Summary: Easter – what does it mean? Easter means at least THREE IMPORTANT THINGS. Easter – how does it work? Easter meets at least THREE IMPORTANT LIFE-NEEDS…



Opening Statement: Just like those reporters were struggling to make sense of the resurrection, maybe you are struggling to make sense of what Easter means to you today. Maybe you’re asking lots of questions, like our reporters were. Many people believe in the resurrection of Jesus. They know what it is, but they’re not sure what it all means. What began as an investigation many years ago has turned out to be the central, defining event of the Christian faith. On this day, for the last twenty centuries, Christians have gathered together all over the world, in remote villages and in crowded cities, in cathedrals and in rented schoolrooms, just as we are doing here this morning; bearing witness to the world that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead.

Transition: In a few moments, I’m going to talk about why Resurrection Sunday is such great news, why it’s more to us than just an interesting historical event.

Illustration: They tell us that a good reporter anticipates the questions that your average American wants to ask and then proposes that question. Today, I’m going to ask two questions that I think you would want answered. These questions are where our three reporters were headed if the Centurion would have stuck around for a few more minutes.

Title: The Two Questions of Easter: What does it mean? How does it work?

Text: Miscellaneous


Key Word: Easter – what does it mean? Easter means at least THREE IMPORTANT THINGS. Easter – how does it work? Easter meets at least THREE IMPORTANT LIFE-NEEDS…


Jesus is Who He Claimed to Be!

Recitation: John 8:58 Jesus said to them, “I tell you the solemn truth, before Abraham came into existence, I am!”

Explanation: This is one of the most explicit claims that Christ made to deity. In fact, John’s gospel records seven “I Am…” statements that Christ made in order to bring people to a point of belief and conviction about the Savior.

Seven “I Am” Statements

Jesus said “I am…” (John 8:58; Exodus 3:14)

The bread of life

Believing in Him is like a loaf of fresh-baked bread after going without food for a long time. If you’re hungry, I am food.

John 6:35

The light of the world

Believing in Him is like a light that appears and leads you home out of the darkness. If you’re in the dark, I am light.

John 8:12

The door

Believing in Him is like entering a door that opens up into a brand new life. If you’re out of options and need a new opportunity, I am a door.

John 10:9

The Good Shepherd

Believing in Him is like wandering aimlessly through life and then finding a Shepherd to lead you into green pastures and cool water. If you’re without a guide, I am a Shepherd.

John 10:11

The resurrection and the life

Believing in Him is like being dead on the inside and chaotic in spirit and then being renewed to a new, resurrected life. If you’re afraid of death and dying, I am life.

John 11:25

The way, and the truth, and the life

Believing in Him is like always being uncertain about what is right and about what path you should take and then finding a road on which your deepest questions of life are finally answered. If you’re lost, I am the way.

John 14:6

The true vine

Believing in Him is like being all shriveled up inside and finding a source of life that brings out the beauty and joy of a well nourished heart. If you’re malnourished, I am energy.

John 15:1

Observation: John even stated at the end of his Gospel what his twofold purpose for writing about these things was. John 20:31 But these are recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

Explanation: The one condition for eternal life is to believe, to place your trust in Christ alone. You can believe with confidence in Jesus because the resurrection proves that He is who He claimed to be! And if He is who He claimed to be, you don’t have to seek any other way! It is the Jesus-path that leads to home. There is no other way. Jesus did not say “I’m one way.” He did not say, “I’m a good way.” He did not say, “All spiritual roads lead to the same place, so take your pick.”

Illustration: One pastor has suggested that this particular way of thinking, which seems prevalent today, is like saying I can dial any phone number and get home. That’s ridiculous. You can’t do that. There’s only one number, one way, one path that leads to home, and that path is Jesus and Jesus is who He claimed to be and He rose from the dead to prove it.

Clarification: Many people try different ways to get to heaven. Some people try “salvation by sincerity.” It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you’re sincere. Some people try “salvation by service.” I’ll just do a few nice things and that should be enough to get me in. Some people try “salvation by subtraction.” I’ll give up my bad habits. Being sincere, offering acts of service, and dropping bad habits are not ways of salvation. These may be issues that you deal with down the road in your walk with Christ, but they are not necessary to get into God’s family. The condition that is necessary is that you believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be!

Jesus has the Power that He Claimed to Have!

Recitation: John 10:18 “No one takes my life away from me, but I lay it down of my own free will. I have the authority to lay it down, and I have the authority to take it back again. This commandment I received from my Father.”

Explanation: No force could keep Jesus in the tomb. The Romans killed him, put him in a tomb, put a one-ton stone in front of the entrance, sealed it with the Roman seal, and posted a 24-hour guard to secure the premises. All of this was suppose to keep God from doing what he said He would do.

Application: You can’t prevent the inevitable. And when God says He’s coming out of a tomb. Get ready because He’s coming out! Jesus had the power that He claimed to have and Easter proves it!

Jesus did What He Claimed He would Do!

Recitation: Mark 10:33 “Look, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and experts in the law. They will condemn him to death and will turn him over to the Gentiles. 10:34 They will mock him, spit on him, flog him severely, and kill him. Yet after three days, he will rise again.”

Explanation: Guess what? That’s exactly what He did. He did what He promised. When God makes a promise, you can count on that promise. He will follow through on what He says He will do!

Summarization: So this is what Easter means. Jesus is who He said He was; He has the power to do what He claims He will do; and He keeps the promises that He makes! All of these things together have some incredible IMPLICATIONS that address some of life’s deepest needs and questions.


If Jesus said he will forgive your past, that’s what he will do!

Recitation: Jesus told the woman that was caught in adultery and brought before Him for judgment: John 8:10 “…Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” 8:11 She replied, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you either. Go, and from now on do not sin any more.”

Explanation: This passage represents one of our deepest needs – to feel and know forgiveness. Imagine what great news this was to this accused woman. The most righteous person who ever lived had set her free! She had been forgiven.

Application: Like this woman, we have all thought, said, and done things that we wish we had not done. Some of us have got caught; some of us haven’t, but we all have regrets and guilt and wish that we could go back and start over. Because of Easter, we know that God can forgive us and we can stop nailing ourselves to the cross for debts that have been cancelled. That’s Easter. Easter say’s “You’re forgiven!” We all have a need to know forgiveness. You can walk out of here today fully forgiven of every sin because of Easter.


If Jesus said He would be with you always, he’ll never leave!

Recitation: Matthew 28:20 “…And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Explanation: Another of our deepest needs is to know the companionship of a close friend to help us through life. He knows you can’t manage your life without Him.

Illustration: A motorist, after being bogged down in a ditch on a muddy road for several minutes, paid a passing farmer five dollars to pull him out with his tractor. After he was back on the road he said to the farmer, “At those prices, I would think you would be pulling people out of the mud night and day.” “Can’t,” replied the farmer, “At night I haul water for the mud hole.”

Application: Jesus knew that there are people out there who are going to put water in the road to make life more difficult for us, even to take advantage of us. That’s why he made this promise. That’s why Easter says “I’m with you always.” Jesus realized that we don’t have life all figured out. He realized that the tasks that life puts in front of us are overwhelming at times. There are times that we feel powerless to change a situation, or break a bad habit, or save a damaged relationship, or alleviate an enormous debt, or keep up with an insane schedule, or raise kids that turn out half-way normal. That’s why He has promised to be with us, because our problems can seem unmanageable at times. For me personally, this is great news! I’m a parent and this one job alone is enough to overwhelm anyone!

Illustration: I’ve got three kids. And I’m here to tell you that I can’t do three kids without Jesus! Parenting takes “Resurrection Power.” I figure if Jesus can rise from the dead in three days, surely I could raise three kids. But at times, I do have my doubts! Some days, I want to nickname my three kids “Hernia, Heartburn, and Headache!”

Quotation: Author and speaker, Charlie Shedd, wrote: “Before we had kids, I used to travel across the country teaching a lecture I called, “The Ten Commandments for Raising Perfect Kids.” After he and his wife had their first child, he changed the title to “Ten Hints for Parents.” After their second child, the title became, “A Few Suggestions for Fellow Strugglers.” After their third child, he just quit speaking on the subject altogether.

Observation: At times, we do well to just drag ourselves to church on Sunday morning after getting beat up by the devil all week for being a terrible parent or a spiritual wipeout. How could we possibly have enough energy to make any kind of spiritual progress and to fulfill the great commission of telling other people about Easter? Jesus knows all of this. One of life’s deepest needs is for companionship and oneness with the God who made us and who enables us to manage life’s problems. Easter makes this possible. You can walk out of here today with a brand new companion for life, someone who will do life with you and never leave you.

If Jesus said he would come back, he could show up at anytime.

Recitation: John 14:2 There are many dwelling places in my Father’s house. Otherwise, I would have told you. I am going away to make ready a place for you. 14:3 And if I go and make ready a place for you, I will come again and take you to be with me, so that where I am you may be too.

Explanation: Another of our deepest needs is to know that we have a future; that his world is not all there is; that there’s something more than life as we presently know it. There are two things that could terminate life has we know it. The first is death. We haven’t been able to conquer this major problem yet. We can prolong life, but we can’t alleviate death. The second thing that could terminate life, as we know it is the coming of Christ. Whether it’s death or the second coming of Christ, either one of these experiences call for us to be ready.

Application: Because of Easter, you can walk out of here today fully prepared and ready for the world and life to come.


Application: This is a great day of opportunity for you to have your deepest needs met! Your future can be secure; your relationship with God can be established; and your conscience can be cleared all because of Easter. This is how Easter is supposed to work.
