Summary: Why Do Some People Refuse to Be Saved? - Rom. 10:1-11

Why Do Some People Refuse to Be Saved? - Rom. 10:1-11

We in America now boast of being the strongest nation on the earth with 285 million people. However, only 28% of Americans claim to have been born again leaving 205 million who are yet to make a decision to trust Christ for eternal life. Doesn’t it seem intriguing that the nation where the gospel has the most saturation of any of the 228 nations on the planet still have more than 200 million people who are on their way to hell and do not seem to care? Paul, the apostle gives us some insights in this passage as to errors of the Jews that parallel the mistakes that more than 200 million Americans are making over and over. Let us examine some of these obstacles for belief so we may help seek the lost sheep for the good shepherd before it is too late.

Illustration: Adrian Rodgers, the former president of the Southern Baptist Convention shared the following story, "As I got ready to preach at a Pastor conference during the Rapha (God is our healer) convention, the hotel maid came into the room and started to change the sheets. I turned to her and said, "This is hard work. The woman said, "It is sure is, I’ve been doing it for 20 years." Dr. Rodgers then asked her question, "Have you ever thought much about spiritual things?" The woman said, "A little." He then asked her, "What do you think is man’s greatest spiritual need?" She said without hesitation, "Oh that has to be peace! But I’m an alcoholic and that is one way I try to find some peace in my life." Then politely but clearly, Dr. Rodgers explained how Jesus said, "Peace I give to you, my peace I give not as the world. Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me." (John 14:27) Within minutes that woman trusted Christ as her Savior and Lord.

Obey the Lord and share the good news of salvation through Christ with everyone you can. Realize that our obedience is what pleases the Lord above all things.

1. Paul recognized the the Jews were religiously zealous but they lack a Christ centered knowledge of the gospel. Many Americans profess to be religious. The latest Barna report tells us that more than 92% of Americans say that believe in God. What is the problem? Could it be that many people are ignorant of the basic truths of the gospel. Instead of seeking to be justified by good works the majority of Americans need to admit that they are sinners and need Christ Jesus to provide forgiveness for their sins and trust Him as their Savior and Lord. Becoming a Christian is not brain surgery, but it involves appropriating the correct truth that is spelled out clearly in the New Testament. Perhaps, many churches and denominations are stressing non-essential elements at the expense of the essential truths of John 3:16 for fear of being considered socially-politically or religiously insensitive. Let us focus on communicating the essential priorities of the simple gospel.

2. Paul knew that the Jews were a stubborn people whose pride often hindered them from finding God’s will. Solomon wrote, "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before stumbling." Peter wrote,"God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore, under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt you at the proper time." (I Pet. 5:5,6) Pride is a mental attitude that says to God I know better than you do how I will find solutions to my problems. The Jews’ pride led them to reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah because they expected a political, social, and religious leader who would free them from all forms of oppression. Could it be that many modern Americans are guilty of the same mistake. Help people become aware that Christ must first reign in our hearts as a personal Savior and Lord before real transformation and liberation occurs.

3. Paul knew that the Jews’ earnest desires were unreasonable. The Jews believed that they could make themselves acceptable to God through keeping of the Law. They failed to reason that no person could perfectly keep the Law. They forgot that everyone needs to be personally reconciled with God through the forgiveness of sin. Paul wrote, "Just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned. (Rom. 5:12) "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Rom. 6:23) Whenever you run into someone who seems unreasonable about how they think they are going to make it to heaven just ask them, "How are you planning to get your sins forgiven?" Without accepting Christ as their PERSONAL Savior and Lord (something that many Catholics have never been taught), there is no eternal forgiveness of sin.

4. Paul knew that the Jews lacked a humility and teachable attitude that is necessary to come to Christ as a little child. Jesus said, "Unless you repent and become as a little child you will not entere into the kingdom of heaven." Many Americans have a hard time humbling themselves and admitting that they need to learn about the essentials of the gospel. It is human nature to be proud, stubborn and unteachable. Many fish do not want to be caught, but Jesus knew that belief and trust in Him is necessary before we can be born of the Spirit. When Nicodemus came to Jesus, He displayed an amazing humility and teachability. He said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him. Jesus said, No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. Then Jesus explained in John 3:16 the really meaning of being born again." We learn that toward the end of John’s gospel we see that Nicodemus had made that important decision. Only when Americans are willing to admit that they are not self-sufficient will they find Christ as sufficient for all their needs. (2 Cor. 12;9,10) Pray that your neighbor, your friend and those you come in contact will have those necessary attitudes of humility and teachability enabling them to experience the new spiritual birth for themselves.

5. Paul knew that the Jews were disobedient to the revealed will of God. He quotes Isaiah who writes, "All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and obstinate people." (Isa. 10:22,23)Faith is an act of obedience and submission to Christ as the only one who can save us from our sins. Many people want the best things of God but they are not willing to obey Him in order to receive His best gift of eternal life. Failure to yield to God’s way eventually ends in destruction, not to mention all the pain, misery and sadness toward that end. Many Americans persist in being disobedient against God’s revealed will in Christ. When each individual will stand before the judgment throne of God they will have to explain why they were disobedient in failing to believe in Christ and trusting Him as their personal Savior and Lord. Help people understand that failure to obey God has immediate and eternal consequences.

6. Paul knew that the Jews had allowed the word of God incarnate in Jesus Christ to be choked out by their own worries, the deceitfulness of weath and the desires for other things come in and choke out the word, making it unfruitful. (Mark 4:18) Many Americans, similarly are so wrapped up in their worries, pursuits of success and desires for anything other than Jesus Christ, that they snuff out the life of the word of God that has been sown in their minds. Only when people are willing to hear the word, accept it and produce a crop with the power of the Holy Spirit, will they know how the joys of the Lord make the pleasures of the world pale in comparison. Ask the Lord to help you people your personal testimony how the joys of a relationship with Christ far surpass any of the promised pleasures this world has to offer.

7. Paul knew that the Jews were quick to compare themselves with other nations. The Corinthians had a similar problem so Paul wrote, "We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves by themselves they are not wise." (2 Cor. 10;12) Americans love to compare themselves with others since it has become a national pastime to read and watch the stories of others in the nation’s media. There is a subtle danger in determining our status by comparing ourselves with how well others are doing. Time magazine always rates the ten best in every sector: movies, stars, sporting events, people etc. Even though it is interesting to see how human rate the success or failure of people, this is a poor way to determine one’s spiritual success. Christ is the standard that we should measure all success since He is the one who we will one day have to give an account. Help people to see that they are not subject to others’ judgments but only to the Lord.

8. Paul knew that the Jews failed to take advantage of the opportunities that were given to them. Most Americans know how they can find answers to their questions but hesistate to ask someone for help. It almost seems that it is a special American trait to be independent person who is able to find solutions for their own problems. The key element invovled in becoming a Christian and growing in Christ is the willingness to ask God for help. Jeremiah told the Jews, "Call on the Lord while He may be found. Call on Him while He is near. He will save you." James wrote, "You have not because you ask not." (James 4)Perhaps the biggest single reason why there are more than 200 million Americans who are yet to be saved is their failure to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to them in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have this truth taught in the parable of the ten talents, in the parable of the wedding-feast about people who were regularly given an invitation but pass on their big opportunity. Ask the Lord to help you become more diligent to pray for people who need to take advantage of the opportunities to find Christ as their Savior and King before it is too late.