Summary: Part 17 of our 1 Peter study

Wayfaring Strangers

A Study of 1 Peter

Part 17

“The End of the beginning “

Today in our study of 1 Peter

We come to another scripture that if taken out of context

Can and has led to all sorts of mis- teachings

How many of you have seen street preachers with signs?


Repent for the end is near?

How about hearing some “con artist “ I mean so-called preacher or “televangelist?

Claiming to have

Knowledge about the end times that no one else is privacy to

Some ever have the boldness

To set dates and times

All this

While even Jesus himself says

No man knows the day and time of my return

To paraphrase he says

I don’t even know

Only God the father Knows

Listen to me

God’s word is the authority on the end times

Jesus in his Olivet discourse

His teachings to his disciples about the end times

Just prior to his death

Said these words

Matthew 24:36

36 “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself.[k] Only the Father knows.

If Jesus does not know when he is returning

I can assure you no one does

In this passage Peter appears to shift focus for a moment

But it is important for us to understand

He is still offering a word of encouragement to those who are suffering and will face persecutions

Trial and hardships

That includes the readers of his day

And that includes the believers of today as well

He is saying simply

Be prepared

Let me remind you

Peter knew something about not being prepared

Jesus told him to watch in the garden and he slept instead

He told him to walk on the water and keep his eyes on Jesus

He looked off

Jesus told Peter the things that must happen

And Peter rebuked him.

Peter made many, many mistakes

And still Jesus used him in mighty ways


First Jesus forgave him

And then Peter learned to be prepared

Chuck Swindoll says

“We should live each day in the light of Christs’ return”

What does that mean

In common terms

Always be prepared for Jesus to come back

Live each moment as if it may be the last

I can tell you this

I don’t know when Jesus is coming

And neither does anyone else

But I do know this

It could be any time

I also know this

We started living in the end times

When Jesus returned to heaven

And this is a fact

We are patiently waiting on his return

So, we need to live like it

Winston Churchill in a speech to parliament after London had been bombed

Said these words

“This is not the end; This is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps the end of the beginning

Peter in this passage gives us some pretty good words that when applied will help us do what we have been called to do

Reach the lost, in the midst of troubles

Let me read 1 Peter 4:7-11 for you and then we can break it down

1 Peter 4:7-11

7 The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. 8 Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 9 Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.

10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 11 Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.

Verse 7 a


“The end of the world is coming soon”

We know this to mean the end of the world as we now know it

God’s word says there will be a new heaven and a new earth

It says there will be no tears

No sorrow

No pain

And no sickness

But his word also says

Only those who have placed their trust in Jesus

Will experience these blessings

Those who don’t know Jesus will spend a different eternity


I do not know when Jesus is coming back

But I do know that he is

And I also know that anyone who has not accepted his gift of salvation before then

Will not be happy about tomorrow

Hell is not a joke

It is also not popular topic

But it is a reality


Peter says --because time is limited

We should

As New Creations

Those with the same attitude as Christ

Desire that no one be lost

That all


All who will

Be saved

And in light of that

Our priorities need to reflect our desires

Or better stated God’s desires

So, Peter gives us 5 things in this passage to help us achieve our goals

Verse 7a

7 The end of the world is coming soon.

Peter says

Because the world will one day end

And because we don’t know when that will be

We need to live each day as if Jesus was going to come back any minuet

And then he begins giving us a plan for getting that done

Verse 7b


Because the end could come at anytime

Verse 7c

“be earnest and disciplined in your prayers”

Be earnest

And disciplined

In your prayers

Other versions of God’s word say

Have sound judgement

And sober spirit

Others say

Be sane and alert

While still others say

Be clear minded and self-controlled

All of these words are referring to our prayers as well as our actions

We should

In light of the imminent return of Christ

Be praying in very specific ways

And acting in specific ways

Let’s talk about actions first

All of these say don’t quit

Don’t panic

Be calm

Stay cool

And remember that God is in control

Listen to me

Many in this world claim we are out of control

Nothing could be further from the truth

God is in complete control

So, in our actions

We need to show the love and light of Jesus

Remain calm and focused

While everyone else is freaked out and crazy

In our prayers

We must be earnest and disciplined as well

We need to pray intently

We need to pray intelligently

We need to pray appropriately

This simply means we are praying for the lost

Praying for our families

For our church

For our church leaders

For our country and its leaders

Praying asking God to work in the hearts and minds of those who do not know him

Praying for spiritual growth

Praying for revival


We must move past shallow prayers

Like blessing the food

Or a quick thank you at bed time

I love to hear our kids pray

But they send up the prayers of a child

We as maturing believers

Need to pray deeper

Pour our hearts out for the lost and dying

Seek spiritual growth for the saved

Seek Guidance and direction in the lives of others and ourselves

We must humble ourselves

And petition God to move in the lives of everyone we have been blessed to interact with

And we need to do this constantly, without ceasing God’s word says

In order to do this, we must spend time with God


Listen to me

I may step on your toes here

Take it up with my boss if I do

I like the little devotional books and emails

I have several in my library and I read them sometimes

And I get several devotional emails daily and I enjoy them as well

But these can or should never take the place of God’s word

God speaks to us through his word

When we spend time in it


We must spend time in the word

Many say they just don’t have time


Did Jesus say that when he died for us?

Get real

Spending time with God in Prayer and study of the word is a choice

And if you want to be prepared

If you want to be earnest and disciplined

Clear minded and have a sober spirit

Make time for God



We must make love a priority

Verse 8

8 Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.

Love as we have said many times is the glue of life

Love is the mark of a Bona Fide believer

And Jesus himself says if the love is not in you God is not in you

Peter takes this a bit further

Remember, He is taking to believers

And he is assuming they are already loving each other

And he says

Don’t stop

He says make loving each other

And showing love for others a priority

How do we do that

Giving comfort

A smile

A hand shake, a hug

A pat on the back

A kind word of encouragement

We have the ability to show love in so many ways

Let me lay one on you that you might not expect

Holding someone accountable is showing love

Would you let a kid play in traffic?



Because you love them

Because they could get hurt?

Even if they are not yours

You love them enough to care

But we as Christians will often sit back and what a fellow brother or sister

Wreck out their lives with sin

And say absolutely nothing

For fear of offending them

Hurting their feelings

Losing their friend ship

Or so many more shallow reasons

This is not love

Please remember we must be kind when we hold someone accountable

And it needs to be something that is offensive to God not just offensive to you

But looking the other way is not love?

Sharing the gospel with the lost is an expression of love

Beating them over the head with God’s judgement is not

Love each other and do everything in love


Be Hospitable

Verse 9

9 Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.”

In the time of this writing


Hotels and such were rare

Add to the fact that

Believers in Christ we often looked upon as traitors

And so, in traveling there was suffering

Peters’ teaching is about caring for others

It may be that a meal

Or a bed

Some clothing or a blanket

can lead someone to Christ

Or encourage someone who is suffering

It may be the simple offer and show of love that does the trick

Listen to me

Whether you open your doors

Or are hospitable in one of thousands of other ways

Peter says do this cheerfully

With no though of repayment

Or personal gain

Next, he says

That we should use the gifts God gives us to serve others

Verse 10-11b

10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 11 Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies.

I believe in my heart every believer has a spiritual gift

And I also believe that our spiritual gifts are for serving others

We could spend weeks

Months and even years

On the gifts of the spirit

And that is a topic for another day


What it is my desire to do today

Is to stay on task

And the task is this

What it is that we are to do

Since Jesus may return soon?

Regarding gifts

Use them to lead the lost to the Lord

Use them to build up the believers

Use them for God’s glory

Don’t take them for granted

don’t abuse them

Don’t consider one gift more valuable than others

Listen to me

Being envious of another’s gift

Is saying

God you did not give me your best

What we are to do is be good stewards of the gifts we have received

And use them for one purpose

Verse 11b

“Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.”

Everything we do

Everything we say

Everything we are

Should bring glory to God

We are to be a light for the lost

A refuge for the weary

A hospital for the afflicted

And a place of hope for the hopeless

Here is the take home lesson

The end is coming

But please don’t get hung up on dates and times

And moons and stars

Don’t waste precious moments on something you can’t control

Jesus will return when it is time

And we must live like that will be any second

We do that by being clear minded and alert

Praying with a purpose


Seeking a deeper relationship with him

By being on guard

Staying calm

And always remembering God is in charge

It is urgent that we reach the lost for Christ

We do this with love and hospitality

Truth and respect

We do this by serving with all we have

To the glory of God almighty

And we do all of this cheerfully

It’s all about love

Mahatma Gandhi, A non-believer known for his love of peace is quoted as saying

“I like your Christ,

But I don’t like your Christians”

If we want the world to like the Christians

And see Christ for themselves

We must be like Jesus

Full of love







We must be different on purpose

Never apologize for our beliefs

We must expect hardships

But face them with the attitudes of Christ

For his glory

Close from the heart
