Summary: Luke's gospel tells us that Mary and Joseph offered the poor person's sacrifice when taking Jesus to the Temple. Why would God have chosen for His Son to be born into a poor family?

TWO YOUNG PIGEONS: Jesus’ family gave the poor offering.

- Luke 2:24.

- Leviticus 12:8.

- Unless you know the Old Testament background, the mention of dove/pigeon offering is one that we would pass right over. We have no frame of reference on what it means.

- When we look back in Leviticus, though, we get an interesting detail: the offering that Mary and Joseph offer is the poor person’s offering.

- God, with His concern for the poor, stipulated less expensive offering options for those without the means to afford the regular offering. Mary and Joseph could not afford the regular offering.

- This is a point worth some thought: God chose a poor family for Jesus to be born into. Why? Why not a family with more means?

- Tonight I want to explore that idea for a while and look at a few passages that I think give us some insights in that direction.


- I want to give five ideas and with each one I want to look at a specific Scripture reference that will help show how being raised poor had practical consequences in Jesus’ life that helped Him fulfill His mission.

1. Poor families were insiders to the target group.

- Luke 4:14-21.

- It’s a big deal to know that someone knows where you’re coming from. It’s easy to say that you sympathize with someone, but it’s different when someone has actually been through what you’re going through.

- I may tell you I’m sorry about the loss of your spouse, but that’s not the same thing as having gone through it myself.

- Jesus knew what it was like to grow up poor. He actually lived that out, day after day, year after year.

- Why is this important? Well, look at Luke 4. Jesus is at Nazareth and giving what could be described as His mission statement. It’s too easy to read His words without thinking about what exactly He’s saying. It’s not just a bunch of pretty, noble-sounding words. It’s an accurate description of what Jesus intends to do.

- For us, the key phrase is early: “to preach good news to the poor” (v. 18).

- Jesus’ ministry included preaching good news to the poor. He knew their struggles. He knew their problems. He knew their frustrations. He knew their hopes. He knew their fears. Why? Because He’d lived the life of a poor man.

- This was an advantage as He shared the gospel. He connected to them in a way that He otherwise could not have.

2. Poor families find it easier to abandon to God.

- Luke 18:18-27.

- There is an interesting detail in the story of the rich young ruler that is relevant to our discussion here. A rich young man asks Jesus about inheriting eternal life. Jesus tells him to keep the commandments, which has faithfully done. Jesus then ups the ante and calls him to sell all he has and follow Him. At this the man walks away dejected, because he’s unwilling to part with his substantial wealth.

- Jesus then delivers a shocking statement: “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!” (v. 24). That’s shocking to those listening because in that day they presumed that wealth was a sign of God’s blessing on your life.

- Jesus identifies a fundamental problem with wealth – it’s hard to let it go. It gets its hooks in us and it’s hard to break free. It’s not just that it holds onto us, though. We hold onto it with both hands.

- Jesus was tempted like we all are (Hebrews 4:15). Yet He stood up to temptation and emerged victorious.

- Presumably wealth would have been another temptation for Him. His poor upbringing made it easier for Him to abandon to God’s will.

- It’s easier for poor people to abandon to God’s will. They don’t have the hook of wealth pulling at them. Certainly there are other issues that all humans deal with, but the wealth issue is substantial.

3. Poor families rely on God.

- John 5:19.

- Poor families are often at the edge of destruction. Because they are barely making it, it doesn’t take much to get them off-track. There’s not a lot of margin.

- Without additional resources, they are often in a situation where they have to rely on God. They pray more often because they need His help more often.

- This shows up in an interesting way in Jesus’ ministry. Many presume that Jesus was a Superman with the power to do miracles, but John 5 tells us that it was not Jesus’ power in and of Himself, but it was God the Father’s power flowing through Him.

- Where would Jesus have learned this pattern of relying on God to provide what was needed? In part, through His poor upbringing. Everyday struggles provided a gymnasium for His faith to grow in watching His Father provide what was needed. He was used to relying on God and trusting that He would come through.

4. Poor families depend on community.

- Acts 2:1-4.

- Under point 3, we noted that poor people have to rely on God more than rich people because they are living on the edge.

- Another reality that living that way creates is the necessity of relying on your community. Your network of friends and family living in your town provided a way to ease the struggles.

- Did the father of the family get sick around harvest time? Neighbors jump in to help them.

- Did the mom find herself overwhelmed by the newest arrival? Family could attend to the other preschoolers while she gets back on her feet.

- This reality shows up in the grand plan for the expansion of the kingdom of God. The church is central to what God is doing. The church is network of friends and family who are there for each other as we walk through this life.

- Jesus knew from His poor upbringing that no man is an island. He knew that we have to have those around us to help us make it. And that’s exactly what the church is intended to be.

5. Poor families have humility.

- Matthew 23:12.

- James 4:6.

- We all know stories of rich kids who grow up to be spoiled brats. Why? Because they’re given everything and so they know the value of nothing. They’re entitled and believe that they deserve everything they are getting. The wealth can feed into the worst impulses that we have as humans.

- On the other hand, growing up poor can create a work ethic within you. It can help you to see that you’re not better than those around you. It can make you someone who recognizes his place in the world.

- Poor families have humility because of their financial need. (Certainly, there are exceptions, but this is true in general.) Jesus grew up in a poor family.

- This is important spiritually speaking because God is not a fan of pride.

- Matthew 23:12 tells us that the humble He will exalt, but those who exalt themselves He will bring down.

- James 4:6 tells us that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

- It’s clear whose side God is on. It’s clear what our lives should have if we want to have God’s power flowing through us.

- And so Jesus’ poor upbringing put Him in a position of humility, which was good for Him spiritually.