Summary: Each of us has been called by God to fulfill a purpose, to fulfill a spiritual calling in this life. And the Calling process can be divided into 3 steps. Discovery - Decision - Action. May you proclaim as Samuel "Speak, for your servant is listening".

For those not familiar with an Anglican Service; there are four Scripture Readings before the Sermon. The Scripture Readings for this day were: 1 Samuel 3:1-20; Psalm 139:1-5,12-17; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 and John 1:43-51.

In her book, ...A Man Called Peter, ...Catherine Marshall ...tells how her late preacher-husband ...felt a sense of destiny ... a sense of call his life. (Pause)

One dark night, ...Peter, ...then a young man, ...decided to take a Shortcut ...across the Scottish moors.

He knew there was a deep deserted limestone quarry in that area, ... but he was confident ... that even in the dark...he could avoid it.

Suddenly, ...he heard someone call, ... (Use A Deep Voice) "Peter." ...There was great urgency... in the voice.

Peter stopped and responded: ... "Yes, who is it?

What do you want?" ... There was no answer.

He walked a few more steps ...and then heard the voice calling more urgently ..."Peter!"

He paused ...then he stumbled ...and fell on his knees.

Putting out his hand to catch himself, ......he found nothing there.

He was at the very edge... of the abandoned stone quarry.

Just one more step ... would have meant ... certain death." (Pause)

There was never any doubt in Peter Marshall's mind ... the source of that voice.

He felt that God ... must have some great purpose for his life ... to have intervened ... so specifically. [A Man Called Peter by Catherine Marshall pages 28-29)]

The calling that night ... confirmed for Peter Marshall ...that he was clearly ......being called by God.

Beloved ... I am convinced ......that each of us ...has been called by God fulfill a purpose, ...... to fulfill a spiritual calling this life.

We are called become a part ......of the Masters plan.

Our Gospel text ...and Old Testament reading ... speak to this. (Pause)

Samuel in the O.T... Philip and Nathanael in the N.T....were each called by God, ...and in turn ...they responded.

This calling ...... this process ...can be divided into ...3 steps:

(1 Finger) the step of discovery.

(2 Fingers) the step of decision,

(3 Fingers) And ... lastly, ...the step of action.

Discovery...Decision ... Action!

So... How do these steps apply to us followers...of the Christ? (Pause)

First ...there is... discovery:

Samuel heard someone calling out to him over and over ...and each time ...he was convinced was Eli.

But with Eli's intervention ... Samuel finally realized ...who was truly calling him, ... it was God himself.

Samuel ...made ...a discovery.

It was El Shadi ... It was God Almighty ... that was calling him.

God had called Samuel 3 times ... and each time Samuel was sure ... he was convinced was Eli.

Eli also ... was being utilized by God.

For it was Eli that gave Samuel insight ... in discovering ...the purpose ...of God's call.

Samuel did not know God's voice...he did not know who was calling... But Eli did. (Pause)

Philip was discovered by Jesus ......and Jesus also called him follow.

Then Philip found Nathanael ......and told him about this Jesus, ... Philip called to Come... Come and see!

When Jesus saw Nathanial coming toward him... Jesus called out to Nathanial ......and proclaimed ...what kind of man ...he was.

Beloved ...... are you beginning to grasp the message ...... in the Scriptures this day.

(Slow) The initial calling always ... Always comes from God.

God discovers us ...... as we are.

God discovers us ... where we are.

And that call ... that discovery ... always requires Us ... Hear me on this:

That call ... that discovery always requires us to ...make a decision.

God acts first ... God makes the opening call ... to each of us.

And if we decide to heed his call ... our initial step ... is to ... Come ... "Come and See".

The initial step ... The first Step ... of Any undertaking vital.

If you do not start the race cannot finish... the race.

Having a relationship with God is paramount... in your calling ... as a disciple.

God comes to you, ... God discovers you ...God is ...calling you.

There is on old hymn which proclaims this so clearly:

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,

Calling for you and for me;

See, on the portals ... He's waiting and watching,

Watching for you ...and for me.

Come home, come home,

Ye who are weary come home,

Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling

Calling ...O sinner come home."

Beloved ... Jesus is calling, ...He is calling us into ...relationship ... He is calling us Come and See.

He is calling us not only into salvation ... but he is calling us daily ... to walk in his will.

(1 Finger) So this Discovery turn

(2 Fingers) leads to Decision.

We have been called... into relationship ...with our Lord.

Now...How you respond to that Calling......Is the Decision.

Philip in our Gospel reading ... made a decision ... A decision ... to follow.

Our text... does not share any words spoken by Philip ... but his actions, ...make his decision ...clear to us ...... He followed.

Philip made a decision ... to follow ... Jesus' call. (Pause)

Remember ... When God called Samuel the 4th time ... Samuel heard ...and knew ...the call was from God.

He discovered God's calling, ...and answered with these infamous words, ... "Speak, for your servant is listening." (1 Samuel 3:9-10)

God is calling each of us ... to be his own... To be in relationship with Him.

Are You Listening.

Each of You ......has been called.

You need to make a decision.

Some liken these times of discovery that of "tire-kickers".

Tire kickers are people ......who when shopping for a new or used car, ...... will discover the car, ......and they may kick the tires ... they may kick a lot of tires, ......yet ... they never ever buy.

There are many tire-kickers, ... who at times ... visit a church; ...they see and hear; ... And even once in a while ... they are moved by something ... in the Service.

But they never ...really intend ... to buy.

And Discovery always ... always leads us ... to make a decision.

And not responding ... is a decision unto itself.

If the Decision is to accept the calling ... then there is maturity ... there is advancement ... in your faith ... in your spiritual life.

And as you pass from one new beginning to another, realize a greater dimension your life ...a greater dimension in your relationship ... with your Lord.

You trust the Lord ... with your life. (Long Pause)

One of my favorite acts in a circus the aerial acrobats ...they swing ...from the high ...trapeze bar.

And in my youth ... they did this ... with no net ...beneath them.

I watched in amazement they performed high above ...the Big Top.

Higher and higher, ...then a split second, ... one lets go of the bar.

Performs some sort of acrobatic move in the air ...and then is caught the hands ...of another.

They are always prepared catch the one ...flying through the air.

What does it take, ...for that performer let go of that bar ...and fly ...into the hands ...of the waiting catcher? (Pause)

Beloved ... What does it take ... to let go of ourselves, surrender ourselves ... into the hands of Jesus?

What does it take be more than tire kickers ... to be more than ...window shoppers?

What does it take let go of your life ...and let Jesus ...have full control ... total control? (Pause)

(Slow) It takes trust ... it takes faith, ... Faith in God's promise... to us.

Faith ...which allows us to develop ...a deeper...a richer ...relationship with Him.

A Faith that ... that transforms ... conforms us to the image ... of the one we call Savior & Lord.

Beloved ...The Scriptures are clear ... Chrystal clear ...Christian Faith... is an Active Faith ... an Action Faith.

It is not a stagnate Faith.

It is a Faith ... That requires us do something. (Pause)


(1 Finger) There is Discovery ... and Discovery

(2 Fingers) leads to a Decision ...

(3 Fingers) which in turn leads us to Action.

Samuel and Philip put their decision of faith ...into action.

They put feet... to their Faith.

They put commitment ... to their conviction.

Samuel proclaimed to the Lord... "Speak for your servant is listening". (1 Samuel 3:9-10)

Philip asked Nathanael... to "Come and see... Come and See ...this Messiah."

And Nathanael in his response made a declaration of faith: BIBLE "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" END (John 1:49)

Where are you in your response to the Lords calling?

Have you allowed him to be Savior ... but have denied him ... Lordship of your life?

Beloved ... You are called to be a people...of Faith.

We are to be a people of Action... A people portraying an active Faith.

There is a transforming power available to us ....and to all ... who call themselves followers of the Christ.

Action Faith the key unlocking this power.

To receive this transforming power, ... we must open ourselves.... to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

O' Beloved ... The Holy Spirit ... works through acting faith.

The Holy Spirit ... works through ... acting faith.

If we are to succeed ...... we must learn ... to walk in Faith.

And for a Christian, is not spelled "F-A-I-T-H" is spelled "R-I-S-K."

For... If something is not a Risk, ... Then it really does not require (Repeat).

Jesus states in the Gospel of John ...that you should Love one another I have loved you.

That makes Apostolic Faith ... Apostolic Action ... so much easier.

Love gives us the desire introduce others our Lord and Savior. (Long Pause)

We need to exercise our Faith ...through Action.

In his epistle ...James, goes on to state ...that as a result of works... as a result of Action, ... Faith was ... perfected.

That is, ... our faith becomes becomes mature... due to... our Apostolic Action.

Our actions proclaim our Faith ... they proclaim ... who we really are. (Pause)

So, what causes many to hold back ... to not yield to the calling of Christ ... to not step out in Faith?

Beloved ... I am convinced ... that the opposite of Love is not Hate, ... it is Fear!

And ... It is fear ... that often keeps us ...from stepping out ...and doing ...the right thing.

We need to be willing ... we must be willing... to step out ...and do Gods work ...even the presence of fear.

Beloved... Do not let fear... separate you ......from Gods plan... for your life.

One Theologian claims ... though I have not counted ... That the Scriptures state over 365 times the phrase " Fear Not" or "Be not Afraid". ... One for each day.

Discover Gods Calling ... Seek His Calling ... Seek his will for your life.

Every calling of God requires a Decision ... It is time ... It is time to be mature in the Faith.

It is time to allow Jesus to be not only your Savior ... But to be your Lord.

"Fear Not" ... Be Not Afraid"!

A decision to yield to God's Calling ... to yield to his Lordship ...will move us ... to put feet ... to our Faith.

Find Time ... Make Time ... to be with the one you call your Savior and Lord.

O' Beloved .... When you come into his presence ... when you begin to hear his voice ... when you begin to hear his calling;

Then Humble yourself as the Prophet Samuel who shared those infamous Words ... "Speak, for your servant is listening." (1 Samuel 3:9-10)

Amen & Amen!

Help: I retired in November 2017 and am attempting to supplement my income by sharing on Sermoncentral. If this Message has been helpful to you, please consider a nominal donation: Send to The Rev. Jeff Smead 11725 Regent Park Drive Chardon Ohio 44024. Blessed To Be A Blessing

I received much insight from the Tim Zengale Sermon "Tire Kickers". I commend this Sermon to you.

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