Summary: Part 4c of our Real People - Real problems series from 1 Samuel

Real People- Real problems

A study of 1 Samuel

Part 4c

“Knowing God”- “ Little g gods”

Today we will continue our series on Real People with real problems from 1 Samuel

In the last few weeks we have been covering the problem of not knowing God


Wrong thinking about who God is and what he really does and better yet what he does not do

We saw a few weeks ago that we have the ability to know about someone and not really know them

I used a scene from Young Guns for that to show that it is not all that uncommon for us to base our knowledge of someone on


Wrong information

Misguided teachings

Personal preferences

And even selfish desires and ambitions

That bounty hunter knew about Billy the Kid but did not know him well enough to recognize him when he was right in front of his face

The Israelites thought they knew God

They certainly should have

They had access to the right teaching

They chose the wrong instead

They had access to the true God

The Creator

But they chose to view him as some sort of lucky charm


They chose other fake gods instead

The Philistines on the hand

Only knew God by reputation

They knew the God of Israel had destroyed the Egyptians and parted the sea

As a result

They feared God in a scary /Stephen King kind of way

Not a reverent way

And they viewed him simply as a power they could control

Both views were detrimental to their health

Their happiness


Their relationship with God

You see

In order to have a healthy




With God

It is imperative that we know God

Really know God

Over the next few weeks

It is my prayer to help us

You and I know and understand God a bit better

Through God’s word

Please open your bibles to 1 Samuel chapter 7

We are going to ship ahead just a bit in the story of the Ark and its return today

Then sometime in the weeks to come we will back track just a bit and see how we should and should not deal with guilt

It is significant that we understand that between 7:2 and 7:3 twenty years passed

Let’s read 1 Samuel 7:1-17 together

Then we can break it down and apply it to our lives

1 Samuel 7:1-17

7 So the men of Kiriath-jearim came to get the Ark of the LORD. They took it to the hillside home of Abinadab and ordained Eleazar, his son, to be in charge of it. 2 The Ark remained in Kiriath-jearim for a long time—twenty years in all. During that time all Israel mourned because it seemed the LORD had abandoned them.

3 Then Samuel said to all the people of Israel, “If you want to return to the LORD with all your hearts, get rid of your foreign gods and your images of Ashtoreth. Turn your hearts to the LORD and obey him alone; then he will rescue you from the Philistines.” 4 So the Israelites got rid of their images of Baal and Ashtoreth and worshiped only the LORD.

5 Then Samuel told them, “Gather all of Israel to Mizpah, and I will pray to the LORD for you.” 6 So they gathered at Mizpah and, in a great ceremony, drew water from a well and poured it out before the LORD. They also went without food all day and confessed that they had sinned against the LORD. (It was at Mizpah that Samuel became Israel’s judge.)

7 When the Philistine rulers heard that Israel had gathered at Mizpah, they mobilized their army and advanced. The Israelites were badly frightened when they learned that the Philistines were approaching. 8 “Don’t stop pleading with the LORD our God to save us from the Philistines!” they begged Samuel. 9 So Samuel took a young lamb and offered it to the LORD as a whole burnt offering. He pleaded with the LORD to help Israel, and the LORD answered him.

10 Just as Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines arrived to attack Israel. But the LORD spoke with a mighty voice of thunder from heaven that day, and the Philistines were thrown into such confusion that the Israelites defeated them. 11 The men of Israel chased them from Mizpah to a place below Beth-car, slaughtering them all along the way.

12 Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah.[a] He named it Ebenezer (which means “the stone of help”), for he said, “Up to this point the LORD has helped us!”

13 So the Philistines were subdued and didn’t invade Israel again for some time. And throughout Samuel’s lifetime, the LORD’s powerful hand was raised against the Philistines. 14 The Israelite villages near Ekron and Gath that the Philistines had captured were restored to Israel, along with the rest of the territory that the Philistines had taken. And there was peace between Israel and the Amorites in those days.

15 Samuel continued as Israel’s judge for the rest of his life. 16 Each year he traveled around, setting up his court first at Bethel, then at Gilgal, and then at Mizpah. He judged the people of Israel at each of these places. 17 Then he would return to his home at Ramah, and he would hear cases there, too. And Samuel built an altar to the LORD at Ramah.

The Israelites had strayed far from God

They had turned their backs on him

And as a result could no longer feel his presence in their lives

Verse 2

2 The Ark remained in Kiriath-jearim for a long time—twenty years in all. During that time all Israel mourned because it seemed the LORD had abandoned them.

They had taken him for granted

Denied his holiness

Blamed him for their mistakes and calamities


Glorified everything but God

As a result

God removed from them the object of their worship - their spiritual rabbit’s foot-- the ark

The things of God

And they felt far from God for many years

We are guilty of this many times in our lives

Focusing on everything but God

And feeling God has abandoned us


He has not moved

If we can’t see or feel God

We are looking in the wrong direction

We like the Israelites

Must refocus in order to see God

In order to know God

Samuel lays out a good plan for them and for us in the process

We will cover the first part of his plan today

Verse 3

3 Then Samuel said to all the people of Israel, “If you want to return to the LORD with all your hearts, get rid of your foreign gods and your images of Ashtoreth.

Samuel said the first thing you have to do is get rid of all your little g gods

Stop elevating stuff to the same level as God

In the case of the Israelites

It was Images of the Philistine Gods

Baal- Ashtoreth and Dagon

We have foreign gods in our lives as well

And in order to know God

And return to him

And receive the blessing he has for us

We too must get rid of our foreign gods

You may be saying right now

“Whew “

He is not talking to me

I don’t worship any other gods

I can just coast on this sermon but I really hope that person over there is listening

Well I hate to bust your bubble

So hang on tight

Because this applies to all of us


We might not worship wooded images

And little statues

And we might not bow down to Baal and Astoreth

But we all have little g gods in our lives- ---all of us

Cover your toes

Let’s look at just a few

Religion can become a god

The Israelites worshiped the ark

“ It” will protect us

They cried

“ It” will save us – they yelled

Religion --can take the place of God in our lives and actually become an idol

When we spend countless hours concerning ourselves with the things of God




Stand up---Sit down---Say this ---Do that

Don’t do this

Don’t do that

We can easily lose sight of the nature of God

We can miss the love of God and even the judgment of God and everything in between

Many churches and Christians are driving away those seeking a relationship with Jesus Christ ---- with of all things religion

They are making Church about what not to do

Focusing on how we dress- God does not care if you wear suits or shorts- boots or flip flops

How we look

What language we speak

Many are

More worried about singing the right songs or not using that type of instument


Reading the right version of the bible

Than introducing people to the savior of the world

And building their own relationship with Jesus

Religion is destroying the church

And religion can keep us from knowing God

How so, you may ask

We all agree that Jesus is love


Do we show love when we judge others?

God is all about inclusion

All who come--All who believe—come to me—all ---he says

Let me remind you of this simple verse

John 3:16

16 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave[a] his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life

But we show that we don’t really know God when we exclude others

Based on


How they look- their hair- their skin color- their tatoos

How they talk

How they dress


When we add things like baptism and church membership to salvation

(Please don’t give me the It’s right out of the bible argument)

Read your bible in context and cross reference

-------Scripture does not contradict scripture------

And if you think it does

It ain’t his word that’s wrong

You see

By focusing on

Restrictions and rules

Requirements and additions

Instead of a true life changing relationship with God through Jesus Christ

We are excluding others

Jesus condemned the Pharisees and religious leaders for that very thing

If we know God

Then we know That Jesus is enough for salvation.

When we condemn – it shows we don’t know God

Judgment belongs to God

When we know God we also know that

Every coin has two sides

On the other side

Some are using religion as a little g god

To water down his word

Turning come as you are into do as you please

Disregarding sin- holiness – and God’s word in the process

Allowing so many distractions that worship is impossible


I am not talking about loving the sinners; we are called to do that -----but Embracing sin

Sin is sin – God’s word is very clear

No grey areas

No new deal

No blurred lines

But it is our job to show someone their sin, not embrace their sin, and certaitently not celebrate their sin

We are to show them their sin though the word- this is important- Through the word

Not our opinions and likes and dislikes-we have all been to churches that took a stand on this or that based on their opinions or feelings

We are to show them their sin though the word

Not convict them of it

But we are also called to hold our brothers and sisters accountable

And help them turn from their sin and find forgiveness

When we know God – we know that

Pride can become a god in our lives

Psalm 10:4

“The wicked are too proud to seek God.

They seem to think that God is dead.”

Pride is a big “little g god”

And pride is a problem with most people in some aspect or another

Pride can cause us to focus on ourselves instead of God

Pride can cause us to disregard God’s word

Pride can stand in the way of our true knowledge of God

I don’t believe my God would --- Some say- creating God in their image

I’m not as bad as him or her others claim----- minimizing, normalizing and rationalizing their own sins

Pride causes us to choose our own desires over his

I don’t like that part of his word or his plan- some declare

Pride causes us to be obedient to self instead of God

Pride is a killer

Pride may keep you from admitting sin

Turning from sin

Repenting form sin

Pride can become a powerful god in your life and pride can stop you from really knowing God

Pride can prevent someone from humbling themselves to accept forgiveness

Or even to seek forgiveness

Pride can lead to sexual immorality

------I deserve this some say----

God wants me to be happy- they cry

Listen to me

Any sex outside of marriage

Is sexual immorality

And God’s word is clear on that

If you have issues there- take it up with him

Homosexuality is a sin

God’s word is also clear in this area although many don’t want to hear it

Once again

If you have issues with this

Take it up with my boss

Pride is the root of many types of sin

Pride leads to a sense of entitlement




Pride keeps us from seeking God

And we can’t know God if we don’t seek God

Samuel says if you want to return to God

---- Turn from your foreign gods

---- And Obey the Lord alone

----And when we obey God

We get to know God

Religion can be a little g god

Pride can be a little g god

Money and possessions can be a god

Luke 16:13

13 “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.”

Many people

Myself included at one time in my life

Place money

And stuff

At the same level or even a higher level than God

Actually making money and things into an idol

We call it getting ahead

Making a buck

Keeping up with the Jones’s

And any other excuse we can find

If we are not careful

Soon our money and stuff take control of our thoughts our lives

And our worship

Money in of itself is not a bad thing

We all need money

But money never should take the place of God

You may be saying – this does not apply to me


How many of you have chosen to work for extra instead of coming to church

Instead of spending time with family

Let me stomp a bit here

How many of you – tithe

I am not talking about kicking a buck in the little church house on Sunday

I mean tithe


I don’t know what you give

And I will not know

I also don’t care what you give

What you give is up to you

But I do care about you

And I do care if you get all God has for you

And I do know that many people value their money over their God

Which is disobedience

Which may be turning money into a god for you

If you don’t believe me

Give me your check book or bank statement

I can tell you in just a few seconds where you place your priorities

You see

When we elevate money and things to the level of God

Soon we may begin to worship those things

And soon instead of us controlling our money and owning our possessions

They control and own us

They become a foreign god

And Samuel

Once again says

To Paraphrase

---- If you want to get back to God

Get rid of your other gods------

I could go on for days and weeks about all the things that we allow to become god’s in our lives

I will quickly list just a few

I am sure you can easily add to the list

We already covered



Money and stuff

How about hobbies

Do you spend more time on face book?

More time fishing


Riding your motorcycle or horse

Than you do seeking God though prayer and bible study

Your hobby may be dangerously close to becoming a god

How about your job? It can become a god

Your heath can become a god

Your addictions can become a god

Your Fears can become a god

I could go on and on

Listen very simply

Anything that takes the place of God in your life is a foreign god in your life

Samuel says to get rid of your foreign Gods

Am I saying quit church—NO!

Lose all your self esteem---NO!!

Give away all of your money and stuff—NO!!

And stop doing anything else –NO!!


I am saying

----Put God in his place----

And everything else will be in the proper place in our lives

And then we will be able to focus on knowing God

And growing in relationship with God

1 Samuel 3: b

“Turn your hearts to the LORD and obey him alone; then he will rescue you from the Philistines.”

In the context of this verse Samuel is teaching the Israelites about how to Know God

And how to be rescued in the process


But this applies to us spiritually today

“Turn your hearts to the Lord”

We do this first

By accepting the prompting of the Holy Spirit

To accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior

And obey him alone

Accepting his salvation accepting his mercy

Accepting his grace

Seeking his redemption

And forgiveness

And receiving rescue

Delivered from the penalty of sin

Into the glory of salvation

And then delivered into a restored relationship with the God who created you ‘

And loves you

And longs for you to know him –




You can know him

Though Jesus

And though his word

It is all here

As the great old hymn says

It is no secret what God can do

What He's done for others He'll do for you

With arms wide open He'll (pardon you)

It is no secret what God can do

Close from the heart
