Summary: From this second conversation we can learn two things: We ought to show compassion and be discerning when we talk to people. It may be the only grace they receive during their time of trouble!

Bildad’s second charge of Job

Job Sermon Series, Part 9

Introduction (Job Slide)

- Today we continue to examine Job’s conversations with his friends

-- Re: These men came in Ch. 2 to sit with him and mourn his loss

- They appear to come to comfort … but quickly their real motives are shown

-- They are discouragers; ones who desire Job to stop holding onto his faith

-- In their eyes, there is a cause/effect with his sin and his condition

- These friends have three conversations with him…

• Round 1: they suggest Job has sinned

• Round 2: they imply Job is a sinner

• Round 3: they state Job’s sin

- Round two continues with Bildad looking to further accuse Job of sin

-- It’s curious to note how the tone begins to change with these discussions

-- First, they were merely trying to offer guidance; now it’s an assault

- Read Job Ch. 18-19

- Pray

Point 1 – Bildad’s Charge and Proclamation (Ch. 18)

- Bildad, like the others, again rails against Job’s constant talking (v1)

-- If only Job would be silent and listen to them, he could be healed of this

-- APP: He needed to come around to their way of thinking

- Bildad also resented being compared to cattle; they are above that (v2)

-- Note: He could certainly give it … but had a real problem taking it

- Therefore, his assessment again is this is all Job’s fault (v4)

-- Job is destroying his life with this foolishness (sin), not God or them

- So, he tries another avenue of discourse to get Job to listen to reason (v5-19)

-- His purpose is to describe various manners of death and destruction

-- Perhaps one of these will speak to Job and help him understand his life

• The light in his tent becomes dark

• The lamp beside him goes out

• The vigor of his step is weakened

• His own schemes throw him down

• His feet thrust him into a net

• He wanders into its mesh

• A trap seizes him by the heel

• A snare holds him fast

• A noose is hidden from him on the ground

• Terror startles him on every side

• Calamity is hungry for him

• Disaster is ready for him

• It eats away parts of his skin

• Death’s firstborn devours his limbs

• He is torn from the security of his tent

• He is marches off to the king of terrors

• Fire resides in his tent

• Burning sulfur is scattered over his dwelling

• His roots dry up below

• His branches wither above

• The memory of him perishes from the Earth

• He has no name in the land

• He is driven from light into the realm of darkness

• He is banished from the world

• He has no offspring of descendants among his people

• There is no survivor where once he lived

- In essence, since all these things happen to the wicked, this is your future!

-- APP: The only good wicked people do is leave warning for others (v20-21)

-- A warning that choosing this life will lead you to destruction as well

-- “Your life Job, will be meaningless and all men will be appalled by you”

- I’m not sure if there is worse fate that we can ever see for a man than this

-- His reputation is ruined and he will have nothing to be remembered by

Read “A Difference in Death”

- TRANS: “Then Job replied …”

Point 2 – Job’s Response (Ch. 19)

- Re: Satan had bet God that Job’s faith would crumble under pressure

-- His assertion was that once God stopped protecting him, he would fail

-- He would curse God’s name and turn away from loving Him

- Job asks his friends, “How long will you torment me and crush me?” (v2)

-- Rather than help him, they are tearing him apart and he is crushed

- They have gone at him again and again (10 times = round number)

-- He then makes a statement of who’s business this is really (v4)

-- If I have made an error in sin, then this is not your business to deal with

- You have exalted yourself above me (implied) … then know this (v5)

-- God’s rejection of me is WHY you are punishing me in this way (v6)

-- Job: I cry out to God for justice, and nothing happens, no help avail (v7)

- Job’s chief complaint is he is suffering from God, but doesn’t know why

-- Even worse: Job says God will not answer him, the silence is terrible

-- I cannot even find a way out of this mess, or see clear to leave it (v8)

- God has stripped me of my honor, removed my crown (esteem) from me

-- And now, my life is in complete shambles and you guys are piling on

- His declaration is clear: I am rejected by God and now at war with him (v10)

-- NOTE: He jumps to conclusions here about what God is doing …

-- Even so much as to compare God is using an army against him (v12)

-- Implies that again and again God is attacking and against him

- He is totally rejected, and lists the ways his life is over

-- Re-read v13-22 pick out keys words/phrases of his life in ruins

- TRANS: As easy as it would be to give up, Job makes a resolution …

Point 3 – Job’s Resolution (Ch. 19)

- His wishes that his words would be recorded for future people to read (v23)

-- That somehow, they would be saved and inscribed for eternity (v24)

-- IMP: Those very words are in your hands!

- His declaration: “I know that my Redeemer lives!” (v25)

-- His hope is that eventually, God would prove him innocent and save him

-- In deep despair and ruin in his heart – this statement of faith is awesome!

- After the grave, and my skin is gone, I will live again and see God (v26)

-- APP: I might have to wait until the last day, but I will see God one day

-- “I myself will see him with my own eyes - I, and not another.” (v27)

-- APP: To see God face to face is the only thing Job wanted to have

- Challenge: What is your desire most in life? To see Him also?

- Our lesson is to take a note from this man, his life experience is nothing

-- In the face of seeing God, even this is bearable; because God lives

- Therefore, to his friends he replies: (v28-29)

-- They should fear repercussions of their accusations on Job

-- The judgement they declare will come to Job will actually be on them!

-- Once they experience God’s judgment, they will understand what it is

- It is a warning to them about how they are treating him during this time

-- It is a warning that we too might want to hear and heed in our lives

-- APP: We need to not be so quick to tear people apart as well …

- TRANS: So, how do we end this tonight?

Big Idea: When we counsel others, be gentle and discerning

- Consider in our responses being gentle and discerning towards others

1) Being gentle means that we show compassion

-- Bildad has obviously lost his patience with Job, and it’s now showing

-- He has become condescending and cruel, and we should take note of this

-- What we say is just as important as how we say it

2) Being discerning means we must use wisdom in our responses

-- Bildad is quick to jump to conclusions, rather than see the entire picture

-- Lesson: Our challenge is the same … what’s not seen is just as important!

- Pray

References: Holman OT Commentary, Job