Summary: one of a series on Acts

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. Some of them are real dandies. I was calling on a family with a dog that was wheezing in the corner. I ignored it for a while and then said, "If that was my dog I’d have it put to sleep". Somehow the family, who loved that old dog, didn’t see things the same way...

There are some mistakes that you have no way out of!

But mistakes can be good ...

if you learn from them...

If you learn to use them to motivate yourself...

I’d like to think that I have learned a few things over the years. Some from experience and mistakes I have made. Some from others and their mistakes.

The best things I have learned come from Scripture

Acts 11:19-26

Acts 11:19 (NIV) Now those who had been scattered by the persecution in connection with Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, telling the message only to Jews.

Acts 11:20 (NIV) Some of them, however, men from Cyprus and Cyrene, went to Antioch and began to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus.

Acts 11:21 (NIV) The Lord’s hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.

Acts 11:22 (NIV) News of this reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch.

Acts 11:23 (NIV) When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.

Acts 11:24 (NIV) He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.

Acts 11:25 (NIV) Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul,

Acts 11:26 (NIV) and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.

We can learn some important things from this passage

there are some very important things to be learned.

Some mistakes that we dare not make about the church and about our attitude toward ministry.

Major mistakes in ministry that we will not make at BCC

Mistake #1 - Only Leaders can be ministers

We have already talked about this at some length

Paul preached it Eph 4:11-12

Peter taught it

The ministry of all Believers. The early believers practiced it including those scattered by the persecution. In fact hardship is sometimes an asset.

It reveals our true priorities.

Look in Acts 8 and you will find that it was the people - not the apostles who stayed in Jerusalem

The people were scattered like dandy-lion seeds in the wind and so did the story of Jesus

Mistake #2 - Only certain kinds of people can or will respond to the message

They went only to those like themselves intially

Hard for the Jews that spread originally after the persecution. They had some traditions in thier minds about who could be saved - only good people

Only people like us

Only Jews can be saved

But Jesus died for all - not just some

Sometimes we are limited not by God but by our own ideas - of who might hear the message and respond to it

Let me tell you about Ken Bailey...

Ken was a laborer on the Alaska Pipeline back in the mid 70’s. He worked up in the icy cold for a year and came back with $30,000. That was a lot of money 30 years ago! He blew it all in a month.

He went back and in six months made another $18,000. He came home again and this time he decided to visit church.

The first Sunday he walked through the doors and sat in the back seat I had two thoughts - 1) He looked just like Grizzly Adams - beard and all and 2) Here was a man that would never become a Christian.

I preached the message and gave an invitation and the instant the music began Ken came rushing down the aisle. I thought he was going to crush me! Tears came down his face as he gave his life to Jesus.

The next Sunday he came back to services and I didn’t recognize him - he was dressed in a 3 piece suit and no beard! When I asked what caused him to shave and dress up he said, "Jesus changed me on the inside and I want people to know it - so I changed the outside."

There are people all around us who we look at and dismiss! We do them great harm!

People really want what we have. They just don’t understand it!

Present the Gospel to people and they will make some comment about a uncle or Grandfather that was a preacher. Why? They are looking for a connection.

Real evangelism is built on relationships not presentations. Some were willing to tell others without rules and cultural limits. They just went out and did it!

They shared the faith with the gentiles. The were exciting people. Let us be that kind of people!

Mistake #3 - Spirituality is measured by our prayer and our worship

Look at this passage (11:21 & 23)

The Lord’s hand was with the people. Baranabas saw the evidence of the grace of God. The evidence was a simple truth.

A great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.

The evidence of the hand of God and the Grace of God is not:

how much we study the Bible

how much we pray

how much we have quiet time

It is one thing - are we producing disciples from the world!

That is the only measure

There is no other

The more the better!

Not just numbers

numbers who turned to the Lord!

Let’s count not by the 10’s or by the 100’s but by the 1000’s.

Mistake #4 - No one should be above another in the church

Barnabas was sent by the church in Jerusalem to check out the situation. It was a clear case of someone having authority to guide and lead. There was accountability and encouragement. There was clear leadership by one man.

God always calls one man to leadership. All through the OT and NT alike. Important to see how he expressed the authority. Notice that he did not criticize, he encouraged and helped.

Characteristics of good leadership

good man; full of Holy Spirit; full of faith; he had results

Interesting to trace Barnabas’s work in the church

began as a good man that gave away land. He had trained Paul and encouraged him. Now he becomes the Senior Pastor of the Antioch Christian Church.

There were no titles involved. It was not about position. NT Christianity is less interested in Titles than functions and descriptions!

Mistake #6 - The Senior Pastor is a one man show

Barnabas did the work of a Leader in a growing dynamic body of Christians. The Jews and Greeks - a real melting pot.

H taught them to remain true to The Lord with all their hearts! Barnabas went and got help - the staff expanded!

Saul. Barnabas’s first disciple

I know what happened - It just got to be too much and so they went and brought another full time staff person

We know what the did - II Tim 2:2!!!

Barnabas shared the ministry with Saul. They taught for a whole year.

The church was growing so fast that a year was a long time! This is the third time in the text that we see "great numbers"!

Mistake #7 - Don’t worry about Harmony and division - it will take care of itself

This is my greatest concern. Great numbers of people

what a year it must have been!

Yet there were a great many differences too. Some one has to lead the way and Barnabas did. They built a foundation for the future based on their relationship to Jesus.

They were all called Christians - together.

Listen: If we ever lose the unity we now possess our children will never experience it.

Unity must be preserved and kept. One of the reasons there must be accountability and authority.

In Marquette we once had a small group that was invaded by outsiders - they were bent on a particular doctrinal teaching. I met with them about it. they were gently but firmly warned. They left.

Here is my Promise to you: I will protect the unity of our Lords church with all my strength, confronting someone who is out of harmony - I will do it even if it means asking someone to resign. I mean this with all gentleness and firmness.

These are seven mistakes that we will not make

There are others we will make - and learn from

There is one mistake you dare not make

Writing God off as unimportant

He has given you a gift

he has given you a command

Come to him today