Summary: because He went through ... I can make it through.

Going Through

John 4:1-4


Reverend Kelvin Lebron Parks


13 June 2004

at Maine Street Baptist Church, Brunswick, Maine


Song by: Kathleen Dunn





















- Prayer

- Thanksgiving (God, Pastor, Wife, April)

Scriptures: John 4:1-4 Text: (v.4)

(v.1) When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John,

(v.2) (Though Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples,)

(v.3) He left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee.

(v.4) And he must needs go through Samaria.

Subject: Going Through

Turn to your neighbor and say: Neighbor, because He went through ... I can make it through. No matter the problem, no matter the situation, no matter what I’m going through ... I can make it through.

Now lets give the Lord a big handclap of praise for what He has already done. If he doesn’t do anything else ... that’s all right because He has already done more than enough. Its more than enough because He decided to go through for you.

You may be seated ...

I charge every one of you to read this book tonight as your homework. Those of you who are willing to take this challenge you will discover that the Gospel of John is not like the preceding Gospels of Mathew, Mark and Luke.

You see ... the first three gospels are called synoptic gospels because, despite their individual emphases, they describe many of the same events in the life of Jesus Christ.

However, John draws mainly upon events and discourses not found in the other Gospels. Reading the book of John, you will see how John goes to great lengths to prove to his readers the humanity of Jesus. John paints the picture that Jesus is God in the flesh. [1:14] And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. John paints the picture that Jesus is the eternal Word that came to earth, born to die as God’s sacrifice for human sin.

Walk with me --

[Verse 1]

"When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John",

You see ... the Pharisees had a little opposition here in the first verse. You see -- the Pharisees were starting to grow weary of Jesus because of His popularity and the fact they thought that He had baptized more disciples than John the Baptist. This scrap in [verse 1] sort of reminds me of how the Baptist churches of today argue and sometimes boast about who baptizes more in a given year. Seems as though, we get caught up in who is doing what.

When in actually ... Jesus did not do the baptizing. [Verse 2] The Bible says that His disciples did. However, that wasn’t the real reason why they were intimidated.

The bottom line is the Pharisees could have probably cared less about Jesus baptizing more disciples than John could. The underlining issue is that they hated Jesus because He challenged their teachings and exposed them what they were ... hypocrites.

[Verse 3] tells us that Jesus left Judaea bound for Galilee.

But watch this ... the story in the gospel account takes a strange turn. Instead of going the traditional route ... all the way around to reach Galilee, which added approximately three days to the journey, Jesus decided to go straight into the heart of forbidden territory. We might say that Jesus went right into the epic-center of “no-mans’ land.

Well what do you mean preacher “no-mans land’, “forbidden territory” and why is it strange that he decided to go through Samaria?

Well let me paint the picture -- you see this was forbidden territory because of the hatred between the Southern Jews and the Samaritans. You see the Jews had nothing to do with the Samaritans because of a century old feud. Why are they feuding? Well when the Northern Kingdom with it capital at Samaria fell into captivity by the Assyrians, many Jews were deported to Assyria, and foreigners were brought in to settle the land and help keep peace. Well ... intermarriage between those foreigners and the remaining Jews resulted in a mixed race, impure in the opinion of Jews who lived in the Southern Kingdom. The problem we have here is that ... the pure Jews hated this mixed race called Samaritans because they felt like they had betrayed their people and nation by marrying another race of people.

Sounds a bit to me like they had a race relations problem even back then, but I want dwell on that this morning ...

... for you Bible scholars you can refer to II Kings Chapter 17 to read about that.

You have to do that on your own because I did not come to talk to you this morning about race relations. I came to talk to you this morning about “going through".

[Verse 4]

Our scripture says: “And He must needs go through Samaria".

Not He might or should go through -- but He must needs go through Samaria. You see ... Jesus took no part in their cultural restrictions ... and racial and ethic wars. Beside the Bible tell us that "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

[Galatians 3:28]. The Bible also says "that God is no respecter of persons:" [Acts 10:34]

You know what ... this verse of scripture [John 1:4] is powerful. This scripture tells me that Jesus will go to any length and go to any place to reach the lost with the truth of the gospel. This scripture also tells me that Jesus will go to any length and to any place to reach you.

Watch this [verse 4] what we see here is a Convoy of Hope. Yes, Jesus is a convoy all by Himself.

“And he must needs go through Samaria.”

Where is this convoy going?

It’s going to a particular place.

Where: Samaria.

Where in Samaria? To a city called Sychar. The ancient city Shechem.

Where in the city? To a well. Not just any old well, but Jacob’s well (a 100’ deep well dug by Jacob a few thousand years prior to this event).

Not only does He must need go through but also He must needs go through at a particular time.

And what time was it? About the 6th hour, Bible scholars believe that it was about 12:00 noon (Jewish time). Some commentaries say it was about 6:00 pm ... but we are not going to get in that debate and for the purpose of this sermon, we will study from the 12-noon standpoint.

I remember watching as a little boy a show called Gun Smoke. It never failed that some villain was going to ride through town and stir up trouble, and at high noon, there would be a gunfight between the villains and the sheriffs. Well on this particular day and at a particular hour there was about to be a “showdown at Jacob’s well". Only this time instead of “someone getting hurt, somebody is about to helped.” At this showdown, somebody was about to get a break through ... from all that they had been going through.

Now we understand the particular place [Sychar in Samaria at Jacob’s well], we understand the particular time [about 12:00 noon]. Now let us look at the purpose of the visit.

Watch this ... not only did Jesus go to a particular place, and at a particular time, but he also went out of the traditional way for a particular person. You see -- someone would be coming to draw water from this well. There was a “divine appointment” waiting on this particular person, but this person did not realize it. This “divine appointee” would draw from a well, but it wouldn’t be Jacob’s well. It would be from a well of living waters.

Now listen ... what Jesus is doing here is something that was just not done. You see ... no Jew would go through Samaria because of the racial dispute that was taking place during that time. In fact ... the name of the city Sychar, itself names it as forbidden territory. You see Sychar meant falsehood and drunkenness, a name of reproach given to Shechem.

Therefore, Jesus comes and ministered to this one woman and after He got her, He was able to save many in the city. Which says to me that He is willing to come to a whole city for one person? He is willing to come to Brunswick, Maine ... just for you and for me.

It is as if He looked around and said, if I could just find one person with a real need. Somebody who is not too ashamed to say God I need you. Everybody else might be sitting in church looking cute and acting as if they are not "going through”. Jesus is looking for people who are not too proud to say Father I need thee -- every hour. I’m going through. Father, I’m struggling with this unforgiving spirit. I’m struggling to love the man that I am married to. I need you. If this is you, I stop by to tell you this morning that you are a good candidate for GOD to stop right by your pew, walk right into your life, and start healing you of what you been trying to hind.

You can read it for yourself when you get home tonight for homework -- around about verse 41-42 -- you will see that Jesus stayed there about two days. However, what amazed me is that -- He got this one woman to get at the whole city. One woman -- he was able to get "MANY" in the city through one woman.

But my question to you this morning is ... how many souls could He win through you?

Don’t you know that Jesus is looking at some of you and saying, once I get you? I can turn a whole family around. When I get you, I can change a whole floor at Mid-Coast Hospital; once He gets you, He can change the whole Brunswick City school system; when He gets you straight, He can get all of Bath Iron Works ... all of L.L Bean ... all of your block, all of your neighborhood, your city.

If He could get you ... maybe your mother will come, get you and maybe your father will come. If He could get you to worship Him in spirit and in truth then maybe your husband will come.

Now watch this [verse 6 - 7]

“Now Jacob’s well was there [notice the particular place]. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour [notice the particular time].” “ There cometh a woman of Samaria [the particular person] to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.”

Bare with me -- I’m going to get to this woman, but I want us to look at how John is showing us the humanity of Jesus Christ.

“Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well...” Think about that our Savior is tried -- so he sat on the well.

Now I don’t know about you but it’s hard to imagine Jesus being weary from anything, but He was. Lets understand that Jesus was both God and Man. Which means that He was 100% God and 100% man. He was as much God as though He was not a man, and He was as much man as though He were not God. [Turn to your neighbor and say don’t worry about it you get it when you get home].

That is the uniqueness of Him being God-Man. This uniqueness meant that he experienced everything we will experience in life with the exception of sin [Hebrews 4:15. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.]

Therefore, the scriptures tell us that He was weary. John is showing his humanity, and how even as a man, He got tired.

[Verse 8] “For His disciples were gone away unto the city to buy food.” So, as man He is both hungry and thirsty.

Now as GOD, he is rest for the weary for He says, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” [Matthew 11:28] Now that is Divinity -- but John is showing us right here His humanity by showing Him being weary, Him being tired sat thus on the well.

A well on top of a well. Now what Jacob’s well was in the “natural” Jesus was in the “Spiritual”.

Remember the setting, they where in the middle of desert and if they didn’t get to that well to get them a bucket of water ... may of them would die of thirst. However, Jesus is that living water; He is that fountain of living water that never runs out.

Can I get some help up here? I’m looking for one or two honest people, who ain’t ashamed of their past, who is not ashamed of their testimony to Shout Amen. [Can I get some help up in here?]

Anybody remember when you were in a desert, thirsty place, when you were in your wilderness place on your way to hell ... but Jesus by the power of His Holy Spirit came into your life and quenched your thirst. He is a well just sitting on top of a well.

[Verse 6]

“Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour [particular time], it was about 12 noon.” It’s hot. The sun is beaming down. It’s about 100 degrees.

But -- watch this, even in Jesus weariness ... He still had a purpose.

[Verse 7].

“There cometh a woman of Samaria [the particular person] to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.”

Now a stranger comes to the well -- Now, this woman was no stranger to Samaria, but she was to Jesus. That is, she had never had any contact with Him before. Remember, we discovered that Jesus was God-Man ..., which means that He knew all about her, but they were strangers because their paths had never crossed.

I’m going to get to this woman -- but I just have to stay right here and deal with this for a moment. Jesus knew all about her, but they were strangers because their paths had never crossed.

There is “no one” in the sanctuary today that Jesus doesn’t know about. However, there may be some here today that are strangers to Jesus because your paths have not crossed at this point. Well I stop by the tell you that ... today is your divine appointment. Today is a “show down not at Jacob’s well, but at the altar”. Today Jesus can become your Savior instead of being a stranger to you. All you have to do is accept Him as your Lord and Savior.

[Verse 7]

Now, lets deal with this woman. I believe that the woman at the well gets a bad reputation. Because when you mention her, name people shrug their shoulders and turn up their nose. May people believe that she may have been a prostitute?

Often times it easy for us to point the finger at others who are “going through things” or have been through things, because it’s not our issue. We tend to look at them strange but on the other hand if we share similar issues, or if it’s our issue then we say “oh but you should understand.” But if it is not our issue we tend to be judge mental and critical.

“And he must needs go through Samaria.”

You know this tells me that Jesus would go where others would not go. I wonder if Jesus were here [in the flesh] today where would He be. I believe that He would be where the church is not. I believe that He would go to places where people have real issues.

“And he must needs go through Samaria.”

I have to go through Samaria it is a necessity -- other folks go around Samaria but I must needs go through there. When you think about it ... it is shouting time He must need go through Samaria.

It’s shouting time because when other people have given up on you, when other people will refuse you and wont even be bothered with you.

Jesus will come right at the point of your needs and deal with you. Other people will walk over you, walk around you, talk about you behind your back, call you everything but a child of God. Saying that you are no good; saying that you are never going to turn out to be anything.

But that is where Jesus would come to that person who people say you are not going to be anything, you are going to be just like you father, your mother didn’t have anything and you are not going to have anything either. That’s where Jesus says I want to go -- I want to go right to that person, right to that situation. Nobody else will come to that territory, no body else will come to that neighborhood that’s the place where Jesus would go.

The next thing that I need to tell you about Jesus -- is that not only will He go way out of the way to meet your needs, but he come right where you are.

[Somebody ought to say hallelujah, to His name.]

See that’s good to preach right there -- this women in Samaria, He came to her “right where she was". He did tell her that stuff that most folks are preaching and singing today -- if you take one step, He will make two, or Jesus helps folk that help themselves.

NO, that is not grace. He came right where she was -- she was still shacking, she was still in a mess, he did tell her to go home first and clean up and he didn’t tell her to go home a stop doing this -- he came right where she was.

Shank somebody’s hand and tell them that God will heel you just as you are.

Churches need to stop putting that word out -- that before you can get saved you got to clean up, and you got to straighten this up, if I could just fix that up, if I could offered to buy that dress [I’m preaching to myself] If could just put that on, then I will be ready to go to church. We have got ourselves saved and now we want to get all Yuppie.

Some of us sitting in here this morning know that God saved us when we where still in a mess, we was still out there, we was still depraved, we were still in our sins, but he came right where you were ... and saved you.

That’s good, that’s good -- He will come right where you are.

And may I submit to you that -- not all of you was saved in church. Some of you are like me are got convicted in nightclubs, some of you got convicted at six o’clock in the morning in places that you had no business in, but by the grace of God he decided that he wanted you, and decided to bring you out of that mess -- whether you want to come out or not.

Jesus will come and save you right where you are. (Repeat) If you let Him.

“And he must needs go through Samaria.”

I have to go there -- I got a girl there, everybody else is talking about her, but I want to talk to her. Want nobody even associate with that old sister but I want to help her.

Lets walk -- [Verse 7]

Watch this -- the Bible says that this women come to meet Jesus. Now, what blew my mind was that Jesus got to the well before the women [Oh I’m going to preach this sermon this morning].

You see that is the grace of the text -- “we love Him” because “He first loved us” [John 4:19]. We are saved because he chose us before the very foundations of the world.

Well wait a minute now -- we already talked about his humanity but I might need to stop right here and talk about his divinity. Because how did he know, she was coming in the first place. Somebody ought shout because “He is God!”

He is thirsty and He is hungry -- but He’s God enough to know -- just a couple of minutes a girl name particular person will be coming by -- [can I get a witness.]

Example [Sit down]

And he sits on the well just waiting on her. Well you might what to stop right here a praise God and thank Him for waiting on you.

While you were out there still clubbing, still drinking, still from bar to bar -- he could have sent your soul to hell. But He sat there and waited on you and said I know that it is a matter of time before my holy Spirit quickens her, quickens him by the holy ghost -- he could have let you die while you where out there in your mess. Is there anybody here who can shout thank you God for waiting on me?

[Get up]-- Other folk gave up on me -- he waited on me.

Wait a minute now -- he waited on her at the well. Now if He is God -- which He is -- don’t you think He know where she was the whole time. Which means that He could have busted her very well and went over to the house where she was living? [Can I get a witness here?]

But NO, NO, he didn’t -- He just went an hung out that well. Now you and I know that God could have came a bust you and me at some places that we had no business being. But he waited on us. [Can I get a witness here?]

No, I’ll just wait until she just twist her little “sassy tail” in church on Sunday and get her then. No he could have got you while you were still in your mess. NO, I will just get him, in the quite of a hospital room. NO, I’ll just get him when he is in the cold stench of a jail. No, I’ll get him when he looses all the money that he though he had and his finances hit rock bottom. Maybe then he will trust and depend on me. No I’ll get him when his marriage starts to fall apart from all of the running around he has been doing. Just maybe he will listen then.

What if he had came to some of the places you were at? Grab you like your momma by your collar and say you coming out of here. Some of you He did do that to [can I get a witness], but most of by His grace He didn’t allow us to get to embarrassed.

He waited on us -- He wait on us -- He waited on us

While I was, out there talking about how luck you was -- driving home drunk. Waking up in the morning not knowing how I got home.

Oh, I’m not ashamed of my testimony. Too many people scared to tell it ... afraid of what people will say about them. But I got a story to tell.

NO it wasn’t luck, it because He was waiting on me. They were shooting in nightclubs, and I walked out of there and said man I’m so lucky, that I was in the bathroom at the time. Saying, I was in the right place at the right time -- nawl, it because he was sitting on the well waiting on me.

Lets deals with this women -- look at her, she is a women worship with her wounds [so much good preaching in the chapter].

I just want to give you just few things under that -- a women worshiping with her wounds. A woman worshipping with her wounds.

Watch this -- this is a religious girl -- she is sister somebody. Now that is a another sermon, and I want dig to deep into that ... but down around verses 19 & 20, she starts talking about what church she went to and all that stuff.

But with 5 husband and a living with someone that she is not married too ... she is walking around talking about I’m "Sister so and so". Isn’t that a mess? All that stuff in your life and you still going around bragging about what church you go too, bragging about your denomination and where you worship.

Ain’t that something -- she is religious but not righteous

Let me just work on her one minute, just one more minute under the captions “a women worshipping with her wounds".

First of all, I want you to see how she has encountered all of these bad relationships. I want you to see how she has been disappointed. Look at how disappointed she is.

Watch this -- back up to [verse 6,] now Jacob’s well was there ... Watch the well.

You see the well was a gathering place, people did not just come there to get water, it was the meeting place -- let me put it to you this way, it was the hang out. That’s where everybody came, they came to draw water, but at the same time, you could catch up on all of the latest gossip. Bible Commentaries say that men sometimes would come to meet the well to meet their future wives ... why not this is where all of the women hung out. And at night, it would be no surprise if you ran into one of the ladies of the night ... looking for customers.

[Verse 7]

Then cometh [what does the scripture say] a woman. Why doesn’t the text say then cometh some women? Why does it say one women? Well to me -- she looks like an outcast she looks lonely. Let me explain, you see, when women would to come to the well they would not come at high noon because the sun would be out. Most of the women would come early in the morning and they would come in groups. All the sisters would get together as they were leaving there house and knock on each other doors and say “Barbara, Timeka, Jaquita, Mary-Kay I’m going to the well” and they would go as a group. But why is it she is showing up all by herself.

Ya’ll know the story -- think about it she has been married 5 times and currently shacked up. Watch this ... each time you get married you bring in new kindred relationship, more in-laws and more friends. How is it that she does not have any friends?

Look at the women ... she is disappointed and lonely -- some of you right now look disappointed and lonely. Don’t you know that sometime you can go through relationships and if the relationships end up bad, it leaves you torn and broken hearted. Sometimes your disappointments cause you to draw battle lines, all the people on the side of the person you broke up with won’t speak to you, you get funny, and you don’t speak to them.

And many times you can go through so many bad relationships that you become afraid and you can’t trust anybody. And you go from isolation, which leads to frustration, which leads to depression, and you walk around saying I don’t want to be bothered with nobody. Because everybody knows my business and I will never again let anybody in to hurt me.

But I am here to preach to you that it works two ways. Yes can’t nobody “get in to hurt you” but “nobody can get in to help you” either.

Somebody out there knows that when you are going through something that you need a good friend. The Bible says in Proverbs “that a friend loveth at all times...”

I just need one or two honest people out there who know that they need somebody to come and pray with them. Is there anybody here who knows that it is good when you have somebody to come walk with you. Somebody who will come a get the bible out and read with you.

Whoever told you that you can make it by yourself ... that you don’t need anybody told you a lie -- all of us need somebody. Even the Lone Ranger had Ton to.

Look at her -- she is all by herself; all of her friends have left her. She been through so may broken relationships -- ya’ll know those people was talking about her how she can’t keep a man, so she walks alone just disappointed. She’s depressed -- “she going through".

Let me show you something else -- whenever we are “going through”, we have a tendency to get defensive. Watch this -- watch how defensive she is.

[Verse 7] -- ...GIVE me to drink. Simple request. Jesus did not ask her to go fetch Him some lemon aid. It’s a simple request, He did not ask her for a rum and coke or strawberry daiquiri -- Give me to drink.

You are at the well you got a bucket -- you see that I don’t have a bucket. Hook a brother up -- what does a Man have to do to get a drink in this town? [Verse 8] tells us that the disciples were gone away unto the city to by meat -- had they been there, I’m quite sure they would have got it for Him.

Simple request -- watch how defensive she is. Some of you been a situation where you have been hurt so bad that you too are always on the defensive.

[Verse 9, read] How is it...[Now she done went all into His family history, all into his genealogy]? Have you ever noticed how the subject quickly changes when you are talking to some people about spiritual matters? That’s what happening here ... she is on the defensive, so she tries to change the subject.

Look at how defensive she is -- the Son of God just ask for a drink. Now she done went into all of this other stuff [how is it that thou being a Jew and caring on] you know we don’t talk to ya’ll we don’t get along.

That’s what wrong today -- how many people have been hurt in so many relationships that if somebody just ask you to go for a cup of coffee -- you would say [pause]

Because you have been hurt in so many relationships, that you don’t trust anybody anymore. Then all of the sudden your defenses go up and you say “why you want to have coffee with me”

Somebody ask you if you want to go see a movie “why, what movies, why you want to you see a movie with me” “what gone come after the movie”

Somebody can come up to you and say “boy you know you sure was praising the Lord today” “why you notice me praising Him”

Lets face it -- sometime people in the church do have the wrong motive [can I get a witness here] everybody in Church ain’t watching Jesus [can I preach for just a couple of minutes in this house]

One more point and I’m through -- drop down to [verse 14-15] READ ALOUD

You see ... Sis. Particular Person is still not understanding what Jesus is saying to her. Notice that He is dealing with her right now in the physical. You been going through all of these relationships, you have been going through of these situation where these men have hurt you but I want to expose you to a different alternative, because you have had all of these men. But you are “still thirsty”, it has not quenched your thirst, it has “pacified you and not satisfied you” and now you have went from man to man to man, and some of us from women to women but there is still something missing in your life.

[Verse 15] Watch the woman -- the women said unto him sir give me this water [but she is still thinking in the natural]. Watch this -- Jesus is getting ready to open her spiritual eyes. And that’s what a lot of us need this morning -- we need our spiritual eyes opened.

Watch this -- Jesus said okay, you goanna keep playing, Oh I see you want to try and go deep on me. Oh, I see, you want to try to get philosophical. Okay, I see how you want to act -- I guess I going to have to expose something.

Watch this ...

[Verse 16] Go call your husband! You want to keep playing -- Go call your husband, and come here.

I like Jesus -- Jesus didn’t play. We got to many folk playing church now a days. All they do is sit around. We got a lot of people in church today that’s quick to say Amen -- but are the last ones to raise their hand to volunteer to serve the community. You know the community ... Tuesday Night Dare to Care, hospital visitation; you know signing up for the Faith ministry. You know outreach. Volunteers to help Tim with Awana. You don’t have to say Amen -- I know I’m right.

A lot of people want to start their own programs in the church but want support the programs already established. You know like Sunday School, Youth Activities, and one you probably haven’t heard about ... Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting.

A now a word from our sponsor: There is prayer meeting every Wednesday from 6-7 pm. All are welcomed to attend. Don’t wait for a problem to occur in your life [mother, father, sister , brother, son or daughter to get sick] before you decide to come pray to your Heavenly Father. So come out and join us as we pray for the needs of this church.

Now back to our Sermon already in progress.

I like Jesus the way Jesus taught -- You see she was trying stand up there and be deep, trying to be philosophical [Give me this water so that I may never thirst again]. Jesus said okay -- you want to keep playing, I don’t know who she thinks she is talking to. Don’t she know that I am the great I am, Don’t she know that I am the Lord of Lord, the King of King. Who does she think she is talking with, I now, I’ll get her like this – let me open her spiritual eyes. Go call your husband, go get him and come back.

Watch this -- Now she sounds like a Telly Tubby ... Uh Oh -- well let’s see, how much he really knows -- well I don’t really have a husband.

[Verse 17]

Yeah you answered right -- but you didn’t telling all of it. Don’t you know that’s why you can’t come before the Lord and be a hypocrite? That’s the reason why you can’t come to church and look down on everybody else. Because there is something that Jesus could call out about you that will make you walk out of here on your kneecaps. People come to church and turning up your nose, and looking at people funny. I just need some help from one or two honest people, who is willing to admit that there is something hidden their life that He could call out about you right in this church -- that will make you lay prostrate out of the floor, begging for forgiveness and saying Father I am nothing by you are everything, Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound, that saved a retch like me -- He could tell you to go get something.

Shank somebody hand and say I know what it is -- but I am not going to tell you and don’t you tell me.

There are some things in our life that God could really call out on you and me. While you sitting there to cute to praise Him -- with your legs crossed, and your arm folded, wanting somebody to beg you to say Amen.

He could go tell you to go get something!

[Verse 17]

Watch this -- she said I don’t have a husband. He said I know, but you have had five, and now you gotten so complacent and so comfortable that I wont even going to try marriage no more. You been in so many relationships that haven’t worked -- you’ve planned one wedding after the other, one dress after the other. One wedding cake after the other, mass confusion -- order these flowers this time, nope I’ll wear green this, and I’ll wear purple this time ... Lord knows I can’t wear white. Five times, she’s had five wedding -- now she finally said, marriage doesn’t work for me, I give up on marriage the covenant of God – I’ll just shack up. Oh, I’m sorry ... I meant co-habituate.

I need to preach a word in this house today -- to shack, to live with somebody that you are not married to, is beneath you. I came to tell you that you are better than that. I can do bad all by myself, there is no way I can let somebody get the milk from my three daughters without ___ buying the cow. Parents you have to teach your kids that they are better than that. Father you have to teach your sons that they are better than that. Ain’t no way in the world you should sit around and watch the dog running around the house with license and dog tags around his necks. Now ... they go out and get license for the Dog but there you are _______ laying up there -- turn your neighbor and say you are better that that.

I can do bad all by myself. If you ain’t going to marry me you got to go and get out of my house -- in the name of Jesus.

Because I am God’s child and Gods child should not be living in a situation like that. I might have a little problem paying my rent -- but I will be God’s child -- in God’s house, not shacked up with somebody that don’t love me enough to marry me. [Can I get a witness]?

I might have to take myself to dinner -- but I rather go to dinner with just me a Jesus before I let somebody make me his or her weekend plaything.

You are new creature in Christ Jesus, you belong to the royal family of God, and you’ve been washed in the blood of the lamb.

You are God’s Child. Hallelujah

We preachers need to be like Jesus and tell it like it is and preach some old radical sermons. I know people don’t want to hear it, when you preach sin -- but I am not going to have it suspended over my head on judgment for having not warned you and told you what thus saith the Lord. I’m going to tell it like it is -- you get no sugar coating from Rev. Parks.

I came to tell you that you are better than that.

Some of you may be thinking, well preacher, -- just how am I going to make it? How am I going to pay my bills?

Well -- the last time I look at the 23rd Psalm -- it did not say that Henry was your Shepard; it did not say that Tyrone was your Shepard, but my Bible says that the Lord is my Shepard and I shall not want.

The last time I look at the Philippians 4:19 -- it did not say that Sara shall supply all of your needs; it did not say that Ruth shall supply all of your needs; it did not say Ben shall supply all of your needs. But it says “ God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Now listen -- the Bible shows that He went out of the traditional way to get there [He did things that no other Jew would do]. He goes out of the traditional way ... and you need to understand that in order for God to save us, He went way out of the way.

For the Bible says in II Corinthians. 5:21

“for He hath made Him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him"

Even the cross --don’t up think that Jesus was not just bypassing the cross one day walking down the streets of Jerusalem and just happened to wind up on the cross. NO, he went way out of the way leaving heaven and coming down to earth and died on a cross in order that you and I might be saved. He did not have to do it, but He did -- he went way out of his way, to save you and me. And I stop by to tell you this morning ... that whatever you are going through this morning ... that Jesus will bring you through.

And when he brings you out, when He frees you, stay free ... don’t go back to that tobacco habit, don’t go back to the liquor habit, don’t go back to your chemical dependence.

And how do I know that I’m going to make it through ... whatever, I going through. It because He lives. That’s how I know ... you see my Savior lives that’s why I can face tomorrow. I know that life is worth the living because He lives.

How do I know that I will make it though what I’m going through ...because one Friday morning they took my Lord and Savior to a hill far away and put Him on an old cross?

Isaiah says "... He was wounded for out transgression, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon and by His stripes, and we are healed."

You see ... he went thorough so that you and I can make it through.

Jesus died to set you free and "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed". [John 8:36].

But wait the story does not end there ... it goes on to say that after Jesus gave up the ghost ... that they laid Him in Joseph’s borrow tomb. And He laid there all night Friday, all day, and all night Saturday.

Buy early ... somebody say early, Sunday morning, while the dew was still on the grass, He got up will all power in His hand.

Shook off His grave clothes and said "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"

He got up with all power in his hand ...

I stopped by to tell you ... Be not dismayed whatever be tied -- God Will take care of you. Anybody in here knows that God will take care you. God will take care of you.

I never have seen the righteous forsaken, or his seed begging bread. No matter what you are going through, God will carry you through. God will take care of you.

Because He lives

-I can make it through

-No matter the problem

-no matter the situation

-no matter what I’m going through

-It is because ... He lives I can make it through.

-When the night seems the darkest

-when the road seems the longest

-the mountains seem to high to climb

-when the valleys of your life seems to low to bear

Just know that God will carry you through whatever you are going through

... is there anything to hard for the Lord.

With God nothing is impossible ... He will

carry you through


I would like all heads bowed, all eyes closed. This is the most important part of this entire service. The invitation to Christian discipleship. There should be no moving, no talking. SAINTS you should be praying that someone will turn and accept Christ as their Savior.

At this time I would like to ask Sis. Kesha Hightower to come forward and sing our invitation song.

There maybe someone here who has not accepted Christ as their personal Savior. If this is you then this is your divine appointment. The particular place (here), the particular time is (right now) and the particular person is (you). If this is you I would like for you to raise your right hand. All eyes should be closed ... DON’T BE AFRAID. Jesus is ready to meet you today right where you are ... don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today.

Jesus said in Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me."

This is you divine invitation ... your divine appointment. You can accept this invitation by raising your right hand.

There maybe someone here who has accepted Christ but for whatever reason ... you have not been serving as you know that you should. If this is you I would like for you to raise your right hand.

There maybe someone who is new to the area and is looking for a Church home. We welcome you here ... but if this is not the church that you wish you join then maybe we can be of assistance in helping you find a bible believing church where you can worship. If this is you ... raise your right hand.



Jude 24-25

"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy",

"To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."