Summary: The Church’s response to the Trade Center Tragedy

The bloodiest day in United States History was September 17, 1862 when 4700 Union and Confederate soldiers died in the Civil War battle of Antietam.

That was until September 11, 13 days ago when over 5000 ( and the number still rising) were killed in a well planned terrorist attack. By comparison, 2388 Americans were killed at Pearl Harbor, and 1465 Americans were killed the first day of the Normandy invasion.

We have seen our Nation pull together like never before in my lifetime. Since September 11, there has not been Democrat or Republican, white or black, rich or poor—there have been Americans. It has been a time of our Nation humbling itself and seeking God’s guidance and protection. In God we Trust has taken on new meaning.

Last week I shared with you what I felt was necessary to take the terror out of terrorism. One of those things was for the church follow the pattern of our military and move to High Alert.

Wednesday Night in our Leadership meeting, Phil Hudson, President of New Mission Systems was sharing some devotional thoughts and commented that he could not wait until this Sunday to hear what it was going to take to be a High Alert Church. The problem was that was not what the sermon was going to be. He however, planted the seed, and I woke up early Thursday morning, knowing that this is what I needed to share today.

One of the first choruses I learned as a child was,

“I may never march in the infantry, ride in the calvary, shoot the artillery,

I may never fly ore the enemy, but I’m in the Lords’ army.”

Well, there is a lot of truth in that chorus----the Bible is full of military analogies. Through out the Psalms David talks of God preparing him for battle, of God going before Him in battle, of God being our leader in battle. In the New Testament, we are told to dress ourselves daily—with what?

Listen to Ephesians 6


What is a High Alert Church?

Our military has a system of terrorist condition indicators. It is called the Treat-Con system. Posted at entrances and in key locations on each base are Treat-Con signs. Most of the time they read “normal”. That means standard operating procedures are in order. You do your job. You go to class, you keep things nice—you put in your time. Normal Alert conditions are very INWARD focused. It’s all about the base. The graduations, the classes, the degrees, the promotions, the inspections----it’s all about what is going on in your area.

That is what most military people are used to.

Sept. 11 that changed. The Threat-con system has multiple levels.

Threat-con normal. Then Threat-con Alpha. Which applies when there is a general threat of possible terrorist activity. The nature of that threat is unpredictable but personnel are reminded to be suspicious and inquisitive about strangers and containers. In fact there are 12 measures that bases take at Threat-Con Alpha.

Next come Threat-con Bravo- which escalates measures to include barricaded streets and the placing of barriers. And there are 29 more measures (each with multiple sub-measures) suggested for bases to take. Next is Threat-con-Charlie. This condition applies when an incident occurs against a base or installation. There are about 39 more measures to take. And then we get to Threat-Con Delta. Which is where our country has been since Sept 12. Applies when there has been a terrorist attack and is a warning to community. This level has about 16 more measures with multiple sub measures as only military people can write our understand. I tell you all of this so you will know how serious “high alert” is.

Our country went from Threat-Con Normal to “Threat Con Delta” overnight.

When a country is on High Alert– everything changes. There is an OUTWARD focus. The normal things might still happen—inspections, classes, graduations—but those are not what everyone is focused on. They are focused on what is going on in the world—and how they are going to be a part of it.

This morning-----I want us to bring some of that attitude to our church. I want us to be a High Alert Church.

What happens at Threat Con Delta?

#1- There is a visible change in Activity.

Daily life is no longer standard operating procedure. People are armed, they are ready. Plans are being made. Troops are being moved. Everybody’s “routine” was changed. Plans were cancelled or postponed. Every plan, every motion is related to fighting the war. Every activity is somehow related to what we are about to enter as a country. Our president has called up thousands of reserves. People who have made commitments to our country, but are not active. They have been trained but are not actively involved in military on a day to day basis. But in times of war–they are activated to full time status. Over the last 13 days there has been a visible change in our military.

If the church went to “Threat-con delta”—what visible change in activities would we see? Well, some we have seen. There would be an increased measure of prayer. People would be on their knees. Things would not be routine. People would move out of their Sunday habit and spending time with God would be a daily issue. If the church is to be High Alert----some who have lived on reserve status are going to need to be called up. I remember during Desert Storm some reserves were interviewed. They did not want to go to war. They had signed up for the benefits, the sign up bonus, the college education–but one weekend a month and 2 weeks a summer was all they had planned on giving. I know some Christians like that. They signed up for the grace, the retirement, the one hour a week but don’t ask them to go to active duty. It was never part of their plan. Listen----a high alert church doesn’t need reserves—we need everyone active.

#2- The second Characteristic of High Alert is an INCREASED READINESS for action.

We have planes in the air–ships on the way–infantry on alert. We have seals, green beret, special services—all locked and loaded, ready for action. Every day there are training and planning times and strategies and role plays and people are working through every scenario so they will be ready for every possible situation.

wouldn’t;’t that be exciting for the church. High Alert means that every Christian wants to be ready for every situation. Want’s to be aware of every possible direction God might take them. It would mean training, and practice and planning. This week less than 50% of you will go to a Bible Class or home Bible Study. We offer Cross Training Classes for every possible area of life----Salvation, doctrine, membership, spiritual growth, bible study, prayer, spiritual gifts, ministry teams, sharing your faith. We cancel most of them because no one signs up. The church will not be ready for high alert until it’s members get serious about training and being ready. The Bible talks a lot about God’s expectation of readiness. We have found out that the terrorist who flew the planes gave at least 9 months of their lives to training for one day–one event. We won’t give 1 hour a week in training for something much more important. WE better get ready—we better get ready for action------God says we don’t know the time or the hour. But it’s coming.

#3-the Third Characteristic of a High Alert situation is an Eagerness for Assignment. I thank God every Day that George W. Bush is our President. One of the things he continues to stress is patience. But we have military people who are eager for an assignment. They have been trained, it’s why they signed on. They want to do their job. They love their country and they can’t wait for an opportunity to defend our freedom. Their cries—any where, any time, any how-----we’re there. Can you imagine a church where people step up and have an eagerness for God’s assignments?. When people step up and say—I’ll teach, I’ll go, I’ll share, I’ll work, I’ll do my part—where do yo need me. When people are so in love with God that they can’t wait for an opportunity to serve him. If we had some high alert churches with that kind of attitude—so many of the needs of our community would be taken care of. So many things that God is waiting for His church to step up and do would be done. But it doesn’t happen. The typical church stays on normal alert and 20% of the people do 80% of the work and the others just enjoy the ride.

#4-The fourth characteristic of a High Alert Situation is a Sacrificial Attitude. We have people who have already died in this fight and more that are willing. People who are ready to go to battle and if victory cost them something—that’s okay. That’s always been the price of liberty. We have people ready to step into the danger and pay the price if necessary--------whatever it takes.

Wouldn’t that completely change the life of the church. If every member would step up and have a sacrificial attitude.

People in the military know what’s expected—and the do it.

Members of God’s church know what He requires and ignore it.

The scripture says He gives us spiritual gifts for serving–if we’re not using our’s it’s sin.

The scripture says we are to tithe to our church—if we’re not–it’s sin.

The scripture says we are to reflect Jesus to the world—if were not–it’s sin.

Will there ever be a High Alert Church?

I think there can be. The only thing standing in our way is us.

William Boetcker says the Seven National Crimes of our country have changed.

They are–“I don’t think. I don’t know. I don’t care. I’m too busy. I leave well enough alone. I have no time to read and find out. I am not interested.” Those have changed for the moment. Will the change last?

I see changes in peoples attitude about God. Will it last?

We are living in dangerous times-----and it’s time for the church to step up. President Bush shared with 28 religious leaders Thursday afternoon, that he believes America will have greater tragedies and attacks then the world trade center before this is over.

We are seeing people die without God all around us----and the church needs to wake up.

What will that take?

1. Understanding of the seriousness of our mission.

For to long the church as operated playing peace time games. No casualties, just some exercise. Our mission has eternal consequence. Our mission involves peoples lives this very day. Our mission is to reflect God’s love to people so the kind of darkness we have experienced these last few days disappears. It’s time to get serious about being a part of God’s church. No more games.

2. We need a hunger for victory. In every area of life. We can’t let marriages fall apart. WE can’t let kids be enticed away. We can’t casually look the other way when people stumble-----it’s time to step in and step up and go after the victory. I want to be a part of a church that looks to win----we are promised the victory in the war----it’s up to us if we will win the victory in individual battles.

3. We must have an outward focus.

In two weeks we move into a new building. It’s going to be great—but we are not doing it for us. We are not building it for us, we are not spending the money to say, Look how great this is for us-----we must have an outward focus. We are moving for people who do not know Jesus. WE are building it so more ministry can happen. We cannot just go through life—following our routines—putting in our time.

Threat-con delta has been a wake up for our military. It has been a exposure of their strengths and their weaknesses.

C.S. Lewis wrote, “Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasure; speaks in our conscience; but shouts in our pain. It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” While God is in no way responsible for what happened September 11, through that event He is shouting for His church to Wake Up!!

It’s High Alert time!

2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.”

Acts 2--What must we do? “ Repent be baptized every one of you for the forgiveness of your sins and the gift of God’s spirit.”