Summary: What better way to celebrate our nation’s birthday than by preparing for a renewal





I’m sure many of you have seen the musical either at the schools or on TV, the

Music Man. So you remember that scene where the “professor”, pointing to the Pool

Hall tells the citizens, you’ve got trouble right here in river city. Thus my theme for

today, Recipe for Renewal in River City. I hope today that we leave here not only with

some added knowledge of what our communities need, but also with the added

motivation to bring about those changes. Recipie for Renewal Right Here in River City.

What better way to celebrate the birthday of our Country than to prepare to bring it back

to the greatness it once enjoyed? You remember that last year Pastor Peggy challenged us

to have an old fashioned camp meeting. What she was saying was it’s time for renewal

right here in River City. So I want to continue again this year in that same vein.

You’ve probably heard the old story about the monestary where the only talking

that could take place was once per year and then only one monk was allowed to speak a

sentence. On one such occasion the monk whose turn it was stood up at the dinner table

and said, “The soup is too cold.” Then a year passed. The next year another brother

stood up and said, “The soup is too hot” Then another year passed. The next year the

next brother stood up and said, “The soup is just right” And another year passed. Finally

a a 4th brother stood up and said, “If all you want to do is bicker, I’m just going to leave.”

Well, even after a year, it’s not too late for us to remember what has been said. So in the

vein of our message last year I want to continue to talk about Renewal right here in river


The great OT leader Joshua was standing before the people of Israel. The

promised land had been conquered and it was time for the people to inherit what was

theirs. So Joshua closes with this promise in Joshua 24:15 And if it seems evil to you to

serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods

which your fathers served that werew on the other side of the River, or the gods of the

Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the


Folks, the time for us has come to choose. If there is to be renewal in the land we

have to make a choice. The world says, you can choose from many gods or religious

beliefs. The Bible says you must make a choice, God or the gods. So as we begin we

must ask, which do I choose, the God of heaven or the gods of this world?

And unknown author has written, That land is great which know the Lord, Whose

songs are guiede by His word; Where justice rules twixt man and man, Where love

controls an ardent plan; Where, breathing in his native air, Each soul finds joy in praise

and prayer...Thus may our country, good and great, Be God’s delight... man’s best estate.

Are we ready to choose? The first ingredient in our recipe is


If there is to be any renewal in our land, christians must reunite. Friends, we have

spent too much time apart. I have been told about a time in this community when one of

the churches would have a revival or special meeting, the building would be full, not just

of that churches own members, but of the other church’s as well. It is time for a coming

together again. Just look at what has worked here each year. This service is the reason I

believe that this freedom festival continues to work and thrive. The moment they cut it

out is the moment they will bring down the whole celebration - Amen? We are capable

of worshipping in unity. And just because the rest of the year we meet in separate

buildings doesn’t mean we can’t be united. The first step in this reunion is prayer for one

another. How often do you pray for others in our community? How often do you pray for

the ministers of this area. Folks, you and I know that the battle is on and that we are on

the front lines. Pray for us daily. Pray for your fellow family members daily. If our

churches are not strong, again our communities will be weakened. So let us come

together in prayer for one another.

The next step of this reunion is caring for our youth. The young people have a

very tough road to hoe. Many of them have been cast into roles of responsiblity way

before they are really ready because of the situations in their homes. Others have been

offered temptations that most adults couldn’t handle, but because we live in a permissive

society their eyes get more seeing and their ears more hearing than many of us have ever

dreamed of. With the internet, cable TV and the media, the youngest of children are

exposed to troubling sights and sounds. It is what will be the ruination of our nation if it

continues. Listen to these words We are drowning our young people in violence,

cynicism and sadism. Someone has observed that the grandchildren of the kids who used

to weep because the little match girl froze to death, now feel cheated if she is not mugged,

raped and thrown into a fire.

A week ago Friday we were in Florida. On the news stations there, and I believe

on some even here, was the horrifying report of a two year old girl attacked and killed by

an aligator in Winter Haven. We wondered how she could get so far away from her

family. The lake she had wandered away to was several hundred yards away from her

home. I was talking to Jim Reed whom some of you remember as a former pastor here

back in the 70’s. Jim lives in Winter Haven. He told me that she got over or around a 7

foot high fence in her yard.

Folks here is my point -- We have churches that care about the youth. We have

schools that work hard to teach our children what they need to know. We have police

that are on the ball in this area. Those are the fences and those just aren’t enough. We

need families that support the work of the churches and the schools and even the law

enforcement. We need parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles who live out

christian examples before their children. Several years ago a survey revealed that when

Mom and Dad took(not sent) their children to church, 76% of the children followed their

parent in their faith. If only the father took the children to church, only 55 %.

Interestingly enough, if only the mother took the children to church, the percentage

dropped to 15 %. If neither parent took the children only 9% became active Christians.

Do we care about the future of our nation? I’m sure we all do. That future lies in

the future of our youth and the battle is being fought fiercly over their very souls. We

must reunite so that our children will grow up knowing the Lord. Remember this, the

church is only one generation away from total anialation. When the church goes, so goes

the nation.

We need reunion to bring about renewal. I have a friend who visited a home for

the mentally disabled. As he was being shown around the facility he noticed that the

people were free to move around within the grounds. They could visit or just sit

anywhere they wished. This struck him as odd. So he asked, why are the patients

allowed to walk freely on the grounds? Aren’t you afraid they might get together and

overthrow the place? The answer he got was chilling. The doctor giving him the tour

said, Oh no, we have found that insane people can never agree long enough to plan

anything together.

Friends, we have to choose, reunion or insanity. If we refuse to pray for one

another and to work together for our youth we must acknowledge our own insanity.

Choose this day.

The second ingredient is Revival. Specifically there must be a revival of the importance

of God’s word within our homes and in our commuinity.

America has been blessed by God because America has honored God and His

Word. George Washington ennobled the office of the presidency when he said, “It is

impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” Abraham Lincoln

agreed: “I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from

the Savior of the world is communicated from this Book.”

How often do you read God’s word? How often do you put into practice what you

read? C.H. MacKintosh said, Let us remember that all the mischief, all the corruption

and confusion, all the shame and dishoner, all the reproach and blasphemy, had its

origin in the neglect of the Word of God....It has ever been the special design of Satan to

lead God’s people away from Scripture. He will use anything and everything for this en -

tradition - human reason- popular opinion - all those he will use in order to get the heart

and conscience away from that one golden sentence - that divine motto - “It is written.”

Folks if renewal is to take place there must be a revival upon the importance of

God’s word. Not only that but there must be a revival of prayer among the people.

Today if you want to guarantee a small turnout for a service just announce that it will be a

prayer service. We must have come to the conclusion that prayer just doesn’t matter any

longer. Because of that the church is losing it’s power and influence in society. Why do

we see this fight over prayer in our schools? I believe it’s because we have lost sight of

the importance of prayer in our homes and yes even in our churches.

In the middle of the 19th century, when our nation was divided over the issue of

slavery, and people wre living in a selfish, materialistic approach to life, God raised up

Jeremiah Lamphier to lead a revival of prayer. In 1857, he began a prayer meeting in the

upper room of the Old Fulton Street Dutch Reformed Church in Manhattan. Beginning

with only 6 people, the prayer meeting grew until the church was filled with praying

people. By Feb. of 1858, nearly 10,000 people a week were being converted. The impact

of these prayer meetings spread from city to city across the U.S. Cleveland, Detroit,

Chicago, Cincinnati - city after city was conquered by the power of believing prayer.

Friends, if whole cities can be revived by prayer, imagine what could happen right

here in River City.

If we desire renewal in the land there must be a revival of Giod’s word and prayer.

The last ingredient for renewal is Rebirth. I refer here to evangelism. If we are

to experience renewal we must become aggresive in our following of the great

commission. Friends, I guarantee all the other philosophies and religions are not sitting

around hoping for people to walk throught their doors, they are out beating the bushes

trying to win converts. They buy TV time, they go door to door, they stand on street

corners they give of their time to go on mission trips, they do whatever it takes to spread

their message. We must once again hear that word GO. We have to realize that we are

losing the battle for new members and that each person we lose is a person Heaven loses.

That means they will spend an eternity in Hell. Folks its that important. I’m not talking

here about building up bigger churches. I’m talking about saving people’s souls for

eternity. I’m talking about saving our nation from destroying itself. I’m talking about the

single most serious subject we could ever discuss.

Have we won everyone there is to win in Saybrook, Arrowsmith, Anchor, Colfax,

Cooksville and Bellflower, not to mention the rest of this area? I think not. We must

take our masters command seriously again and get out and bring new birth to the lost.

We must follow the example of the one who said, I came not to be served but to serve and

to seek and save the lost. If we want renewal in the land there must be rebirth.

Those are the ingredients of our recipe for renewal, Reunion, Revival and

Rebirth. So again I say, choose this day the direction you will travel and the God you

will serve.

A pastor tells of visiting a church in California and finding a stirring red and

orange banner on the wall. "Come Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!" it declared in words printed

under a picture of a fire burning. The pastor was also interested in the sign directly

underneath the banner which said: "Fire extinguisher." So much for that parish’s

commitment to spiritual renewal

Will you accept the challenge for renewal right here in River City? May we all

seek God’s mercy and grace upon this nation and become active in our search for
