Summary: Some people come to an altar during or after a service to get saved or rededicate their lives and you never see them again. What happens to them?


A) This incident has often been called, "The Pig Affair."

* Jesus was doing two things in this experience: One: He was demonstrating His power to deliver

men from the darkest forces imaginable, men possessed by devils!

* He wanted the world to know that he had now combated and conquered the forces of evil!

B) Col.2:15 "And having spoiled ... he made a show ... triumphing over them ..."

* The word, "spoiled" means to disarm and strip the evil forces of all their power!

* The devil is a defeated foe, a conquered enemy! * Now he is still on the loose as a roaring lion ...

* But in the by and by, Jesus will put him into the lake of fire and brimstone where he will be

tormented forever and ever!

C) He is defeated and he knows it! * That’s why he’s working overtime today to damn every ...

* The battle between Jesus and Satan was not a hidden affair, it was done openly!

* The phrase "He made a show of them openly" portray a celebration after the battle!

D) All the spiritual world witnessed that battle and the celebration that followed!

* Jesus utterly defeated the devil, triumphed over and conquered him and now, Jesus has in His

possession the keys of death, hell and the grave!

* Col.2:15 closes with the words, "triumphing over them in it" * In the cross of the Lord Jesus,

* God the Father achieved victory over the ungodly powers of spiritual wickedness in high places

including the devil, the prince of all wicked powers! * Through the death of His Son,

* "God conquered him who had the power of death, that is the devil" - Heb.2:14

E) Two: He was demonstrating that He searches for men everywhere!

* He wants all men to be saved, even those who are the most wild and mean!

* And He wants everyone to know that He is all out to save all, even the worst of men!

F) Therefore, He set out to save two men who were as possessed with devils as could be!

* They were so possessed & acted so insane that no man would dare reach out with a helping

hand! * In fact, no man dared go near them - text "no man might pass by that way."

* We may avoid the wildest and the meanest and have little to do with those in bad conditions!

* But Christ longs to save them and change them! * 1Tim.1:15 "This is a faithful saying ......."

G) This story is also found in Mark 5:1-20 and Luke 8:26-39!

* What a change took place after meeting Jesus! * Tell before and after .......

* However, Matthew tells us that there were two of them in the graveyard!

* What happened to one of them? * I don’t know, but let me toss out some possibilities!


* We need to remember how Jesus set us free! * Little boy in Sunday School was asked to say

John 3:16 ... and he said, "For God so loved ... He gave His only forgotten Son that ......."

A) We are living in a day where people are forgetting God! * Bible warnings:

* Deut.6:12 "Then beware lest thou forget the Lord, which brought thee forth out ......."

* Deut.6:19 "And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God, and walk after other gods,

and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish."

* Ps.9:17 "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."

* Ps.50:22 "Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you into pieces, and there be none ..."

* Ps.78 talks about how the children of God forgot all the works & wonders He had shown them!

B) We need to remember Him at church time! * Heb.10:25 "Not forsaking the assembling of ..."

* People are forgetting God every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wed. night!

* It’s nothing to them to miss church over the least little thing! * They look for excuses!

C) We need to remember Him when the offering plate is passed!

* Remember Who allows you to have the wealth that you do have!

* Deut.8:17-18 "And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten

me this wealth. But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee ......."

D) We need to remember when opportunity is presented!

* The Lord’s Day - Ps.122:1 "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the ......."

* Giving - 2Cor.9:7 "God loveth a cheerful giver!" * It’s a joy to be able to give!

E) Witnessing, praying, Bible reading, etc. * Remember when opportunity is presented!

* Just maybe this man forgot what Jesus did for him!

* Story of man’s dad in war (1) Thought about him (2) Read his letters (3) Waited for his return

(2) MAYBE HE WAS FEARFUL! * Somebody was in trouble over them pigs!

* Why were the swine killed? * It should be noted that Christ did not kill them!

* He knew they would be killed, but the evil spirits were the ones who drove them violently over

the cliff and they drowned in the sea! * Why did Jesus allow such loss?

A) The owners of these pigs were Jews! * It was against the law of God for a Jew .......

* Jesus had a perfect right under the law of God to destroy these bootleg hogs!

* Then too, no one has any right to ask why Jesus did this or why Jesus did that!

B) Others ask why the demons destroyed that which they had taken refuge!

* I believe that demons take great delight in doing harm to man or beast!

* I also believe they could have destroyed the swine in order to bring hatred into the hearts

of the owners against Jesus, a result which actually followed - v.33-34

C) Maybe he was fearful that Jesus would expect him to follow him like the disciples did!

* Some people are afraid of what it might cost them to follow Christ!

* When Jesus called the 12, the Bible says that, "they forsook all and followed Him."

* People love the way they’re living is why they wont follow Christ!

* So, just maybe he was fearful!


* You know, he hadn’t seen them in a long time!

A) The call of Christ means that He comes first! * Look in Matt.10:37

* "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son ..."

* The meaning of these words are very clear to those of us who’ll allow the Spirit to teach us!

B) Jesus is not advocating that one hate his father or mother or son or daughter!

* But He is saying that He must be loved supremely!

* We cannot allow our love for our parents or children or anyone else be stronger than our

love for Jesus Christ!

* The phrase, "Is not worthy of me" means that such a person is not fit to be called a child

of God or a disciple of Jesus!

C) Sometimes a man loves his family so much, he’ll turn away from Christ!

* Many has chosen their families over Christ! * The point is this!

* We must love God supremely, putting Him before all others, even before our families!

* Just maybe, this one man had let his family and friends affect him!


* No doubt, he had things to do and plans to fulfill!

A) Lot of things get in the way of serving Jesus!

* People get so involved in things of life, they don’t have time for God!

* Matt.10:38 "And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me."

B) Christ again made a strong demand! * Note the words, "He that taketh not HIS CROSS"

* Every man has "his cross" & the cross is a symbol of death and execution!

* Every man must die to self day by day! * He must count himself dead to sin & follow Christ!

* We must sacrifice our will, ambition, and desires!

C) Whatever it is that a person wants: * Comfort, ease, wealth, fame, power, family,

* All must be placed behind Christ and His will!

* Maybe he was concerned about his future and wanted to take care of himself now that he

is able to, since he no longer lives in the tombs possessed with devils!


A) Your guess is good as mine as to what happened to the other demoniac!

* Maybe he forgot what Jesus did for him! * Maybe he was fearful!

* Maybe he let his family and friends affect him and influence him!

B) Maybe he was just concerned about his future!

* He’s finally gonna do what he’s always wanted to do!

C) Are you willing to pick up your cross and follow Him!

* Come to Jesus! * He’s waiting for you right here!