Summary: Message 30 in our exposition of 1 Corinthians. This message deals with proper decorum in the worship assembly. We touch on the woman's role in the church.

Chico Alliance Church

Pastor David Welch

“What’s A Woman to Do?” I Corinthians 11:2-16


I. Reproof for fleshly behavior 1-6

II. Responses to specific inquiries

A. Concerning marriage 7

B. Concerning voluntary limitation of Christian liberty 8-11:1

Do whatever it takes to walk and talk like Jesus.

Everything Jesus did was driven by eternal purposes.

? Communion with God

? Connection with people

? Purity and holiness

? Impact of the Gospel

Evaluate everything through the filter of these four pointed questions.

1. Does this improve or deepen my relationship with God?

2. Does this meaningfully impact those around me?

3. Does this make me more like Jesus?

4. Does this prevent or promote the progress of the Gospel?


Beginning chapter eleven, Paul switches to another topic raised by the Corinthian church.

He deals with three aspects of corporate worship that had run into a snag.

C. Concerning proper protocol for public worship 11-14

1. Proper decorum in corporate worship 11:2-16

An air of independence has arisen especially among the women.

2. Proper heart and order for observing the Lord’s Supper 11:17-34

An atmosphere of disunity continued to manifest even during communion.

3. Proper utilization of Spiritual gifts 12-14

An attitude of superiority and selfishness defiled the employment of spiritual gifting.

These next fifteen verses generate more questions than answers. The generational, geographical and customary gaps from then until now complicates our interpretation and application of this passage. The only universal interpretive conclusion for some the issues raised here is that no universal interpretation exists. Not only does the difficulty in interpretation cause difficulty but the application of the truths laid out in this passage cause considerable controversy.

1. Proper decorum in public worship

a) Paul affirmed them for practicing love and truth. 11:2

Now I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold firmly to the traditions, just as I delivered them to you.

(1) Held Paul highly

“remembered” to be mindful of someone enough to demonstrate that thought.

Paul used the perfect tense to indicate and action in the past with continuing results.

You remembered be and still demonstrate your love every way you can.

(2) Held Paul’s teaching firmly

“Traditions” a word used to indicate teaching, admonitions, exhortations, practice.

There are God’s “traditions” and there are man’s “traditions.”

Theses were God’s traditions (teachings) “delivered” through Paul.

“Delivered” to hand over into custody.

b) Paul admonished them for failing to demonstrate submission.


This little word indicates that come sort of contrast waits to unfold. Even though you do a pretty good job holding to the things I taught you, there are still some things that need a bit of attention.

Namely there is a problem in your corporate worship times.

Some women fail to demonstrate proper submission.

Disunity continued to manifest itself even in the most sacred of celebrations.

God’s supernatural gifts were being used for selfish purposes rather than for the body.

Basic truth and practice introduced

Supporting truth 1

Supporting truth 2

Supporting truth 3

Basic practice urged

Balancing truth introduced

Call to discern and practice the truth

Appeal to nature

Appeal to apostolic and ecclesiastical practice

(1) Basic truth – God decreed a designated line of authority

(a) Basic truth introduced 11:3

But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ.





“head” literally it refers to the actual physical head. Symbolically it indicates that which is first, supreme, higher rank, extreme. In what sense is God the ‘head’ of Christ? They are equal in worth, intelligence, ability. Christ is the exact representation of the Divine nature in bodily form. Yet Christ submitted to the Father’s will. Christ consulted the Father in everything. Christ came to do the Father’s will and carry out the Father’s eternal plan. Christ engages in a particular relationship with men. Christ passes on the communication of the Father to men. Christ takes responsibility to direct every man. Christ will hold men responsible for following His directions as their commanding officer!

Men are entrusted with responsibility for their wives. Men must nurture and direct their wives with love and understanding. The foundation basic truth that guides discussion of the issues in Corinth is clear. God decreed a designated line of authority.

God – Christ – Men -- Women

(b) Basic practice introduced 11:4-6


Every man who has something on his head while praying or prophesying disgraces his head.

Lit., having something hanging down from his head. Referring to the tallith, a four-cornered shawl having fringes consisting of eight threads, each knotted five times, and worn over the head in prayer. It was placed upon the worshipper’s head at his entrance into the synagogue. The Romans, like the Jews, prayed with the head veiled. So Aeneas: “And our heads are shrouded before the altar with a Phrygian vestment” (Virgil, “Aeneid,” iii., 545).

This passage is cultural in a sense. Yet we must keep in mind that there is a meaning behind every cultural symbol. The symbol may change but the foundational meaning does not. In the East it is an insult to direct the sole of your foot toward someone. The gesture communicated disgust, put down, derogatory feelings. In the West we have other symbols or gesture that communicate the same thing. The point is that we are to refrain from anything that insults another. The symbols change, the meaning does not.

Two prominent practices should become paramount for the gathered church and corporate worship.

‘Prayer’ = speaking to God without our prayers and petitions.

‘Prophesy’ = speaking for God acknowledging and honoring his presence.

In prophesy we communicate the words of God.

In prophesy we declare the truth of the Word of God in the presence of others.

According to this passage this was a practice both of the men and the women.

To engage in prayer and prophesy was an honored privilege and necessitated the greatest of care so as not to hinder the communication. In that culture, for men to wear a veil or shroud indicated identification with pagan practices and contradicted a direct connection to Christ their head. It indicated that there was something between them and God. The man was to speak to and for God without any kind of head covering. I don’t want us to get hung up on the external symbol but keep in focus the attitude of the heart. Ultimately this passage is not about the covering or not covering of the head but concerns the condition of the heart. Because men are directly responsible to God they should enter his presence properly attired. They should not take up pagan practices but do those things which illustrate truth. In this case an uncovered head indicating perhaps a clean heart with nothing to hide was the appropriate attire. To stand in the assembly and speak for God or to Him and dress in such a way to identify with pagan practices would bring shame upon the man.

The key is the heart.

A man might have a very attentive and clean heart and wear a hat.

A man could also be corrupt and not cover his head.

Paul’s point is to do everything possible to live truth even in your attire.


But every woman who has her head uncovered while praying or prophesying disgraces her head, for she is one and the same as the woman whose head is shaved. For if a woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head.

In that culture an independent, rebellious woman refused to wear the customary veil that indicated submission to her husband, modesty and distinction from men. A feminist movement had arisen during that time when women were seeking to blur the differences and distinction between men and women. In order to identify with this new freedom, women would cut their hair to look like men or shave their head. Prostitutes would also either wear their hair down in order to be attractive to other men or shave their heads.

Proverbs indicates that the sensuous woman is one who is first rebellious then sensuous and extremely dangerous. God placed women under the man’s authority and protection and thus, in public worship, they were to demonstrate an attitude of submission, modesty and female distinction by wearing the customary veil. The veil, especially in public worship, would prevent a woman from becoming the object of desire from other men.

The veil communicated that her physical beauty was reserved for her husband alone.

Some of the women in the Corinthian church whose hearts had become rebellious claimed their ‘freedom in Christ’ as approval to pray and prophesy in public without the proper covering.

Paul then supports the original truth about lines of authority with some other basic trusts introduced by ‘for’.

(c) Supporting truth ONE 11:7

For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.

Man is the image and glory of God so should not cover his head. Woman is the glory of man and thus should cover her head.

(d) Supporting truth TWO 11:8

For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man

God did not originate man from woman. God originated woman from man.

(e) Supporting truth THREE 11:9

for indeed man was not created for the woman's sake, but woman for the man's sake.

Man was not created for woman’s sake. Woman was created for man’s sake.

(f) Basic Practice urged 11:10

Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels

Conclusion based on God order for human society… The Christian woman should have a symbol of authority on her head. She should somehow demonstrate her submission. The culture and symbol may change, the purpose does not.

‘because of the angels’ ? No one really knows.

(2) Balancing truth – Man and woman are interdependent 11:11-12

However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God.

God also decreed a line of authority but also designed inter dependence between men and women. We must respect and honor each other because neither can exist without the other.

(3) Call to discern and practice the truth 11:13-16

Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?

It appears that the greater problem came from the women uncovering their heads.

(a) Appeal to nature 11:14-15

Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him, but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her? For her hair is given to her for a covering.

It is almost universal that a woman’s hair distinguishes here from men. A woman’s hair draws attention (glory) to her beauty. It is instinctive (natural). Even physiologically a woman’s’ hair growth differs from men. God provided her with a natural covering. It is a symbol that sets her apart as distinctly feminine. Although long hair on men may be at some time a cultural fad, it fades. Even now long hair associates men with a particular attitude or group. Paul calls the Corinthians to discern for themselves the practice of what he is saying. He urges them to look at nature and the natural inclination regarding a covering.

(b) Appeal to apostolic and ecclesiastical practice 11:16

He finally appears to the authority of the apostles and of the other churches.

But if one is inclined to be contentious, we have no other practice, nor have the churches of God.

To those who liked to argue over the issue for arguing sake, Paul lets them know that there was no discussion. This is God’s plan whether they liked it or not.


What do we do with this passage? How should we apply it?


? Take your responsibility as head of your home seriously it has been ordained by God.

? Treat your wife as the gift she was intended to be.

She is NOT inferior. She is indispensable to your walk and work.

? Take the lead in talking to God and for God.

You have a God-designed connection.

? Don’t abuse your headship it is not a club but a commitment.


? Submit to and delight in your God-directed role.

? Demonstrate submission, modesty and femininity by your words, deed and dress.

I (Paul) want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. 1 Tim. 2:9-10

In the same way (as Jesus submitted to the Father), you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives, as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior. Your adornment must not be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. 1 Peter 3:1-4

Especially women who publicly speak to and for God!

Don’t mix sensuality with spirituality.

Don’t dress to attract other men and distract them from their worship of God.