rendered them completely ineffective as a church, until Jesus showed up and encouraged them.

2. The "Comfortable" Stage -

Acts 1:3 After He had suffered, He also presented Himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during 40 days and speaking about the kingdom of God.

During the time between His resurrection and ascension back into Heaven, Jesus spent time personally teaching and ministering to the believers. The church enjoyed a time of worship, fellowship, along with Bible study with the greatest teacher of all, Jesus Himself.

Acts 1:9 After He had said this, He was taken up as they were watching, and a cloud took Him out of their sight. 10 While He was going, they were gazing into heaven, and suddenly two men in white clothes stood by them. 11 They said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up into heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come in the same way that you have seen Him going into heaven.”

The 40 days the believers spent with Jesus was an enjoyable experience. Like I said before, they had good worship, good fellowship, and the best Bible teaching. No longer were they paralyzed by fear as they once were. But, the problem was they had become comfortable where they were. Even though Jesus had told them He had something greater in store for them and that they would be used to change the world, one the day of Christ's ascension, they are just standing there gazing up at Heaven longing for Jesus to remain with them and for nothing to change. It took the appearance of angels with a message from Heaven to shake them out of their comfort zone and move them forward towards God's plan for the church.

Acts 1:15 During these days Peter stood up among the brothers—the number of people who were together was about 120—and said:

Also take notice that during this comfortable stage, the church saw a little growth. Remember, right after the crucifixion, most of the believers scattered and disappeared, leaving only the 11 disciples and a few women. I believe that this growth was mainly from believers who were coming back after they heard about the resurrection. But, regardless of how this small growth occurred, it was nothing compared to the growth and effective ministry that Jesus had planned for them.

3. The "Expectant" Stage -

Acts 1:14 All these were continually united in prayer, along with the women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and His brothers.

Now we begin to see a different church - a church that embraced the promise of God - a church that was united in purpose - a church dedicated to prayer, seeking God for the power of the Holy Spirit.

Here we see a church with a sense of expectancy produced through faith in God's promise and plan. Because of this expectancy and faith, this is church that God could use to fulfill His mission. As we study through the Book of Acts, we will see the results of God working in and through this church.

B. We can also see churches today in each of these 3 stages:

1. The "Fearful" Stage -

There are many churches today mired in what i call the fearful stage. They have been rendered completely ineffective as a church.

Here are a few things churches and church members fear:

The most common fear I see in churches today is a fear of change. Churches are dying all around us because the membership is afraid to make necessary changes. They would rather the church die than have to embrace change.

Some church members are afraid of losing control. This is why many churches never grow. The membership and/or key leaders are afraid that if they bring in too many new people, they will lose their control over the church.

There is also a fear of taking risks or a fear of failure in many churches. This stems directly from a lack of faith. Leaders and members are afraid to rock the boat or try anything new. So they remain mired in ineffectiveness.

In my opinion this is the "Fearful" stage where the vast majority of churches in America are in. Is there any wonder that almost 4,000 traditional churches a year are closing?

2. The "Comfortable" Stage -

This is a stage that is the most difficult to get a church out of. Because the members believe they are part of a great church - and in many ways they are - so, they see no need to do anything different. They may have great worship; great fellowship; great Bible studies and small groups - but, they are not experiencing explosive growth, or making a radical difference in their community. They may be experiencing some growth, and may be making a limited difference - but as long as they remain comfortable, they will never make the impact that God desires them to.

This is the stage we must guard against the most here at Metro Grace. We have a great group of people that enjoy good fellowship together; good small groups and good worship. These are all good things and it would be very easy for us to fall into the trap of becoming comfortable. We must never allow that to happen here.

3. The "Expectant" Stage -

Finding a church that has entered the "Expectant" stage is rare:

These are churches that have a clearly defined mission, vision, values, and purpose which is embraced wholeheartedly by the leadership and membership of the church.

These are churches who dare to believe God and His Word!

These are churches who believe God has called them to make a radical difference in their community and they are willing to settle for nothing less!

These are churches who understand the power of the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary and they are willing to pray and seek God until He fills them with power and glory!

These are churches who God can and will use to make a difference in the world!

I believe this is the stage that we are in here at Metro Grace. We are beginning to embrace the mission, vision, values, and purpose God has given us. I sense a hunger for the deeper things of God and a building expectancy for a mighty move of God within us. May God continue to build our faith and stir in us a sense of expectancy!


If we don't learn anything else throughout this series, let's make sure we learn this one fact: We need the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through the church and our individual lives. We cannot accomplish the mission and work of God without this power. A powerless church is an ineffective church.

The early church learned this lesson and dedicated themselves to seeking the power of the Holy Spirit. On the Day of Pentecost God delivered His promise to fill them with His power!

Acts 2:1 When the day of Pentecost had arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like that of a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were staying. 3 And tongues, like flames of fire that were divided, appeared to them and rested on each one of them. 4 Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages, as the Spirit gave them ability for speech.

When the Holy Spirit filled the believers with power it was a game changer for the early church and it will be a game changer for us as well. Let's look at what a difference the Holy Spirit makes:

A. The Holy Spirit gives us power to operate in the supernatural -

Acts 2:4 Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages, as the Spirit gave them ability for speech. 5 There were Jews living in Jerusalem, devout men from every nation under heaven. 6 When this sound occurred, a crowd came together and was confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7 And they were astounded and amazed, saying, “Look, aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 How is it that each of us can hear in our own native language?

When the Holy Spirit came, He gave the believers the ability to operate in supernatural gifts. Here we see these uneducated Galilean believers begin praising God and declaring the glory of God in all the various languages of the people gathered in Jerusalem that day. These people knew that the believers could not have done this in their own abilities. It amazed them and caused them to seek the reason behind it. Many other miracles and signs were performed through the early church. In fact, the power of God was so evident among the believers that it caused many to believe and even the unbelievers noticed:

Acts 2:43 Then fear came over everyone, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles.

When the power of God is evident in a church, people notice. When there's no power in a church, people notice that also.

One of the reasons many people don't want to be a part of the church is because in most churches, there is no power drawing them to the church. Honestly, I can't blame them…I wouldn't want to be a part of a dead and dry church either.

God desires to pour out His power on the church! He wants to give us supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit to accomplish His mission. We need the power of the Holy Spirit at work in Metro Grace!

B. The Holy Spirit adds power to our preaching and witness -

Acts 2:37 When they heard this, they came under deep conviction and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles: “Brothers, what must we do?” 38 “Repent,” Peter said to them, “and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:41 So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about 3,000 people were added to them.

Here we see an uneducated common fisherman transformed into one of the greatest evangelists of all time! Peter begins to preach under the power of the Holy Spirit and people were brought under conviction!

I'm fairly certain that Peter preached a decent sermon that day. We have the transcript of his message here in Acts 2. He did a good job of using the OT Scriptures to show that Jesus was the Messiah. He laid out his case for the need of salvation, and gave a clear call to action. These are all elements of solid preaching. But, there is no doubt that without the Holy Spirit's power, he would not have been able to see over 3,000 people come to Christ during his first sermon!

What God did through Peter that day, He can and will do through you and I! We need the power of the Holy Spirit to empower our preaching and witness!

C. The Holy Spirit transforms our relationships with each other -

Acts 2:44 Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. 45 They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need. 46 Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with a joyful and humble attitude, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved.

We know that before Pentecost the early church was in unity and enjoyed a close fellowship between the members, but after Pentecost, the power of the Holy Spirit took their interpersonal relationships to a different level.

Did you notice that it said all the believers "were together?" This means more than physically gathered in one location. It means they were in complete unity of mind, heart, purpose, and convictions. It means that they had given up their own selfish desires and had dedicated their life to the greater good of the fellowship. They even sacrificed their own good by selling their possessions to make sure that no one did without.

It is a work of the Holy Spirit that causes people to love and care for one another at this level! We need the power of the Holy Spirit to help us love one another with this kind of sacrificial love!

D. The Holy Spirit brings growth to the church -

Acts 2:47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved.

Notice it says "the Lord added to them." We are to be a faithful witness for Christ, but we also understand that it is the work of the Holy Spirit to save souls. God uses our witness as a catalyst, but it is the Holy Spirit who brings conviction and salvation. We must certainly do our part, as God has commanded us. But, we are totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit to effectively evangelize the lost. We do our part and trust Him to do His part. Remember, it is the Lord who adds to the church in response to our faithfulness.

You want to know why the majority of churches are not growing, and in fact many are in decline? Look no further than right here. If the Holy Spirit and His power are not in operation in a church, there will be no effective evangelism in that church.

We need the power of the Holy Spirit to grow this church!

CONC: Are you ready to make a real difference in our community? Are you ready to see hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of people coming to faith in Jesus Christ? Are you ready to see this church explode with new believers hungry for the Word of God? Are you ready to be used by God to be a catalyst for evangelism and life-change?

We need the power of the Holy Spirit! It begins first by believing God can and will pour out His Spirit in our day. Then we must continually seek His promise until He moves in power and glory in our church!