Summary: A CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE pastor preaches the simple reality that God has made us a special people for the special purpose of performing a special function--ministry.

"A Wide Door for

Effective Service:

Let the Laity ’Move Out’"

Author: Dr. Neal Gray

Passage: 1 Peter 2:1-10, KJV

Purpose: The simple reality is that God has made us a special people for the special purpose of performing a special function--ministry.


This Sermon Series

This message is the 4th of a 4-part sermon series titled, "A Wide Door for Effective Service." The key verse for this series is:

"I will tarry...until Pentecost; for a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries." (1 Corinthians 16:9)

The emphasis for the series is this: each Christian member of this church is, in fact, a minister. The time has come for you to find a suitable and enjoyable service in your church; for you to contribute in ways more than you have practiced until now.

==> I believe strongly--very strongly--that there are many ways YOU can be in effective service in Christ’s church; and at the same time, YOU CAN BE MORE FULFILLED by doing the thing that you enjoy, but doing it for God and His people.


During the reign of Oliver Cromwell in Britain, they were running very low in silver for their coins, so they looked around the country to discover new sources of this precious metal.

Interestingly enough, when the men returned and reported to him, they shared with him that the place where they found the most silver in England was in the cathedrals. And really, IT WAS IN THE STATUES OF THE SAINTS! They had been formed out of nearly pure silver.

And Oliver Cromwell said, "Well, let’s melt down the saints and put them into circulation."

==> That’s what LAY MINISTRY IS ALL ABOUT, namely...

* Taking people like you and me in the Body of Christ,

* Finding out where their precious gifts are, and,

* Putting them into circulation--into ministry--

...for the advancement and glorification of the Body of Christ.

Meaning of Ministry

You see, MINISTRY IS A VERY SPECIAL WORD. It is, in fact, the ROOT WORD FOR DEACON, or "one who serves."

==> It is never a SPECIAL OFFICE, but it is a SPECIAL FUNCTION.

A special function, one that everybody--and "everybody" means you and me--it is a special function that each of us can do. In fact, I’ve given to you in the bulletin today a concise definition of ministry, namely: "MINISTRY IS AN ACT OF SERVICE GIVEN IN JESUS’ NAME."

To help clarify this, let me give you a little verbal quiz this morning. If you found that you have the gifts of helps, and this morning you were in the parking lot helping direct cars to park and you were doing that in the name of Jesus, IS THAT A MINISTRY? Yes or no? It sure is. It is a wonderful ministry.

If you were in the nursery, rocking the babies and making sure that they were protected and satisfied, and you are giving young mothers a chance to be in the service, is that a ministry? Yes or no? It sure is. It is a tough ministry!

You see, the tendency for Christians is to try to make "ministry" something very high and unattainable, something that is reserved only for those men and women in full-time ministerial service. But real ministry is simply taking your gift for the glory of God and using it in the name of Jesus. We do it for Him, unto Him, and as a pleasing thing in His sight.


And every one of us have gifts that we can use in Jesus’ name. Why? Because we have been made "the people of holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ."

Let’s now read the Scripture for today, 1 Peter 2:1-10.



Today, I have for you ten reasons why every Christian should use their gift in ministry. That’s my sermon. And I wish that you would write these reasons down, and then bathe yourself this week in prayer asking God, "Lord, can I do ministry? Will You show me how to do ministry for the good of Your church, and for the help of Your people? Thank You. Amen."

#1. The New Testament Lifts Christians

The FIRST reason is this: the New Testament lifts laity to a higher level of living and ministry. When we turn to the pages of the New Testament, we find there a "lifting" of expectations; all because of the grace and the calling of God.

The New Testament really expects us to use our gifts in ministry. Now, in the passage we read, Peter uses six terms to describe the followers of Jesus, namely...

* Living stones: the fact is that WE ARE A PART OF A CONSTRUCTION PROJECT THAT GOD IS STILL BUILDING. Jesus is our chief cornerstone, Jesus is our foundation.

But it is an ongoing project, and we are always under construction. We are growing, we are developing and God is using us for His glory.

* Holy priesthood: what is a priest? It is someone who offers something to God. In the O.T., they offered the dead carcasses of animals or other suitable offerings. But what is the offering in the N.T.? IT IS OURSELVES, isn’t it? (cf. Romans 12:1-2) We are priests, and we are consecrating our life, our gifts, our everything to God.

* Chosen generation: I love that phrase; "Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people," (1 Peter 2:9a).

GOD HIMSELF HAS CHOSEN YOU! How wonderful it is that God chose us. I have so often in the past FELT THAT I AM UNCHOOSEABLE, if that is even a word. We were not even worthy to be considered. But God chose us.

I can remember as a kid when the baseball team captains chose players from the group. I wanted to be chosen, and what a thrill it was when the captain said, "I’ll take Neal." Usually there were only a couple of guys left!

BUT LISTEN, NOTHING COMPARES TO GOD CHOOSING ME! In His love and His sovereignty, He chooses us. What a real thrill when I heard God saying, "I choose you!" And what a thrill it was for you, too. We are a chosen race!

* Royal priesthood: We’re not only a "holy priesthood," but also a royal one. That speaks to the fact that WE HAVE DIRECT ACCESS TO GOD. In the O.T., only the High Priest could enter the holy-of-holies and have direct access to God. All the people waited outside.

But now, we can go right to Him. You don’t need the Pastor, nor the Sunday School teacher, in order to speak to God. You can go to Him yourself!

* Holy nation: it means that our spiritual citizenship is beyond this world. We can go anywhere on this planet, and we find other royal citizens serving Jesus too.

* Peculiar people: I love this phrase, too. "Ye are a peculiar people!" I think this is the greatest phrase in the N.T. to DESCRIBE STEWARDSHIP. We are people for God’s own possession. God is the owner, we are the manager of the gifts God has given us to use for His own glory.

==> You see, these titles that God has given to use through Jesus Christ raise all of us as believers, as laity, TO A STATUS OF MINISTERS. That’s the difference between the Old and the New Testament. In the O.T. there was a chosen race, a chosen people. In the N.T., we are all chosen; "whosoever will."

#2. Our Spiritual Growth Requires the Use of Spiritual Gifts

SECOND: Spiritual growth will never be fully realized unless you use your spiritual gifts that God has given to you. In fact, using your spiritual gifts is one of the three ways you grown spiritually. Let me give you those three ways; we grow spiritually through...

* Our time spent with God--prayer, and in the Word

* Our time spent with other Christians--fellowship

* Our time spent using our spiritual gifts--ministry

We are to be instruments for God, not ornaments. INSTRUMENTS--NOT ORNAMENTS. Too many Christians have the mind-set that they are God’s ornaments. They want to be on display, and sparkle a little!

But we are to be GOD’S INSTRUMENTS. We are used by God, spent for the welfare of others.

==> We have to remember that there is a difference between being a passenger on the ship, and being a member of the crew! Some Christians might think that this whole process is like being on the "Love Boat"! We come along for the cruise, getting fed and having fun. LISTEN, YOU ARE THE CREW!

#3. Success in Church

THIRD: Success in Jesus’ mission to save people is only possible if every Christian has a ministry. Look, Jesus realized this; He said that THE PROBLEM ISN’T THE HARVEST, THE PROBLEM IS THE LACK OF HARVESTERS!

Jesus was saying, "If we can just get the Church to move out, don’t worry about the harvest; it will be reaped."

You see, we need each other. We can not do it without each other. One baseball pitcher who was inducted to the baseball hall of fame was asked HOW HE SUCCEEDED IN BASEBALL. He said, "I have two things: clean living, and a fast infield."

DO YOU REALIZE HOW MANY PEOPLE it takes just to do this Sunday morning service? First we have five Sunday School teachers, one Sunday School administrators, one announcer, two musicians, one song leader, one special vocalist, two sound booth men, four ushers, two money counters, and one preacher. That’s 20 persons just for a two hour teaching and worship service.

==> [With passion, please!] Folks, if we are going to reach an ignorant and misled world of people for Christ and for their own welfare, IT IS GOING TO TAKE MANY MORE OF US all laboring for the glory of God! Amen? Right!

#4. Needs Need to be Met

FOURTH: Needs will never be met if the laity doesn’t move out. It is a fact. Do you know that the practice of lay ministry began in the early Church because the needs were not being met? The preachers knew that they could not do it all.

I’m so happy about our church, how we meet needs. When guests come to our church, they see the cooperation of everyone working together in Christ’s church. They know by the greetings, by the help you give finding them a seat, by the excellence of the music just how together this church is.

==> Why, a new visitor knows EVEN BEFORE I PREACH whether he or she will return to this church; AND [VERY JOKINGLY] ITS A GOOD THING! [They will probably laugh.] Your response was a little too good right there!

#5. God Depends on the Laity

FIFTH: Laity need to move up and move out because God is limited without your ministry commitment. This is an amazing thought. Do you realize that God is limited here by the people?

I’m going to ask God about this one someday. But do you realize that God has chosen you and chosen me to do the ministry which will bring other people to His Son Jesus! God waits on us to bring His mercy and His grace to others.

==> We are His feet, His hands, and His mouth. WE ARE THE EXTENSION OF JESUS’ MINISTRY, and He is limited if we don’t do what He has enabled us to do.

#6. The Church is Incomplete

SIXTH: The church is incomplete without everyone using their gifts. The church, WILL NEVER BE A "WHOLE BODY" without everyone using their gifts.

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul talks about that. How can the eyes say we have no need for the feet, how the arms say we don’t need ears, and so on? We need each other, and the fact is that we are incomplete without each person using their gifts.

In this area, there are three possible problems with gifts in the church:

* Abuse--too few people using too many gifts

They are overloaded, they are worn out, they are tired, they are carrying far too much of the load of the church.

* Disuse--too many people not using their gifts

* Misuse--people using the wrong gifts

It’s my job to help you find your gifts, so that you can use them for the glory of God, and for your own spiritual growth too.

A Gift Parable

Let me read a parable to you: A group of animals decided to improve their general welfare by starting a school. The curriculum included swimming, running, climbing, and flying.

The duck, who was an excellent swimmer, was deficient in the other areas. So he majored in climbing and running. But, in order to do the training in these areas, his swimming abilities soon suffered.

The rabbit, a superior runner, was forced to spend so much time in the other classes that he soon lost much of his famed speed.

The squirrel, who had been rated as an ’A’ climber soon dropped to ’C,’ because the instruction had used weeks and months trying to teach him to swim and to fly.

The eagle was disciplined for soaring to the tree tops when he was told that he had to learn how to climb, even when flying was most natural for him.

This parable painfully portrays what often happens in the church. We each have a gift, and our gift differs. Some of us are trying to do things we shouldn’t be trying to do, and some of us aren’t doing the things we should.

==> If God made you a "duck," you’re a duck. SWIM FRIEND! Swim like mad, and don’t get bent out of shape because you waddle when you run! (Some of us can waddle even if we aren’t ducks!)

#7. Every Christian has a Gift, and Is Expected to Use It

SEVENTH: Every Christian has a gift, and is expected to use it. How true that is: every Christian has a gift and is expected to use it. That’s why we need to move up and move out.

Peter teaches us in chapter four that we are to use our gifts for others:

"As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." (1 Peter 4:10)

#8. Using Your Gift Glorifies God

EIGHTH: Using your gift(s) glorifies God. In 1 Peter 4:11, we find that when we use the gifts then God is glorified through Jesus Christ.

"If any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." (1 Peter 4:11)

#9. Not Using Your Gift Displeases God

NINTH: Not using your gift(s) displeases God. The story for this is the parable Jesus gave us of the talents. He gave one man 10, another 5, and another 1. You know the story; the man who was given one talent did not use it, and the master was greatly displeased.

Let me give you this morning guidelines out of that parable for using your gifts, there are five of them:

* God gives different gifts to different people

* He expects us to use them

* If we do, He rewards us

* If we don’t, He disciplines us

* No gift, no matter how small, should be unused

Can I relate this to something you as parents know? At Christmas we like to buy our children gifts; we wrap them and wait with excitement for the day when the children will discover the gifts we have bought them.

What if, when your child opens the gift, he/she just laid it aside, never said "Thanks," never used it?

We think, "Well, maybe he/she is waiting for a special gift," so we give them one they are sure to like. But the child responds similarly. When all gifts are revealed, the child just goes up to the bedroom, puts his gifts under the bed and never uses them. Never says "Thanks."

Can you imagine how heartsick you would be as a parent, seeing the ungrateful attitude in your kids? That’s just the way it is, folks, when you and I thrust aside the gifts our heavenly Father has given us.

#10. Using Your Gifts for Ministry Ministers to God

TENTH: Using your gift for ministry ministers to God! When you and I use our gift, whatever it is, it ministers directly to Him.

You know the passage, you know it very well. It is from Matthew 25. Jesus looks at the people and says, "I was hungry and you gave me food to eat, I was lonely in prison and you visited me, I was naked and you clothed me."

Jesus said these things and the people said, "Wait a minute, Lord. Talk to me. When were you hungry, lonely, naked, and when did we help You?"

Jesus answered, "When you did it to others, even to the least of them, you did it unto Me."


Mother Teresa’s Example

We all appreciate Mother Teresa and what she has done on earth. Of course, she went Home to be with Jesus in 1997. In her book, "A Gift from God," let me read this to you in closing.

She was talking about how we all want to be with God in heaven, and how we get so mystical as Christians. Listen to what she said:

"We all long for heaven where God is, but we have it in our power to be in heaven with Him right now. To be happy with Him at this very moment means loving as He loves, helping as He helps, serving as He serves, rescuing as He rescues, and being with Him for all the 24 hours. Because...we touch Him when we touch others."

We Are A Special People


May we "move up" and "move out" for God--as Christ Jesus’ extension of mercy!


Adapted from a Dr. John C. Maxwell sermon.

Hymns & Reading

Suggested hymns and readings, mostly from the "Sing to the Lord" hymnal:




1. The New Testament lifts laity to a ________ level of living; to a status of ministers.

2. Spiritual growth will never be fully realized unless you use your spiritual ______ that God has given to you.

* Our time spent with God--prayer, and in the Word

* Our time spent with other Christians--fellowship

* Our time spent using our spiritual gifts--ministry

3. Success in Jesus’ mission to save people is only possible if _______ Christian has a ministry.

4. _______ will never be met if the laity doesn’t move out.

5. Laity need to move up and move out because ______ is limited without your ministry commitment.

6. The church is incomplete without everyone using their ___.

* Abuse--too few people using too many gifts

* Disuse--too many people not using their gifts

* Misuse--people using the wrong gifts

7. Every Christian has a ______ , and is expected to ______ it.

8. Using your gift(s) _________ God.

9. Not using your gift(s) ____________ God.

* God gives different gifts to different people

* He expects us to use them

* If we do, He rewards us

* If we don’t, He disciplines us

* No gift, no matter how small, should be unused

10. Using your gift for ministry ___________ to God!



| Copyright 2002

| Practical Holiness Ministry (r)




| You may reprint or publish or hopefully preach

| this material as long as it is not-for-profit,

| except that it may profit one’s soul,

| (see Mark 8:36).


| Dr. Neal Gray is the Senior Pastor of the

| Baltimore Parkville Church of the Nazarene.

| 8510 Fowler Ave -- Baltimore, Maryland 21234


| You can reach Dr. Gray by e-mail at:



| Also, please visit the church’s website:




| 2 Pet. 3:18 - 2 Tim. 2:2 - Matt. 20:26-28


| All Scripture is the King James Version.

| Used with God’s blessed permission.


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