Summary: To lead the people to understand that we should not complain when God leads us along difficult paths, but to trust Him for what is the best direction for our lives.

Deliverance From Egypt

Crossing the Red Sea – Exodus 13:20-15:21

1. Aim: To lead the people to understand that we should not complain when God leads us along difficult paths, but to trust Him for what is the best direction for our lives.

ILlustration:In essentials, unity.

In non-essentials, liberty.

In all things, charity.


2. Explanation of the Aim: When Pharaoh finally let the Israelite people go, God did not lead them on the shortest way from Egypt to the Promised land. Sometimes the Lord leads us in ways that may not always seem the best at the time. However, God knew that by taking the longer route, the Israelites would avoid having to fight the Philistines.

If the Lord does not lead you in a way that seems reasonable to you do not complain. His ways are higher than your ways. Follow where the Lord wants you to go and He will guide you over any obstacles in the road. Only God is able to see the end of journey. He knows the end from the beginning and everything in between.

3. The Bible Story: The leading of God is always the best despite what may seem to be the most efficient way of accomplishing a task. There were two ways from Egypt to Canaan. One was only a few days’ journey; the other was much further about, through the wilderness, and that was the way in which God chose to lead his people Israel.

God used the longer route so the Egyptians could be drowned in the Red sea. He also wanted to the Israelites to be humbled and refined in the wilderness. God’s way is the right way, though it might seem hard to understand. God knew that the Philistines were powerful enemies so He led them to bypass their territory.

God allowed the Israelites to pass through the hardships of the desert to prepare them for the battles in the promise land. Be confident that God will proportion your trials according to your abilities.

4. Prepare to Teach: The INTRODUCTION is used to find out if the people know how the Lord used the whole Red Sea experience for His greater purposes?

Ask the people if they know why God led the people of Israel through the Red Sea rather than by a more direct route to the promise land?

The BIBLE STORY helps us learn that even when people were hostile to their leader, Moses encouraged them to watch the splendid way God would rescue them from danger.

The MEANING FOR OUR LIVES gives the people an opportunity to make applications from the lesson. Ask the people what are some of the most important lessons they learned from this Bible story? Find out if any of the people have seen God rescue them from a difficulty? Ask the people if they know of a family who God has rescued from a terrible disaster? Ask some of the people to pray a prayer for deliverance from hunger, disease, or calamity that their people may be facing.

5. The Bible Story

Whoever is led into a difficult wilderness experience can be assured that God care for them all along the way. God led them through a pillar of fire as an appearance of Divine Light.

Be secure in the fact that God guides those who are willing to do His will. (John 7:17) Even though you may not be able to see with your eyes what God is doing, His Spirit, His word and His providence will guide you in the way to go. So it is with people who learn to walk less by sight and more by faith. God gave the pillar of cloud by day for shelter from the hot sun and a pillar of fire by night to be a lantern to their pathway.

The Lord is able to provide protection and guidance in all situations regardless of our outward difficulties. In the same way we can use the word of God as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. (Psa. 119:110)

6. Just when Pharaoh thought that the Hebrews were entangled in the wilderness, God planned to use the seeming perilous situation for His honor. With 600 chariots the Egyptian army Pharaoh chased Moses and the people of Israel with their backs against the Red Sea. Conditions seemed to point to the total destruction of God’s people except the Lord’s hand controlled everything. God said, “I will be honored by Pharaoh. Let everyone know that God will be honored either by their wrath or by their submission, the choice is up to them.

7. The disasters that might appear to be the end may actually be a new beginning. God overrules the evil plans of men and turns evil for good. (Gen 50:20) Some men like Pharaoh may try to carry out their revenge, but God can even use the wrath of man to praise Him. The Lord can use people’s envy turn to become a self-destructive emotion. Whoever wants to live a godly life should expect to be attacked by many evil forces. The devil will not easily surrender anyone or anything without a fight.

8. Just as God brought the people to the point of no return, He may humble us for His greater purposes. Many of the Hebrew people argued with Moses for bringing them out of Egypt, but they were shortsighted. Many people become angry with God when He is trying to work a kind act on their behalf. We just need to remain still and see the salvation of God as He fights the battles for us. Moses said, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand where you are and watch the Lord rescue you. The Lord himself will fight for you. You won’t have to lift a finger in your defense.” (Ex. 14:13,14) That is exactly what happened. All of Pharaoh’s army quickly drowned in the mighty waters of the Red Sea. Remain calm while the Lord delivers you from any difficulty.

9. He will always find a way to bring you out of your problems. Moses’ silent prayers of faith prevailed more with God than Israel’s loud outcries of fear. Let us stop our complaining and move forward for the ministry of His kingdom and righteousness. Do not be distracted by your own self-destructive tendencies to great angry or fearful when disaster seems near.

Memory Verse: Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.” (Ex. 14:13)

The Meaning for Our Lives

Give the people an opportunity to make applications from the lesson. Ask the people what are some of the most important lessons they learned from this Bible story? Find out if any of the people have seen God rescue them from a difficulty? Ask the people if they know of a family who God has rescued from a terrible disaster? Ask some of the people to pray a prayer for deliverance from hunger, disease, or calamity that their people may be facing.


Song: The horse and rider fell into the sea

Prayer: Ask the Lord to lead you through whatever desert like experience you may be going through regardless of how common sense may contradict His will.

At Home: Ask your family and friends how the whole Red Sea experiences teaches them to follow God’s will.

Conclusion:He prayeth best who loveth best

All things both great and small;

For the dear God who loveth us,

He made and loveth all.

Samuel T. Coleridge.

Love ever gives.

Forgives, outlives,

And ever stands

With open hands.

And while it lives,

It gives,

For this is love’s perogative--

To give, and give, and give.
