Summary: A glimpse into the heart of a man who loves the Word of God

LAMEDH - Psalms 119:89-96

 David discusses the staying power of the Word of God. How God’s Word sustains both creation and man.



 Hold in our hands a printed copy on man-made materials of settled truths forever written in heaven.

The Word of God is Eternal Truth (89) Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven. (90) Thy faithfulness continues throughout all generations;

1. David describes the eternal nature or God’s Word.

Q- What does it mean that God’s Word is settled in heaven?

For how long?

a. God’s Word does not ever become irrelevant, outdated, old fashioned, behind the times.

Q-Did you have any SETTLED TRUTHS in your home when you were growing up? Don’t talk back/don’t skip school/if you get a whipping at school..

b. Settled truths are unchangables. Debate is over. No more discussion is necessary. I am not going to change God’s mind.

Q-What are some of heaven’s settled truths? God’s holiness, God’s love, God’s only way of salvation.

c. God’s Word will not change for all of eternity. It is a promise we can depend upon today and tomorrow. NO EXPIRATION DATE

MISSOURI BRIDGES ARE FALLING DOWN: wearing out with time and can no longer be trusted. NO EXPIRATION DATE on God’s Word.(COUPONS)

d. Why can we depend for so long on the dependability of God’s promises? Thy faithfulness…..

1) Two absolute words: forever….throughout all generations(That means every one, including ours)

The Word of God Sustains God’s Creation (90) Thou didst establish the earth, and it stands. (91) They stand this day according to Thine ordinances, for all things are Thy servants.

1. God is not only Creator but also the Sustainer of the earth.

a. By Thee all things hold together(Jesus)

Q-What would happen if God’s protective, sustaining hand were taken off of the earth? Events of the book of Revelation would begin to occur: natural disasters, demonic attacks, destructive warfare, unbelievable spiritual darkness, unrestrained sin.

b. The earth remains according to God’s prescribed timetable. In His time, when He finally speaks the Word, when He calls His church home, LOOK OUT or rather LOOK UP and then the earth will no longer be sustained by His sovereign hand.

Q- What term does David us to describe the earth in 119:91? Every morning the sun appears, the rain falls , gravity holds us down, food grows out of the ground, animals give birth to the next generation of hamburgers, the earth rotates, orbits, the moons pulls the ocean tides, lightning strikes and puts nitrogen back into the soil, plants produce oxygen, my heart continues to beat: SERVANTS AT WORK BY GOD’S DESIGN.

Q-Do you think that we take these faithful activities for granted? What is the only creation of God that resists His design upon it?

God’s Word Has Sustained us in the Past (92) If Thy law had not been my delight, then I would have perished in my affliction.

1. David recognizes that he had been sustained by God’s Word.

Q-What affliction is David talking about? Saul pursuit

a. When we live with God’s Word as the delight in our lives then we come to a point in life that we can look back and see that with each test, challenge and difficulty we kept going by the hope and encouragement we found in God’s Word.

Q-Ever ask yourself, ’If I had not lived by God’s principle then how would _______ be’? marriage, finances, friendships, spiritual maturity? Surrounded by people with hurting lives who have not chosen to delight in God’s Word.

Q-Any in Scripture who failed to delight in God’s Word and paid the consequences? Samson/Solomon/David/Ahab & Jezebel/Ananias and Sapphira/Judas

Q-Is your delight in God’s Word on the increase or on the decline? Attendance, time in Word, answers to prayer, giving, witnessing….

The Word of God Will Sustain Me in the Future (93) I will never forget Thy precepts, for by them Thou hast revived me. (94) I am Thine, save me: for I have sought Thy precepts. (95) The wicked wait for me to destroy me; I shall diligently consider Thy testimonies.

1. David’s past experience only encourages him the same principles and promises that saved him in the past will also provide answers for his future.


a. Not to forget God’s Word:(read, heard, seen lived out)

1) Some have forgotten more than others have heard. How can we assure that we don’t lose the truth we have heard?

b. Continually Seek God’s Truths:

1) Spiritual strength is not only what you learned yesterday but what you are committed to hearing today.

What are some helpful discipline to hear from God each day?

c. Consider God’s Truth in all of Life’s Struggles:

1) Consider means to be ’cunning and skillful’

Q-Do you see ’Christians’ struggling with pressures and demands of life but with no consideration for God’s will of the principles of Scripture in the matter?

Q-What could be waiting around the corner for you tomorrow? What is waiting? How have you considered in advance God’s way of dealing with that issue or problem?

The Word of God has No Boundaries or Limits (96) I have seen a limit to all perfection; Thy commandment is exceedingly broad.

1. David had seen many things in life that seemed overwhelming in power but each one had a limit. Elephant is only so strong, whale is only so big, man’s life is only so long

a. Only one thing that David recognizes as being without boundaries or limits: God’s Word.

Q-What does this mean to you? Simple enough for a little Child to be saved but so deep that we cannot exhaust or comprehend it’s truths. Answers every need of man’s life/it is unending in it’s application/never irrelivant.

GOD’S WORD: Is Eternal truth - Sustains Creation - Sustained us in the Past & Will do so in the Future- It is w/o Boundaries or Limits.