Summary: It is interesting how people leave this life. Some scream, plead and curse. Others go confessing, some go stoically waiting for the inescapable. Most go with fear and hopelessness. Certainly not the case with our Lord and it need not be with us.

Dr. Edward Wilson was the famous British doctor who went with Captain Scott’s expedition to the Antarctic. In 1891 as an undergraduate at Cambridge University he was nicknamed “Bill the Cynic.” He was argumentative, disagreeable and he had a sharp, bitter, nasty tongue. Writing to a friend he had offended, he confessed, “I know I am hard, proud, conceited,scornful, bitter and insulting very often and always selfish…..” He was a miserable person whose life was in constant turmoil. Year later, however, as the physician on that terrible journey to the South pole and in circumstances of extreme provocation, the same Edward Wilson was nicknamed “Bill the peacemaker.” Captain Scott wrote about him in that last hour as they lay dying in their tent: “If this letter reaches anyone, Bill and I have gone together. We are very near it now and I should like you to know how splendid he was at the end, everlastingly cheerful and ready to sacrifice himself for others. His eyes have a comfortable look of hope, and his mind is peaceful with the satisfaction of his faith in regarding himself as part of the great scheme of the Almighty.” The truth is that Dr. Edward Wilson came to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ and his life was gloriously changed for the better. He became a new creation in Christ and was able to leave this life, in the worst of circumstances, with a song in his soul and hope in his heart..

What a contrast his passing was with the way in which most people leave this life. Most don’t depart with a song in their soul and hope in their heart. The noted historian and infidel Edward Gibbon’s last words were, “All is now lost, finally, irrecoverably lost. All is dark and doubtful.” Clarence Darrow, the agnostic lawyer of the Scopes Trial fame, was so distraught as he lay on his deathbed he commanded his law clerk to get him three clergymen. When they arrived he confessed that he had written and spoken many things against. God and he pleaded with them to intercede with the Almighty on his behalf. David Hume, the famous atheistic philosopher, was a sad sight as he was about to leave this life. His housekeeper who was with him during his last moments said, “his mental agitation was so great at times as to occasion his whole bed to shake.” He was so distraught and frightened he would not allow the lights to be put out during the night nor would he be left alone for a minute.

It is interesting to note how people leave this life. Some go screaming, pleading and cursing. Others go confessing. Still others go tight-lipped, stoically waiting for the inevitable. Most go with fear and hopelessness. Such was certainly not the case with our Lord and it need not be the case with us.. “The final statements of even the most ordinary people have a way of fixing themselves firmly in the memories of those who hear them. The words of dying men are always sacred; the last words of those we love linger in our minds.” “It is no surprise, then, that the statements Jesus made as he was dying on Calvary should have stuck like burrs in the minds of those who were closest to Him.” Luke 23 tells us of His death when in verse 44 it says, “….JESUS CALLED OUT WITH A LOUD VOICE, ‘FATHER, INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT.’ WHEN HE HAD SAID THIS, HE BREATHED HIS LAST.”


These last dying words of Jesus make it very clear that we are much more than merely physical entities. In spite of what many might think to the contrary, reality consists of much more than our earthly bodies or that which we can detect with our limited senses. 2 Corinthians 4:18 declares that “WHAT IS SEEN IS TEMPORARY BUT WHAT IS UNSEEN IS ETERNAL.” There is a whole realm of reality out there that is unseen.

Just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The unseen world of spiritual realities is not imaginary or fictional. The very things many people are quick to dismiss as less than real represent the ultimate in reality. Things like our souls and heaven and even God.


The real you is not, by any means, just your physical body! The most vital part of us is our inner being; our soul or spirit. The real us is just temporarily housed in our earthly bodies.2 Corinthians 4:16 says, “THOUGH OUR OUTWARD MAN PERISH, YET THE INWARD MAN IS RENEWED DAY BY DAY.” We have an outer shell and an inner being. For the believer, the inward person is being nourished by Scripture and the Holy Spirit and it is, therefore being renewed even as our physical bodies age. Attention and care need to be given to our souls. Our souls are, ultimately, more important than our physical bodies. The soul needs to be fed and nourished yet most people neglect their souls as all their attention is given to meeting their physical needs. Little wonder than that for so many life is so empty and unsatisfying. Such is the consequence of ignoring the needs of the soul.

Nowadays, we are adamant about meeting our physical, medical, educational and emotional needs. We wouldn’t think of not also meeting these needs in our children. Yet scores of people neglect their spiritual needs and the spiritual needs of their children. The soul is almost totally ignored. No wonder life is so messed up today. The soul is a real and vital part of our being. Its needs must be a priority. We cannot afford to ignore and neglect the needs of our souls. Such neglect costs us dearly in this life as well as the next.


Although it is beyond detection by our senses, heaven also represents the ultimate in reality. When Jesus said in John 14:2, “IN MY FATHER’S HOUSE ARE MANY DWELLING PLACES”, the Greek word that he used for “dwelling places’ is often translated “abiding places.” A very familiar and comforting image from the days of Jesus underlies these words. It was customary for travelers in those days to send some of their party on in advance to find lodging and make arrangements for a gathering. That is what happened on the night of the first Lord’s Supper as two of Jesus’ disciples went before Him to make arrangements in the Upper Room. The meaning of this passage is clear; Christ has gone before us to prepare a place for us in heaven. Physical death is, therefore, for the believer a triumphant gateway to the glory and splendor of heaven.

While living on earth, our souls, a real but unseen part of us, are housed in physical bodies which are suitable to our earthly existence. We won’t need our bodies in heaven as our existence there will be totally different. God’s Word tells us that “FLESH AND BLOOD CANNOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.”(1 Corinthians 15:50)In John 14:2-3, Jesus said, “I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU SO THAT WHERE I AM THERE YOU MAY BE ALSO.” Heaven is a real place . Christ is waiting there for us. Through faith in Him we can be absolutely assured of someday joining Him. Unimaginable joys await us there.


“In His last word from the cross, Jesus is found committing Himself unreservedly to His heavenly Father, as He passes out of time into eternity. Having taught the art of living, Jesus now exhibits the art of dying in the full assurance that. God would keep throughout eternity what He was entrusting to His Father.” “FATHER,” He said, “TO THY HANDS I ENTRUST MY SPIRIT.” Jesus left His spirit as a trust in the hands of His Father. “The body of Jesus was committed to Joseph of Arimathea for burial,” but His spirit was committed to God. “We take such pains with our bodies, to feed them, care for them and maintain them but are often so negligent of our souls.”Yet the soul is the very thing we should be most concerned about. Such is, ultimately, the most important and vital part of our being. C. H. Spurgeon said, “Our spirit is the noblest part of our being; our body is only the husk, our spirit is the living kernel, so let us put it into God’s keeping.”

1 Peter 4:19 commands us to “COMMIT THE KEEPING OF OUR SOULS TO GOD, AS UNTO A FAITHFUL CREATOR.” Many wonder just how they are supposed to do that. We do it by receiving God’s provisions for us in Christ, the Savior. In repenting of our sin and trusting Christ’s death on the cross for us we “COMMIT THE KEEPING OF OUR SOULS TO GOD.”We must not trust in our own goodness. Our goodness will never get us into heaven as it cannot take care of the problem of our sin. Sin is a problem as God, being Holy and Just, cannot overlook it. If God is to be true to His holy and just nature the penalty of our sin must be paid in full. In His love for us God has paid the just penalty of our sin through His sinless. Son, our Savior. We must, however, accept Christ as our Savior if we would have His sacrifice appropriated to cover our sin.We must commit ourselves to God by trusting in His provisions for us in Christ.

Unfortunately many find it unnecessary to trust God for anything, much less salvation. Education, medical advancements, bank accounts and mutual funds and so many other things have made it difficult for many to think they even need God.“The trend of government is to undergird us with material securities from the cradle to the grave, providing all kinds of insurances - health, old-age, education, unemployment and so on. In addition, we insure ourselves against fire, earthquake, hurricane, accident and old age.These safeguards are not wrong, but they can very easily become a serious hindrance to our complete trust in God.” They make it harder for us to really commit our selves to God. After all, many wonder what they really need Him for? “Undoubtedly, if our debts are paid and our refrigerator full, if we have money in the bank, we have a tendency to feel secure in ourselves and to sense our need of God less. Herein lies the danger. Our greatest need is to feel and know our need of God every day.” It is imperative that we commit our souls, our very lives to our heavenly Father. As Dr. Herbert Lockyer says, “We must commit ourselves to God’s grace, to be daily saved by it; to His power, to be daily kept by it; to his providence, to be daily fed by it; to His care, to be daily preserved by it…” Commitment to God is a daily decision to trust Him and to live in the light of His revealed ways.


Philosopher Francis Bacon said that “men fear death as children fear the dark.” Indeed, the fear of death lies deep in the mind of the unbeliever.”The unknown and the chance of divine judgment terrorize the minds of many people. This is so unnecessary. If we will only commit ourselves to God’s provisions for us and trust in Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross we can be set free from the fear of death. God promises us that if we trust in the Savior we will enter His presence when we leave this life and experience life like we have never know it before. “TO BE ABSENT FROM THE FLESH IS TO BE PRESENT WITH THE LORD” declares God’s Word.(2 Corinthians 5:8) Knowing this, how then can we fear death? Jesus sets us free from the debilitating fear of death as Hebrews 2:14 makes very clear when it declares that Jesus, “DELIVERS THOSE WHO THROUGH FEAR OF DEATH, WERE ALL THEIR LIFETIME SUBJECT TO BONDAGE.”

Millions have experienced this deliverance from fear of death through Christ. Certainly former Texas Rangers and Baltimore Orioles manager Johnny Oates is one of them. Unable to manage because of a terminal illness, Oates says that he is not afraid of dying. In the current issue of Sporting News, he makes it clear that he has committed his life to God through the Lord Jesus Christ. He knows that because of Christ he has been given the gift of eternal life and that no matter what happens he will be in the presence of his Savior. He is absolutely certain of that. In addition to being set free from the fear of death he has received an added blessing as Christ has set his priorities straight. Baseball was his life and he never had any time to be with his children or wife. Now with his forced retirement and changed priorities the highlight of his life is spending time doing little things with his wife, children and grandchildren and enjoying life more than ever. Oates says, “I am claiming the free gift of eternal life (in heaven) that Christ offers.” Indeed, Christ sets us free from the fear of death.

“As in His living, so in His dying, Jesus set an example that so many of His followers have emulated, beginning with Stephen,” the first martyr. As he was being stoned to death he cried out saying, “LORD JESUS, RECEIVE MY SPIRIT” (Acts 7:59).“The last word of Christ from the cross was also the dying words of saints like Polycarp, Jerome, and Martin Luther. When John Huss was being led to execution, callous priests in derision stuck on his head a paper cap scrawled over with pictures of devils to whom they had consigned his soul. But again and again Huss cried, ‘ Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.’ It was the same with Latimer and Ridley, bound back to back, at the stake at which they were to die. When, where and how we meet death is mercifully hid from us. The certainty is that, if we are not alive when Christ returns for His own, then we must go to heaven by the way of a grave, as Jesus Himself did. But if we are among the redeemed ones, then we have no reason to be afraid to die. The thought of death is the best motive for a holy life and a holy life is the best preparation for death.”


“The Rev. and Mrs. Porteous were taken were taken prisoners by Chinese Communist bandits and led to the top of a deserted hill where they were to be executed. The leader said, ‘This is the place.’ The executioner took out a long knife and raised it above the necks of this courageous missionary couple. Certain death seemed imminent. However, instead of cringing and begging for mercy, the couple began to sing a hymn. The bandits stared open-mouthed as they heard these words:

Face to face with Christ my Savior,

Face to face - what will it be?

When with rapture I behold Him,

Jesus Christ who died for me.

These two saintly souls were unafraid and ready for death. But to their surprise, no order was given. The executioner returned the knife to its place and the couple was released. Subsequently, they told their story of the perfect peace that the Lord Jesus gave to them in the face of certain death.” Irrespective of our age or health, our lives are fleeting. James 4:14 says that our lives here on earth are “A MIST THAT APPEARS FOR A LITTLE WHILE AND THEN VANISHES.”

Job declared that our days are “SWIFTER THAN A WEAVER’S SHUTTLE.” Since life here on earth is so fleeting…..we need to live for that which outlasts this life.We must not be distracted or duped by earth’s passing and unsatisfying trinkets, empty pursuits and unsatisfying endeavors. 1 John 2:17 “THE WORLD AND ITS DESIRES PASS AWAY, BUT THE ONE WHO DOES THE WILL OF GOD LIVES FOREVER.” I have some great news for you this morning. You can live forever. All you have to do is commit your life, your soul to our heavenly Father and live for Jesus Christ……and you will spend eternity in heaven.