Summary: This is an Easter Sermon and deals with how we can willingly blind ourselves to the truth of God’s word. My wife and I preached it together.

Seeing What You Want To See!

9:30 Easter 4/11/93 Text Matt 28:11-18 Matt. 27:57-28:11


We all have tremendous power to see what we want to see even though everyone else around else may see something differently.

We all know of someone who has fallen in love, and talk about the

person as though the he or she was more precious than silver or

gold. Yet when we meet the person face to face, "we just can’t

see what all the fuss was about." Two people can look at the

same person and one will the see the person of his or her dream,

and the other will see a good for nothing bag of headaches,

heartache and pain.


Even when it comes to the truth of God’s word, our own stub

bornness will cause us to see only what we want to see. Out

text this morning involves a group of people who saw the truth

and power of the gospel, yet they did not see it, because they

did not want to see it. Turn to Matthew 28 verse 11. The text

is the day of the resurrection. What makes this text so powerful

is that , it’s a group that does not believe in Jesus Christ,

that testifies that Jesus had risen from the dead as our Scrip

ture reading pointed out.


Verse 11 says, "While the women were on their way, some of

the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests,

everything that had happened." Now you may recall, the chief

priests had requested that the guards be posted on at the tomb,

and that a seal be put over the tomb to make sure that the disci

ples did not come to try and steal the body of Jesus in order to

fake that Jesus had risen from the dead. The chief priest had

listened to Jesus well enough to know that Jesus had predicted,

in three days I will rise again.


It’s ironic that God uses these same guards to come and

proclaim to the chief priest the news they did not want to hear.

There was a violent earthquake, an angel came down and threw away

that huge bolder and declared that Jesus had risen from the dead

just like he said. Not only that, Jesus is going to appear in

Galilee. Do you see the first people to proclaim the message of

the resurrection in Jerusalem itself were Roman soldiers. They

had no reason to lie about what Jesus had done.


As a matter of fact, it would have been better for them if

they had of lied. If you lost a prisoner, then you would become a

prisoner in the prisoner’s place. After all, who would believe

such a story. Now God knew if the women who Jesus first ap

peared to had told the story to the chief priest, the chief

priest would have laughed and call them silly women with misguid

ed hopes and dreams. Hoping against hope. But with these Roman

soldiers declaring that Jesus had risen from the dead, this had

to be taken much more seriously.


Look at Matthew verse 12. " When the chief priest had met

with the elders and they devised a a plan." Now you would have

thought the leaders would have been glad to hear that God had

sent his Messiah, Savior, into the world. That now God’s people

know God’s peace. If you recalled, these leaders had

offered Jesus a deal or contract when he was on the cross. They

had said, "If you are the king of Isreal, then come down of the

cross and we will believe."


Well now they have the evidence. He’s done more than come

down of the Christ. He has risen from the dead and He is alive.

No other leader before or since Christ has said "kill me in front

of the world to see, and in three days I will come back to life."

Now that they have the proof, are these people going to keep

their promise and start to believe. We can answer that from our

own experience. How many of us have made similar contracts with

God? God if you get me through this sickness, this job, this

test, this problem , I’ll do this and that for the rest of my



The story is told of a man who was way out in the middle of

a lake and his boat began to sink. He was about a mile from

shore and the water was choppy. He prayed Lord if I make it, I’ll

be in church every Sunday and at Bible study every Wednesday.

I’ll sing in the choir like you want me to. God I need your help.

Half way there he prayed again, Lord If I make it I’ll be in

Church every Sunday and I’m going to sing in that choir. Just

help me Lord. Quarter of the way to go, Lord, If I make it, I say

on my mother’s grave, I’ll be in Church every Sunday. Just a

little more help. We He got to where the water was shallow

enough to walk, he said Lord, I did a fine job of swimming, and I

promise I will be in church every Easter from now until I die


The chief priests and leaders have the truth of God’s word

staring them in the face from a trustworthy and reliable source.

They have been educated at to the truth of Jesus’s resurrection.

Their education should have led them to one course of action.

They should fall on their faces and knees, confess the hardness

of their hearts and seek the forgiveness of God. They are now

without excuse, for they know that Jesus is who He said he was.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ was not some story made up by

the disciples. It was historic fact reported by those who didn’t

even believe in Him.


But people who want to continue in their own lifestyles,

will always discover reasons for not believing truths they wish

to repudiate or deny. They can always invent difficulties,

discrepancies and new explanations. Today people do not want to

admit God created the universe. They would rather believe every

thing came out of a big bang. My friends when God created the

universe out of nothing, don’t you know that would have caused a

great bang. We all know that when two cars collide, you don’t

get a bunch of litter cars running around in perfect order, you

get a mess. Yet we will believe that a gigantic star exploded,

and out of it we got the order in the universe.


We see what we want to see. Evolution would have us believe

a roach, a snake, and elephant, a person, and a whale all came

from the same great great great grandparents. It’s easier for me

believe that God created the roach a roach, the snake a snake,

the elephant a elephant, the person the person and the whale a

whale. We as Christians have nothing to be ashamed of in our

beliefs that God created this world as the Bible said. Even the

unbelievers in this text declare our greatest truth, and that’s

that Jesus rose from the dead.


In our test, these leaders are in a position to be used by

God as never before. They know a truth that could turn the world

right side up. They could proclaim that Jesus is alive, and that

God has kept His promise to give us hope for changed lives and to

be made right with Him. There is one slight problem. They will

have to admit that they were wrong. about a lot of things. Some

times we know how hard it can be to have to admit when we were



There’s something about us that just doesn’t want to come

right out and say, I was wrong. We’d rather say, you know, you

were right the other day when such and such happened. Most of us

will write a letter or send a gift rather than say I was wrong.

But saints there is a healing process that begins to take place

when we admit our sins and failures to one another. Our husband,

our wives, our children, our parents, our friends, and our God

need to hear us say, I was wrong.


The chief priest and elders had thought they needed a mira

cle in order to believe in Christ. "Show us some miracle, to

prove you are from God they had said to him." But Jesus had said

before me, "If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets,

neither will they persuaded if someone rose from the dead." The

leaders never doubted the truth of the soldiers account. But not

even the plainest evidence will persuade willful disobedience and

blindness. I don’t know where the religious leaders took counsel,

because their plan of operation did not come from God. God’s

method by be harder, but it leads to healing restoration and



Instead of admitting their wrong, they choose to perpetuate

a lie, that would cause millions of peoples through the ages to

miss out on God’s greatest blessing to the world. The Scriptures

said, "they gave the soldiers a large sum of money telling them,

’You are to say, His disciples came during the night and stole

him away, while we were sleep." How tragic. In order to main

tain their pride, and their control over the people’s lives, they

buried a message that could bring power into the people’s lives

that they had never known before. Easter is the realization that

because Jesus is alive, my life does not have to be what it used

to be.


How strange it is that the lie they come up with, is the

same lie they feared the disciples would come up with three days

earlier. You can’t hide the truth of God with one lie, without

exposing it costing you something further down the road. First

the religious leaders had to pay money to Judas to betray Christ

in order to kill him. Now they have to pay the soldiers money to

keep quiet about him being alive all over again. But lies

leave as many questions as they do answers. If the soldiers were

sleep, who would they know who it was that stole the body.


Not only that, if they saw a theft taking place, why didn’t

they stop them. If they were asleep, how come the moving of the

sealed stone did not wake them up. If the disciples deserted

Jesus when he was alive, why would they turn around and risk

their lives for a dead body. You see the soldiers account was

so convincing, they could not come up with a lie to adequately

account for everything that had happened.


Now the offer of money alone would not have been enough to

persuade the soldiers to spread this lie of sleeping on the job.

The penalty for falling asleep on duty was certain death. So the

religious leaders through in further cover up in verse 14 in

which they said, "If this report gets to the governor, we will

satisfy him and keep you out of trouble." It sounds as though

the leaders are ready to dish out some more money to ask the

governor Pilate to keep the soldiers out of trouble. This time

when the chief priest go before Pilate, they will not be able to

dismiss Jesus as easily as they had done at his trial.


That must have been some sight when they went back to admit

to Pilate that they might have been wrong about Jesus and obvi

ously Jesus was a little more than they had earlier stated. "Ahmm

, governor, it appears that Jesus might have risen from the dead,

but it’s best not to let this thing get out. After all, if Jesus

is alive he might come looking for you, because you did give the

order to crucify Him.


Pilate kept this thing quiet but not totally. Historical

accounts by the historian Eusebius and confirmed by Tertullian,

tells us that Pilate sent an account of the matter to Tiberius

Ceasar. As a result, Tiberius got the Senate to pass a decree

enrolling Jesus in the list of the Roman gods. It appears that

Pilate wanted to be on the safe side if possible.


The Scriptures state in verse 15: " So the soldiers took the

money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been

widely circulated among the Jews to this very day." Lies have a

way of spreading 10 times faster than truth, especially when they

are the lies we want to hear and want to believe. These soldiers

were witnesses of one of the greatest acts in all of human histo

ry. Yet they sold out for a few dollars, and in so doing, they

led many down the road to hell and destruction. Not only that,

they robbed many people, of the chance to experience the grace

and wonder of God in their lives.


Have you ever though about what your price may be that will

cause you to walk away from the truth of the gospel? What is

that Satan would offer you? For many of us, the price is not

money, but for some of us it is. We should at least be aware of

what our weaknesses are so that we can actively work to avoid

falling into Satan’s trap. Otherwise when temptation is before

us, we will see only what we want to see, rather than seeing the

truth of the word of God.


It’s easy to say, well if had been there and seen it all for

myself, then I would believe it. Funny thing how the soldiers

were then and did not believe, the chief priests were there and

did not believe, and even the disciples where there and did not

believe. We have seen God work in the lives of others, and at

times in our own lives, yet find ourselves not believing. If we

think God is going to prove himself to us beyond all reasonable

doubt time and time again, we are sadly mistaken. The Bible

teaches that we are called to walk by faith, not by what we can

always see.


Sometimes we must see things that are not as though they

were, in order to reach God’s goal for our lives. At other times

we must see thing that are, as they were not, in order to be

victorious. If God did everything we asked of Him, that’s no

guarantee that we would yield our hearts to Him and to serve Him

faithfully to the end. Jesus never placed a premium on sight.

He chastised Thomas saying, "Thomas you believe only because you

have seen me. Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe.


The facts are these. Jesus rose from the dead on Easter

morning. Neither Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed or any other leader

has claimed to have risen from the dead. Jesus said, "I am the

way, the truth and the life. No one comes to God except through

me. When Jesus rose from the dead, he proved that He could back

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up his claim to be the Son of God. There is no other means by

which we can be saved. The power of the resurrection is here

this morning not only to cleanse you from sin, but to give you a

new start in life. God wants to open doors in our lives that we

have never gone through before. Yet He allows us to see what it

is that we want to see. I challenge you, to see the power He has

in store for your life