Summary: These are the most important choices we will make in our walk with the Lord.

The 5 Choices of our Faith!

These are the most important choices we will make in our walk with the Lord.

1. CHRIST. We seek and receive Him first. Matthew 6:33.

A. Without Him we are and have nothing of eternal value.

2. CROSS. There He paid the full price for our redemption. Isaiah 53: 4-5. All Adam lost in the garden Christ regained at the cross.

A. As the hymn declares at the cross where I first saw the light.

3. COMMANDMENT. To love God and to love your neighbor. Mark 12:28-34

A, Remember God is LOVE.

4. COMMISSION. The supreme task of the Church is to evangelize the world. Mark 16:15-20

5. COMING. His return to set up His Kingdom. The Lord's prayer, "Thy Kingdom Come"

Let us make all the right choices and live for God.