Summary: The need to acknowledge the Lord and respond to Him, not turn our back on Him

When Silence Isn’t Golden

Bible Reading:

Amos 2: 4-5






When Silenc e Isn’t Go lden p.1

Do you ever get impatient with a speaker - with me, for instance? Knowing why you came, suspecting

the gist of what is going to be said, and wanting to get to the heart of it. Meanwhile the speaker just waltzes

around the perimeter a bit here an d there. You s tart to wiggle in your seat, fingers druming on the hymnal --

"Come on, Gehrels. Get to the point. You’re talking about everything BUT...."

Right? Listening to that is like listening to a politician do a jig around the issue. Frustrating. "Drop the

fluff and cut to the chase."

Ever get that sort of sense with Amos? This Sheep Rancher and Fruit Farmer out of Tekoa has been

calle d by G od to pro phecy a m ess age of dire wa rning to th e pe ople of Is rael; callin g them to examin e their

lives, to repent, to turn back to the Lord, and to do that before it is too late and God’s judgement rains down

upon them. And yet, here we are well into chapter 2, and we have yet to hear a single word spoken against

the peo ple o f Isr ael!

In fact, Judah is the 7th nation at the receiving end of a prophecy by Amos. So what gives? Is he

waltzing around the issue? Does h e just enjoy hearing himself speak? Or what?

To understand it, we need to remember most of all that the words A mos speaks ,

and the order in which he speaks them

all come from God.

God is the author.

Amos is merely the mouthpiece.

It’s d ivinely re asoned that the p roph ecy a gains t Isra el is pre face d by


other prophecies.

Seven -

the number of holy fullness.

full, complete holy warning has been given.

Think of it rather as the gathering of dark clouds before the storm.

When we see them billowing up over the Kanata sky line, we know it’s time to take the laundry in, cover the

BBQ and close the car windows.

Storm’s coming!

Take action.

God’s word is speaking judgement against those other nations who have flaunted disobedience, who

have thumbed their collective noses against heaven.

The storm of judgement’s coming!

Take ac tion , Isr ael!

With the seventh warning -

Here’s you final warning from the Lord -

one last chance.

With this one God’s patience and waiting is completed.

Get the point, Israel - God means b usiness.

There is no time to fool around.

Batten down the hatches of your life.

Clean up what needs cleaning up.


The prophecy against Judah is the seventh warning.

So it is that as you and I listen to this prophecy some 2750 years after it first was issued we can see

one of the timeless characteristics of our Unchangeable God, namely this:

When Silenc e Isn’t Go lden p.2

The Lord is not one who rains down punishment in a sadistic or vindictive manner. Warning after

warning is given.

He extends the times to c omplete fullness - seven - that all may repent.

He wants to see all people come to salvation.

Which is someth ing th at is shown not only he re in Amos, but in prophecy afte r prop hecy:

Think of Jon ah -- angry that the w icked people of N inevah are no t destroyed, bu t rather spared after a

last-minute repentance.

Remember God’s rebuke to the sulking prophet, suffering from heat exhaustion under the withered

remains of a dead bush?

Jon 4:11 "But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty

thousa nd people w ho cannot te ll the ir righ t hand from their

left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned

about that great city?"

Or the word of the Lord through Ezekiel, chapter 18:

v.23 "Do I take any pleasure in the death of the

wicked? declares the Sovereign LORD. Rather, am I not

pleased when they turn from their ways and live?"

Or the apos tle Peter:

2Pe 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as

some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not

wanting anyon e to perish, but everyone to come to


Let’s recognize that, brothers and sisters.

Let’s recognize the pain,

the tremendous he artache,

which God experiences when his people go astray.

Recognize the longing which he experience s,

desiring them to turn back to him.

And perh aps as w e lea ve h ere t his e ven ing, the Holy S pirit w ill work with in us to br ing th at same pain

and hea rtac he a nd lo ngin g to the fore grou nd in our liv es as we watch o ur frie nds and relat ives wan der in


May the Spirit work in us all to seize the moment when we are able to present the love and salvation

available to them through Jesus C hrist -- and to do that careful, gently, but earnestly.

May we tonight hear the word of the Lord through Amos.

May it grow in us a deepening passion to live out the Mission Statement of this congregation:

As members of a community that wants to glorify God, we are called to bring the life changing

message of Christ to our neighbou rs as we ll as to each o ther.

Glory comes to God when our neighbours are won to Jesus.

When they turn from death to life.

This is the Word of the Lord – through Amos.

When Silenc e Isn’t Go lden p.3

Hear another element of the prophetic Word -

something else we need to recognize about our holy God.

That "something else" we also see in this passage,

not now in the fact that he spoke to Juda h,

but in what he said to them.

What is imm edia tely s triking ab out this part icula r prophecy is t hat no p artic ular o ffen se is liste d, as in

the case of the other neighbors of Israel. They had not committed any of the gruesome offenses of the

surrounding nations. There were no mutilated bodies, destroyed communities, desecrated graves, thefts or

the like.

In fa ct, a s be st as we can asc erta in fro m his toric al rec ords of th e tim e, th ings in Judah were , by a ll

standards, really quite respectable and civilized. They were decent people raising their families quietly in the

suburbs and rurals of so uthern Pa lestine -

we’d see it as white picket fence, dog, bun galow, trips to the beach and grandm a’s house.

Businesses were prospering, bank accounts full, pensions secure.

Yes sir, things were going along really quite nicely.

It was a fine time to be alive in Judah.....

....... And yet they receive a harsh condemnation by God.


There’s an old phrase -- silence is golden.

Parents of young children can tell you that...... or grandparents who’ve just had a visit from their young


When they finally are asleep in bed,

Or in the car rolling back home.....

peace and quiet --


Sometimes silence is golden in inter-person al situat ions. T hings are be tter left u nsaid . Or ma ybe it’s

just p lain ol’ good to be toge ther, quiet ly.

But sometimes,

sometimes, silence is NOT so golden.

Sometimes by the silence you know there is trouble.

When your young children are playing in another room, and suddenly it gets quiet, don’t you begin to

get suspicious. It’s too quiet.

Or there are time when children are wandering down the wrong path of life. You CAN’T remain silent

about it.

Or when family members are silent to each other, not on s peaking terms.

That’s bad silence.

Then silence is NOT golden.

The Judean population, comfortable, content, well-off,

quietly living their respectable lives.

Silence.... but not a golden silence.

Rather, it was a wrongful silence, an aweful silence.

It was the silence of a child who has left home and never bothers to call back to mom & dad,

ignoring them,

for all intents and purposes behaving as though they were dead.

When Silenc e Isn’t Go lden p.4

It wa s Ju dah, the cov enant people of G od, raise d in th e his tory a nd tradit ion o f His Divin e Fa the rly

protection over them, watched by God in heaven with the tender care of a mother watching the child at her


It was Judah, leaving home, and quietly rejecting their upbringing, rejecting God. Silence. No

communion between heaven and Judah.

And it is that horribly un-golden silence, a silence of distance that is condemned by the Lord:

I will send fire upon Judah that will consume the fortresses of Jerusalem!

All that has been kee ping you so safe and cozy,

all that which has taken up your time and attention

and kept y ou from c alling home,

everything th at has pulled you so far a way from me --

all that is going to be ripped away from you and destroyed. And you, Judah, will be

left in another form of silence,

the silence of desolation.

Those are harsh words, terribly harsh words, words that if spoken to you or I would have to come as a

rude, most unwelcom e shock.

And probably there were some within Judah that were genuinely upset by such a co ndemnation.

"Say wh at? I haven’t rejected God.

Haven’t really become a full fanatic for him, but - hey - I haven’t pushed him out of the picture either. I

mean - give me a break."

If there weren’t such people in Judah, there s ure are today. I can’t tell you how many people I talk with

who give this kind of a response. "I haven ’t accep ted a faith in J esus... yet. B ut unde rstand , I’m not re ally

against it either."

Then off they go.

Now, plea se understa nd me. I d on’t mean to spe ak in any w ay ag ains t tho se w ho a re ho nes tly

struggling, who are wrestling with real spiritual issues in their lives, who are truly seeking and are not ready to

commit yet.

God has all kinds of time and room for such people.

The prob lem is whe n you or I o r peo ple w e know figure that we can get by in life with less than a fu ll,

whole-hearted acceptan ce of Christ’s Lordship over our lives;

with less than a complete submission

to the rule of God in our hearts.

For in the eyes of God

having a lack of active assent

is the same as dissent.

Silence, as far as obedience goe s,

is the same as rejection.

With such silence God is not pleased.

How can I say this so unequivocally? Because of God’s words to Judah!

Look at v.4 -- notice how he parallels the two phrases

i. rejected the law of the LORD

ii. not kept his decrees

When Silenc e Isn’t Go lden p.5

We cannot say, "No I have not really rejected the LORD, but I am not ready to live by his commandments at

this time."


When you refuse to live God’s way, by his decrees & commandments, you are de facto, in

reality, rejecting Him.

Lack of active obedience equals disobedience.

Get the message, Judah. Get the message, Ottawa.

With God - "Silence is NOT golden!"

Loud, active, visible obedience IS golden!

A seco nd objection is - "Well, sure I believe in God. And yes, I buy that stuff about the Golden Rule.

I’m a Christian. God’s law is OK by me."

Do you see this one - now we a re dealing with one who says, "I do practice active obedience. I have

not rejected God’s law."

Many in Jud ah were d efinite ly in this camp. Def initely!

To them com es the second part of the parallel statements

rejecting the law = not keeping God’s decrees.

We’ve talked about the first part where passivity, not keeping God’s decrees is the same as active,

deliberate rejection of God. But now the seco nd part.

Which is this:

It’s one thing to look at the call to commitment and see God’s law as some vague, general

commandment to love in life. It is one thing to view it is as a whole. It is quite a different thing to go into that

Law of God and begin to apply its standards one by one to our lives.

Think of it this way. When we pray in church, "Lord forgive us for the many times we have

transgressed against you, the many times we have broken your law", then how often don’t we silently think,

"Well, for me it hasn’t been too bad. It’s actually been a pretty good week. I’ve been pretty clean."

But wha t if we were to s tart digg ing a little deeper, lo okin g at spe cific commandment, s pec ific

decrees. W hat if we were to start praying, "Lord, you call us to not covet. And yet, I see that home which my

co-worker has, or their sterio. I see the good job they have... and Lord, there are times when I get so jealous

of that....

Lord , yo u ca ll us not to m urde r. Bu t the re ha ve been time s when I co uld h ave just killed my kid s th is

week. An d some of the w ords I used tow ards them, w ords intended to maim their spirits, cruel words...."

Ouch, right?

When we get beyond the generalities of Law to the specifics of Decree, suddenly we cut through a

whole lot of pretense and expose the heart of our devotion to the Lord for what it really is. Which is what

Amos does with Judah.

1. You reject God when you don’t keep his decrees.

2. Get beyond small talk in vague generalities about Law, people, and start dealing in specifics about


And I wou ld sug gest ton ight, b rothe rs an d sis ters , that God ’s W ord o f war ning then is just as a pplica ble to day.

It is a storm cloud that perhaps we can use personally to evaluate our own lives, our own personal obedience

to the Lord.

Are we fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ?

Or do we, to one degree or another, reject him by not keeping his commands? Do we get complacent

with vague, general talk about "God’s Law" without moving to the more rigorous scrutiny of examining our

lives by his specific decrees, and subjecting ourselves to live by them?

When Silenc e Isn’t Go lden p.6

As Israel needed to heed the gathering storm clouds, so do we who live in the closing decade of the

twen tieth c entu ry.

You know, the bottom line problem for Judah, and I would submit, the bottom line problem for a lot of

people today is this:

a failure to take God seriously.

To honour God as God.

supreme, most powerful being in the Universe.

"They have been led astray by false gods."

In other words - they have let other things squeeze God out of the picture.

They have treated him as an optional extra,

as some nice quiet elderly gentleman whom the y would acknow ledge and visit on occasion --

if they have time,

if they have the money to go,

if it is convenient.

If it fits in, fine . If no t, oh well, w e ca n still ge t by qu ite nic ely.

And Am os says - "No! Stop kidding yourselves! Stop playing foolish games with dynamite! Take God seriously!

Honour him thoroughly, deliberately, as the Supreme Judge and King of Creation that He is."

So le t tha t be the mes sag e to you a nd I tonight , as well.

And let us leave here determined to live in full subjection to the Lord, full devotion, full dedication,

And to call others to follow this same road with us.