Summary: what mark do you bear, Cain's curse, Mark of the beast or the Seal/Mark of God. are you truly a child of God.

Open with prayer.

Are you marked?

Today we are going to look at marks for one day you will have to decide which one you will bear.

Genesis 4:1-16

The first mark is called the mark of Cain or the first curse and cannot be gotten rid of. This mark gave Cain protection from those who wished to harm him but did not guarantee his safety; it only promised a worse fate for those who harmed him. Cain is cursed from the earth a fugitive and a vagabond, in a world apart from God, shut out from God’s love and care yet is distinguished from the world with a mark.

Nothing is as exciting as the birth of your first child. Having your hopes, aspirations and joy all bundled up in a baby’s blanket and handed to you for the first time is breathtaking but yet Sin and death robbed Adam and Eve of any happiness they could have enjoyed through their children.

Abel was a keeper of herds, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. Both children started out so well. They both worked contributing good to the world in which they lived. They both wanted a relationship with God, both offered sacrifices to God.

Yet Cain’s life was full of sin. Cain wanted to worship God, he wanted to offer a sacrifice to God, but he wanted to do it on his own terms. Instead of offering an acceptable sacrifice of an animal, Cain offered the first fruits of the land. Cain’s worship became a means of self-recognition; he took pride in his offering. Cain wanted to approach God on his own terms with his own works.

God wanted an animal sacrifice. If we can understand that man had to give something that only God could provide, which is life.

What about worship services? Do they please God? Or us? Is God is worshipped in spirit and in truth." We have dwelt much on our spiritual gifts in the work of the church, teaching, caring ,and preaching. We focus is on what I have to offer or what I don’t have to offer, and in each case the focus is on us. Have we placed too much emphasis on what "I" have or on what "I" don’t have? It seems as though we have placed emphasis is on "I". What about the GIVER? I mean, look at Noah building an ark I realize that he didn’t work in a shipyard, he had never seen a ship much less built one. All he did was follow God’s direction, it was amazing what was accomplished in that one act of worship to God. We were saved from the waters of that flood.

There was nothing in Cain’s world that told him to do what he did. It was the evil in his heart that was speaking to him. So it was not wrong because everyone is doing it, the world says it is ok? Cain’s offering was not accepted. Abel’s was. “That’s hard to swallow. Cain cross, rejected – his solution… KILL HIS BROTHER. Cain does not show remorse nor does he feel guilty. Your problems are somebody else’s fault, you are happy when you get what you want. THE WORLD OWES YOU!!! Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Cain's words have a familiar ring to any parent. At times a child is truly sorry for his disobedience. At other times he is only sorry that he was caught, and bitterly bemoans the severity of punishment he is to receive. So when God pronounces Cain's punishment, Cain repeats his sentence bitterly, and expresses his fear that men will treat him as he did his brother. Every time we fail to listen and obey God’s will, we are opening the door to sin. If we fail to rule over sin, sin will rule over us. Cain got permantly marked by God, could not work, could not settle. HAVE WE GONE THE WAY OF CAIN?


The second Mark that we are going to look at is the Mark of the Beast

Is this the mark that you are wearing?

Revelation 13: 16-18

Those that are wearing it will certainly never stand in the Presence of God.

I John 1:3- believe not every spirit, for that spirit of antichrist which was to come, is already in the world working among the children of disobedient.

So, we are born into sin. Under the curse of sin however the good news is the gospel Now, you don't have to drink; you don't have to run around; you don't have to mistreat your spouse, arguing before you come to church; you don't have to curse; you don't have to lie; you don't have to steal; you don't have to be weary. Why, you've got the resources and blessings of God.

To reject to hear the Gospel, if your ears are sealed up ,if you reject Jesus, no matter how religious you are, no matter how much you try to do right it only takes you deeper in hell. Your life proves what you are. Jesus said, "By their fruits you shall know them," not by their church, not be their affiliations, but by their fruit. There you are. That's the beginning of the mark of the beast.

Listen. You can do without food a long time. But you can't go without drinking, or how you dress but by faith in Christ, your souls is hungering and thirsting, satisfy your thirst with Christ. Jesus can quench that thirst. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Have you sinned so far; not to know the Bible is Life; not to know theology is Life; but to know Christ is Life.


Some believe that it might be some sort of a barcode system that is tattooed into the skin. Or a tiny microchips the size of grains of rice. These chips can carry all of your medical and financial information and they can be read with a simple scanner. A credit card system with your number.

- The Situation Of This Mark

In the right hands, or in their foreheads”a stamp, an imprint, something carved”. Whatever this mark is, it will reside in the flesh, and it will be permanent. Cannot be counterfeited.

- The Source Of The Mark

The “he” in verse 17 refers to the False Prophet. If you remember, he is the one who causes the world to worship the Antichrist. He is the leader of the one world religion.


The mark will be tied to the economy. People will be required to produce the Mark of the Beast in order to be able to buy or sell. In order to hold a job, to get credit, to access bank accounts.

There will be literally millions of people around the world who will refuse to bow to the Beast or to his image. They will reject the ministry of the False Prophet. These people will suffer greatly for their decision. They will not be able to buy food, clothing or medicine. They will be refused medical treatment. Many, no doubt, will starve to death in order that they might not dishonor the name of the Lord Jesus. These people will be hunted down and persecuted to the death because of their defiance. These people will pay a terrible price for their faith in Jesus, but they will be rewarded greatly when they leave this world.

Rev. 7:9-17

Believers in this day need to continue to take a stand for Jesus in spite of what they might face for doing so. We need to be faithful to Him, even unto death, if necessary.


It Reveals the Name of the Beast when it is known, will yield the number “666”. The Antichrist will be the human achievement. He will be the brightest, most powerful human the world has ever seen, but not complete like the Lord Jesus Christ. Every one of these people who take the Mark of the Beast are destined for eternity. Rev. 14:9-12. They cannot take the Mark of the Beast, worship Satan and then be saved. If they bow to him, they are lost forever! That is a terrible truth! Do not let that happen to you! Come to Jesus while there is time to be saved

The third mark we will look at is THE SEAL OR MARK OF GOD


The seal will be the mark God will place upon his loyal subjects in the final conflict between Christ and Satan, to give assurance and security to His persecuted people.

What the seal of the living God has: God’s name. His authority or power.

You are to preach the gospel, evangelize the nations, you are to intercede for the leaders, you are to teach the people, to learn the Bible, to never let it depart from their mouths, to talk about it at dinner, to talk about it at work. God told Joshua, “Never let it depart from your mouth” (1:8).

A lot of Christians have a religion that does not create holiness in their lives. Cain and Abel both practiced religion, but Cain’s religion was rejected.

How is your worship? How is your thanksgiving? How is your praying? Are you holding forth your light as a child of God? What circumstances is God calling you to give thanks in and worship right now? ARE YOU DISTINGUISHED AS A BELIEVER?

Christians are different because they put their hope in God. Their focus is God. They are to be in the world but not of the world.

Sometimes, it means to seek the Lord like Daniel and go on a three-a-day plan of spending time in the Word and prayer. David at times sought the Lord seven times a day; it takes discipline, how much more important is it for us to at times go into a routine like this to break a battle with lust, anger, depression

This is what it means to “live in the Spirit.” It essentially means to make our home in the things of the Spirit all day long, staying away from sin and things of the world and living in the things of God.

To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his steps.

1 Peter 2:21–23

When Christ was persecuted, he didn’t commit sin. He didn’t lie or become deceitful. When they insulted him, he did not retaliate. He didn’t make threats but instead entrusted himself to the just God.

Do you respond with cursing, anger, and complaining when unjust things happen to you? Or do you humbling yourself, and entrusting your life to God who is just. You are sealed with the assurance of the Holy Spirit, trusting in Jesus.


So the question I want to ask you is how are you marked? Are you truly marked by God, do you endeavor to be a child of God, marked by Him, or is your mark of the beast, the antichrist. To Satan, you are nothing but a number. God will call you by your name You can have a name or you can have a number. Which do you want today?

Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, I now believe on Jesus Christ Thy Son. After accepting Him as my personal Saviour, I now come to accept Him as my Healer. I now confess my faith in Him, anoint me with oil, and lay hands upon me, I know we have your power.

This is your prayer. You commit yourself to God. Amen