Summary: A Christmas sermon on the word "Noel."


A. There are many Christmas traditions and observances that have lost their meanings.

B. Many words have lost their original meanings.

C. Like, What does Gloria in Excelsis Deo Mean? It means Glory to God in the highest, but how many of us know that when we sing the Christmas carol.

D. What are Magi? A priest among the Medes and Persians whose doctrines included belief in astrology. May have been kings, but may not have been either. Magi in the New Testament were considered men like the Physics’ Friends Network, etc. Usually doctors of medicine and usually wealthy.

E. What is a manger? A trough or open box in which feed or fodder is placed for horses or cattle to eat.

F. Swaddling clothes? Babies were snuggly wrapped in long strips of cloth, giving them warmth, protection of arms and legs, and a sense of security.

G. A nativity? Most general sense, the process, fact, or circumstances of being born. Most of our nativity’s were in the hospital.

H. The word Noel? What does this word mean?

I. Refer to the chorus- “Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, Born is the King of Israel.

Thesis: What does the word Noel mean and how does it apply to the Christmas story?

For instances:

** Even linguists do not know the original meaning of the word. It is an Old English Word.

Several definitions:

I. The Birth of Christ.

A. His natal day. His birthday.

B. Natalis means birth in Latin. Maybe parent word of Noel.

C. The circumstances of Christ’s birth.

II. Shout of Joy.

A. Shout of joy at the birth of Jesus, the Christ.

B. Shouts from Mary but this is probably not what it refers to.

C. The English word Noel is similar to a French word which means Shout of Joy.

D. The Angels.

E. And Heaven and Nature Sing. Repeat the Sounding Joy.

F. We the redeemed should be rejoicing and shouting for joy the remembrance of the birth of our Saviour.

III. News. Good News.

A. Latin word, “Novella” which means news maybe the parent word of Noel.

B. The Gospel is good news.

C. Shepherds and the news.

D. The Magi and the news- Matthew 2.

E. Simeon and Anna- Luke 2:25-38.

F. News of Jesus and his crucifixion and of his resurrection.

G. The Good news is the Lord still saves, there is nothing too hard for the Lord to do. He’s coming back, and that’s good news.

IV. The best one (And my favorite)is "Now all is well".

A. We English speakers love abbreviations and making things shorter to communicate the same thing.

B. God be with you = Goodbye.

C. Fare thee well = Farewell.

D. Christmas morning = Now all is well = Nowell.

E. In the Old English and even today over in Great Britain they still use the spelling of Nowell for Noel.

F. Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people- was a message to remind everyone that “now all is well.”

G. The shepherds were looking for the good shepherd. They were looking for one like David, a shepherd who would lead them out of the wilderness of sin. A shepherd who would lead them. We are all like sheep who have gone astray, each to his own way. The shepherds could now say, “Now all is well.”

H. The angels were waiting for the day when the Son of man would come and save mankind. The angels who had appeared to men in the Old Testament were earnestly waiting for the redemption of the human race. They were watching the whole drama from heaven and know that one day the Lord God Almighty would reign supremely over Lucifer, Satan, and his demon hordes who rebelled against their Master. The redemption had begun and they could not say, “Now all is well.”

I. The Wise Men from the East who had been studying the stars for years, began to realize that the answers to life’s mysteries do not come from the heavenly bodies. The people they lived among had no purpose and were without vision and without hope. They lived a miserable existence in the end only to die and return to the earth. The Wise Men yearned for something more. When they saw the magnificent star they followed it and in the end they saw the object of man’s desire. They also could say, “Now all is well.”

J. King Herod and his subjects. Now all is well = Nowell; Evil kings and rulers will be overthrown.

K. The chief priests and Pharisees. Now all is well = Nowell.

L. The Israelites. O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel. Who mourns in lonely exile here! Until the Son of God appear. O come thou Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by Thine advent here. Disperse the gloomy clouds of night and death’s dark shadows put to flight. Noel- Rejoice, Rejoice, Emmanuel has come to thee, O Israel.

M. The Gentiles. Now all is well = Nowell

N. Those who look for meaning in books and knowledge. Now all is well = Nowell.

O. The philosophers. I am the Truth. Now all is well = Nowell

P. Wars. Now all is well = Nowell

Q. Envy, strife and quarrels cease. Now all is well = Nowell

R. Those who live in fear. Now all is well = Nowell

S. Those looking for rest. Slaves. Now all is well = Nowell

T. Those who are disabled. Now all is well = Nowell

U. Those who are sick. Those who are weak. Now all is well = Nowell

V. Those who are getting along in years. What happens in death? Now all is well = Nowell

W. To those who ask, “Does God really care?” Now all is well = Nowell

X. Those who have no friends. Those looking for love. Now all is well = Nowell

Y. Those who have no family. Now all is well = Nowell

Z. The curse will soon be no more. Now all is well = Nowell

AA. The creation. Now all is well = Nowell

BB. Those who live in darkness. Now all is well = Nowell

DD. Those who are poor. Now all is well = Nowell

EE. Those who are miserable, and depressed. Now all is well = Nowell

FF. The people in the Old Testament. Now all is well = Nowell

GG. All the bad things in the world. Now all is well = Nowell

HH. Those who are bound with sin. Those who suffer addictions. Now all is well = Nowell

II. Those who have murdered. Those who have committed adultery. Those who steal. For those who lust and covet. Now all is well = Nowell

JJ. Those who are under the power of Satan. Defeated Satan at the manger, at the cross, and soon for all time. Now all is well = Nowell


How we can have Noel in our lives? Plan of salvation.

Go over the last verse of The First Noel.