Summary: Sermon on rich Young ruler that is evangelistic


TEXT - Mark 10: 17 - 22

INTRO. - There have been many sermons preached on the Rich

Young Ruler. They have been titled "The Fatal Refusal" and

"The Man Who had Everything but the Main Thing" among others.

Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record the incident.

You cannot read this passage without a touch of

sorrow in your heart. There is a loneliness, a heartache, a

chill in vs. 22 - "he went away". It was not that Jesus

pushed him away, refused him, disqualified him, or saw some

soiled page in his past that would make it impossible to

accept him as a disciple. This young man on the contrary

held his destiny in his own hand. Having the power to say yes

or no, he turned his back on Christ and refused to follow


His story is one of the most disappointing in all

the New Testament. The reason is because we know of no

single man that came into personal contact with Jesus during

his earthly ministry who was richer in possibilities. No man

has a more hopeful beginning than this man. Therefore it is

all the more sad to see this man who in one moment is running

to Jesus and kneeling at his feet and the next minute is

walking away from Jesus with sadness in his heart.





1. He was EAGER - vs.17

He came running to Jesus. He had apparently made up his

mind. He must get to Jesus. No time must be lost. Oh, for

more people like this. Too many linger like Lot or are

waiting for a more convenient day like Felix. Whatever you

say about this young man, at least he was eager.

2. He was HUMBLE - vs.17

He knelt before Jesus. He knew that Jesus commanded

respect. This was unusual with the difference in social

station and dress between him and Jesus. Here the rich and

powerful knelt before the poor and lowly. Oh, for more

respect and reverence like this for the things of God

among the young people of our day as well as the older.

3. He had COURAGE

He ran when no one else ran. It is easy to run with the

crowd. It is harder to run alone. Here was a man alone.

Nobody else in his social circle was a fellow disciple of

Jesus. Here was a rich ruler wanting to join a group of

poor fishermen. It took courage to come to Jesus that day

and it will take courage for you to come to Jesus today.

4. He showed DISCERNMENT and REVERENCE - VS.17

He called Jesus "Good Master". He saw in Jesus what many

failed to see. He saw the goodness and holiness of God. He

showed a reverence to what he saw. Oh, how we need more of

this in this day in which we live.

5. He had SPIRITUALITY - vs.17

"What shall I do..." He had a concern for spiritual

things. He came with a solemn, urgent, vital, spiritual

question. Here is a man concerned about his eternal soul.

We do not see much of this today. Notice also that nobody

went to him about his soul. He went to Jesus.

6. He was MORALLY CLEAN - vs.20

Here is a morally clean young man with power and

authority. There are no bad habits to stain him. There is

no shady past to deal with. He is not a sassy, hippy,

free-love, rebel. He would make a good citizen and fine

neighbor. He is the type of man a city council would want

for their mayor. Many a mother would like to see her

daughter marry a man like this. many a church would put

this man into a church office.

7. He was RELIGIOUS - vs.19-20

Religious but lost. He fasted, tithed, went to church,

knew the law, but was not born again. He had a hunger in

his soul but he was not saved. He is like the average 20th

Century American church member.

8. He was WEALTHY - vs.22

Money does not bring happiness. The bible does not condemn

money but the love of it. What possibilities this man’s

wealth could have done for the Kingdom of God had it been

dedicated and put to work for God. Have you dedicated your

money to God?

9. He was YOUNG - Matt.19:20 tells us this.

This man was young and came to Jesus. He did not want to

sow his wild oats first and then turn to God. He was not

going to blow out the candle of a life burned in the

service of the devil in the face of God. He came with his

youth. Oh, the possibilities of years of service for the

Lord. Most people are saved in their youth. Solomon said

to remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.

Someone has said that the devil has no happy old people.

Have you given your life to the Lord?

10. He was of SOCIAL RANK - Luke 18:18 tells us this.

Luke 18:18 says he was a ruler. Many in our day will

forsake God for social prestige, power, and popularity.

Here was a ruler willing to fall at the feet of a

carpenter’s son. He was among the class who later

crucified Jesus. How much he might have done to win those

of his social standing to the Lord had he surrendered his

soul to Jesus that day.

11. He had GOOD SENSE . He went to the right place, seeking

the right thing, at the right time. He came running to

Jesus while most today run to drugs, the beer hall,



1st - The basic needs of man cannot be satisfied by the

possessions of fame, fortune, or anything in this

life. This world cannot satisfy the soul of man.

2nd - This passage shows us something about our

opportunities. They don’t last forever. Many pass

away very swiftly. Here this young man stood at the

gate to heaven and then left. He came running and

went away sad. Opportunities once rejected seldom

if ever return. Every day that you reject God

increases the possibility that you will be lost


I think of Felix in Acts 24 ---"when I have a more

convenient season I will call for thee"

I think of Herod Agrippa in Acts 26 ---"almost thou

persuadest me to be a Christian"

3rd - Usually it is only one thing that keeps a person

from accepting Christ. There was only one thing in

the life of the Rich Young Ruler. See vs. 21 "One

thing thou lackest..." He lacked the willingness to

put Christ first above all in his life. This is

what God requires of all of us. Jesus put his

finger on the spot ---- the man loved his gold. One

little thing but it was too big to surrender. Many

people have only one thing --- strong drink, lust,

money, popularity, fame, thing!

Mark 8:36 - What is a man profited if he gain the

whole world and lose his own soul..."


Look at what he was offered.

He was offered a Savior - that would save his soul.

He was offered a Cross - that would lead to a crown.

He was offered a home in heaven.

Look at what he refused. He refused it all.

Look at Jesus as He begins to lead this young man step by

step into what he must do. The young man passes all the

requirements so far. If he will but take one more step he

will be saved. All else is done. If he will but surrender his

all...the angels will sing and the Church of God will be

richer for all time. If he will just step over that line and

surrender...what joy for time and eternity would be his.

Do you not possible see yourself here. He came but he went

away. Do you not see how you can climb to the very door of

heaven and yet fall into hell. Do you not see how much you

can know and yet be foolish. Do you not see how much you can

do and yet do nothing.

It is possible to talk to Jesus and into his face and yet go

away. You can live with Jesus and not know Him. Judas did it.

The Rich Young Ruler --- WHERE DID HE GO?

Did he go to his friends? He had not found in his friends

what satisfied or he would not have sought out Jesus.

WHERE DID HE GO? Back to his pleasures? I doubt if he found

satisfaction there. WHERE DID HE GO? DID HE GO TO HEAVEN?

Come now, I appeal to your knowledge of scripture. Did he go



If you could climb the steps of gold, enter the gates of

pearl, walk the golden streets, and search for him, your

search would be in vain. If you could cross the landscapes of

eternal bliss in the city four-square you would not find him.

If you looked in the procession of triumph you would not find

him. If you looked through the many mansions or among the

multitude that no man can number you will not find him. HE IS

NOT THERE! How sad that amid the fires of eternal woe dwells

one who once ran to Jesus, fell at his feet and

asked,"Master, what must I do that I might have eternal life.