Summary: Introduction 1.


1. Today we consider at one of the most crucial decisions in the history of the church of Jesus Christ. Iit took place 1950 years ago - in the year 49AD. Today we are also facing what amounts to the same crucial decision. Within the RCA and within many denominations. As we consider the decisions, we will consider why it was and is important, how the decision was made, what it was, how it was communicated. And through this we will get insight as to why you should be aware of the issue today. And how we as a denomination should deal with it.


1. Paul and Silas had been ministering to the church in Antioch. Many Gentiles, as well as Jews, were converted and became part of the church. We read that some men came from Judea and taught the brothers, the believers, that unless they were circumcised they could not be saved. Their intentions may have been good. They were Jews who knew the Old Testament well. They wanted to follow the word of God. And the Old Testament required circumcision as a sign of the covenant. A sign of belonging to God’s people.

2. But Paul and Silas did not believe this was necessary. They believed a person was not saved by a physical act but by grace. By God’s act of salvation on the cross. And that when we receive Christ in faith, we are saved.

3. The issue was central for the future of the church. To insist on circumcision would have demanded a person to become a Jew before they would be accepted as a Christian. And it would have made Christianity a sect within the Jewish religion. But even more important the issue cut to the central belief of the Christian church. On what is our salvation based? Is it based on Christ alone? Is Christ’s death on the cross sufficient or do we also have to follow rules to be saved?

4. Today we are presented with the same issue. The situation is different but the central issue is the same. Are we saved by Christ alone? Because people of different faiths moving to North America and because the media that makes us more aware of what is going on in other parts of the world, we are being confronted more and more by other religions. On one road in Toronto, on the way to Shouldice Hospital, within a few blocks, there is a Bhuddist temple, a Moslem mosque and a Jewish synagogue.

5. Do we still have the right to say that these people, who are seeking God, will not be saved unless they renounce their beliefs and put their faith in Christ alone? Do we have a right to say that salvation there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved?

6. Many say no. That we cannot say that. Many churches are starting to say they are different ways to God. Even in the RCA there are some who say this. And I believe that some of you here may even say "Who are we to say that other religions are wrong."

7. Perhaps it seems harmless to think this way, but it is deadly, deadly wrong. For to believe this is to reject the teaching of Christ and to reject the necessity for Him to die on the cross for us. Christ is necessary for our salvation and Christ alone

8. There was sharp debate over the issue in Antioch. This was not a matter of preference or opinion but the central issue of faith. It had to be dealt with. And so Paul and Silas were sent to Jerusalem so that the apostles and the elders could deal with this matter.

9. What this tells me is that the doctrines and teaching of our denomination are important to the local church. We cannot just let each church go ahead and set its own rules and beliefs. The church is a body and is to be united. When a local church’s elders are promoting false doctrines, the greater church has to deal with the matter. And the local church cannot tolerate denominational false teachings.

10. And it tells us that we cannot ignore important issues. We can tolerate preferences and minor matters but not the issue of salvation through Christ. And that is why I am thankful to the Synod of the Far West. With other churches denying this teaching and with some voices in the RCA echoing the same, this Synod asked the denomination, the Synod to affirm the teaching that salvation is found in no other name, but in Christ alone.

11. Now that know the issue, how did they deal with it? They met together to discuss the matter. I believe face to face meetings are important. It is easy to write letters or articles about the issue. But I believe that it is important to hear each other’s positions.

12. Paul was willing to let the other side present its case, as they did in vs. 5. Not that he could have been swayed. I believe that is the council would have sided with the legalists, Paul would have set out on his own. But it is important to allow people to air their views and to listen to them. It shows consideration to them. And it means they will be more willing to listen to you as well. There must be dialogue.

13. In the discussions and arguments, Peter presented His views based on experience, as did Barnabas and Paul. At issue was whether Gentiles could be saved without becoming Jews. Peter had considered Gentiles as unclean, to be avoided and not have a meal with. But he had seen a vision in which he was told that the gentiles were not unclean to God. And Peter told of how God had accepted them without circumcision by giving the Holy Spirit to them. Only believers have the Holy Spirit. If God accepted them as they were, who were they to not accept them. Not only that, but the Jews had not been able to bear the yoke of the law. Under the law they would have been condemned. How can they now demand new believers to do what they could not do themselves? And he ended his speech with the words they had to believe:

No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are."

14. Barnabas and Paul shared how they saw evidence of God working among the Gentiles. And then James quoted Amos in which it was said that Gentiles were also to be saved.

15. In debating the matter, experience and logic were used as arguments. Who can dispute the working of God. It was their experience with Christ that was the driving force for the ministry of the apostles. That is why Peter had said, "We cannot help but talk about what we have seen and heard."

16. Experience and logic are important. But these must be in line with Scripture. For Scripture is the only authority we must be in line with. Because it is the word and the will of God.

17. James, the brother of Jesus, chaired the meeting. He was their leader. He spoke to the issue and he gave his judgement or recommendation to the assembly. He presented them with a proposal on which they would vote.

18. I believe that in the RCA, our leadership needs to state clearly their position in these matters. The RCA has presented a paper which I believe claims the uniqueness of Christ but it is open to interpretation and misapplication. It goes on to state other views, while those views are held, and why they are wrong. But it does not make a clear conclusion that is indisputable. It does not state that we therefore, accept fully:

Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.

And that this cannot be questioned. It simply is the truth.

19. To direct a diverse denomination is not easy. Different cultures, different countries, different views. If we were to try and nail each issue and preference down without some consideration to these differences, we would cease to exist as a denomination. We need to be sensitive and allow some different views on preferences but not on theological principles. And we need leadership that comes out clearly on what our stand is. It may not politically be correct, but leadership must stand on God’s word and make it clear where that stand is.

20. We do need to be sensitive to differences, but that sensitivity must not make it unclear as to our position but it should affect how we apply our decisions. The decision itself was made by the assembly - we could say the ministers and the elders.

21. It is important that elders remember their role in these matters as well. To be prepared when they go to Synod or classes where they vote on these matters.

22. James made it clear what the decision was. They were not to impose circumcision as a requirement for salvation. No further debate, the matter is settled.

23. But at the same time he realized how hard it would be for Jews to worship and fellowship with gentile believers. Although they were now Christians, they still followed Jewish custom, as written down by Moses.

24. The decsion was sentive to these Jewish Christians. And so the Gentiles were toild that they were to "abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood."

25. These were not requirements to be saved but rather a result of their salvation. As believers they were not to take part of sexual immorality. This had often been part of their pagan worship before they had become believers. And while the ceremonial laws of the OT were no longer binding, the law itself still was. And to eat food polluted by idols, would both be offensive to the Jewish Christians and would easily tempt the Gentiles to idol worship. Paul later says this is not wrong to eat this meat but it must not be an obstacle to anothers faith. The call to not eat meat of strangled animals nor blood is out of respect to the customs of the Jewish Christians.

26. There must be a sensitivity to others. Perhaps that is also why the debates did not become personal. So easily we turn to debating people rather than issues.

27. But our sensitivity must not lead us to compromise the truth.

28. The decision was written down so people could not later dispute what was decided. But it was given personally to the church. Paul and Barnabas went but also two from the council itself. And they spent time teaching the people. Important that decisions are explained to the people, not written to them.

29. The paper on the "Uniqueness of Christ" was to be voted on at this year’s General Synod, but because of the many responses and concerns raised, I hear that it will be presented one year later, at the 2000 GS.

30. I believe that the final report must make it clear that salvation is in Christ alone, and that we as a church will not compromise that position. That will be a right way to begin the new millennium as a church.

31. Please keep this matter in prayer. And place your trust in Christ alone.