Summary: This sermon is based on the text from Philippians 2:12-18 and touches on the subjects complaining, homosexuality, abortion, and shining for Christ.

"Did You Shine This Past Week?"

11:00 2/5/93 Psalm 27:1-6 Matt 5:13-16 Text Philipp. 2:12-18


Most of us like to look good. We like for our shoes to

shine, our cars to shine, our words to be polished and we want

our hair in place. We want others to give us that nod of approval

that that brother or sister has got it together. At age 16 we

think everybody is looking at us. At age 30, we hope the right

kind of people are looking at us. At age 60, we realize that

most of the people didn’t even know we were there.

My friends, there is nothing wrong with looking good, and you

ought to want to look good because your looks say something about

your faith in God. The problem comes in that we often spend the

most time trying to look our best, in areas that ultimately don’t

really matter. You see its possible to be of great beauty in

appearance and yet be very ugly in one’s soul or attitude. We

have all met very beautiful people who shine on the outside, yet

we want nothing to do with them because of the ugliness that the

beauty covers over.

Jesus said in our New Testament reading, to let our lights

shine. How well did your light shine for Jesus this past week?

Were you like the brightness of the sun in the noon day sky, were

you like the moon illuminating the night, were you like candle

glowing in the darkness? Or were you more like a flashlight with

a battery so weak, at best it flickered before going blank, Did

you spend more time shining up your outward or inward appearance?

Our text this morning continues in our study of the book of

Philippians starting at chapter 2:14. Please turn there with me

in your bibles. Philippians 2:14 "Do everything without complain

ing or arguing," This one verse alone, determines what type of

shine we carry in our homes, our church, our job, and our commu

nity. Everything means everything. Is God serious, does he

really expect us to go through life without complaining and

arguing? Yes? This is a totally new gospel.

Do you realize that if we obey this one verse, some of us

are going to have to wipe out 90% of our conversation. We have

made complaining and arguing a way of life. Do you realize that

one of the easiest things in the world to find is fault? We can

find fault with our children, our spouses, our relatives, our

pastors, our bosses, our employees and even folks we do not know.

Anybody can find fault to complain. But saints fault finding

without suggesting for improvement is a waste of your time, and

whoever’s time you’re complaining to about something.

A Missouri woman complained that she was married fifteen

years ago by a Justice of the Peace, and since that time she has

had neither justice nor peace. Some people complain because God

put thorns on roses, while others praise God for putting roses

among the thorns. Happiness may turn up in our lives when we

stop complaining about the troubles we have, and offer thanks for

all the troubles we don’t have.

This is a bible verse that we can all memorize and carry it

around in our hearts. We will get the opportunity to practice it

before we leave the church today. I confess that I need a lot of

help with this little verse when one of my kids give me a test

paper that’s a lot closer to an F and than it is an A. I need to

remember it when we vote to do something, and then only a few

people show up to do the work. I need to remember it when I tell

my wife something and she forgets that I told her. Especially

when she is 100% certain I never told her, but I know that I did.

God is telling us to live our lives for Him, without com

plaining about the hardships that come about as a result. You

see when Jesus said come follow me, he did not say it was going

to be easy. It’s not easy living with folks who just constantly

stir up trouble, get on our nerves, or just aggravate to aggra

vate. Then we discover that that’s what others are saying about


As Christians, we must constantly be aware of why we do what

we do. We are called to be single minded in our motivations in

life. There is but one single purpose. It’s found in Colossians

3:17 "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in

the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father

through him." Now when we get ready to yell at our children,

according to this verse, there’s a right way to do it and a wrong

way to do it. We must deal with them in the way Christ would be

pleased. There’s a right way and a wrong way to relate to one’s

spouse even in the midst of a disagreement.. Is Jesus happy with

the way we do it.

God hates grumbling and complaining because they destroy

relationships between people. You can send any relationship to an

early grave with a series of little digs, complaints, and put

downs. God has called us into the ministry of building one

another up. That’s not done by complaining and finding faults.

Would others say that you are a builder up of other’s people

faith and character or are you more likely to criticize and tear

them down? In our Black Men Who Excel Series, one of our assignments for a month was, before you can complain about anything to

your wife, you had to make sure that you had complimented her on

three good things. Wouldn’t it be great if we all adopted that

as a model of life. Go ahead and make a critique if you must, be

first say three things good. If we can’t come up with three good

things, let’s remember another bible verse that says, "even a

fool is considered wise when he keeps his mouth shut." We never

grow larger, by tearing others down.

This one short verse, "do everything without complaining or

arguing" could lead us into depths of closeness and fellowship

and love for each other that we have never known. Let’s not

complain about living the life that God has called us to live.

Will we get discouraged, yes we will. Can we share our discour

agement with others? Yes we can. It’s healthy for us to do so.

The intent of this verse is for us to see that there is an atti

tude that we must carry about ourselves as Christians if we are

to shine for Jesus Christ, even when we are not being treated

fairly. In reality, especially when we are being treated unfair


Our spirits should not be one of complaining and arguing

because that’s not the spirit of Jesus Christ. Our obedience to

Christ ought to be willing and cheerful. Keep in mind, that if

nothing can come into our lives, except that God allows it, our

ultimate complaint is always with God. Yet if we know that God

loves us and is always going to do what’s going to perfect us in

the image of Christ, why complain about the work God is doing.

God will use every experience that comes into our lives if we are

willing to let him.

By not complaining and arguing, we are actually doing our

selves a favor. In the process we are becoming something.

Notice what verse 15 says. Philippians 2:15 "so that you may

become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a

crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in

the universe". When we complain, criticize and argue, we are

kept from becoming what God intended for us to be.

There are several things that God expects us to become as

Christians. To be blameless deals with the outward appearance.

God is saying there should be no outward deed we are doing that

others can readily look at and say "aha. That’s not how a Chris

tian should be behaving." Now if we are going around doing the

same kind of sin that everyone else is involved in, with the

excuse that everybody is doing it, we have defeated the purpose

of becoming a believer in Christ.

Right now, the homosexual lobby has made their lifestyle

the dominant issue in politics. The world is not going to col

lapse because President Clinton is in favor of their lifestyles.

Homosexuality is not a greater sin than adultery or sex outside

of marriage. It’s listed with the sins of lying, adultery,

stealing, and swindlers. The difference is that its the only

group of sinners demanding special acceptance and treatment

because of their sin. There is no adultery group demanding the

acceptance of adultery, or liars demanding the acceptance of

lying or of thieves demanding the acceptance of stealing. Yet

when we speak against these things, we are not call thieve-a

phobics, or adultery-phobics, or liar-phobics. I believe a

homosexual can do as good of a job in the secular arena as any other

sinner can, but the Bible tells me that no sinner who refuses to

repent of his or her sin, regardless of what it is, is going to

have a part in the kingdom of God. Some of us were born more

likely to lie and steal than others, but that will never make it

okay for us to lie and to steal.

The verse here is saying, we should not open ourselves to

attack by having blatant sin in our lives, thereby discrediting

the power of Jesus Christ to give us strength over sin. There

are some sins and temptations that we will struggle with all our

lives. There is no sin in struggling, the sin comes when we yield

in defeat and claim we cannot do anything about it. God is not a

liar. No temptation is greater than what we can bear. But all

the grace in the world is not going to be sufficient once we have

already made up our minds to go ahead and yield to sin.

God is not interested in us shining on the outside, while

inside being a pit of evil that is not apparent to those who do

not know us well. The word pure here describes a person’s inward

character. It is to be unmixed. Our hearts are like water in a

sense. You can have a pure gallon of clean refreshing water, but

if you put a drop of ink in that water, it’s only a matter of

time before the entire gallon of water is tainted by that one

drop. God cares every bit about our inward attitude and motiva

tion as he does our outward appearance and actions.

It’s possible for us to shine like the sun on the outside

and be a hypocrite, doing things for selfish and sometimes even

evil motives. It is impossible for us to shine on the inside for

God, and then be hypocritical on the outside. When our hearts

are submitted to the word and the will of God, our actions will

align themselves with the word of God. The only way our hearts

will submit, is when we allow Jesus to be the one who gives us

the kind of heart that we need.

God’s desire for us is to be blameless on the outside, free

from the judgment of others, and blameless on the inside, free

from the judgment of the word of God. The goal is for us to

become children of God in a crooked and depraved generation. We

do not realize just how anti-Christian the world we live in has

become. The KKK can march anywhere at anytime and say any mes

sage filled with hatred and have police protection. Yet in

Texas, some judge forbid Christians who believe that the taking

of a child’s life in a mother’s womb is wrong, from praying

within four blocks of an abortion clinic. Why is a group of

praying Christians more than a threat to soceity than the KKK.

Harvard, Yale, and several other prestigious colleges have

informed and outstanding Christian prep school by the name of

Westminster that it’s students would have a more difficult time

getting into these colleges unless the school changed its poli

cies. What policy, Westminster is a Christian School and it only

hires Christians to be teachers at the school. Can you imagine

Harvard telling Jewish schools, they must hire Christians or

their students would be denied admission to Harvard.

Our society talks about freedom of choice for everything

under the sun. Soon the Freedom of Choice Act will be up before

Bill Clinton and he has promised to sign it. This law will

prevent any state from passing any law to save the lives of 7, 8,

and 9 month old babies in their mother’s womb. These children

could easily live on their own. How many of us truly believe

that it is God’s will for us to abort nine month old healthy

children in their mother’s wombs, while down the hall we spend

$1000 of dollars trying to save a five or six month old that was

born pre-mature. How many of us truly believe that we are taking

a step in the right direction when we adopt a law that will allow

kids like some of our Angelic Voices to get abortions and never

have their parents know about it. Is that the kind of mental

anguish we think children should carry around inside, all under

the guide of freedom of choice.

The homosexual community never talks about abstinence. Yet

their lifestyle has led to the unprecedented spread of AIDS. It

costs $100,000 to care for an AIDS patient the last two years of

his life. There are between 2 and 10 million people carrying who

are infected with the AIDS virus. That means in 10 years the

medical bill alone will be between 2 and 10 trillion dollars.

Who do you think is going to have to pay that money? We will with

our taxes. Yet the Gay lobby fight every effort to get a massive

testing done to try and find out who is infected so that we can

stop this disease. When people say their sexual lifestyle is

their business, that’s just not the case. Our tax dollars are

going to have to pay for the medical and social consequences. We

are all going to pay for living in this crooked and perverse


There are many ways to go crooked. If I told you I had a

five foot long straight piece of wood in my closet, draw a pic

ture of it. We would all come up with an almost identical pic

ture. If I told you that I had a five foot long crooked piece of

wood at home, draw a picture of it, we would all come up with

something different. Our measuring standard is Jesus Christ, and

we are to line ourselves up with the word of God. When we do

that, then the next part of this verse will apply to us which

says in the last part of verse 15, "in which you shine like stars

in the universe as you hold out the word of life."

Few scenes are more majestic and make you realize the awe

someness of God more than to go out on a clear night and see the

stars shining brightly in the heavens. The darker the night, the

greater the brilliance. As Christians, we are to shine in the

same way in this dark and depraved society that we are in. The

problem is that too often we do not want to shine as God intend

ed for us. We might offend someone by calling sin, sin or by

living too much of a righteous lifestyle. People don’t want to

be around you when you act too much like Christ, because it

exposes the great darkness in their own lives.

The answer is not to turn down you light so that they feel

more comfortable around you. The answer is to stand firm for

Christ and tell them how they too can come out of the darkness.

We have the words of life. We have the words of truth. Our

society may ridicule us, scorn us, and laugh at us, but we are

the only hope that this world truly has.

As Christians, God calls us not only to be against some

things, but we are to stand for something positive. We are going

to have to be the people willing to love those dying of AIDS

regardless of how they got it, because they are people who Jesus

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loves and for whom Jesus died. They are also the people being

abandoned by their friends and families. It’s up to us to show

people that Jesus loves and Jesus cares. You see shining for

Christ involves both refusing the darkness and turning on the


As Christians, God calls us to love the children of the

addicts who abandon them. He calls us to love children who are

left behind when the parents are sent off to jail. He calls us

to love the children of the teenager who decided to go ahead and

give birth and put the child up for adoption. A call is going

through the land for Christians to open up their homes to needy

and homeless children who get caught up in the social service

system never knowing what it is to be loved by people who care.

Is it going to be easy. NO. Is it loving those who Christ loved.


We are not going to convince this world that Jesus is the

Son of God, simply by keeping our lives free from sin. We have

got to be pro-active in our outreach ministry to those in our

midst. It was encouraging to have a number of you come forward

last week and say, I’ll make myself available as a tutor if

needed. It shows that there are some ministries we can do,

without having to set up a program. There is a place for pro

grams but there is also a place for one to one interaction.

We want GPC to be known as that church that cares about

being true to the word of God in reaching people where they hurt,

and reaching them with the word of God. Like the apostle Paul

said to the Philippians, we want to be able to boast on the day

of Christ that we did not run or labor for nothing. This church

is going to reach its potential for Jesus Christ and the gates of

Hell shall not prevail against it. How brightly do we want to

shine for Christ.