Summary: When we follow Jesus we are called to share His light witha dark world

The Light of a Disciple

Matthew 5:14-16

October 14, 2001


Some of you may or may not have noticed that our church recently placed a light on the post of the new parking lot. We have rented it from the power company for a few dollars a month and the result has been well worth the expense. This one lamp has lit the entire side alley. The lamp lights the entire parking lot, most of the alley, most of the new rental house lot and part of the first rental house lot. Wow, that is a lot of impact for one small lamp. We have brought light into a place where there was once only darkness. Isn’t this the mission of the church? Aren’t we supposed to bring light where there was once only darkness?

We have been given light to live by because Jesus is our light and we are fortunate. We have been given the blessings of the presence of Christ’s love, mercy, peace and grace. These are real blessings that we far too often take for granted. The light of God Almighty, the light of the Savior and the Light of the Holy Spirit dwell within us and we are blessed. But I believe that it is high time that you answer a real and honest question: What are you doing with the light Christ has given you?



I. The Manner of a Disciple

A. The qualities of light

1. Light dispels darkness

2. Light develops and grows

3. Light directs and guides us to the right paths

4. Light discovers the truth and gives knowledge

5. Light distinguishes between right and wrong

6. Light defends

7. Light defeats chaos

B. A disciple of Jesus reflects His light

Illustration: A poor little boy once heard his Sunday School teacher say Jesus was the light of the world. He took her remark quite literally. After class, the boy said to his teacher, "If Jesus really is the light of the world, I wish He’d come hang out in my alley. It’s awful dark where I live."

1. Every believer is now a part of the light of the world

a.) Jesus said – I am the light of the world

b.) Jesus says here – You are the light of the world

1.) There is no contradiction. We are to reflect the light that is in Jesus

2.) We are to be His representatives in the world

3.) There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton

2. The character of light

a.) Light is completely pure and radiant

b.) Light is indeed a symbol of essential Christian character. Christ has called us to walk in purity

What are you doing with the light Christ has given to you?

II. The Ministry of a Disciple

A. The place of our work

1. The world is where we are to share the light of Christ

a.) The city Jesus mentions is in the world and it cannot be hidden. Our witness of Christ should not be hidden either

b.) The lamp is in the house and it gives light there in that place. We are also to have light of Christ and to spread it wherever we are

2. The world is desperate for the light of Christ

a.) The world is in darkness

b.) The world is lost

c.) The world is in confusion

d.) The world is in chaos

3. The church and individual Christians are called by Christ to reflect His light in this world

a.) Each of the problems of the world have the same solution the light and love of Jesus Christ

b.) Our country doesn’t need another social program. It is in a desperate need for revival

What are you doing with the light Christ has given to you?

B. The purpose of our work

1. Every believer is to spread Christ’s light

a.) As a Christian, you have the light of Christ and it must shine forth in this dark world

b.) Not all light is the same

1.) There is light that is bright and strong. There are Christians who are strong in their faith and service to Christ

2.) There is light that is so weak that it is of almost no use. There are Christians who have zero impact on the world around them

2. Every believer needs to be ready when their opportunity arrives

a.) Every person will at one time or another in life seek out the light of Christ

b.) In those times people will come to you knowing and seeing that you are a believer and seek what you have in life

What are you doing with the light Christ has given to you?

III. The Mission of a Disciple

A. Christ desires us to shine with His light

1. Christ said for us to let His light shine

a.) The light of Christ is already within those who believe and as believers we have been called to shine out with the light of Christ

b.) This the light of hope, light of help and light of healing

2. This world is a place of darkness

a.) Our nation needs the light of Christ now more than ever before because our darkness has become obvious.

b.) Now is the time to take a stand and to pierce the darkness with the light of Christ

What are you doing with the light Christ has given to you?

B. The purpose of letting your light shine

1. We show light to reveal good works

a.) We must serve our Savior. However, this should not be done out of a sense of duty but rather service should flow from our devotion to Christ. Duty is doing something because you have to, devotion is doing something because you want to.

b.) Our service to Christ shares His light with others and allows His light to penetrate their lives

2. We give glory to God when we shine out Christ’s light

a.) God is glorified by bearing the light. Thus, God is glorified when we move out into the darkness

b.) A place that is well lit does not need more light. Our service for Christ needs to move beyond these four walls and enter into the lives of those trapped in darkness.

What are you doing with the light Christ has given to you?


A young boy about nine years old went with his parents to Europe one summer. Part of their tour was visiting the great old cathedrals of the past. As he would visit cathedral after cathedral he saw the massive stained glass portraits of the disciples and of other saints. He was so impressed as he stood in these great empty halls looking through the beautiful stained glass windows.

Upon return, when asked by his Sunday School teacher, what about the great churches of Europe did he like the most, and what was his definition of a saint, he thought for a moment and he said, "I loved the sense of awesomeness and the hugeness of who God must be. And what is a saint?" And as his mind went back to those massive beautiful stained glass windows, he said, "A saint is a man the light shines through."

Light has only one purpose to shine. This is exactly what Christ has called for you to do, shine. You can do it with ease if you will just allow the gentle glow of the Savior guide you as you walk through life.

What are you doing with the light Christ has given to you?