Summary: Todd Bishop shares some principles from the Bible on how Mothers can impact and influence all those around them.

You know … for some moms it is hard to figure out the texting acronyms.

One mom texted her son: “Your grandfather just passed away. LOL.”

The son responds: “Why is that funny?”

Mom texts back: “It’s not funny, David! What do you mean?”

Her son is confused – he writes: “Mom, LOL means Laughing Out Loud.”

The mom is now embarassed as she texts: “I thought it meant Lots of Love. I have to text everyone else back.”

There’s another story were a daughter texts her mother: “Mom I got an A in chemistry?”

The mother responds with a simple: “WTF!”

Daughter quickly writes back, “Mom, do you know what WTF means?”

The mom places a smiley emoji and says, “Of course, that means WOW THAT’S FANTASTIC.”

Today, I want to spend a few moments talking about bad moms of the bible.

Have you ever thought you were or had a bad mom growing up?

I think for most people they sometimes question their parents tactics, roles and discipline - but most of us don't think we had the worst.

There were some bad moms in history.

Have you ever heard of Ma Barker? In the 1930s she was seen as one of the highest criminals in America. J Edgar Hoover said, "the most vicious, dangerous and resourceful criminal brain of the last decade” – and she turned crime into the family business.

Her sons Hermon, Lloyd, Fred and Arthur jumped right into the family business. Murder, kidnapping, car jacking, robbery all learned from their mother.

How’s that for bad parenting?

In 1935 she and one of her sons were killed in a shootout with the FBI.

When you think you are a bad mom or you had a bad mom think about Ma Barker.

Or did you hear about Mary Ann Cotton?

This 19th Century nurse, dressmaker, and housekeeper, in England, had a secret hobby: she poisoned and killed 11 of her 13 children, all four of her husbands, two lovers, plus two other people. All for their insurance money. Arsenic was her murder weapon of choice. She racked up a body count of 21 before Scotland Yard captured her.

She died by hanging on March 24, 1873.

Moms, when you think you are a bad mom – think of these two ladies – YOU ARE A GREAT MOM!

African Black Eagle usually lays two eggs, then proceeds to feed only one of the chicks. What happens to the other feathered newborn? Its sibling pecks it to death, while mom looks on ... wow!

Can I tell you again? You are a great mom!

The Bible declares, "Her children respect and bless her; her husband joins in with words of praise … many women have done wonderful things, but you’ve outclassed them all" (Prov 31).

We have some of the classiest moms in the world at Church Unleashed …

When you think you are doing a bad job … understand you are doing an incredible job.

When you feel discouraged – just remember Octo-Mom.

When you think you are failing – just remember Casey Anthony.

You are a great mom! Better than you think …

But there were not just bad moms in history there were some BAD MOMS in the Bible!

Athaliah – following the death of her husband and son, each of whom reigned as king, she massacred all but one of her own family so she could rule over Judah (2 Kings 11).

That’s a bad mom!

Or how about Lot’s daughters? They became mothers by getting their father drunk and having sex with him as he lay in a drunken stupor (Genesis 19).

That’s a bad mother …

Or Herodias, Herod Antipas’ wife. She was responsible for the death of John the Baptist because he told her and her husband they were in sin. She could not get Herod to kill John – so she made her daughter dance sensually to get him to agree to anything she asked (Mark 14:8). Her request … John the Baptist’s head.

That is a terrible mom.

Eve. The mother of every living person. Imagine being remembered as the person who “severed” our relationship with God because you ate something you should not.

Not the greatest decision. Her character, and her husbands, transferred to her children. Two of her sons were part of the first homicide in human history – she was also the first mom to bury a child.

Our decisions affect generations!

Ladies, you are not a bad mom – we have a church filled with incredible, gifted, anointed and appointed moms.

C’mon … let’s give it up for our mothers one more time … we love you all!!!

There were some great moms in the Bible too.

Sarah. The mother of Isaac. She waited 25 years to have a child. She gives hope to every lady who is still waiting to have a child.

Hannah. The mother of Samuel. A woman of prayer. Prayed for a son and when she had him she kept her promise to release him to do ministry.

Naomi. The mother-in-law of Ruth. She was such an incredible woman that Ruth chose to stay with her after the death of her husband. Something about Naomi caused Ruth to love her, care for her, support her like she was her own mother.

Mary. The mother of Jesus. Pregnant as a teenager. Big problem in that time. She could have been stoned in the center of the village – but she and Joseph chose to protect their child.

Pretty good resume item – “Gave birth to the Savior of the World.”

Women – highly valuable in the Bible, highly needed in our world and highly respected by Church Unleashed!

The Bible teaches that a woman “carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness” (Proverbs 31:27).

Mothers are an incredible influence in our world today.

Did you know that there are about 139 million cards purchased for Mother’s Day each year? Father’s Day only hits about 94 million.

One man complained about this discrepancy, noting that he literally poured himself into son’s life. He taught him play baseball, football, basketball, took him hunting, fishing, taught him how to drive. And then, when the boy went off to college and played ball for the college team… the Network TV cameras focused on his son and guess what he said: “Hi Mom!”

A mother represents influence!

Hey, I want to encourage the moms today, but I believe the next several moments are going to connect with everyone …

Grab this thought today …

1. You are where God wants you to be.

I think every person wrestles with this: “Am I doing what I was made to do?”

Men, women. It does not matter! We all struggle to make sure we are finding our sweet spot – being exactly where God designed me to be!

Esther. One of the great women of the Bible becomes Queen of Persia. She now is faced with a decision – protecting her people or remaining silent.

Her cousin, Mordecai, inspires her to approach the King – now catch this – a guest, even the Queen had to be invited – Mordecai says, “If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).

She was placed exactly where God wanted her to be.

Moms / Ladies – you are where God wants you to be.

Men – you are where God wants you to be.

Yes, we can all get frustrated at times … we can seem overwhelmed.

You are where God wants you!

The spouse you have – too late – it’s where God wants you to be.

The kids you have been blessed with – it’s where God wants you to be.

The family you have … the friends you have … you have been placed with the right people at the right time.

Refuse to doubt your calling.

You are where God wants you to be!!!!

Every person needs to hear this …

2. Don’t believe social media – nobody is that perfect.

Social Media is littered with the highlights of someone’s life – not the everyday, ordinary moments!

Moms – don’t compare yourself and your kids to anyone else through the lens of Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – it’s only a snapshot!

Paul tells the Church in Rome: “I give each of you this warning: Don't think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us” (Romans 12:3).

Social media is not honest. It typically shows the HIGHS and not the LOWS of someone’s day.

Hear me: “Don’t believe the HYPE.”

Don’t compare yourself to someone else … you are uniquely made by God.

When you compare – you despair!

One of the things I love about my wife, Mary – who is an incredible mom – is that she does not need to “brag” on social media – she does not need to post pictures – or be the center of attention.

Mary learned this a long time ago from a mutual friend: “The best place to be famous is in your home.”

She does not care how many likes she gets – she cares that her children know how loved they are!

Can I say this? Stop depending on others for your value …

Finally …

3. Be the biggest influence you can.

The Apostle Paul is writing his second letter to Timothy. He says this, “I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. This is why I remind you …” (2 Timothy 1:5-6).

Paul is celebrating legacy. He is helping Timothy understand that two generations of faith have been invested in his life … and he is now the third generation to experience Jesus.

Moms – be a positive influence in your children’s lives.

Let me expand that even more … be a Christ-like influence in your children’s lives.

Build a legacy into your children’s lives that will impact generations after you.

In 1995, Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s wrote in his book ‘Well Done!’: “When I was 11 years old, my adoptive grandmother took me to Michigan’s Gull Lake to be baptized by immersion. I really felt that I was accepted by God when I was baptized. But what I remember most about my baptism was that my Grandma Minnie MADE IT HAPPEN. For her, Christianity meant more than doctrine you talked about on Sundays.... It meant teaching her grandson about faith.”

Be the biggest influence you can be!

Don’t settle for “cool” mom – strive for “Christ-like” mom!

Be an example at home … at church … at work!

Your influence matters!


One day Jimmy got home early from school and his mom asked, "Why are you home so early?" He answered, "Because I was the only one that answered a question in my class." She said, "Wow, my son is a genius. What was the question?" Jimmy replied, "The question was 'Who threw the trash can at the principal's head?'"

Thank you moms for all the times you “put up with us. We love you!”

Never forget: You are where you are supposed to be.

Don’t believe social media – nobody is that perfect.

Choose to be the biggest Christ-like influence you can be!

Would you join us as we pray over our moms today?