Summary: an exposition on Matt ch 25


Matthew 25 v. 31 - 46, and Revelation 20 v. 1 - 6

1. The Contentration of His Coming - why? Matthew ch 24 and ch 25

(a) God has a plan for the world - it is purposed, promised, proclaimed and perfect. God is methodical not mechanical. His second coming is as exact as His first coming. "That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the prophets."

(b) God has a period for the world - "my spirit shall not always strive with man"

(c) God has a pronouncement for the world - "this is by beloved Son" one revelation(His son), one return, one rapture (1 Thessalonians 4), one reward (bema), one retribution (of nations), and one reigning (of saints)

2. The Confirmation of His Coming v. 31 "when the Son of man shall come" -

His coming is planned, purposed, promised, and here portrayed - when He comes.

3. The Coronation of His Coming v. 31 "then shall He sit upon the throne"

(a) The splendour of His coming v. 31 - in His glory, "with all the holy angels",

a scene of majesty, of might (angels), of merit (sit), and of mission - v. 32 to divide nations

(b) The significance of His coming "then shall He sit" - who? the Lord himself, when? at his return, where? on the throne.

(c) The solemnity of His coming v. 32 "all nations" i.e. Jew and Gentile -all living nations gathered for judgement

(d) The separation at His coming v. 32 - "He" the judge,"all nations" the judged , i.e. individuals in all nations - the judgement - seperated right and left - inheriting, and disinheriting

4. The Consolation of His Coming v. 34 "then shall the king say":-

Here is the :-

(a) Glorious invitation "come"

(b) Gracious identification "ye blessed"

(c) Goodly habitation "inherit the kingdom"

(d) Geniune hesitation v. 37 "when"

(e) Glad explanation v. 40, saved by works? - No by faith, but "faith without works is dead". "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples", because of:-

(1) What they did - ye gave me, meat, drink, fellowship, clothes, attention

(2) When they did it i.e. when it was needed

(3) Who they did it too v. 40 "the least"

(4) Why they did it - in love - seeking no reward again

5. The Condemnation of His Coming v. 41 "then shall He say also"

(a) A tragic revelation - those on the left hand - what doest thou here?

(b) A terrible rejection "depart from me ye cursed"

their separation "depart", their identification "ye cursed", their destination "into everlasting fire", their association "prepared for the devil and his angels."

J. Wesley said:- "you are indruders into everlasting fire"

A. Clarke said:- "they are cursed, because they refused to be blessed, and damned because they refused to be saved" - and the explanation v. 42 - 45 it’s because of what they didn’t do

(c) A truthful retribution - they had made their choice, now they must pay the price "the wages of sin is death"

6. The Consummation of His Coming v. 46 everlasting punishment or life eternal