Summary: I talk about how the Spirit of God wants to move in power in our personal lives and in our church. I discuss why we need God’s power at work and what happens when it is unleashed.


There is a great fascination with the supernatural in our day. Go to a bookstore, visit a movie theater, watch cable television: we are bombarded with images of the supernatural. The most popular movie right now is Harry Potter. A popular day time show is called "Crossing Over" with John Edwards. He uses his psychic power to talk to the dead.

There is much intrigue with the supernatural. There is a sense that we humans realize that there is something much greater and "powerful" out there that we can experience. It is very inviting for young people and for many of us. I believe we were created with a hunger for something "greater than ourselves." We must make sure that we maintain a biblical perspective when it comes with tackling these issues.

That’s why I love the book of Acts. The book of Acts is an account of what happens when the power of the living God comes in contact with ordinary people like you and I. Through the person of the Holy Spirit God chooses to dwell and fill his children so that we can accomplish his purposes.

Scripture makes it loud and clear that our God is a powerful God. For instance, 1Chronicles 29:11 says, "Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours O Lord is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all." Job 36:22 says, "God is exalted in his power. Who is a teacher like him? Revelation 1:19 says, "Hallelujah!" Salvation and glory and power belong to our God."

When we think about the power of God it is no small subject. Remember, God had the power to create the world. God has the power to forgive and defeat sin. God has the power to love you and I unconditionally. God had the power to resurrect Jesus from the grave. He has the power to make all things new. He has the power to mold us more and more into his image.

It is amazing to think about how God’s power comes from the same source that God used and uses to do those incredible things.

Here is the truth about the power of God:

1). It is available to all believers. Read Acts 2:1-4. We must always remember that the Spirit still rests on us today.

2). It’s not being utilized by many believers.

Why do we need God’s power at work in our lives and in the life of our church?

A. That’s how he intended it.

B. Moral chaos in our world.

ILLUSTRATION: Even after September 11th the moral climate still hasn’t changed for America. Still only two out of 10 adults believe in absolute truth. And only 40% of American’s believe that the Bible is not true. (

C. It’s the only way the church will effectively reach the world.

So, what happens when God’s power is unleashed?

Read Acts 5:29-42

1. Wholehearted obedience Acts 5:29, 4:19

Keep in mind when you choose to live wholeheartedly there WILL be opposition. But allow God to use that opposition for his glory. Acts 5:28 & 40-41

2. Must make it our life mission to seek the Father’s will. 5:38-39

Because if what we are doing is of God then it will stand! We are promised not to "fail" if we are in the middle of what he wants for us to do. In Class 301 we ask you, "If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you attempt for God?" We mean that statement. God wants us to seek his activity and join him even if it seems crazy.

William Carey said, "Attempt great things for God & expect great things from God."

Hudson Taylor said, "Unless there is an element of risk in our exploits for God, there is n need for faith."

3. We will live consistently when the power of God is unleashed in our lives. 5:42

From the Temple (place of worship) to house to house the apostles never stopped preaching and proclaiming Jesus. God wants us to be consistent in our walk with him. Our world needs to see consistent living followers of Christ.

4. People around us will be changed will take place when the powr of God is unleashed in our lives.


I do not want to live a powerless life.

I do not want you to live a powerless life.

I don not want our church to be a powerless church.

I really believe that God showed me this week that coorperate prayer needs to become a priority in our church. I must confess that I have done a horrible job of promoting our prayer gatherings. I have made it sound like just another "thing" on the church calendar.

Corperate prayer must become more of a reality in our church if we want to see the power of God demonstrated. We will take it serious and we will pray God’s will to be done--not just for Aunt Martha to recover from her safe trip.

I want us to minor in programs and major in prayer. Will you join me in this effort? Our lives will never be the same. Oh God, may your powre be unleashed in our midst.