Summary: Why do people go to church? Power Point is available upon request


A) There does need to be a purpose behind why we come to church.

* And there needs to be some reasons we do the things we do as they

relate to the church.

B) In our text the Psalmist, David, had a purpose, or some reasons

for coming to the house of the Lord.

* There are really three reasons he gives, but in v.4a, he refers to them as,

“one thing.”

C) The one thing he refers to is this: “That I may dwell in the house

of the LORD all the days of my life,”

* The other two reasons are sub points ... They are the benefits of dwelling

in the house of the Lord.

* And what are they? – That he may “behold the beauty of the Lord,”

and that he “may enquire in His temple.”

D) This morning I want to give you these three things – These three

purposes of David:


A) His Desire (v.4a): “One thing have I desired of the LORD,”

* Throughout the Psalms we find David talking about the house of the Lord.

B) It was always his desire to worship in God’s Holy Temple.

* Psa. 61:4 “I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will .......”

* Psa. 122:1 “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go .......”

C) I want to ask you a question? – Are you glad when someone in

your home says to you, “Let’s go into the house of the Lord?”

* Was it your desire to come to church this morning to be in the

presence of the Lord, and to fellowship with His saints?

* What is your purpose for being here today?

D) Keep the word “desire” before you, for desire is the

thing that drives us.

* It’s the thing that causes us to want to come to church, or for

that matter, to do anything at all for God.

E) As Pastors, we often wonder why some people come to church.

* We often see folks dozing ... Some are daydreaming ... Some occupy

themselves by talking to the person sitting next to them.

F) Some are distracted by reading Facebook on their phone rather

than listening to the message that God has for them that day.

* I can tell you, if you allow him to, satan will do whatever is necessary

to distract you from what God has for you.


A) There is an interesting story that is told about the legendary

baseball players Hank Aaron and Yogi Berra.

* Hank Aaron was new to the Major Leagues but was already one

of the best homerun hitters in baseball.

* Yogi Berra was the colorful catcher for the New York Yankees,

and they were playing each other in the World Series.

B) Yogi Berra was famous for distracting batters with his constant chatter.

* Hank Aaron steps up to the plate ... It was the first time he and Yogi Berra

had ever faced each other.

* Berra starts in on him: “Hank, you’re holding the bat all wrong ... You’re

supposed to hold it so that you can read the label.”

C) Aaron ignored him ... He then proceeds to hit the first pitch

over the fence into the left field bleachers for a homerun.

* He runs around the bases, comes back to home plate, and says to

Yogi Berra, “I didn’t come up here to read.”

D) Our purpose for coming to church is, to worship God and to receive

something in order to help us better know Him and to better serve Him.

* Anything that distracts from that is a spiritual liability.

* David’s desire – Then .......


A) David’s desire was for God’s house.

* He was determined to be there ... He was determined that nothing

would keep him away – He had a purpose for coming.

B) You will never grow beyond what you know .......

* You’ll never do more than what you desire to do ... And you’ll

never be more than what you determine to be.

C) Determination was high on David’s list when it came

to the house of the Lord.

* He was purpose driven ... He had a purpose for coming.

D) Quite different than the lady who was talking to her neighbor

over the fence.

* She said, “I really don’t know what you see in the church.”

E) Her friend said, “Oh, you really don’t know what you’re missing.”

* “It’s such a wonderful rest after a hard week’s work, to sit in the pews

and think about nothing.”

* This woman didn’t have a clue as to why she came to church, did she?

F) What was David seeking? ... Why was he so determined to

“dwell in the house of the Lord?”

* David knew that the house of the Lord was a special place,

and that it was a place where he could meet God.

G) The house of the Lord was a place of refuge.

* Keep in mind, in the context of this chapter, David was still

concerned about his enemies – v.2 ....... v.12 .......

H) The church is a wonderful place of refuge for us, isn’t it?

* Thank God, when life is tough, and when our enemies assail us,

we can take refuge in the house of the Lord.

* Notice what else David said in v.4b ......


A) In the Old Testament Tabernacle and in the Temple later built

by David’s son, Solomon .......

* The manifestation of God was present, not only in the Ark of the Covenant,

but also in the typology found in every aspect of its construction.


A) The Mercy Seat was where the blood of the sacrifice was

applied for the sins of the people.

* Notice in v.7, David said, “Have mercy also upon me.”

B) I’m glad this morning for His mercy, aren’t you?

* Mercy is what I need – Mercy means grace – It means forgiveness.

* I come to the house of the Lord because there is mercy here.

* Psalm 5:7 “But as for me, I will come into thy house in the .......”

C) May I ask you, have you been to the Mercy Seat?

* I mean, have you ever had the blood applied to your heart and life?

* Has Jesus cleansed you from sin?


A) There were 12 cakes of bread, each representing one of the

12 tribes of Israel – The bread, of course, speaks of Jesus.

* John 6:35 “And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread .......”

B) When I make the statement, “Come to church with a purpose,”

I can tell you, my purpose for coming is to meet Jesus.”

* And also to “behold the beauty of the Lord, and to partake of

the Bread of Life.

C) Today we live in the era of the “seeker sensitive” or the

“market driven” church .......

* I’m talking about the church that pulls out all the stops in order

to get people in the doors .......

* But what do they serve up when they get them there?

D) I’m thinking, how contemporary can we really be?

* How in the world will we ever get the unchurched to come when

virtually all they know comes through worldly atmosphere?

E) We all know they’ll not listen to sermons for more

than 20-25 minutes.

* The contemporary plan is plain for all to see ... Create a worship

service that is fast-paced ... Light on Bible doctrine .......

* And very heavy on music, light shows, and drama.

* We are preoccupied with being “trendier-than-thou.”

F) Let me give you a few examples of sermon titles I found in some of

the typical seeker sensitive churches on an average Sunday morning.

* How Can I Get More Time for Myself?

* How Can I Feel Better About Myself?

* What Would Jesus Say to Madonna? (Hank Williams Jr.)

G) The preacher of todays’ Mega Church, instead of looking out upon

the world, looks out upon public opinion.

* And they’re trying to find out what the public would like to hear.

* Then he tries his best to duplicate that, and bring his finished product

into a marketplace in which others are trying to do the same.

H) The world today is drifting blindly into the future.

* It’s getting pretty bad when the unsaved world can see the problem,

but many of our own churches can’t.

I) I must confess, I am a purpose-driven preacher.

* My purpose for preaching is Jesus, and the Person I preach is Jesus.

* 2 Cor. 4:5, Paul said, “For we preach not ourselves, but .......”

J) My purpose for coming to church is to “behold the beauty of the Lord.”

* Like David, I want to see God ... I want the Bread of Life.

K) Let’s review: In the Tabernacle there was the Mercy Seat – There was

the Table of Shewbread .......

* And there were enumerable other symbols of the Lord’s presence,

all revealing the beauty of the Lord.

L) This is why David came – He had a purpose.

* Do you have a purpose for being here this morning?

* Psalm 92:13-15 “Those that be planted in the house of the .......”


A) First: His burden ... What was David’s burden?

* His burden was in dealing with people who opposed him, people who

had become his enemies – v.11-12 .......

* Notice the weight of his burden – v.13 .......

B) Today your burden may be somewhat different.

* Your burden may completely different than was David’s; and yet,

it is something that weighs heavily upon your heart this morning.

C) Maybe you feel like everything is being dumped on you,

and you want a way out.

* When you here that familiar sound, “beep, beep, beep, beep,” what is it?

* It’s a dump truck backing up, getting ready to dump a load on you.

D) Maybe you’ve heard that sound his week, maybe you’ve been

hearing that sound for quite a while .......

* And the truck just keeps backing up, and the loads just keep getting

dumped on you ... Do not despair, help is on the way.


* Notice a couple of our verses in our text – v.1 and v.5 .......

A) David’s confidence was not in himself – David’s experience and his

confidence were in the only One who could do something for him.

* Notice what he said in v.1 “The Lord is the strength of my life.”

B) In other words, “God is my burden bearer.”

* v.5b “He shall set me up upon a rock.”

C) Dr. Albert Schweitzer was 85 years old when he visited the

jungle hospital at Lamberene, on the banks of the Ogowe River.

* He was a great humanitarian, theologian, musician, and physician.

* It was about eleven in the morning – The sun was beating down

mercilessly, as he was walking up a hill with a group of missionaries.

D) Suddenly he left the group and walked across the slope of the hill

to a place where an African woman was struggling upward .......

* She had with her a huge armload of wood for the cook fires.

* This 85 year old man took the entire load of wood and carried it on

up the hill for the relieved woman.

E) When they all reached the top of the hill .......

* One of the members of the group asked Dr. Schweitzer why he did things

like that implying that in that heat and at his age he should not.

* Albert Schweitzer, looking right at all of them and pointing to the woman,

said simply, “No one should ever have to carry a burden like that alone.”

F) David came to the house of the Lord with a purpose, one of which was to

talk to His Burden Bearer.

* By the way, you will notice in v.8, that God encouraged David to come to

bring his burdens: “When thou saidst, Seek ye my .......”

G) This morning, if you bear a burden, if you have a need,

God would encourage you to come.

* Psalm 55:22 “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall .......”


* Repeat v.4 .......

* Again, in Psalm 63:2-5, David reveals his purpose for coming to

the house of the Lord, wrote these words, “To see thy power .......”

A) Maybe this morning, you never really gave much thought about

“why” you were coming to the house of the Lord.

* It’s easy to get into the rut of, “I come to church because this is what I do

every Sunday morning,” rather than, “I am coming with a purpose.

* “I am coming to behold the beauty of the Lord.”

B) If God is speaking to you this morning – If you have a need,

then please, bring it to Him.