Summary: God has chosen to limit His work, not according to His resources in Christ Jesus, but according to the availability of His people. Jesus could have walked all the way across the Sea of Galilee, but He chose to use a boat. He will use us for His work, if w

"Jesus Needs a Boat--But Not Really"

Author: Dr. Neal Gray

Passage: Matthew 14:22-33

Purpose: God has chosen to limit His work, not according to His resources in Christ Jesus, but according to the availability of His people. Jesus could have walked all the way across the Sea of Galilee, but He chose to use a boat. He will use us for His work, if we allow Him. "Lord Jesus, here’s my boat--for You."



A group of Nazarene Pastors recently met in San Diego, California to discuss matters of the church. The overwhelming consensus of those pastors was that the #1 concern in the Church of the Nazarene local churches is...

* Lack of Vision in the local church

* Lack of Purpose, and,

* Lack of Direction.

==> Listen, it’s not only church’s that lack purpose and direction. Most people don’t know what is proper, holy, and right to do with their lives. Today’s message should spark within you a purpose and direction for your individual life. That’s my prayer, that’s my hope.


Our Scripture is a familiar story, found in Matthew 14:22-33.



Jesus needs to use a boat, but He doesn’t need a boat. Jesus needs the boat, but not really. But He does, even though He doesn’t.

Get the picture? Well, you will soon!

In a similar way, God has chosen to limit His work, not according to His resources in Christ Jesus, but ACCORDING TO OUR AVAILABILITY, OUR FAITHFULNESS, OUR WILLINGNESS. God doesn’t need us in order to do anything necessary to spread the good news of His Son, our Lord Jesus; but then again, He does need us--according to His own plan.

==> God uses ordinary objects and ordinary people to accomplish His will, but He doesn’t have to. But He does! And He is God.

Jesus Comes Up to the Boat

In our Scripture passage, Jesus’ disciples were in the boat. It doesn’t say whose boat it was. The Scripture doesn’t give any idea about the quality of the boat. It might have been a wreck, for all we know.

It was the fourth watch of the night, which simply means it was the dark of the night, a time when YOU AND I NORMALLY WOULD HAVE BEEN ASLEEP! And His disciples are in the boat; but Jesus was not in the boat.

Until...on the water, Jesus comes walking up to the boat! The disciples, seeing Him, were afraid; thinking they were seeing a ghost! Wouldn’t you?

But Jesus tells them to not be afraid. I really like that part! "Be not afraid."

Peter Wants Proof

Of course, Peter was with the group. Characteristic of Peter at that time in His walk with Jesus, he needed more than words to reassure him, "Lord, if it be Thou, bid me to come unto Thee on the water!" The Lord said, "Come!"

Peter stepped out, and guess what? HE WALKED ON WATER! But, he became afraid--which means he lost his faith--and began to sink. Listen to how Jesus chastised Peter: "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"

==> Let me tell you, friends: if it took faith for Peter to believe that he could walk on water; then, friends, I’m afraid that my faith is microscopic compared to his!

Of course, Peter begged for Jesus to "save me." And Jesus did, just as He always takes care of those who love Him.

So Jesus and Peter got into the boat to continue to their destination. Did Jesus need to go into the boat? I tell you, Jesus needed the boat, but He didn’t really. Yet He did need the boat, but not. Again I say, Jesus had need of the boat, and He didn’t.

Jesus Used the Boat Many Times

Jesus often used a boat. He could have walked on the water every time. But He rode in a boat several times to cross over the Sea of Galilee.

On a different occasion, (in Matthew 9:1), Jesus is in the boat returning to Capernaum. Jesus used the boat to go across the Sea. But, He could have just as easily--probably more easily--walked across the water to the other side!

And then again on yet a different time, you will surely remember that, Jesus was in the boat when a great storm disrupted the Sea, bringing fear upon His disciples, until He calmed the wind and water, (cf. Matthew 8:23ff.).

Jesus used the boat to get across the Sea. But He didn’t need the boat. Or, did He? I don’t think that He needed the boat; but He did!

Jesus Used People to Fill the Wine Pots

The thing I want you to hear today is that GOD USES PEOPLE TO DO HIS WORK HERE ON EARTH. Consider another story, this one not about boats but the idea is the same; it’s the story where Jesus turned the water into wine.

The story is in John chapter 2, but the short of it is that at the wedding party the wine ran out early. Now, this is not a terrible disaster. A bit embarrassing perhaps. But nobody would be severely offended.

Jesus’ mother made the request to Him to help. He balked, for a moment. But, then He told some of the household servants, "Fill the waterpots with water," (John 2:7b).

Now, Jesus could have filled the waterpots with water Himself. If He wanted, He wouldn’t even need to carry water to put in the waterpots. Simply by thinking the thought, those waterpots could have been filled with water; or even with super-high quality wine!

Yet, our Lord needed the servants to fill the pots with water. He didn’t really need anybody to fill the waterpots. Yet to make the wine, Jesus needed the servants to do something; but He didn’t really need them to do it. But He did need them, because that’s how God does work on earth!

Jesus Used People to Clothe Lazarus

The pastor of one of our larger Nazarene churches told of a custom that their church does every year. It is a drama about the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.

The church’s sound system is set up on the day so that this Jesus’ voice seems to come from all around the room; to give it an "out of this world" type of feel.

On a certain planned Sunday morning, with the congregation full and seated, a person playing the part of Jesus stands at the edge of the platform, and yells, "Lazarus, come forth!" (John 11:43b).

Well, one set of the large doors at the back of the sanctuary opens. And a man bound up in clothes, as a mummy, stumbles into the room. "Immediately," the pastor said, "forty people faint and fall out of their seats!"

Then the Jesus actor says in a loud voice, just as Jesus did 2,000 years ago--and get this, "Loose him, and let him go!" Now...Jesus just raised the man from the dead! He certainly had the power to cause the bindings to fall off of Lazarus! Don’t you think? But He didn’t.

Jesus needed the people to unbind Lazarus. Really, He didn’t need them to unbind him. But Jesus needed them; He didn’t need them. But He did. Ultimately, He didn’t need any help with Lazarus. He did though!



What am I saying this morning TO YOU? I’m saying that GOD HAS CHOSEN TO USE PEOPLE--people like you and me--to do the most important and most significant work there could ever be! God needs us to do His work here on the earth.


We Need $5,000

Another example from modern life. There is a story about Tony Campolo. He was asked to preach at a national women’s organization. And the theme of the gathering was the need to help in some way that is unique to women, (I didn’t hear exactly the nature of the need).

The chairperson ended her speech with an admonition that their group needed to raise $5,000 "today" in the offering for this cause. As she gave up the podium to Tony Campolo, she asked him to pray that God would meet the $5,000 need in the offering. Tony came to the podium and declared that he would not pray for God to meet the need.

==> Instead, he pulled out his wallet, took out every bill he had and placed it in the offering. He said, "God is not going to do by a miracle, what He has empowered us to do by our own hands."

With that, Tony turned to the chair-lady and said, "Now it’s your turn. Take out your wallet and place your money in the offering plate." With some hesitation, (but what could she do but comply?!), she put a large wad of bills in the offering.

He then looked to the audience and said, "Now it’s your turn. Take out your wallet and place your money in the offering plate." They did. And in just a few moments they learned they had raised $7,000 for that urgent need!

==> Just think of all the things we could do for Jesus’ Church IF WE WERE JUST AVAILABLE AND WILLING TO DO THE WORK He needs us to do!

You Are Thinking, "I’m not very good."

I know that you agree with this concept of being available and willing to meet the needs before us. I also know the tricks that the enemy uses on people to keep them from making themselves available.

You are thinking, "I’m not very good. I don’t have much money to give. I can’t sing. I don’t have time." And the list goes on and on.

Listen as I remind you again of the truth concerning God and Christ and His Church: God has chosen to limit His work, not according to His resources in Christ Jesus, but ACCORDING TO OUR AVAILABILITY, OUR FAITHFULNESS, OUR WILLINGNESS.

Not according to your goodness, nor your riches, nor your abilities. According to your availability, your faithfulness, and your willingness-- God will work with you, in you, and because of you.


Your "Boat" Jesus Makes Worthy

You don’t have to be a perfect boat. You don’t have to be a top-notch sailor of the boat, either. ANY BOAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER TOTALLY, JESUS WILL TAKE GLADLY.

Your little boat, with its holes, leaks, and limitations can do wonderful things when the Captain takes command! When you gladly yield your life to Christ Jesus...



You say to me, "Oh Preacher, it sounds right. But you don’t know the faults and errors I have in my life. I couldn’t really offer my ’boat’ to Jesus. He would never take it and He certainly doesn’t need it."

I say to you, "Oh Friend, you don’t know the reality of Jesus whom I serve. Jesus knows very well everything about you. And all that matters to Him is your willingness and your availability to allow Him to pilot your ’boat.’"

Let’s Be Available First

One side thought before we close. I can’t help but notice this strange characteristic of people in general, including God’s people: usually people will only turn to God when there is great tragedy in life. Something bad has to happen before people will look to the Lord. Of course, it is very good to look to God for help, but why must we wait until tragedy strikes? God wants a serious relationship with us all of the time.

When will our faith grow out of its infancy so that we are ready to do something great for our Great God, even while things are "rocking along" fairly well?

Perhaps we have to be hurt first. I mean, why become hurt before we are willing to make ourselves available. You’ll have to think about this.

God Depends On Us

God is depending on you and on me to reach others for Christ, to care for others in Christ’s stead. We have seen that done before. God is waiting on you and me to reach others for Christ, for their eternal welfare.

Are you faithful? Your life given to God--given to Jesus--takes on incredible MEANING, VISION, AND PURPOSE AS YOU BECOME AVAILABLE to Jesus.

Are you available? Jesus could have walked to the other side on the water, but He preferred the boat. GOD IS DEPENDING ON YOU. So, in all sincerity, I proclaim from heart...

==> "Lord Jesus, here’s my boat."

"Lord Jesus, here’s my boat."

"Lord Jesus, here’s my boat."

==> Are you ready? Is your life "sailing" with purpose? When you welcome Jesus in to be the Captain of your boat, your life definitely takes on a new and wonderful quality. Sailing through life with purpose. How great!

I pray that you will welcome Jesus fully into your life.



Copyright 2001

Practical Holiness Ministry (r)



You may reprint or publish or hopefully

preach this material as long as it is

not-for-profit, except that it may

profit one’s soul, (see Mark 8:36).

Dr. Neal Gray is Pastor of the Baltimore

Parkville Church of the Nazarene.

You can reach Dr. Gray by e-mail at:

Also, please visit the church’s website:


2 Pet. 3:18 - 2 Tim. 2:2 - Matt. 20:26-28

All Scripture is the King James Version.

Used with God’s blessed permission.


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