Summary: Who is this man called Jesus? It’s an eternal life question all of us have to deal with. Do you know the answer?

Name It and Claim It

Matthew 16: 13-20 March 17, 2002

As we inch closer & closer to Easter, I want us to stop & take a breath today… (Take a breath! Relax, & slowly take a deep breath & slowly breath out…) They say that when you learn to breath properly, taking slow, deep breaths, it allows more oxygen to your brain & you think better… you can see things more clearly…

This morning, as we look at our scripture from Matthew 16, I want you to be able to see things more clearly… I usually don’t give tests at the end of the message, but this morning there will be a pop test & those that don’t pass the test will have some additional homework to do…

Four weeks ago, as we began the season of lent, I told you that we would be sharing scripture & stories that would show us the life of Christ… My hope was to take us on a journey that would make Easter 2002, a very special celebration… But do you know what I’ve learned? I’ve learned that Easter 2002 is already a special celebration & it has nothing to do with what I’ve done – it’s special because Jesus is special & because of what He has done… It’s special whether we see it or not!

Years ago, there was a game show called “Name That Name.” They would give you clues to the person & it was up to you to name that person’s name… For the past several weeks, we’ve seen clues from our scripture that reveal to us a name above all names… And most of you could name that name – But do you claim the name…

In our Confirmation Class, I’m using a resource called “Claim the Name…” It consist of several study books that explain & describe the Methodist heritage, our theology, our doctrines, and what it means to be a Christian… It gives you all the information you need to make a decision of faith, but it leaves the final decision up to the individual… The books teach us what the name “Christian” means, but it’s up to us to claim it… It not enough just to know it – we have to claim it!

For the past several weeks, as we’ve looked at the life of Christ, we’ve seen some pretty amazing things… some truly unbelievable stories…

We journeyed with Christ & His 3 disciples, Peter, James, & John to the top of the mountain to where they were met by the prophets of old, Moses & Elijah… And before their eyes, Jesus was transfigured by God… His face lit up like the sun & His clothes turned a dazzling white… and God Himself spoke from the clouds saying, “THIS IS MY SON, THE BELOVED…”

And imagine, God allowed Jesus’ disciples to witness this spectacular, holy event… Who is this man that has such favor with God? Can you name the name? It’s Jesus!

And then we saw Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days being tempted by Satan… And, no matter what Satan through at Him, He would dismiss it with the power of God’s Word… And finally, after Jesus had had enough, by the power of God He rebuked Satan and we saw the angels from heaven come and wait upon Jesus…

Who is this man that rebukes Satan & God is so pleased with Him that He would send His angels to wait on Him? Can you name the name? It’s Jesus Christ!

And then there was that meeting in the middle of the night between Jesus & a religious Pharisee, a leader of the Jews, a Sanhedrin, a man named Nicodemus… And Jesus tried His best to explain what it means to be born again… Nicodemus thought he was good enough to get into heaven because of who he was… while Jesus was trying to explain to him that it’s not about how good you are – it’s all about how good God is – it’s about the Grace of God…

Who is this man that gives us the secrets to heaven – the man that tells us if we are to enter the kingdom of God, that we must be born again… Can you name the name? It’s Jesus, our Savior!

And then we shared the story of Jesus traveling from Judea back to Galilee & His encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well… And Jesus tells her about the well of life & how those who drink from the well of life will never thirst again… And if you remember, the woman accepted the message of Jesus and she went back to her village and because of her testimony, many people came to believe…

The well of life, Holy water… Who is this man who offers us a drink of Holy water… He sees us thirsty & dying and offers us a drink from His cup – from a well that will never run dry… Who is this man? Can you name the name? It’s Jesus, our Redeemer!

And just last Sunday, we saw Jesus walk pass a blind beggar & He stopped & healed him… We saw the power of God as Jesus performed the miracle of sight… We saw the Grace of God extended to a man that didn’t even ask for it… We saw the compassion of Jesus as He reached out & touched a blind beggar… and we saw how the power of Jesus’ touch changes lives…

Who is this man who brings sight to the blind… who is this man who changes lives by the power of His touch? Can you name the name? It’s Jesus, our Friend…

As we read the Gospel, the stories of Jesus, we discover that He is no ordinary man – He’s special! All throughout the Gospel, Jesus is introduced to people… They see His works, they hear His words and many of them ask, “Who is this man?” Those who meet Him or hear about Him, have to decide for themselves what to call Him…

In our scripture this morning, Matthew tells us that Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others say, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

We naturally like to give each other names… We create categories to describe people… This process begins early in life… I remember as a child, my brothers would call me names & I called them names… We would always use words that rhyme with their names… I used to call my brothers, “Danny Fannie,” “Russell Fussell,” “Toddy Potty.” And they used to call me, “Michael Fikel…” Isn’t that silly how we call each other names as we grow up?

But unfortunately, names don’t stop with childhood… they continue even as adults – but they get more personal…

Dr. James Dobson, a Christian psychologist, has a list of the most top rated, most powerful names in our society… The names we use today are in two categories, positive & negative…

The top 4 positive names that we call people are: Beautiful, sexy, intelligent & funny… People like these names… If you have one of these titles, you probably feel honored… you probably walk around with a positive attitude with your head raised a little higher than the next guy…

But on the other side of the fence, Dr. Dobson says the 4 most negative names that we call people are; Fat, ugly, dumb, & weird… Most people, especially young people, will do anything to avoid being in these categories… No one wants to go through life being called these names…

Ugly is a powerful word… I used to know a guy who used to go deer hunting with a bag over his face and when the deer came by, he would remove the bag and ugly it to death… They said his wife went with him once, but she was so ugly, it tore up the meat… That’s mean isn’t it… Do you see how names hurt people…

Several years ago, people started telling blonde jokes… I don’t know how many blonde jokes I’ve heard (I promised Lori I wouldn’t tell one today)… You may be thinking what’s wrong with telling a blonde joke… The problem is, people buy into these things… You may not know it, but you might hurt someone’s feelings or you make them feel less than the person they really are… Names can hurt people… While these are all worldly names, people put a lot of value into this world…

But the good news is, Jesus came to deliver us from the names of the world by giving us a new name… God wants to give us Christ-like names such as: loving, joyful, kind, gentle, faithful, godly, patient… These names go beyond the flesh & describe the inner person… & friends, that’s what counts…

Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” And Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God…” And Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven… And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church…”

The question this morning is “Who do you say that Jesus is?” We’ve read the scriptures, we’ve gathered the evidence, and we’ve seen the clues in God’s Word… Maybe, we can name the name… It’s Jesus, the Son of God… but we need to do more than just name the name, we need to reach out & claim the name… we need to make it personal…

All these wonderful Bible stories that describe the life of Jesus, were written for you… God wants us to see that everything Jesus did, He did it for you…

But the most wonderful Bible story that reveals to us who Jesus really is, is the story of the Cross… Who is this man who was sinless… this spotless Lamb of God… this man who was willing to die on a Cross, wearing a thorn of crowns… this King of the Jews… Who is this man that would die for you & me? Who is He? His name is Jesus Christ, our Savior, Redeemer & Friend…

His message is clear – God loves you… He died to prove His love for you… Have you claimed it?

If you noticed in our scripture, when Peter answered Jesus as to who he says He is, Jesus replied by calling Peter a name… Jesus said, “you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church…” Jesus referred to Peter as “the rock…”

Well, it’s time for our pop test… Who do you say that Jesus is? Is He the Son of God? Is He the Messiah? Is He your Savior, Redeemer & Friend? If this is what you call Him, He ‘s got a name for you too… Thanks be to God, He calls you “saved…”

Jesus! The name above all names… Name it & claim it!

This is the Word of the Lord for this day!

Amen & amen.

Rev. Mike DuBose

Newhebron United Methodist Church

Newhebron, MS